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1.1 Tujuan
Untuk menentukan parameter-parameter geser tanah, yaitu nilai kohesi (c) dan sudut geser
dalam (ϕ) tanah di daerah Wagir, Malang, Jawa Timur.
1.2 Alat Dan Material
Alat :
1. Spatula
2. Cetakan Ukuran
3. Mesin Kotak Geser
4. Nampan
5. Oven
6. Timbangan
Bahan :
Tanah Tidak Terganggu

1.3 Prosedur Pengujian

1. Memasukkan tanah ke dalam cetakan, setelah terisi kemudian membersihkan sisi cetakan
dari tanah yang menempel. Ratakan permukaan sampel tanah dengan menggunakan
2. Mengukur tinggi dan lebar, serta menimbang berat benda uji.
3. Memindahkan benda uji dari cetakan kedalam kotak geser dalam sel pengujian yang
dikunci oleh dua baut dengan bagian bawah dan atas dipasang pelat.
4. Memasang batang penggeser horizontal untuk memberi beban mendatar pada kotak
penguji. Mengatur arloji regangan dan arloji beban sehingga menunjukkan angka nol.
5. Meletakkan kotak geser pada mesin geser langsung.
6. Melakukan penggeseran terhadap benda uji dan menghentikan pengujian jika pembacaan
beban telah menurun atau berturut-turut tetap untuk 3 pembacaan terakhir.
7. Melepaskan benda uji dari kotak geser dan mencatat hasilnya, mencari kadar air, berat isi
dan lain sebagainya.
8. Melakukan percobaan yang sama namun dengan beban statis yang berbeda. Untuk
pengujian kedua diberi beban statis dua kali beban pertama dan untuk pengujian ke tiga
diberi beban statis tiga kali beban pertama.
Direct shear
Objective :
To know the soil shear parameters, that is the cohesion value (c) and the shear
angle in (φ). the soil is in Wagir area, Malang, East Java.

Tools and Materials :

Tools :
1. Spatula
2. Molds of soil
3. Sliding Machine
4. Tray
5. Oven
6. Weighing load
Materials :
Undistrubing Soil

Prosedure :
1. Soil was put into the molds. Then clean the molds from dirty soil to made it
clean. A spatula was used to Flatten the surface of the soil sample.
2. The test object was counted for the height and the weight.
3. The test object was moved to sliding machine than locked by 2 bolts in the
bottom and iron plate was put at the surface of test object.
4. The horizontal sider was installed to the test box to gave the horizontal load.
Set the strain watch and the load watch. Zero was set in the strain watch and
the load watch.
5. Test object was put into sliding matchine.
6. Test object was tested with the machine, then the number out was read. the
test was stopped when the number was out by 3 number same.
7. The test object was released from the sliding machine and the test box, then
the test object was counted the water content, weight content etc.
8. Made the another test object, the another test object was tested by the slide
machine with another static load. The another test object was given by twice
of the first static load, and for the third test, the static load was given by third
of the first static load.
Plugging A Wall
Usually, we want to set a new furniture at our house, so some duty must apply
for make the furniture be able to good in their position, for example, plugging the
wall. Now, we will tell you about how to plugging a wall

First, choose the position for the fisher as we want, then, make a hole for about
100mm or 50mm wide with the drill. After make a hole, prepare a piece of wood for
about 110mm long and 50mm wide, usually, we use some dry bamboo for it, then,
split it into the hole, use hammer to split it into the hole until all bamboo enter at all.
Then we can put a screw into the wall by screwing it into the wooden plug.

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