Anda di halaman 1dari 4



1. Ciprofloxacin infuse – Levofloxacin infuse
2. Antrain inj – Invomit 4 inj – Gastridin Inj
3. Santagesik inj – Furosemid inj
4. Invomit 4 inj – Invomit 8 inj
5. Futamed inj – Fudanton inj – Futaxon inj
6. Ceftriaxon inj – Cefotaxime inj
7. Brainact 250 inj – Brainact 500 inj
8. Asam traneksamat 250 inj – Asam traneksamat 500 inj
9. Acran inj – Beclov inj – Valisanbe inj
10. Granon 1 inj – Granon 3 inj
11. Glybotic 250 inj – Glybotic 500 inj
12. Mikacin 250 inj – Mikacin 500 inj
13. Adona 25 inj – Adona 50 inj
14. Ceftazidime inj – Ceftizoxime inj
15. Cefoperazon inj – Cefoperazone Sulbactam inj
16. Aminophylin inj – Calcii Gluconas inj
17. Decadryl inj – Decamidon inj
18. Ondansentron 4 inj – Ondancentron 8 inj
19. Dexametason inj – Bricasma inj
20. Incelin 250 inj – Incelin 500 inj
21. Neurosanbe inj – Neurobat inj
22. ODR 4 inj – ODR 8 inj
23. Lapibal inj – Lactopain inj
24. Rativol inj – Trovensis 2 inj
25. Trovensis 2 inj – Trovensis 4 inj
26. SM 20% - SM 40% - KCL – D40% - Meylon
27. Pantoz inj – Panzol inj
28. Epinephrine inj – Ephedrin inj
29. Citicolin inj – Ondansentron inj – Ketorolac inj
30. Oxytocin inj- Methylergometrin inj
31. Santagesik inj – Uresik inj
32. Cinam inj – Colsancetin nj
1. D40 %
2. SM 20%
3. SM 405
4. KCL
5. Meylon
6. Arixtra inj
7. Lantus inj
8. Apidra inj
9. Atropin sulfas inj
10. Phenytoin inj
11. Raivas inj
12. Lidocain inj
13. Lidodex inj
14. Pehacain inj
15. Recofol inj
16. Proanes inj
17. Calcii gluconas inj
18. Sedacum inj
19. Morphine inj
20. Pethidin inj
21. Fentanyl inj
22. Valisanbe inj
23. Syntocinon inj
24. Pitogin inj
25. Oxytocin inj
26. Ketalar inj
27. Epinephrine inj
28. Ephedrine inj
29. Sansulin N inj
30. Sansulin R inj
31. Human albumin
Tabel Daftar obat-obat high alert (ISMP, 2012)

Kelas/kategori obat
Adrenergic agonists IV (epinephrine, phenylephrine,
Adrenergik antagonists IV (propanolol, metoprolol, labetolol)
Anesthetic agents, general, inhaled and IV (propofol, ketamine)
Antiarrhythmic, IV (lidocaine, amiodarone)
Antithrombotic agents, including :

 Anticoagulants (warfarin, low-molecular-wight heparin, IV

unfractioned heparin)
 Factor Xa inhibitors (fondaparinux)
 Direct thrombin inhibitors (argatroban, bivalirudin,
dabigatran etexillate, lepirudin)
 Thrombolytics (alteplase, reteplase, tenecteplase)
 Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors (eptifibatide)

Cardioplegic solutions
Chemotherapeutic agents, parenteral and oral
Dextrose, hypertonic, 20% or greater
Tabel 1. Lanjutan
Dyalisis solutions, peritoneal and hemodialysis
Epidural or intrathecal medications
Hypoglicemics, oral
Inotropic medications, IV (digoxin, milrinone)
Insulin, subcutaneous and IV
Liposomal forms of drugs (liposomal amphotericin B) and
conventional counterparts (amphotericin B desoxycholate)
Moderate sedation agents, IV (dexmedetomidine, midazolam)
Moderate sedation agents, oral, for children (chloral hydrate)

 IV
 Transdermal
 Oral (including liquid concentrates, immediate and
sustained-release formulations)

Neuromuscular blocking agents (succinylcholine, rocuronium,

Parenteral nutrition preparations
Radiocontrast agents, IV
Sterile water for injection, inhalation, and irrigation (excluding
pour bottles) in containers of 100 mL or more
Sodium chloride for injection, hypertonic, greater than 0.9%
Obat spesifik
Epoprostenol (Fiolan), IV
Magnesium sulfate injection
Methotrexate, oral, non-oncologic use
Opium tincture
Oxytocin, IV
Nitroprusside sodium for injection
Potassium chloride for injection concentrate
Potassium phosphates injection
Promethazine, IV
Vasopressin, IV or intraosseous

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