Anda di halaman 1dari 40

Meeting 1

Meeting 2

Meeting 3

0 i \

Meeting 4

Meeting 5

Meeting 6

Presentasi biasanya dibagi menjadi 3 bagian utama (ditambah sesi tanya-jawab):

Bagian 2 – BODY

Kita akan membahas setiap dari ketiga bagian ini secara lebih rinci sebagai berikut.


Introduction atau pembukaan merupakan bagian yang paling penting dari presentasi. Cara anda
membuka presentasi akan memberikan kesan pertama bagi peserta. Anda harus berkonsentrasi agar bisa
melakukan pembukaan dengan baik dan benar. Bagian pembukaan ditujukan untuk:

1. Menyambut para peserta

2. Memperkenalkan topik yang akan dipresentasikan
3. Memberikan garis besar struktur presentasi
4. Memberikan instruksi tentang cara bertanya

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh ungkapan yang dapat digunakan untuk masing-masing tujuan di atas.
Tentunya anda perlu memodifikasinya sesuai kebutuhan.

Menyambut para peserta

Mulailah dengan mengucapkan salam/greeting, kemudian diikuti dengan ucapan terima kasih atas
kehadiran peserta atau atas kesempatan yang diberikan. Jika memang diperlukan, perkenalkan diri anda
secara singkat dan posisi anda dalam membawakan presentasi tersebut. Contoh:

- “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First of all I would like to say thank you very much for coming
today, it’s great to see you all here.”

- “Good morning, everybody. Before start I would like to say thank you for coming today, it’s an honor
to be here with you today. My name is Masdin and I’m the manager of LSE Project”.

Memperkenalkan topik presentasi

Setelah mengucapkan salam dan menyambut peserta, selanjutnya anda perlu menyatakan tujuan atau
topik presentasi. Contoh:

- “I am going to talk today about ….”

- “The porpuse of my presentation is to ….”
- “Today we are going to look at the ….”

Memaparkan garis-garis besar presentasi

Selanjutnya anda perlu memaparkan garis-garis besar atau urutan poin-poin presentasi untuk
memberikan gambaran umum bagi peserta tentang arah presentasi yang akan anda bawakan. Contoh:

- “To start with I’ll describe the progress made this year. Then I’ll mention some of the problems we’ve
encountered and how we overcame them. After that I’ll consider the possibilities for further growth next
year. Finally, I’ll summarize my presentation.”

- “First we will look at the proposed schedule, next we will look at ways of improving the schedule,
finally you will hear three strategies we can consider. We hope this will help you see the key points we
need to keep in mind as we evaluate the benefits and risks of this project.”

Menjelaskan cara bertanya bagi peserta

Setelah semua tahapan di atas, anda juga perlu menjelaskan kepada peserta ‘aturan main’ dalam
memberikan pertanyaan. Contoh:

- “Do feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions.”

- “I’ll try to answer all of your questions after the presentation.”
- “I plan to keep some time for questions after the presentation.”

BODY (Isi Presentasi)

Bagian body adalah presentasi yang sesungguhnya. Jika bagian pembukaan dipersiapkan dan diutarakan
dengan baik, maka tentunya anda dapat memegang ‘kendali’. Anda akan merasa rileks dan percaya diri.

Bagian body presentasi harus terstruktur dengan baik, dibagi secara runtut, dengan banyak visual yang
ditata dengan hati-hati.

Ingat poin-poin penting berikut saat menyampaikan body (isi) presentasi anda:

 jangan terburu-buru
 bersemangat
 memberi waktu untuk mengamati visual-visual
 mempertahankan eye-contact
 mengatur suara
 tampil bersahabat
 patuh pada struktur presentasi
 menggunakan catatan kecil
 membuat signposting (‘penunjuk jalan’) selama presentasi
 tetap sopan ketika menghandle pertanyaan-pertanyaan sulit

CONCLUSION (Kesimpulan)

Kesimpulan digunakan untuk:

1. Merangkum
2. Memberikan saran-saran jika perlu
3. Berterima kasih kepada audiens
4. Mempersilakan bertanya

Berikut beberapa contoh ungkapan yang bisa digunakan pada bagian Conclusion. Tentunya anda dapat
melakukan modifikasi sesuai kebutuhan.

- “To conclude,…”
- “In conclusion,…”
- “Now, to sum up…”
- “So let me summarise/recap what I’ve said.”
- “Finally, may I remind you of some of the main points we’ve considered.”

Memberikan saran-saran

- “In conclusion, my recommendations are…”

- “I therefore suggest/propose/recommend the following strategy.”

Berterima kasih kepada audiens

- “Many thanks for your attention.”

- “May I thank you all for being such an attentive audience.”

Mempersilakan bertanya

- “Now I’ll try to answer any questions you may have.”

- “Can I answer any questions?”
- “Are there any questions?”
- “Do you have any questions?”
- “Are there any final questions?”

QUESTIONS (Tanya-Jawab)

Pertanyaan merupakan peluang yang baik bagi anda untuk berinteraksi dengan peserta. Cobalah
memprediksi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang mungkin ditanyakan sehingga anda bisa mempersiapkan
kemungkinan-kemungkinan jawaban sebelumnya. Anda bisa membolehkan peserta bertanya sambil
anda membawakan presentasi, atau mempersiapkan waktu khusus di akhir presentasi. Normalnya, itu
tergantung kepada anda, dan harus menjelaskan hal ini di bagian pembukaan (seperti dijelaskan di atas).
Bersikaplah sopan dengan semua penanya, bahkan jika mereka menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan
sulit. Biasanya, anda bisa merumuskan ulang sebuah pertanyaan yagn dianggap kurang jelas. Atau
menjawab pertanyaan dengan pertanyaan lain. Atau bahkan meminta komentar atau tanggapan dari
peserta yang lain.

Demikianlah bagaimana melakukan presentasi bahasa Inggris, biasakan diri anda melakukan presentasi
dengan pola-pola ini dan anda akan terlihat profesional dalam setiap kesempatan presentasi.

(adapted: englishclub | presentationexpressions)


Expressions Responses
A. The Beginning of the Lesson: A. The Beginning of the Lesson:
1. Greetings 1. Greetings
Good morning. Good morning.
Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
Good morning, class. Good morning.
Good morning, everyone. Good morning.
How are you, everyone? I am fine, thank you.
How is everyone? I’m very well, thanks.
Is everyone fine? I’m pretty good.
How are you today? Well, not too bad.

2. Praying 2. Praying
Let’s pray Yes, Sir/Mam.
Let’s start our prayers Ok. Sir/Mam
Let’s keep silent for a moment to pray

3. Roll call 3. Roll call

Is everyone here? Yes, we are.
Who’s absent today? No one.
Who isn’t here today?
Who is not here today? Everyone is in.
Who is missing? No one is absent.

4. First Meeting 4. First Meeting

Hello, class. Hello...
My name is Hanna.
I am your English teacher.
I am your class teacher.

B. During the Lesson B. During the Lesson

1. Opening Class 1. Opening Class
Let’s begin our class now. Yes, Sir/Mam
Let’s start our class now.
I hope you are ready to start our lesson.

2. Intoducing subject 2. Intoducing subject
Today, we are going to learn about colors. Yes, Sir/Mam
Our topic today is numbers.
Now, I’d like to talk about Part of the body.

3. Directing to the subject 3. Directing to the subject

Look at the white/blackboard. Yes, Sir/Mam
Look at your book.
Look at the picture.
Open your book.
Turn to page 5

4. Opening to the subject 4. Opening to the subject

On that page, you can see the picture of part of Yes, Sir/Mam
the body.
Here, you can see some colors.
This picture shows about numbers.

5. Explaining 5. Explaining
This is red, blue, yellow, orange and pink.
Lets count: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10....
This is head, nose, lip, ear, eyes....

6.Asking to do something 6.Asking to do something

Who has a red paper? I am sir.
Raise your hand. He is
Show to your friend.
Who gets number 1.
Say it.
Show to your friends.
7.asking of the end of activities 7.asking of the end of activities
Finished? Yes, sir/mam
have you finished? Not yet, sir/mam.

8. Giving instruction 8.Giving instruction
Go around, please. Yes, Sir.
Sit down, please.
Stand up, please.
Clap your hands, please. Yes, Mom.
Make a circle, please.
Hands up, please.
Hands to the right/left.
Point to your nose/eyes/head. All right.

9. Giving verbal reward 9. Giving verbal reward

Excellent! Thank you, Sir.
Great job
That’s perfect
That’s a lot better
That’s what we were looking for. Thank you, Mom

C. End of the Lesson C. End of the Lesson

1. Signaling time to stop 1. Signaling time to stop
It’s almost time to stop.
It’s time to stop now.
Let’s finish up now.
We’ll have to stop here.
We’ve finished for today.

2. Closing 2. Closing
Good bye, dear children. Good bye, Mom (Sir)
Good bye. I’ll see you again on Monday. Bye, bye. See you.
Bye now, see you next Monday. Good bye, see you too.

Let’s Practice

T : Good morning, students.

S : Good morning, Sir.
T : How are you today?
S : I am fine thank you. And you
T : I am very well thank you.
: My name’s Budi. I am your English teacher.
T : Let’s pray first. Pray begin...finish.
T : Let me check your attendance, Is Wawan here?
S : Yes sir, present.
T : Let’s start our class today...are you ready?
S : Yes, we are.
T : OK, today we are going to study about colors.
S : Ok Sir.
T : Look at the picture. Here, you can see some colors.
: Ok let’s check. What’s this color?
S : Merah
T : Yes, that’s good. It’s red.
: This is red, blue, yellow, orange and pink.
: let’s read together ................
; Then, i have some papers. I’ll give them to you.
: I’ll ask a question and you must show your paper.
T : Who has a red paper? Raise your hand.
S : Me.
T : Excellent..Show it to your friend.
S : This is red.
T : Great job..
:Okey. Now, you are going to paint this picture.
S : yes , sir..................
T : Finished?
S : Yes, sir.
T : very good!
T : We’ve finished for today.
T : Good bye, dear children.
S : Good bye, sir.




List of Contents

Its’ nice to meet you 1

What’s this? 6
I’m not wearing boots! 14
What are you doing? 20
What do you do? 26
Presentasi Bahasa Inggris 32
Language Classroom 35

Jack C. Richard Interchange, 3rd edition.


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