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TAHUN 2017/2018
Assessment of infectious gastroenteritis patients (Diarrhea)

Assessment date : On march 16th , 2018.

Hour assessment : At 07.00 pm.
Room : Kenanga
Registration Number : 001
Date of hospitel admission : on march 14th ,2018

A. Patient Identity
Name : Mrs. B
Age : 63 years old
Gender : female
Religion : islam
Education : junior high school
Occupation : farmers
Blood type : A
Address : Swadaya street of 9 number 23

B. The identity of the person in charge of the patient

Name : Mrs. C
Age : 45 years old
Gender : female
Occupation : teacher
Address : swadaya street of 9 number 23
Relationship with patient : the sister of patient

2. lementation prominent
 The patient went to Abdul Moeloek Hospital on March 14th , 2018 . She said
the she feel stomach ache and weak. She said poop more than 5 times per day.

 Lementation prominet when assessment

When assessment on March 16th , 2018. She said that she feel stomach ache
and weak.

 Health history now

On march 10th , 2018. She said that she poop more than 5 times per day. She
said the she feel stomach ache and weak.

 Health history in the past

Patien have never been hospitalized for infectious gastroenteritis.

 Family health history

The pasient family has not history of infectious pain.

Needs Assessment
1. Oxygen Needs
At home : she said she can breathe normally, and there is no difficulty to
At Hospital : she don’t have respiratory distress, her respiration rates are
18 times /minute.”

2. Nutrients and fluids :

At home :
patient eats rice 3 times per day with medium portion. Drink 6 – 8 glasses
At hospital :
Patient eats 3 times per day with small portions. Patient only drink
enough water

3. Elimination urination and defacete

At home :
patient urinations 5 – 6 times per day and patient defacete 1 – 2 times per
At hospitel :
Patient urinations 4 – 6 times per day and patient defacete 5 – 6 times per
4. Patient of rest and sleep:
At home :
Patients sleep 6 – 8 hours per day.
At hospital :
patient only sleep 3 – 4 hours per day and often wake up.

5. Activity Needs
At home : she can activity like as work.
In hospital : she can’t activity as usual , she can’t working.
6. Patterns of self health
At home :
patient bathing twice a day shampooing and brushing teeth.
At hospital :
Patient only take one shower per day.

7. Religion Needs
At home : she prayed in time.
At hospital : he rarely praying, because her body is weakness.

3. General condition
A. Awareness level : coomposmentis
Eye : 4
Verbal : 5
Motorik : 6

B. Vital sign
Blood pressure : 120/90 mmHg
Temprature : 37° C
Pulse : 92 times/minute
Respiratory : 32 times/minute
C. General appearance : the patien appears weak.

D. Physical checkup :

1. Head : simetris shape , no dirt , black short patient hair. Scale clean no lesions ,
no tumors and no tenderness.

2. Eye : simetris shape , sunken and conjunctival anemis.

3. Nose : simetris shape and no injuries.

4. Mouth : sianosis lips and simetris shape

5. Ear : simetris shape and without serum inside

6. Neck : no injuries and the is no enlarged distension of the jagular vein.

7. Chest :
A. inspection : symetrical shape and no injuries, chest shape normal, no trouble
B. palpate : there is no tenderness and no lumps.
C. percussion : sonor voice
D. auskultration : no additional sound and no wheezing sound.

8. Abdomen
A. inspection : symetrical shape , no injuries and lesi
B. palpate : pressure pain in 4 quadrant, and quadrant 3 and 4 have tenderness.
Scale of patient pain 4.
C. percussion : hypertimpani voice
D. auskultration : bowel sound increases 34 times per minute.

9. Extermittes : symetrical shape , no injuries and disbility.

10. Integumen : white caor , turgor is hard to come back.

11. Genatalia : not installed catheter and no injuries.



Hemoglobin 12 12-14 g/dl
Leukocytes 5800 5000-10.00 g/dl
Hematokrit 29 37-43 g/dl
Trombosit 350.000 150.000-400.000/uL
Basofil 0 0-1%
Eosinofil 2 1-3%
Limposit 56 20-40%
Monosit 4 2-8 %

Drugs Therapy :
1. Infusion RL 15 tpm (750 cc) to replace lost body fluids.
2. Novalgin injection 3 x 1 amp (metampiron 500 mg/ml.
3. Injections of ulsikur 3 x 1 amp (simetidina 200 mg/2ml)
4. Cefptaxime injection 3 x 1 amp (sefotaksim 500 mg/ml)

Name : Mrs. B Register Number : 001
Age : 63 years old Space : Kenanga


March 16th, Subjective Data : Excessive output Disruption of fluid
2018 1. Mrs. B says : balance
“greenish yellow
defacate mixed with
Objective Data :
1. Turgor skin
decreased dry mouth
and lazy eating.

Subjective Data : hyperperistaltic Discomfort and pain

1. Mrs. B says: ” that
having a flatulence
Objective Data:
1. After percussion
known client
distensi. Client
seemed to hold the
pain peristaltic
movement 34 times
per minute. Pain
feels like squeezed
and often. Scale of
patient pain 4.

Subjective Data : Bacterial infection Defaction

1. Mrs. B says:” that elimination disorder
chapter more than 5
times per day.
Objective Data :
1. Client appears weak
and conjunctival


1. Disruption of fluid balance related to excessive output

2. Discomfort and pain related to hyperperistaltic
3. Defaction elimination disorder related to bacterial infection

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