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Fungsi SWAT:
- Menggambarkan Karakteristik DAS

HRU: Hidrology Respond Unit

Parameter standar: Landuse, Soil, Slope

Hazard and Risk Mapping

Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability

HEC HMS (Hidrological Engineering center’s- Hidrologic Modeling System)

Menentukan jumlah sumberdaya air tersedia dan alokasinya

Lumped Model: Berupa watershed yg memiliki sub catchment dimana setiap sub basin memiliki satu
property yg sama dan saling terhubung melalui satu aliran
Model ini contohnya Hec HMS
Distributed Model: Watershed terdiri dari subbasin dan memiliki unit dalam bentuk pixel yang
memiliki saling keterhubungan
Contoh : SWAT

Komponen utama dalam penggunaan HMS:

- Basin model: Batas das dan subbasin, hubungannya dan parameter runoff
- Meteorologic model: Curah hujan dan evapotranspirasi
- Control specification: berisi start/stop timing and calculation interval for run

Komponen dari kegiatan DARDC Project:

- Reforestation (MoForestry)
- Capacity building (MofSocial)
- Infrastructure: reservoir and check dam (MoForestry)
- Agriculture production: Pembuatan kompos (MoAgric), identifikasi jenis pertanian yg bias
diterapkan di dataran tinggi dan teknik budidayanya

Vulnerability assessment
- Kekurangan air akibat pelaksanaan project DARDC

Watershed characteristic, water need assessment in de Lulic watershed,

Pak Harry, Pak Armaiki, Pak Riza, Pak Haritz, Pak Asep, Driver 2 orang (Pak Didit dan Pak Taufik)

- Layar: Riza/Haritz
- Infokus: Riza
- Flipchart : Riza
- Laptop 4 bh (2 dari micky, 1 dari peserta dan 1 dari KMD)
- P3K : Riza
- Baju peserta : Riza
- Hadiah (6 buah topi) : Riza
- Drone ( 1 set+4 batrey) : Haritz
- GPS (6 bh) : Haritz
- Peta Citra Printed (2 bh) : Micky
- Aqua 600ml (3 Dus): Riza

Mohon dibagi kamarnya: Ada 3 Rumah dengan kapasitas 4 Orang.

- Peserta 6 orang
- Staf Biotrop 5 orang (Pak Harry, Micky, Haritz, Asep, Riza)
- Driver 2 orang (Pak Didit, Taufik)
- Pengajar 1 orang (Ibu Malahayati)

14 November 2017 (Tuesday)
(Field trip and excursion)
06.45-07.00 Gathering at the lobby Committee
07.00-07.30 Trip to river station at
Katulampa dam
07.30-09.00 Practice: Watershed monitoring Sri Malahayati Yusuf, M.Si.
60menit in upstream Ciliwung river

Trip to “Hutan Organik”: an

Ecosystem Rehabilitation Model,
at Megamendung (part of
Ciliwung watershed)
09.45-12.00 Exploring “Hutan Organik”: Yuhan Subrata (Advisor of Hutan Organik)
150menit Lesson learned on success story
of reforestation and developing
“Hutan Organik”
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.00 Exploring “Hutan Organik”: Yuhan Subrata (Advisor of Hutan Organik)
60menit Lesson learned on success story
of reforestation and developing
“Hutan Organik”

14.00-15.00 Trip to Gunung Mas

15.00-16.00 Coffee Break
16.00-17.00 Exploring “Hutan Organik”:
Sri Malahayati Yusuf, M.Si.
60 menit Identify profile of upstream area of
17.00-19.00 Ciliwung watershed
Break, sholat magrib, makan

19.00-21.00 Praktikum: SWAT Sri Malahayati Yusuf, M.Si.

15 November 2017 (Wednesday)
(Field trip and excursion)
Integrated the near real-time
07.00-08.00 Sri Malahayati Yusuf, M.Si.
measurement for watershed
60 monitoring
Practice: GPS Survey for land
08.00-09.30 Armaiki Yusmur, S.Si
cover and watershed monitoring
09.30-10.30 Coffee Break
Committee and participants
10.30-12.00 Preparation and checkout
12.00-12.30 Committee and participants
Travel to BIOTROP

12.30-13.30 Lunch at Puncak Area (Dulang Resto) Committee and participants

13.30-15.00 Committee and participants

Travel to BIOTROP

Mau ke SKI Tajur Tas???

Pembagian Tugas:
- Pengaturan peralatan, honor pengajar dan asisten, absensi, P3K : Pak Riza/Haritz
- Pengaturan kegiatan : Pak Harry/Micky
- Logistik : Pak Micky
- Dokumentasi : Pak Asep

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