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Jenis-jenis/ Macam-macam Adjectives (Kata Sifat)

Diposkan oleh Rifqi Shahab at 6:50 PM

1. Limiting Adjectives (Kata Sifat Terbatas)

Article (kata sandang), terdiri dari: a, an, dan the.

a untuk kata berawalan konsonan, contoh: a pen, a book, a cat, a horse, etc.
an untuk kata berawalan vocal, contoh: an aple, an eagle, an orange, etc.
the untuk menda tunggal, contoh: the earth, the sea, the moon, the sun, etc.

2. Demonstrative Adjectives (Kata Sifat Penunjuk)

This (ini) = untuk menunjuk benda yang dekat dalam bentuk tunggal.
Contoh: This is my book.
These (ini) = untuk menunjuk benda yang dekat dalam bentuk jamak.
Contoh: These houses are mine.
That (itu) = untuk menunjuk benda jauh dalam bentuk tunggal.
Contoh: That magazine which you are reading is mine.
Those (itu) = untuk menunjuk benda jauh dalam bentuk jamak.
Contoh: Those girls are our friends.

3. Possessive Adjectives (Kata Sifat Kepunyaan)

My = punyaku, contohnya: My book is on the table.

Your = punya kamu, contohnya: Your skirt is yellow.
Our = punya kami/ kita, contohnya: Our teacher expects us to study hard.
Their = punya mereka, contohnya: Their teacher always comes on time.
His = punya dia laki-laki, contohnya: What is his telephone number?
Her = punya dia perempuan, contohnya: All her friends are beautiful.
Its = punyanya untuk benda mati atau binatang, contohnya: its color is red.

4. Numeral Adjectives (Kata Sifat Bilangan)

Cardinal Number (Bilangan Pokok)

Contohnya: zero (0), one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), etc.

Ordinal Number (Bilangan Urutan)

Contohnya: first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), fourth (4th), fifth (5th), etc.

Fraction Number (BIlangan Pecahan)

1/2 = a half
1/3 = a third
1/4 = a fourth / a quarter
2/3 = two-third
2/4 = two-fourth
3 = three and a half

Bentuk Bilangan Pecahan Desimal

0.5 = zero point five
1.7 = one point seven
3.75 = three point seven five
10.15 = ten point one five

5. Adjectives of Indefinite Quantity (Kata Sifat Jumlah Tidak Tentu)

Many = banyak, untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable nouns) pada kalimat negatif
dan interogatif. Contohnya:
How many students are there?
She has no many shoes.

Much (banyak) = untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable nouns) pada kalimat
negatif dan interogatif. Contohnya:
Do you have much money?
I dont drink much milk.

A lot of (banyak) = digunakan untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable nouns) pada
kalimat positif, contohnya:
We bought a lot of clothes last week.
I have a lot of friends.

Plenty of (banyak) = digunakan untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable nouns) dan
tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable nouns) dalam kalimat positif, contohnya:
There is plenty of vegetable in the freezer.
We have plenty of time.

A great many (banyak) = untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable nouns) pada kalimat
positif, contohnya: My mother has a great many things.

Several (beberapa) = untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable nouns), contohnya:
Several students called on us last Sunday.
Her mother wants to stay for several days.

All (semua) = untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable nouns) dan tidak dapat dihitung
(uncountable nouns), contohnya:
I dont like her at all.
All the students must go now.
6. Interrogative Adjectives (Kata Sifat Penanya)

Terdiri dari: which, what, whose, contohnya:

Which shoes is yours?
What food do you want to eat?

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