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Wicaksono, Trio Rizal. 2017. Pengaruh Ekstrak Gel Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera L.)
Terhadap Kecepatan Penyembuhan Luka Bakar. Kajian Pustaka, Fakultas
Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Pembimbing: (I) dr. M.
Aleq Sander, Sp.B, M.Kes, Sp.B.FINACS (II) dr. Alfa Sylvestris, Sp.M.

Luka adalah hilang atau rusaknya sebagian jaringan tubuh atau rusaknya
kesatuan atau komponen jaringan, dimana secara spesifik terdapat substansi
jaringan yang rusak atau hilang akibat kontak dengan sumber yang memiliki suhu
sangat tinggi seperti api, air panas, bahan kimia, listrik dan radiasi atau suhu yang
sangat rendah. Setelah terjadinya luka, respon inflamasi akan memicu
dikeluarkannya berbagai mediator seperti bradykinin dan histamine yang mampu
memberi sinyal rasa nyeri yang berasal dari luka itu sendiri, jaringan sekitar,
penggantian pembalut luka ataupun donor kulit. Luka merupakan perubahan
kontinuitas jaringan secara seluler dan anatomi, yang dapat terjadi pada kulit
ataupun mukosa mulut dan berlanjut pada proses penyembuhan luka. Proses
penyembuhan luka pada dasarnya merupakan suatu proses seluler yang kompleks
dan berfokus untuk mengembalikan keutuhan struktur dan fungsi jaringan yang
rusak melalui tiga fase, yaitu fase inflamasi (lag phase), fase proliferasi
(regenerasi), dan fase maturation (remodeling).
Lidah buaya merupakan salah satu tanaman obat tradisional untuk
mengobati luka bakar dengan cara mengoleskan bagian daun yang berlendir pada
luka sampai lendir menutupi seluruh bagian luka, karena mengandung flavonoid,
tanin, dan saponin yang dapat mencegah infeksi luka karena mempunyai daya
antiseptik serta menetralkan radikal bebas untuk meminimalkan efek kerusakan
sel sehingga efektif untuk penyembuhan luka terbuka. Kandungan dalam lidah
buaya dapat mensekresi faktor pertumbuhan epidermis, meningkatkan fungsi
fibroblast, dan pembentukan pembuluh darah baru sehingga dapat mempercepat
penutupan luka bakar.

Kata kunci: Luka bakar, Ekstrak gel lidah buaya, Terapi, Penyembuhan luka.


Wicaksono, Trio Rizal. 2017. The Influence of Aloe Vera (Aloe vera L.) Extract
Gel on the Recovery from Burns. Literature Review, Medical Faculty,
University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Advisors: (I) dr. M. Aleq Sander,
Sp.B, M.Kes, Sp.B.FINACS (II) dr. Alfa Sylvestris, Sp.M.

Injury is the loss or destruction of some body tissues or the destruction of

unity or tissue components, where there is a specific substance of tissue damaged
or lost due to contact with sources that have very high temperatures such as fire,
hot water, chemicals, electricity and radiation or very temperature low. After the
wound, the inflammatory response will trigger the release of various mediators
such as bradykinin and histamine capable of signaling pain originating from the
wound itself, surrounding tissue, replacement of wound dressings or skin donors.
Wounds represent changes in cellular and anatomical cellular continuity, which
can occur on the skin or mucosa of the mouth and continues in the process of
wound healing. The wound healing process is basically a complex cellular process
and focuses on restoring the integrity of the structure and function of the damaged
tissue through three phases, namely the inflammatory phase (lag phase), the
proliferation phase (regeneration), and the maturation phase (remodeling).
Aloe vera is one of the traditional medicinal plants to treat burns by
applying the slimy leaves on the wound to the mucus covering the entire wound,
because it contains flavonoids, tannins, and saponins that can prevent wound
infections because it has antiseptic power as well Neutralize free radicals to
minimize the effects of cell damage so effective for wound healing. The content in
aloe vera can secrete epidermal growth factor, improve the function of fibroblasts,
and the formation of new blood vessels so as to accelerate the burn closure.

Key word : Burns, Aloe vera extract gel, Therapy, Wound healing.



JUDUL ................................................................................................................ i

ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... ii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ iii

DAFTAR ISI ....................................................................................................... iv

DAFTAR GAMBAR .......................................................................................... vi

DAFTAR SINGKATAN .................................................................................... vii

BAB 1. PENDAHULUAN ................................................................................. 1

1.1 Latar Belakang.................................................................................. 1

1.2 Rumusan Masalah ............................................................................ 3

1.3 Tujuan Kajian .................................................................................. 3

1.4 Manfaat Kajian ................................................................................ 3

1.4.1 Akademik ................................................................................ 3

1.4.2 Masyarakat .............................................................................. 3

BAB 2. TINJAUAN PUSTAKA ........................................................................ 4

2.1 Luka ................................................................................................. 4

2.1.1 Definisi ................................................................................... 4

2.1.2 Epidemiologi........................................................................... 5

2.1.3 Etiologi ................................................................................... 7 Paparan Api (Thermal Burn) ...................................... 7 Bahan Kimia (Chemical Burn) ................................... 8 Listrik (Electrical Burn) ............................................. 8 Radiasi (Radiasi Injury).............................................. 8

2.1.4 Klasifikasi ................................................................................ 8 Klasifikasi Mekanisme dan Penyebab ........................ 8 Klasifikasi Derajat dan Kedalaman Luka Bakar ......... 9

…. Klasifikasi Luas Luka.................................................. 10

.. 2.1.5 Patofisiologi ............................................................................. 11

2.1.6 Gambaran Klinis ...................................................................... 13

.. 2.1.7 Proses Penyembuhan Luka ...................................................... 15 Komponen dalam Penyembuhan Luka ....................... 16 Fase Penyembuhan Luka ............................................. 17

2.1.8 Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penyembuhan Luka ................... 25

2.2 Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera L.) ............................................................. 27

2.2.1.Taksonomi ............................................................................... 27

2.2.2.Morfologi dan Ekologi ............................................................ 28

2.2.3.Kandungan Senyawa Lidah Buaya ......................................... 29 Flavonoid .................................................................... 29 Tannin ......................................................................... 31 Saponin........................................................................ 32

2.2.4.Efek Tanaman Lidah Buaya terhadap Penyembuhan Luka…. 33

2.3 Pemilihan Bentuk Sediaan Gel ........................................................ 34

BAB 3. PEMBAHASAN .................................................................................... 36

BAB 4. KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN ............................................................. 44

4.1 Kesimpulan ...................................................................................... 41

4.2 Saran ................................................................................................. 41

DAFTAR PUSTAKA ......................................................................................... 42


Gambar 2.1 Rules of Nine .................................................................................. 10

Gambar 2.2 Skema Zona pada Respons Lokal Luka Bakar ................................ 13

Gambar 2.3 Fase Inflamasi pada Penyembuhan Luka ........................................ 20

Gambar 2.4 Fase Proliferasi pada Penyembuhan Luka ....................................... 22

Gambar 2.5 Fase Maturation pada Penyembuhan Luka ...................................... 24

Gambar 2.6 Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera L.) ............................................................. 28


FGF : Fibroblast Growth Factor

GAG : Glycosaminoglycan

IL-1 : Interleukin-1

LPS : Lipopolisakarida

MMP : Matrix Metalloproteinase

PDGF : Platelet Derived Growth Factor

RISKESDAS : Riset Kesehatan Dasar

ROS : Reactive Oxygen Species

RSCM : Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional dr. Cipto


TGF : Transforming Growth Factor

TNF : Tumor Necrosis Factor

VEGF : Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

WHO : World Health Organization

WHS : Wound Healing Society


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