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Beban kerja merupakan sejumlah tugas yang harus diselesaikan dalam

jangka waktu tertentu. Selama ini belum optimanya peran, fungsi, dan tugas
pokok perawat yang dilaksanakan di puskesmas, pada kenyataannya beban kerja
perawat di puskesmas tidak sesuai dalam penilaian jabatan fungsional karena
banyak perawat melaksanakan tugas yang bukan kewenangannya. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi beban kerja perawat dan kualitas kinerja
perawat di Puskesmas Tenggilis Surabaya.
Metode dalam penelitian adalah deskriptif. Populasinya seluruh perawat di
Puskesmas Tenggilis Surabaya sebesar 5 orang. Sampel sebesar 5 responden
diambil menggunakan teknik Total Sampling. Instrumen pengambilan data
menggunakan lembar observasi untuk beban kerja dan menggunakan kusioner
untuk penilaian kualitas kinerja. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan disajikan
dalam bentuk tabel dan narasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 5 responden hampir seluruhnya
(80 %) beban kerja adalah berat dan sebagian besar (60%) kualitas kinerja adalah
Disimpulkan bahwa beban kerja perawat Puskesmas Tenggilis Surabaya
berat dan kualitas kinerjanya cukup. Perlunya peninjauan kembali akan kebutuhan
tenaga kerja oleh pihak puskesmas, dikarenakan beban kerja yang berat
menujukkan kurangnya tenaga kerja dan perlunya puskesmas memotivasi dan
mencari cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas kinerja perawatnya

Kata kunci: beban kerja, kualitas kinerja


The workload is a number tasks that must be completed within a certain

period. During tins time have not optimal role, function, and dutie of nurses who
performed in Public Health Centre, in addition to the fact that the workload of
nurses in Public Health Centre do not match in the assessment of functional
positions for nurses carry out tasks which are not their authority. The purpose of
this study is to identify the workload of nurses and quality performance of nurses
in Public Health Centre Tenggilis Surabaya.
Design of this study is Description. The population were all nurses in Public
Health Centre Tenggilis Surabaya by 5 person . Number of sample was 5 person
taken by Total sampling technique. Data were collected by Observation sheet for
the workload and use Questionnaire for the assessment of the quality of
performance. Data were analyzed descriptively and presented in tabular form and
The results of this study is showed that almost entirely (80%) of five
respondents workload is heavy and the majority (60%) the quality of the
performance is sufficient.
The conclusion of this study is the workload of nurses in Public Health
Centre Tenggilis Surabaya is heavy and quality performance is sufficient. It needs
to be reconsideration of labor requirements by Public Health Centre, because of
heavy workload showed a labor shortages and Public Health Centre need to
motivate and looking for ways to improve the quality performance of their

Keywords: workload, quality performance

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