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Rosyida, Debby. 2016. Efek Ekstrak Daging Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus
Polyrhizus) Terhadap Perubahan Histopatologi Hepar Pada Tikus Putih Strain
Wistar Yang Diinduksi Minyak Kelapa Sawit Bekas Menggoreng. Tugas Akhir
Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Pembimbing: (I)
dr. Desy Andari, M.Biomed (II) dr. M.Aleq Sander, M.Kes, Sp.B, FINACS.

Latar belakang: Hepar sebagai organ terbesar dapat mengalami kerusakan

(nekrosis) akibat radikal bebas dari minyak kelapa sawit bekas menggoreng.
Ekstrak daging buah naga merah dengan kandungan polifenol dan betalain diduga
dapat menghambat mekanisme tersebut.
Tujuan: Mengetahui efek ekstrak daging buah naga merah terhadap perubahan
histopatologi hepar pada tikus putih strain wistar yang diinduksi minyak kelapa
sawit bekas menggoreng.
Metode: True experimental, dengan post test only control group design. Sampel
30 ekor tikus strain wistar dibagi 5 kelompok: satu kelompok kontrol normal, satu
kelompok kontrol negatif dan tiga kelompok perlakuan (ekstrak daging buah naga
merah dosis 30, 60 dan 120 mg/200grBB/hari). Analisis data menggunakan uji
Oneway Anova, uji Tukey, uji Korelasi Pearson dan uji Regresi linier.
Hasil penelitian dan diskusi: Terdapat pebedaan jumlah kerusakan hepatosit
yang signifikan pada tiap kelompok (ANOVA p=0,000, Tukey p<0,005) kecuali
pada kelompok 2 dan 3 yang tidak berbeda signifikan dengan kelompok kontrol
normal. Ekstrak daging buah naga merah berhubungan sangat kuat dengan arah
negatif (Pearson Correlation -0,931) dan berpengaruh 86,6% terhadap jumlah
kerusakan hepatosit. Hal ini karena kandungan polifenol dan betalain dari buah
naga merah.
Kesimpulan: Pemberian ekstrak daging buah naga merah terbukti mencegah
perubahan histopatologi hepar tikus putih strain wistar yang diinduksi minyak
kelapa sawit bekas menggoreng.

Kata kunci: Ekstrak daging buah naga merah, histopatologi hepar


Rosyida, Debby. 2016. The Effect of Red Dragon Fruit’s Extract ( Hylocereus
Polyrhizus) toward The Change of Liver Histopathology of Strain Wistar White
Mouse Inducted with Used Palm Oil. Final Assignment Medical Faculty,

Muhammadiyah Malang University. Supervisors: (I) dr. Desy Andari, M.Biomed
(II) dr. M. Aleq Sander, M.Kes, Sp.B, FINACS.

Background: Liver as the biggest organ can be damaged (necrosis) by free radical
from used palm oil. The extract of red dragon fruit pulp contains polifenol and
betalain which suspected to prevent that manifestation.
Objective: To determine the effect of red dragon fruit pulp toward liver
histopathological changes of strain wistar white mouse which inducted with used
palm oil.
Method: True experimental with post test only control group design. Samples 30
strain wistar white mice were divided into 5 groups: one group normal control,
one group negative control, and three groups treatment (red dragon fruit pulp
extract dosage 30, 60, and 120mg/200grBB/day). Data analyzed used were
Oneway Anova test, Tukey test, Pearson Correlation test, and Linier Regression
Result and Discussion: There are significant differences on the amount of
hepatocyte damage in every groups (ANOVA p=0,000, Tukey<0,05) except in
group 2 and 3 were not significantly different with normal control. Red dragon
fruit pulp extract related very strongly to the negative direction (Pearson
Correlation -0,931) and had the effect of 86,6% on the amount of hepatocyte
damage. This is caused by the content of polifenol and betalin in red dragon fruit.
Conclusion: Red dragon fruit pulp extract is proven to prevent liver
histopathological changes of strain wistar white mouse which inducted with used
palm oil.
Key words: Red dragon fruit pulp extract, liver histopathology


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