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Advanced Heat Transfer

Eswanto., ST.,M.Eng
Institut Teknologi Medan

The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the conservation of energy principle, states
that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only change forms.
Heat Transfer..
• Perpindahan panas didefinisikan sebagai transfer energi dari suatu sistem ke sistem
lainnya akibat dari perbedaan temperatur. Transfer energi akan berlangsung sampai
kedua sistem mencapai temperatur yang sama.
Example Heat transfer modes:
Heat Transfer Modes…

Kalor ditransfer
dengan 3 cara:


Conduction through a solid Convection from a surface Net radiation heat exchange
or a stationary fluid to a moving fluid between two surfaces
1. Perpindahan Panas Konduksi

Yaitu: Perpindahan panas yang mengalir dari daerah yang
bertemperatur tinggi ke daerah yang bertemperatur lebih
rendah didalam suatu medium (padat, cair atau gas/uap)
atau antara medium yang berlainan tetapi bersinggungan
secara langsung (kontak langsung)

Konduksi = kontak
langsung, dengan media
The Mechanisms of heat conduction in different phases of penghantar tetap.
a substance.
Contoh-contoh konduksi:

Konduksi = kontak


Contoh-contoh konduksi:
• Perpindahan panas konduksi pada bahan dengan ketebalan berbeda, mana yang
lebih lama naik suhunya ?

• Perpindahan panas konduksi pada bahan dengan panjang berbeda, mana yang
lebihlama panasnya?

Hukum Fourier’s pada konduksi pada dinding

Heat Transfer…

k ,thermal conductivities...? = (W/m. 0C )

“ adalah kemampuan temperatur untuk
merambatkan energi apabila ada perbedaan
temperatur (ΔT) “

T ,temperature..? = (Celcius,Kelvin…etc)
A ,area..? =(m2)
X , distance, thickness or length = (m)
Q ,rate of heat…? = (W or kW)
Thermal conductivities (k)….
k, thermal conductivities ….


Example 1 : Electrically heated home
Example 2..

The heat flow rate through a wood board L= 2cm thick for a temperature
difference of ΔT =25 °C between the two surface is 150 W/m². Calculate the
thermal conductivity of the wood.
Thermal Diffusivity (Difusivitas termal, σ )
• The product ρCp, which is frequently encountered in heat transfer analysis,
is called the heat capacity of a material. Both the specific heat Cp and the
heat capacity ρCp represent the heat storage capability of a material. But
Cp expresses it per unit mass whereas ρCp expresses it per unit volume, as
can be noticed from their units J/kg · °C and J/m³ · °C, respectively.
• Another material property that appears in the transient heat conduction
analysis is the thermal diffusivity, which represents how fast heat diffuses
through a material and is defined as.

• Note that the thermal conductivity k represents how well a material

conducts heat, and the heat capacity ρCp represents how much energy a
material stores per unit volume. Therefore, the thermal diffusivity of a
material can be viewed as the ratio of the heat conducted through the
material to the heat stored per unit volum.
• The thermal diffusivities of some common materials at 20°C are given in Table.
Note that the thermal diffusivity ranges from 0.14 X 10¯⁶ m²/s for water to 174 X
10¯⁶ m²/s for silver, which is a difference of more than a thousand times. Also note
that the thermal diffusivities of beef and water are the same. This is not surprising,
since meat as well as fresh vegetables and fruits are mostly water, and thus they
possess the thermal properties of water.
Example : A common way of measuring the thermal conductivity of a material is to
sandwich an electric thermofoil heater between two identical samples of the
material, as shown in Figure. The thickness of the resistance heater, including
its cover, which is made of thin silicon rubber, is usually less than 0.5 mm. A
circulating fluid such as tap water keeps the exposed ends of the samples at
constant temperature. The lateral surfaces of the samples are well insulated to
ensure that heat transfer through the samples is one-dimensional. Two
thermocouples are embedded into each sample some distance L apart, and a
differential thermometer reads the temperature drop T across this distance along each
sample. When steady operating conditions are reached, the total rate of heat transfer
through both samples becomes equal to the electric power drawn by the heater, which is
determined by multiplying the electric current by the voltage. In a certain experiment,
cylindrical samples of diameter 5 cm and length 10 cm are used. The two thermocouples in
each sample are placed 3 cm apart. After initial transients, the electric heater is observed to
draw 0.4 A at 110 V, and both differential thermometers read a temperature difference of
15°C. Determine the thermal conductivity of the sample.
2. Perpindahan Panas Konveksi
• Yaitu : proses perpindahan panas yang terjadi antara permukaan dengan
fluida yang bergerak di dekatnya jika terdapat perbedaan temperatur antara
 Pergerakan tidak hanya berlangsung secara mikroskopik (molekuler), tetapi
terjadi juga pergerakan curah
 Dengan demikian perpindahan energi panas secara konveksi berlangsung
melalui difusi/konduksi (akibat adanya pergerakan molekuler) dan melalui
adveksi (akibat adanya pergerakan curah).
 Pergerakan curah dapat disebabkan oleh adanya peralatan dari luar seperti
pompa, kompresor atau kipas (konveksi paksa) atau karena disebabkan oleh
adanya perpindahan panas itu sendiri (konveksi bebas/alamiah).

Contoh perpindahan panas konveksi

 Pada permukaan plat
 Pada lapis batas
Figure : Heat transfer
from a hot surface to air
by convection.

Consider the cooling of a hot block by blowing cool air over its top surface (see Figure)
energy is first transferred to the air layer adjacent to the block by conduction. This
energy is then carried away from the surface by convection, that is, by the
combined effects of conduction within the air that is due to rando motion of air
molecules and the bulk or macroscopic motion of the air that removes the heated
air near the surface and replaces it by the cooler air.
• Despite the complexity of convection, the rate of convection heat transfer
is observed to be proportional to the temperature difference, and is
conveniently expressed by Newton’s law of cooling as

Dimana :
Q = Laju perpindahan panas konveksi
h = Koefisien perpindahan panas konveksi (w/m2 0C)
As = Luas penampang (m2)
Ts = Temperatur permukaan (0C)
T∞ = Temperatur fluida (0C)
Udara pada suhu 20 0C bertiup diatas plat panas
50 x 75 cm. Suhu plat dijaga tetap 250 0C.
Koefisien perpindahan kalor konveksi adalah 25
W/m2 0C. Hitunglah perpindahan kalor.

Dari persamaan :

Q = h As (Ts - T∞)
= (25 W/m2 0C) (0,50m x 0,75m) [ 250 0C – 20 0C ]
= 21,56 W atau 2,156 kW

= (25 W/m2 0C) (0,50m x 0,75m) [ 250 0C – 20 0C ]

= 21,56 W atau 2,156 kW
3. Perpindahan Panas Radiasi
• Adalah perpindahan panas yang terjadi karena pancaran/sinaran/radiasi
gelombang elektro-magnetik, tanpa memerlukan media perantara.
 Radiasi termal adalah bentuk radiasi yang diemisikan oleh benda
karena temperaturnya.
 Transfer energi radiasi tidak tergantung pada medium
Pancaran Radiasi Permukaan
Persamaan Stefan-Boltzmann : Eb  Ts4
 = 5,67 x 10 –8 W/m2K4

= 0,1714 x 10 –8 Btu/h ft2 R4

Qbs  AEb  ATs4

A, Ts

Untuk benda pada umumnya: Qs  AE  ATs4

 = emisivitas permukaan, 0 < < 1
 When a surface of emissivity and surface area As at an absolute temperature Ts is completely
enclosed by a much larger (or black) surface at absolute temperature Tsurr separated by a gas (such as
air) that does not intervene with radiation, the net rate of radiation heat transfer between these two

 .............W 
Q Rad   A T  T
4 4

 Thus the total heat transfer is determined by adding the contributions of both heat transfer
mechanisms. For simplicity and convenience, this is often done by defining a combined heat transfer
coefficient h, combined that includes the effects of both convection and radiation. Then the total heat
transfer rate to or from a surface by convection and radiation is expressed as

 
Q total  hcombined AS TS4  T .............W 
Sifat-sifat radiasi permukaan
G, (W/m2) Radiosity (J)
Emisivitas ,
G E=T4
Reflektivitas ,
Absorbtivitas, 
Transmisivitas, 

+  +  = 1

G = Iradiasi (Radiasi yang datang)

E + G = J = Radiosity
Sifat-sifat permukaan

Benda yang tidak transparan (opaque),  = 0

Permukaan gray-diffuse,  =  1<  < 1 ; 1<  < 1

Hukum Kirchoff :  =  pada T dan  yang sama

Emisivitas beberapa material pada 300 K
Material Emisivitas
Aluminium foil 0.07
Tembaga dipolish 0.03
Emas dipolish 0.03
Perak dipolish 0.02
Stainless steel dipolish 0.17
Cat hitam 0.98
Cat putih 0.90
Kertas putih 0.92 – 0.97
Jalan aspal 0.85 – 0.93
Bata merah 0.93 – 0.96
Kulit tubuh 0.95
Kayu 0.82 – 0.92
Tanah 0.93 – 0.96
Air 0.96
Tumbuhan 0.92 – 0.96

Handout pjt 2005 34

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