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Introducing Oneself
 My name is Kartika (Nama saya Kartika)
 My full name is Kartika Kirana (Nama lengkap saya Kartika Kirana)
 My nick name is Kartika (Nama panggilan saya adalah Kartika)
 Hi, I am Kartika (Hai, saya Kartika)
 Hello, my name is Kartika (Halo, nama saya Kartika)
 Good morning. My name is Kartika (Selamat pagi. Nama saya Kartika)
 May I introduce myself? My name is Kartika (Bolehkah saya memperkenalkan diri? Nama saya
 Let me introduce myself. My name is Kartika. (Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya
 First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kartika (Sebelumnya, saya ingin
memperkenalkan diri dulu. Nama saya Kartika)
 How do you do? My name is Kartika (How do you do?. Nama saya Kartika)
 Hi, I'm Okki. Glad to meet you. (Hai, saya Okki. Senang bertemu dengan anda)
 Hello, My name is Okki Pleased to meet you (Halo, nama saya Okki. Senang bertemu dengan
 Good morning. I am Okki How do you do?. (Selamat pagi. Nama saya Okki. How do you do?)
 How do you do? My name is Okki. Nice to meet you (How do you do?. Nama saya Okki. Senang
bertemu dengan anda)

Introducing Others
 Do you know Kartika? (Apakah anda tahu Kartika?)
 Have you met Kartika? (Pernahkah anda bertemu Kartika?)
 This is a friend of mine,Okki. (Ini teman saya, Okki)
 Ika, this is Okki, my friend. (Ika, ini Okki, teman saya)
 May I introduce my friend, Mrs. Suryani? (Bolehkan saya memperkenalkan teman saya, Ibu
 Please allow me to introduce our new Administration Manager. (Ijinkan saya untuk
memperkenalkan manajer administrasi kita yang baru)
 Let me introduce you to Mrs. Lina our new Marketing Manager. Mrs. Lina. this is Mr. Lutfi from
Java Plantation Company. (Ijinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan anda kepada Ibu Lina, Manajer
Marketing baru kita. Ibu Lina, Ini adalah Bapak Lutfi dari perusahaan Java Plantation).
 No, I don't think so. (Sepertinya tidak)
 No, I haven't. (Tidak, aku belum pernah)
 Hi, glad to meet you. I am Okki. (Hai, senang bertemu dengan anda. Saya Okki)
 Hello, Okki. Pleased to meet you. (Halo Okki. Senang bertemu denganmu)
 I am glad to know you (Saya senang bisa mengenal anda)
 It is nice to see you. (Senang bisa melihat anda)
 How do you do? (Ungkapan saat baru bertemu pertama kalinya)
 How do you do? It is very nice to meet you. (How do you do? senang sekali bisa bertemu dengan
Contoh Teks Introducing Oneself
Good morning all, allow me to introduce myself in. My name is Faiz Rizqi Aji. I was born in Bandung on
26 July 1993. I now live in Garut. Right now I stayed at my aunt‟s house. Now allow me to introduce
myself further. I like things that smell of adventurous, and small things like reading, watching, and spent
my free time by doing nothing. Okay now about me and my family, I am the first child in my family. I
have a little sister, and she is high school student. My father is a Police which is named Endang Kurnia.
While my mother is a housewife.I love my family more than anything. Well that‟s my introduction this
time. Pleased to meet you.

Contoh Dialog Introducing Oneself

Kartika : Excuse me. I don‟t think we have met, I‟m Kartika. (Permisi, sepertinya kita belum pernah
bertemu, saya Kartika)
Okki : Hello. I‟m Okki. I am your new neighbor. (Halo, Saya Okki. Saya tetangga barumu)
Kartika : Oh really?. You move to the house next to me, aren't you? (Oh benarkah? Kamu pindah ke
rumah disebelah saya kan?)
Okki : Yes it is. Please come to my house this afternoon. I baked some cookies. (Iya. Tolong datang
sore ini ke rumah saya. Saya sudah memanggang kue kering)
Kartika : Sure! Thanks. Nice to know you Okki. (Tentu saja! Terima Kasih. Senang bisa mengenalmu
Okki : Nice to know you too Kartika. (Senang bisa mengenalmu juga Kartika)

Contoh Dialog Introducing Others

Reni : That‟s Didit. Do you know him? (Itu Didit. Apakah kamu mengenalnya?)
Rita : No, I don‟t. (Tidak, aku tidak mengenalnya)
Reni : Hello, Dodit. How are you? (Halo Dodit. Apa kabar?)
Dodit : Hello, Reni. I'm fine thanks. (Hai Reni, aku baik baik saja terima kasih)
Reni : Dodit, this is a friend of mine, Rita Aprianti. (Dodit ini temanku, Rita Aprianti)
Dodit : Hello Rita. Pleased to meet you. (Halo Rita, senang bertemu denganmu)
Rita : Hi Dodit, pleased to meet you too. (Hai Dodit, senang bertemu denganmu juga)


 Make your own introductory text!

 Make the dialogue of introducing others!

Soal Latihan Introducing Oneself and Others
Read carefully and choose the correct answer between A, B, C, D, or E

1. Tata is a new member of Teratai English Club. She introduced herself

Tata : Ladies and gentlemen..................
a. Allow me to introduce myself.
b. I am happy to meet you.
c. Let me introduce you to the audiences.
d. May I introduce you to the audiences.
e. Nice to meet you

2. Ega was at a party. There were a lot of guests there that Ega didn‟t know.
Ega : Excuse me, My name is Ega Rustandi.
Guest : Hello, Ega. I‟m John. How do you do?
John :...........................
a. Nice to see you.
b. How do you do?
c. Fine, thanks
d. I'm glad to know you.
e. Good bye

3. May I introduce myself?

The underlined word has the same meaning as?
a. Acquaint (memperkenalkan)
b. Deduce (menyimpulkan)
c. Contest (perlombaan)
d. Annoy (mengganggu)
e. Dedicate (membaktikan)

4. Yana : Jia, this is my new friend, his name is Dika. He is a company director.
Jia : Hi Dika.
Dika : Hello, Jia.................? Nice to meet you.
Jia : Everything is alright, Nice to meet you, too.
a. How are things with you
b. What are you.
c. May I help you
d. How are you
e. How do you do

5. Jannete : Mr. Dodi, ………. my father.

Mr. Dodi : How do you do, Mr. Hendy.
Mr. Hendi : How do you do, Mr. Kevin.
a. I‟d like to introduce
b. I want to invite
c. I like you to visit
d. I‟m glad to help
e. I want to go
6. Gita : This is Mrs. Ina, an old friend of mine.
Gilang : ……………..
a. Pleased to meet you
b. How are you getting on?
c. May I know your name
d. You‟re welcome
e. What‟s the news?

7. Ratu : Deti, .........................

Deti : Pleased to meet you.
Iman : Pleased to meet you too.
a. Iman wants to meet you
b. Don‟t you Iman is my friend
c. I‟d like you to meet my friend
d. Please introduce yourself to Iman
e. Iman wants to leave you now

8. ………. , My name is Budi.

Hello. I‟m Asep. Pleased to meet you.
a. Do you know my name
b. I don‟t think we have met
c. I‟m very happy to meet you
d. Do you want to know me
e. Do you love me

9. Ladies and gentlemen, I‟d like to introduce my self. ………. I am a lecturer at UPI.
a. I am Nunu.
b. I want you to call me Nunu.
c. Call me Nunu.
d. Nunu is good name, isn‟t it.
e. Nunu is my friend.

10. How do you do? It‟s nice to meet you.

a. Me too
b. I should be nice
c. Do you?
d. Am I nice
e. How do you do? Nice to meet you too.

Formal Greeting
 Hello! (Halo!)
 Good morning. (Selamat pagi)
 Good afternoon. (Selamat siang)
 Good evening. (Selamat sore)
 Good night. (Selamat malam)
 Hello, how are you? (Halo apa kabarmu?)
 How are you doing? (Apa kabarmu?)
 How do you do? (Kalimat sapaan jika kita belum pernah bertemu dengan orang itu sebelumnya)
 Nice to meet you. (Senang bertemu denganmu)
 Hello! (Halo!)
 Good morning. (Selamat pagi)
 Good afternoon (Selamat siang)
 Good evening. (Selamat sore)
 Good night. (Selamat malam)
 I‟m fine thank you. (Aku baik baik saja, terima kasih)
 I‟m very well, thank you. (Aku baik baik saja, terima kasih)
 How do you do. (Kalimat sapaan jika kita belum pernah bertemu dengan orang itu sebelumnya)
 Nice to meet you too. (Senang bertemu denganmu juga)

Informal Greetings
 Hi! (Hai!)
 What‟s up? (Apa kabar?)
 What‟s news? (Apa yang baru?)
 How‟s everything? (Bagaimana semuanya?)
 How‟s it going? (Bagaimana sekarang?)
 How‟s business? (Bagaimana bisnis?)
 Good to see you. (Senang bertemu kamu)
 Hi. (Hai)
 Just fine, thanks. (Baik-baik aja, terima kasih)
 Great, thanks. (Luar biasa, terima kasih)
 Pretty well. What about you? (Sangat baik, bagaimana denganmu?)
 Good to see you too. (Senang bertemu denganmu juga)

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh dialog dari greeting:

Contoh Dialog Greetings 1:

Stella : Hi Gina, good morning! (Hai Gina, selamat pagi!)
Gina : Good morning Stella, How are you today? (Selamat pagi Stella, apa kabarmu hari ini?)
Stella : I‟m fine thanks. How is Hendra? (Aku baik baik saja. Bagaimana dengan Hendra?)
Gina : He is fine, thank you. (Dia baik-baik saja, terima kasih)

Contoh Dialog Greetings 2:

Father : Good night Dodi. (Selamat malam Dodi)
Dodi : Hi Dad, Good night. (Hai ayah, selamat malam)
Father : How‟s your study at school? (Bagaimana belajarmu di sekolah?)
Dodi : It‟s great dad, i‟ve got A on English lesson. (Luar biasa ayah, aku mendapatkan nilai A di
pelajaran Bahasa Inggris)
Father : Oh, Really?! That‟s good kid. Keep your good job going on. (Oh, benarkah?! Bagus sekali
nak. Lanjutkan kerja bagusmu)
Dodi : Okay Dad. (Baik ayah)

Contoh Dialog Greetings 3:

Talita : Hi Renata, how are you? (Hai Renata, apa kabarmu?)
Renata : I‟m fine thank you And you? (Aku baik-baik saja, bagaimana denganmu?)
Talita : I‟m fine too, How‟s your business? (Aku baik juga. Bagaimana dengan bisnismu?)
Renata : Oh, it‟s going up this year. Would you like to have a cup of tea? (Oh, bisnisku meningkat
tahun ini. Maukah kamu secangkir teh?)
Talita : I‟d love to but, I have a lot work to do. I‟ll call you this afternoon. (Aku ingin sekali, tapi aku
sedang banyak pekerjaan untuk di selesaikan. Aku akan menelponmu siang ini)
Renata : Okay. Take care. (Oke, hati-hati)
Talita : Thanks. You too. (Terimakasih. Kamu juga)

Read carefully and choose the best answer between A, B, C, D, and E.

Text 1 is for questions no. 1 — 4

Faiz and Rizqi is in the cinema to watch a movie. Suddenly they meets Aji, Friend of Faiz outside
of the cinema.
Faiz : Hello Aji, Good Afternoon.
Aji : Good Afternoon, Faiz (1)..........................?
Faiz : I‟m fine thank you and how about you?
Aji : (2).................................
Faiz : Oh, this is my friend, Rizki.
Aji : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji. (3)...........................
Rizki : Hi, my name is Rizki. Nice to meet you too.
Faiz : Well Aji, I think we have to go now, the movie is started to play.
Aji : Oh okay, (4)...........................
Faiz : See you.

1. a. nice to meet you

b. where are you?
c. How are you?
d. glad to see you
e. how is your mother?

2. a. I‟m fine too.

b. nice to meet you.
c. good to see you.
d. see you later.
e. good afternoon.

3. a. How are you?

b. Good afternoon.
c. Nice to meet you.
d. Glad to see you.
e. See you later.

4. a. Where are you going?

b. See you later.
c. How are you?
d. Nice to meet you.
e. How are you?

5. Ciko : .................., where are you going?

Vita : Good afternoon, I‟ll have lunch at the canteen.
Ciko : Let‟s go together.
a. Good night.
b. Good morning
c. Good afternoon
d. Good bye.
e. Nice to meet you.
6. Ester : I‟m Ester. How do you do?
Fitri : .............. I‟m Fitriyani Maida.
a. Are you ok?
b. How are you?
c. How do you do.
d. I am fine.
e. Good morning.

7. Bobby : Hi, Ace. ..........

Ace : Great! How about you?
Bobby : It‟s good, thanks.
a. What are you doing?
b. Where have you been?
c. What is she doing?
d. Glad to see you.
e. How‟s life?

8. The way to ask someone‟s news is?

a. How is life?
b. Where are you?
c. What is that?
d. Do you like it?
e. When is your birthday?

9. It‟s seven o‟clock in the morning. Gina will go to school. She says......... to his parents.
a. Good night
b. Good afternoon
c. Good bye.
d. Good morning.
e. Good day.

10. It‟s nine o‟clock in the night. Faiz will go to sleep. He says....... to his parents
a. Good night
b. Good afternoon
c. Good bye.
d. Good morning
e. Good day.

Leave Takings:
 Good bye. (Selamat tinggal)
 Bye-bye / Bye / Cheerio (Dadah / daah)
 See you tomorrow (Sampai jumpa besok)
 Sorry, I‟ve to go now. (Maaf, aku harus pergi sekarang)
 I‟ll talk to you later. (aku akan bicara denganmu nanti)
 It‟s been nice talking to you. (Senang bisa berbicara denganmu)

 Good bye (Selamat tinggal)
 Yes of course. See you. (Ya, tentu saja, sampai jumpa lagi)
 Sure, see you later. (Tentu saja, sampai jumpa nanti)
 Take care. (Hati-hati)
 Keep in touch. (Tetap terhubung)
 See you at school. (Sampai jumpa di sekolah)

Contoh Dialog Leave Taking 1:

Good Evening I do not

Going to gonna
Want to wanna
Got to gotta
I gotta go

Ardi : Hello Dika. Good afternoon. (Halo Dika. Selamat siang)

Dika : Good afternoon Ardi. Where are you going? (Selamat siang Ardi. Kamu mau kemana?)
Ardi : I‟m gonna go to the bookstore. Would you like to accompany me? (Aku mau pergi ke toko
buku. Maukah kamu menemaniku?)
Dika : No, Sorry. I have to go home right now. (Tidak, Maaf aku harus pulang ke rumah sekarang
Ardi : Oh, okay. Good bye. (Oh, baiklah. Selamat tinggal)
Dika : Good bye Ardi. (Selamat tinggal Ardi)

Contoh Dialog Leave Taking 2:

Sandi : Hi Titin, good morning. (Hai Titin, selamat pagi)

Titin : Good morning Sandi, will you come to the swimming pool after school? (Selamat pagi
Sandi, apakah kamu akan datang ke kolam renang setelah jam sekolah?)
Sandi : Yes I will. How about you? (Ya aku akan. Bagaimana denganmu?)
Titin : I‟ll come with you. (Aku akan datang bersamamu)
Sandi : Okay then. I‟ll call you when the class is over. (Baiklah, aku akan menelponmu setelah kelas
Titin : Good, See you later. (Bagus, Sampai jumpa nanti)
Sandi : See you. (Sampai jumpa)
Contoh Dialog Leave Taking 3:

*In the airport* (*di bandara*)

Hana : Vika? Is that you? (Vika? Apakah itu kamu?)
Vika : Yes I am. You was my classmate Hana in highschool right? Long time no see, how are
you? (Iya ini aku. Kamu teman sekolahku dulu saat SMA kan? Lama tida berjumpa. Apa
Hana : I‟m fine thank you. Where are you going Vika? (Aku baik-baik saja, terimakasih. Kamu mau
pergi kemana Vika?)
Vika : I‟m traveling to South Korea for vacation. (Aku akan pergi ke Korea Selatan untuk berlibur)
Hana : Wow, that‟s awesome. How long you been there? (Wow, itu luar biasa. Berapa lama kau
berada disana?)
Vika : Only one week. And how about you? Where are you going? (Hanya seminggu dan
bagaimana denganmu? Kemana kamu akan pergi?)
Hana : I‟m going to see my mother in Yogyakarta. (Aku akan menemui Ibuku di Yogyakarta)
Vika : Please send my best regards to your mother. (Tolong sampaikan salamku untuk Ibumu)
Hana : Sure. (Tentu saja)
Vika : I think it is a call for my departure. I will get in first and please keep in touch. (Sepertinya itu
panggilan untuk keberangkatanku. Aku akan masuk duluan ya, dan tolong untuk tetap
Hana : Of course Vika, please take care. (Tentu saja Vika, hati hati ya)
Vika : Yes, you too. (Iya, kamu juga)

The text below is for questions number 3 – 4

Rina : (1)......, sir.

Teacher : Good morning, Rina. (2)........ ?
Rina : I‟m very well, thank you.
Teacher : What are you doing here in the hospital?
Lusi : I am going to visit my neighbor. She has just delivered a baby.
Teacher : I see. Are you alone?
Lusi : No, I‟m with my Mom. There she comes. I‟m sorry, I have to go now. (3)............, sir.
Teacher : Good bye, Rina. (4).................
Rina : See you.

1. a. Good afternoon
b. Good night
c. Good morning
d. Good bye
e. Nice to meet you.

2. a. How are you

b. I am fine thank you
c. Good morning
d. Nice to meet you
e. Good bye

3. a. Good bye.
b. How are you
c. Good Morning
d. Nice to meet you
e. See you tomorrow

4. a. Good bye
b. Good morning
c. Nice to meet you
d. See you later at school
e. Where are you going

5. Which one in the following is the expression of leave-taking?

a. We have had a wonderful time.
b. How do you do?
c. How are you today?
d. I am sorry, I have to leave now.
e. I‟m fine thanks.
6. Grace : I‟m afraid, I‟ll have to go now.
Sinta : Yes, good night, Grace
Grace : Good night, see you tomorrow.
The underlined words means that Sinta wanted to .......... Grace
a. Invite
b. Leave
c. Introduce
d. Greet
e. Hit

7. Before Widi goes to school in the morning, what she says to her parent?
a. Chase my way.
b. Go away.
c. Just go.
d. Cheerio.
e. Please leave.

8. Teacher : I think that‟s all for today, any question?

Students : No Miss.
Teacher : Alright, then see you tomorrow class!
The underlined words expresses......
a. Congratulation.
b. Apologizing.
c. Leave taking.
d. Greeting.
e. Thanking.

9. You are sending a friend off at the airport. He is going on a holiday. Just before she boards the plane,
you say to her......
a. Have a safe journey.
b. Drive carefully.
c. I am fine.
d. Good job.
e. Do not come again.

10. Your friend will go to Jakarta for one month by bus. Just before he leave you say to him.....
a. Don‟t come back
b. Go away
c. Have a safe flight
d. See you later.
e. Nice to meet you.

Examples of expressing happiness:

 That‟s fantastic! (Itu luar biasa!)

 That‟s good! (Itu bagus!)
 I find it very exciting. (Aku rasa itu menyenangkan!)
 Good job! (Kerja bagus!)
 Great! (Luar biasa!)
 Fantastic! (Fantastis!)
 Terrific! (Hebat!)
 Hooray! (Hore!)
 Yippee! (Yippee!)
 What a great idea! (Ide yang sangat bagus!)
 I am happy because my dad bought me a new handphone (Aku senang karena ayahku
membelikanku ponsel baru)
 I am happy because my children got good grades. (Aku senang karena anak-anakku mendapatkan
nilai bagus)
 Concert last night was fantastic, I am very Happy. (Konser semalam luar biasa, aku sangat
 You did a great job! (Kau melakukan kerja yang bagus)
 I can't say how pleased I am because I can finally go to Seoul to see Bigbang Concert. (Aku tidak
bisa berkata-kata saking senangnya karena aku akhirnya bisa pergi ke Seoul untuk melihat
konser Bigbang)
 It's an interesting experience. (Itu adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa)
 I am happy could dance with you together in inauguration night. (Aku senang bisa menari
bersamamu di malam pelantikan)
 What an outstanding trip ever (perjalanan yang sangat sungguh luar biasa)
 I have splendid time here in Yogyakarta. (Aku punya waktu yang sangat baik disini, di
 I am so glad you will marry me this year. (Aku sangat senang kau akan menikahiku tahun ini)
 What a lovely day! (Hari yang sangat menyenangkan!)
Dialogue examples of Expressing Happiness:

Dialog 1

Sarah : Hi Lisa, you look so happy today. What's up? (Hai Lisa, kau terlihat senang hari ini, ada
Lisa : Yes I am. I got Bigbang concert ticket yesterday. (Ya. kemarin aku sudah mendapatkan
tiket konser Bigbang)
Sarah : Oh really? How you could get it? (Oh, benarkah? Bagaimana kau mendapatkannya?)
Lisa : My father bought it for me after saw my report card. He saw my grades is good so he gives
me one ticket for me as a reward. (Ayahku membelikannya untukku setelah melihat raporku.
Dia melihat nilai-nilaiku bagus. Jadi dia membelikanku sebagai hadiah)
Sarah : Oh my god, you are so lucky. You better prepare yourself for that. (Ya Tuhan, kau sangat
beruntung! Kau harus mempersiapkan diri untuk itu)
Lisa : Yes thank you Sarah. (Ya, terima kasih Sarah)
Sarah : Okay, Let's go to the class. (Baik, ayo kita ke kelas)
Lisa : Let's go. (Ayo)

Dialog 2:

Tasya : Wow, Whose cat is it? (Wah, kucing siapa itu?)

Dani : This is my cat. Mr. Suryana gave it to me. I am so happy about it. (Ini kucingku. Pak
Suryana memberikannya untukku)
Tasya : Look at him. He is cute! (Lihat dia, lucu sekali)
Dani : You know, I really want to have a cat. (Kau tahu, aku sangat ingin punya kucing)
Tasya : You must be so happy for that. (Kamu pasti sangat senang)
Dani : Of course I am! (Tentu saja!)
Soal Latihan Expressing Happiness
Read carefully and choose the correct answer between A, B, C, D, and E

1. Sinta : Hello Dina! My father gave me this phone two days ago. I‟m so happy
Dina : That's good !
The underlined sentence expresses ……
a. Happiness
b. Sadness
c. Congratulation
d. Boredom
e. Disappointment

2. 1) I think it was a fun holiday

2) Oh, I‟m so boring
3) I'm so happy to know it.
Which includes a statement of happiness?
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. 1
e. 2

3. Hilal : I get the birthday present from my boyfriend, yesterday !

Mimi : _____________
a. I‟ll always remember that
b. Fantastic! That‟s great.
c. How boring.
d. Bad luck
e. I‟m sorry, I forget

4. Jaka : Mom ! I have a good news !

Mom : What is it dear ?
Jaka : My English teacher told me that I got excellent score in the last test !
Mom : Really? Oh, ………………. !
Jaka : Yeah mom, thanks
a. No, I'm busy
b. Sure.
c. That's okay
d. Okay
e. I'm proud of you dear

5. Aria : I am very happy because it got a good score.

Rika : Really?
Expression indicates that he is …
a. Expressing relief
b. Expressing pain
c. Expressing pleasure
d. Expressing sadness
e. Expressing happiness
Read the text and answer the questions below.

Tom : Did you see the football match last night ?

Andy : No, I didn‟t. I typed my paper . Who played?
Aris : It was between Chelsea and West Ham United
Tom : Then, Who won the match?
Linda : West Ham, Of course. Noble presented three goals.
Tom : Fantastic!. I‟m happy to hear that.
Aris : Yeah, I‟m very impressed with him.
Tom : Noble will play again tonight a champion league. Let‟s see tonight .
Linda : That‟s a good idea. Let‟s prepare!

1. What did Tom ask to Andy?


2. Who won the match between Chelsea and West Ham United?


3. Who was the to scorer on the match?


4. Where does he come from?


5. What does Tom says when he heard the news of the victory?


6. Find out the other expression of happiness/pleasure in the text!


Kalimat Showing Care/Sympathy

 I'm extremely sorry to hear that. (Aku sangat berduka mendengarnya)

 I was deeply sorry to hear you sick. (Aku sangat berduka mendengarmu sakit)
 Please accept my condolences. (Turut berbela sungkawa)
 I know how it feels. (Saya tahu bagaimana rasanya)
 I am sorry to hear that (Turut berduka cita)
 That's too bad (Itu buruk sekali)
 What a pity of you! (Kasihan sekali kamu!)
 I sympathize with your condition. (Aku peduli dengan keadaanmu)
 It would be OK soon. (Itu akan segera membaik)
 Don't worry, I'm here for you. (Jangan khawatir, aku disini untukmu)
 It is going to be alright. (Itu akan baik-baik saja)
 You've helped me a lot during my difficult situation (Kau membantuku banyak pada saat aku
 I am sorry about your accident. I'll always be here if you need my help. (Aku turut berduka
dengan kecelakaanmu. AKu akan selalu disini jika kau ingin bantuanku)
 I know you have tried your best. I am sure next time you will get a better score. (Aku tahu kau
sudah mencoba yang terbaik. Aku yakin lain kali kau akan mendapatkan nilai yang lebih baik)
 If you need anything, please just call me. (Jika kamu menginginkan sesuatu, telepon saja aku)

 Thanks for your sympathy (Terima kasih banyak atas kepedulianmu)
 Thank you so much (Terima kasih banyak)
 Thank you so much, they are so lovely. (Terima kasih banyak, ini cantik sekali)
 You are truly good friends (Kau benar benar teman terbaik)
 It was very nice of you to think of me in this time of sadness (Kau sangat baik mau memikirkanku
disaat waktu sedihku ini)
 It is very kind of you (Kau baik sekali)
 I hope so (Aku harap begitu)
 That's a pity isn't it? (Kasihan kan?)
 Thanks for your support (Terima kasih atas dorongannya)
 I would be OK, thank you very much for your support. (Ini akan baik - baik saja. Terima kasih
atas doronganmu)
 That's what friends are for (Inilah artinya teman)
 Thanks for your concern. (Terima kasih atas perhatianmu)
 Yes, It is i will try harder next time (Ya aku akan mencoba lebih keras lain kali)
 Thank you, I'd really appreciate that (Terima kasih. Aku sangat menghargai itu)
Contoh Dialog Showing Care / Sympathy

Dialog 1
Rama : You look so pale. I bring you some soup, fix you some tea and bake you some treats. Hope
you recover soon. (Kau terlihat sangat pucat, aku membawakanmu sup,teh, dan juga aku sudah
memanggang kue untukmu. Semoga kau cepat sembuh)
Imran : Thanks a lot. What a lovely friend you are! I really appreciate that. (Terima kasih banyak. Kau
teman yang sangat baik! aku sangat menghargainya)
Rido : I also water your plants and tidy your room. (Aku juga menyiram tanamanmu dan
membereskan kamarmu)
Imran : Thank you very much. I'm glad you do it for me. (Terima kasih, aku senang kau melakukannya
Ramon : To help you feel better, I'd fluff up your pillow and straighten your sheets. (Untuk
membantumu lebih baik, aku sudah membereskan bantal dan sprei untukmu)
Imron : I am so grateful to you. You are the best friends I have ever had. (Aku sangat bersyukur
padamu. Kau adalah teman terbaik yang aku punya)

Dialog 2
Rina : Hello Eka. You looks sad today. (Halo Eka. Kau terlihat sedih hari ini)
Eka : Oh, yes I'm a little bit sad actually. (Ya, sebenarnya aku sedikit sedih hari ini)
Rina : Please take a look. I bought this for you. Today is your birthday right? (Tolong lihat, aku
membelikannya untukmu. Hari ini ulang tahunmu kan?)
Eka : Oh, thank you that's very nice of you. Let me see. Oh this is such a cute doll. Thank you. (Oh,
terima kasih kau sangat baik. Biarkan aku melihatnya. Ini boneka yang sangat lucu. Terima
Rina : That's nothing. (Itu bukan apa - apa)
Eka : You remember my birthday when nobody does. (Kau mengingat ulang tahunku ketika orang
lain tidak mengingatnya)
Rina : That's what friends are for (Itulah gunanya teman)

Dialog 3
Riki : Hello Prilly. (Halo Prilly)
Prilly : Hi Riki. (Hi Riki)
Riki : My deep condolences for your father loss. (Turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya ayahmu)
Prilly : Thank you, but it feels like i'm really broken now. (Terima kasih, tapi sepertinya aku sangat
sakit hati sekarang)
Riki : I know how it feels. I will be with you whenever you need me. I promise. (Aku tahu
bagaimana rasanya. Aku akan bersama denganmu kapanpun kau menginginkanku. Aku
Prilly : Thank you, you are really my best friend i've ever had. (Terima kasih, kau adalah teman
terbaik yang aku punya)
Soal Latihan Expressing Sympathy
Read carefully and choose the correct answer between A, B, C, and D

1. Roby : My sister has been sick for three days. So I have to accompany her in the hospital.
Dicky : _________. I hope she will get better soon.
Roby : Thanks.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I am sorry to hear that
B. Thank you
C. I don‟t care about it
D. I am happy to hear that

2. Jane : Hi Tia ,I saw you with Mira yesterday at the police office. What happened ?
Tiara : Really? I accompanied Miranda to report the police. Miranda lost her purse when I was
in the market
Jane : What a terrible situation for you.
The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Asking help
B. Asking opinion
C. Giving advice
D. Showing sympathy

3. Vitane : Hi, Jessica, oh Gosh! What happens to your finger?

Jessica : Hi, Vitane, well I unintentionally hurt my finger.
Vitae : How did it happen?
Jessica : I peeled an apple and knife, you know!
Vitane : I see. Jessica look! It keeps bleeding _________.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I am happy to hear that
B. I know how you feel
C. I don‟t care about it
D. I am glad to hear that

4. Beny : Why was shifa absent yesterday

Decka : Her father passed away
Beny : I am deeply sorry to hear that. Why didn‟t you tell me before ?
Decka : I have just heard about it
From the dialogue, we may assume that ...
A. Decka was happy to hear the news
B. Shifa absent because her father passed away
C. Decka tells the sad news to Beny
D. Beny was very grateful
5. Endy : “Ouch”
Father : What‟s wrong with you, son?
Endy : I fell from the motorcycle when going to grandma's house.
Father : ____________, put the medicine on it.
Endy : Yes, Dad.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. How happy you are
B. It doesn‟t hurt me
C. You are wrong
D. Oh, dear

6. Rob : My sister has been sick for two days. So I have to accompany her in the hospital.
Dick : _______________ I hope she will get better soon.
Rob : Thanks.
A. I am sorry to hear that
B. Thank you
C. I don‟t care about it
D. I am happy to hear that

7. Vita : Hi, Dewi, oh Gosh! What happens to your finger?

Dewi : Hi, Vita, well I have just cut my finger.
Vita : How did it happen?
Dewi : I peeled an apple and knife ,you know!
Vita : I see. Dewi look! It keeps bleeding……………………….
a. I am happy to hear that
b. I know how you feel
c. I don‟t care about it
d. Oh my God, that‟s terrible

Making Invitation
 Would you come to… ? (Maukah kamu datang ke...?)
 Might you want to go along with us? (Bisakah kamu pergi bersama kami?)
 Would you run with me today? (Bisakah kamu pergi bersamaku hari ini?)
 What about hanging out with us today? (Bagaimana dengan pergi keluar bersama kami hari ini?)
 Do you like to come? (Maukah kamu untuk datang?)
 Would you like to…? (Bisakah kamu untuk...?)
 I would very happy if…? (Aku sangat senang jika...?)
 We would be delighted if you…? (Kami akan sangat senang jika kamu...?)
 Would you care to..? (Bisakah kamu untuk...?)
 We would be pleased if you could…? (Kami akan senang jika kamu bisa...?)

Accepting Invitation
 That‟s very kind of you (Kamu baik sekali)
 We‟d like very glad to…. (Kami akan sangat senang untuk....)
 What a delightful idea (Ide yang sangat menyenangkan)
 With the greatest pleasure (Dengan sangat senang hati)
 Thank you very much for inviting me (Terima kasih banyak sudah mengundang saya)
 It‟s delightful to…. (Itu sangat menyenangkan untuk....)
 That would be very nice (Itu pasti akan sangat menyenangkan)
 OK,I will be there ! (Ok, Aku akan datang!)
 I‟d like love to come. (Aku akan sangat senang untuk datang)
 Sure, I am coming (Tentu saja aku datang)
 Yes, obviously (Ya, tentu saja)
 Alright, I‟ll come (Baiklah, aku akan datang)
 That is a smart thought (Itu ide yang bagus)
 I can‟t say no. (Aku tidak bisa berkata tidak)

Declining Invitatiom
 I‟m very sorry, I don‟t think I can go. (Maafkan aku, sepertinya aku tidak bisa pergi)
 I‟d like to, but.... (Aku ingin tapi...)
 I‟m afraid I‟ve already promised.... (Aku takut, aku sudah ada janji...)
 Thank you for asking me, but.... (Terima kasih sudah mengajakku, tapi...)
 Unfortunately, I can‟t.... (Sayang sekali, aku tidak bisa....)
 I'm Sorry, I can‟t. (Maafkan aku, aku tidak bisa)
 I‟d love to, but....(Aku ingin tapi...)
 I don‟t think I can. (Sepertinya aku tidak bisa)
 I wish I could, but....(Aku harap aku bisa, tapi....)
 Sorry, I am very busy. (Maaf, aku sangat sibuk)
 Sorry, may be next time. (Maaf mungkin lain kali)
 Thank you, but I can‟t. (Terimakasih, tapi aku tidak bisa)
 Sorry, I think I can't. (Maaf, sepertinya aku tidak bisa)
 I can‟t come (Saya tidak bisa datang)
 I am horribly sad (Saya benar-benar sedih)

Contoh Dialog Accepting and Declining Invitation

Dialog 1
Kim : Hi Febri! I've looked for you in your class but you wasn't there. (Hai Febri! Aku sudah
mencarimu ke kelas tapi kamu tak ada disana)
Febri : Oh, yes I've sitting here in canteen enjoying my lunch. What's up? (Oh ya, aku dari tadi duduk
disini sedang menikmati makan siang, ada apa?)
Kim : I and my friends will held the friendly football match in the school field in sunday. I wish you
could join with our team. (Aku dan temanku akan mengadakan pertandingan sepak bola
persahabatan di lapangan sekolah pada hari minggu. Aku harap kamu bisa bergabung dangan
tim kami.)
Febri : Ok, I'd love to come! That would be very interesting! (Ok, aku mau datang! Itu akan sangat
Kim : Yes of course. Please be around school at sunday on 3 pm. (Tentu saja. Tolong untuk sudah
berada di sekolah sekitar jam 3 ya)
Febri : Ok, thanks for inviting me. (Baik, terima kasih sudah mengundangku)
Kim : My pleasure. (Sama-sama)

Dialog 2
Renata : Hello Hana long time no see. (Halo Hana lama tidak bertemu)
Hana : Hello Renata, It's been a while. How are you? (Halo Renata, sudah lama sekali ya. Apa
Renata : I'm fine thanks. I'm busy with my career now, so I rarely being at home. (Aku baik baik saja
terima kasih. Aku sibuk dengan karirku, jadi aku jarang ada di rumah)
Hana : I've heard your success out there, your clothing line business has gone abroad isn't it? (Aku
sudah mendengar kesuksesanmu di luar sana, bisnis bajumu sudah sampai ke luar negeri kan?)
Renata : Oh yes it is, thanks to god. (Oh ya, aku sangat bersyukur)
Hana : It is because you work so hard, then you gain a lot too.(Itu karena kau bekerja keras, jadi kau
mendapatkan hasil yang banyak juga.)
Renata : Ah that's nothing. I want to tell you that i will hold the wedding on the end of this month. (Ah
itu bukan apa - apa. Aku ingin memberitahumu bahwa aku akan menikah pada akhir tahun ini.)
Hana : Oh really? It such a good news! (Oh benarkah? Itu berita baik!)
Renata : The party will be held on 26 march 2017 in the Kencana Hotel ballroom. Please be there,
Hana. (Pesta pernikahannya akan diadakan tanggal 26 maret 2017 di ballroom Hotel Kencana.
Tolong datang, Hana)
Hana : It‟s delightful to come to your wedding. I will come of course. (Akan menyenangkan untuk
datang ke pesta pernikahanmu. Aku tentu saja akan datang)
Renata : Thank you Hana. (Terima kasih Hana)
Hana : Yes, I can't wait to see you there. (Ya, Aku tidak sabar melihatmu disana)
Dialog 3
Gery : Hi Fania! (Hai Fania)
Fania : Hi Gery, please come in. (Hai Gery, silahkan masuk)
Gery : No i just want to say something, I going to go home quickly. (Tidak, aku hanya ingin
mengatakan sesuatu, aku akan segera pulang kembali)
Fania : Okay Gary, why do you come to my house? (Baiklah Gery apa yang membuatmu datang ke
Gery : I want to tell you that I will be held a birthday party tomorrow. I hope you could join us. (Aku
ingin memberitahumu bahwa aku akan mengadakan pesta ulang tahun besok. Aku harap kamu
bisa bergabung dengan kami)
Fania : Unfortunately I can't Gary. My mom is sick, so i have to take care of her now. (Sayang sekali
aku tidak bisa Gery. Ibuku sedang sakit, jadi aku harus merawatnya sekarang)
Gery : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your mother will get better very soon. (saya turut berduka
mendengarnya. aku harap Ibumu segera sembuh)
Fania : Ok thank you Gery. (Baik terima kasih Gery)
Do the following activities!

Activity 1. In pairs, Read the following dialogues then identify expressions of inviting people,
accepting, and refusing invitations.

1. A : I‟d like to invite you to come the “Save our Earth” charity activity on Sunday.
B : I‟d love to come. Thanks.

2. A : Would you mind coming to my house this evening?

B : I‟d like to, but I‟ve already planned to visit my parents.

3. A : Would you like to go to Botanical Garden ?

B : Thanks, I‟d love to. What time is it?

4. A : Let‟s just meet at the GREEN HOUSE, around 7:30.

B : That sounds fine.

5. A : Can you and Susan come to the eradicating mosquito breeding activity?
B : We‟d love to but I‟m afraid we can‟t. We‟re going out with friends for dinner.

Activity 2. In pairs, read the dialogues below, and then identify the expressions of inviting people,
accepting and refusing invitations.

1. At the office.
Staff : I‟d like to invite you to come to my engagement party on Sunday.
Supervisor : I‟d love to come. Thanks. What time is the party?
Staff : In the afternoon at 4, and please come with your spouse.
Supervisor : Okay. I‟ll be there.

2. Mrs. Brown comes to Mrs. Burke‟s house.

Mrs. Brown : Would you mind coming to my house this evening?
Mrs. Burke : I‟d like to, but I‟ve already planned to visit my parents.
Mrs. Brown : Actually, I‟ll have a dinner party. We‟ll celebrate our wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Burke : Oh, congratulations to you. Hopefully your wedding will
last forever.
Mrs. Brown : Thank you very much.

3. On the way home.

David : I have two tickets to Environtment charity concert on Saturday night. Would you like to go?
Alex : Thanks, I‟d love to. What time is it?
David : It‟s at 8:00.

4. At school.
Jacky : There is a scientific environtment exhibition in Java Mall. It is from Thursday to Sunday.Would
you like to come with me?
Edwin : I‟d love to. When will we go?
Jacky : I‟ll pick you up at 4:00 p.m. Is it OK?
Edwin : That‟s fine.

Activity 3 .Complete the dialogues with expressions of inviting, accepting and refusing an
1. In a doctor office.
Ronald : We would _____________ to the community services activity.
Dr. Wayne : I‟d really ________ come. ___________ the community services activity.
Ronald : It‟s in our school hall on Sunday morning. ___________invite your colleagues to come with
Dr. Wayne : Oh, I‟ll try. I‟m proud of you, Boy. You really do a good deed.
Ronald : _______________, Sir.

2. In an office.
Andrew : I have two tickets for a football game on Saturday afternoon. _______________ go with me?
Teddy : ________________________. I promised to help Diky fix his motorbike.
Andrew : Oh, it‟s ____________. I‟ll ask another friend.

3. At school canteen
Peter : I‟m having a party on Saturday, Bob. Can you and Susan ______________?
Bobby : We‟d ________ but I‟m afraid __________. We‟re going out with friends for dinner.
Peter : Oh, that‟s okay.
Bobby : _______________ for the invitation.

4. On the way home.

Susan : There‟s a charity concert at the city hall tonight. It is at 7:30 p.m. Would _________________?
Becky : ______________. But I have to go to the hospital with my mother. We have to see my

Activity 4. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d.

1. Adi : I‟m having a little party at my home on Saturday. Can you come?
Husni : … , what time is it?
a. I see c. Thank you
b. No, I can‟t d. Yes, I‟d love to.

2. Santi : There is a bazaar at the city hall today. ….?

Yuyun : Yes, I‟d like to.
a. I‟m glad you like it
b. I„d like to go
c. Could you come to my house
d. Would you go there with me

3. Andrewn : I really like the computer exhibition. Would you like … with me?
Budi : I‟m sorry I can‟t.
a. coming along c. come along
b. to come along d. came along

4. X : Could you come to my home tonight?

Y : ……, but I must do my assignments.
a. No way c. I can‟t
b. I‟d like to d. Why not

Expression of Congratulations
 Congratulations!
 I'm very happy of you!
 That's wonderful!
 Good for you!
 Best of luck!
 Well done!
 Fantastic job!
 You must be very happy with your achievement.
 I'd like to congratulate you on your accomplishment!
 Please accept my warmest congratulation
 I must congratulate you on your success!
 Happy Birthday
 Happy New Year
 Happy Eid Mubarak
 Happy Anniversary
 Let me congratulate you
 I would be the first to congratulate you on...
 I would like to congratulate you on
 Please accept mywarmest congratulations.
 May I congratulate you.
 It was great to hear about...
 Well done!

Responds to Expression of Congratulations

 It's very good of you to say so
 Thank you, I can't forget your help to me
 How nice of you to say so
 Thank you very much for saying so
 I'm glad you think so
 Oh, actually it's nothing special
 Oh, I have a lot to learn yet
 Oh, not really
 Oh, nothing to it, actually
 Oh thanks'

Contoh Dialog Expression of Congratulations

Dialog 1
Dina : Hi, Yuni. What's your daughter doing these days? (Hai Yuni, apa yang anakmu lakukan
akhir-akhir ini)
Yuni : Oh, she's in college. In fact, she plans to graduate this june. (Oh, dia sedang kuliah.
Faktanya, dia berencana untuk lulus pada juni ini)
Dina : That's wonderful! You must be very proud of her. (itu luar biasa! kau pasti sangat
bangga padanya)

Dialog 2
Rani : Hi Anisa. (Hai Anisa)
Anisa : Hi, you look great in that pink head scarf. What a nice scarf! (Hai, kau terlihat
luar biasa dengan kerudung pink. kerudung yang sangat cantik)
Rani : How nice of you to say that. (Baik sekali dirimu mengatakan itu)
Anisa : I've never seen you in that hat. Where did you buy it? (Aku tidak pernah
melihatmu memakai topi. Dimana kau membelinya?)
Rani : My mom bought it for me when she went to the market. (Ibuku membelikannya
untukku ketika dia pergi ke pasar)
Anisa : I see (Baiklah)
Rani : Look. The teacher is coming! (Lihat, gurunya sudah datang)
Anisa : Mr Sultoni!(Pak Sultoni!)
Mr. Sultoni : Hi, how are you? (Hai, apa kabarmu)
Rani : We're good, thanks. How about you?(Kami baik-baik saja, terimakasih.
bagaimana denganmu?)
Mr.Sultoni : Excellent! (Luar biasa)
Rani : I love your hair cut, Mr Sultoni.(aku suka potongan rambutmu, Pak Sultoni)
Anisa : Yes, you are looking good with your hairstyle. (Ya, kau terlihat tampan dengan
gaya rambutmu)
.Mr. Sultoni : Thanks a lot. Rani, I heard you won the Math Olympiad. Is it true? (Terima
kasih banyak rani. Aku dengar kau memenangkan Olimpiade Matematika.
Apakah itu benar?)
Rani : Yes, I won the second prize last week. (Ya, aku memenangkan juara kedua
minggu lalu)
Anisa : She is good at it. (Dia yang terbaik di bidang itu)
Mr. Sultoni : I'm glad to hear that. (Aku senang mendengarnya)
Rani : Thank you very much for saying so. (Terima kasih banyak untuk

Dialog 3
Rudi : Hi Ben. How are you? (Hai Ben, apa kabarmu?)
Ben : Hi, you look great in that black jacket. (Kau terlihat luar biasa memakai jaket hitam,)
Rudi : Thank you for saying so. (Terima kasih karena mengatakan itu)
Ben : I've never seen you in that outfit. Is it new? (Aku tidak pernah melihatmu dengan
pakaianmu itu. Apakah itu baru?)
Rudi : My sister bought it for me when she went to Singapore. (Kakakku membelikannya
untukku ketika dia pergi ke singapura)
Ben : Oh, I see. (Oh, baiklah)
Rudi : Look. What a nice new hair style! Who did your haircut! I like it a lot. (Lihat. gaya
rambut baru yang bagus! Siapa yang memotongnya? Aku suka sekali)
Ben : Oh, Yes I think that way too. My brother did it. I can ask him to do yours if you want
to. (Oh ya, kurasa juga seperti itu. Kakakku yang melakukannya. Aku bisa meminta
kepadanya jika kamu mau)
Rudi : Yes, please. Look! Andi is coming. (Ya tolong. Lihat Andi datang)
Ben : Hi Andi, I heard you won the speech contest last month. Congratulations! You deserved
it. (Hai Andi. Aku dengar kau memenangkan kontes pidato bulan lalu. Selamat! Kau
pantas mendapatkannya.)
Rudi : Fantastic! It's a great job, bro! (Fantastis! Itu kerja bagus bro!)
Andi : Oh, thanks. It's nothing actually. (Oh terimakasih. Itu bukan apa apa)

Anda mungkin juga menyukai