Anda di halaman 1dari 13





a. Nama Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS WAJIB
b. Semester : 3
c. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.3 dan 4.3

3.3.Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk undangan resmi dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat
kerja sesuai dengan konteks
4.3. Teks Undangan Resmi
4.3.1. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk
undangan resmi lisan dan tulis, terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat
4.3.2. Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk undangan resmi lisan dan
tulis, terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
d. MateriPokok : Teks khusus dalam bentuk undangan
resmi lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja
sesuai dengan konteks

e. AlokasiWaktu : [4 x 45 Menit (2 Pertemuan)]

f. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Melalui [Penyajianmateri, diskusiinformasi,
kerjakelompok/teamsdan, Penyajian hasil kerja/Product Pomotion]
,diharapkan kaliandapatlebih bersyukur dan mampu meningkatkan
rasa percaya diri, dan santun dalam berkomunikasi, [dan Melalui
Pembelajaran Berbasis Teks, kalian akan mampu terampil, berpikir
kritis, mahir Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan pada pernyataan dan pertanyaan. Juga
mampuMenyusunTeks khusus dalam bentuk Undangan
resmi lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja sesuai
dengan konteks

g. MateriPembelajaran
 Fakta : Berbagai ragam Teks khusus dalam bentuk Undangan
resmi lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja sesuai dengan konteks
 Konsep/Prinsip :
a. Struktur Teks
- Sapaan
- Isi
- Penutup
b. Unsur Kebahasaan
- Ungkapan dan istilah yang digunakan dalam undangan
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the,
this, those, my, their, dsb.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan
tulisan tangan
c. Topik
Acara formal yang terkait dengan sekolah, rumah, dan
masyarakat yang dapatmenumbuhkan perilaku yang
termuat di KI
d. Multimedia
Layout yang membuat tampilan teks lebih menarik.

 Prosedural :Penerapan Berbagai ragam Teks khusus dalam bentuk

Undangan resmi lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja
sesuai dengan konteks.



Formal Invitation Letter


Spoken Form

Written Form Generic



a. Petunjuk Umum
Untuk bisa memiliki kompetensi secara tuntas pada materi ini ,
perhatikanlah dan ikutilah Petunjuk berikut
 Baca dan pahami materi padaBukuTeksPelajaran [Buku Bahasa
Inggris SMA/MA/SMK Kelas XI /halaman]
 Kerjakan UKBinidibukukerjaataulangsungmengisikanpadabagian
yang telahdisediakan.
 Kalian dapatbelajarbertahapdanberlanjutmelaluikegiatan
AyoBerlatih, apabilakalian
permasalahandalamkegiatanbelajar Teks Announcement
 Jika kalian telah menuntaskan materi yang ada,
bersiapuntukmengikutitesformatifagar kalian dapatbelajarkeUKB

b. Pendahuluan

Before you learn this material, you have toobserve and discuse these pictures with
your group to answer some questions.

A. Invitation Text no.1

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. Who made this invitation?
3. What are the joyfulness that you can get there?
4. “You are cordially invited to the grand opening of”...
What is the synonim of the underline word ?
1. What is the
invitation about?
2. Why do they
make this
invitation ?
3. Who is the host
of this
invitation ?

1. What do they
celebrate for?
2. Whom the
invitation is
addressed to ?
3. Where do you
have to come to
the party?
After seeing those pictures, please discuss with your group to answer the
availablequestions and do the instruction…

A. Picture number 1

1. ..........................................................................................................................

2. ..........................................................................................................................

3. ..........................................................................................................................

4. ..........................................................................................................................

B. Picture number 2

1. ..........................................................................................................................

2. ..........................................................................................................................

3. ..........................................................................................................................

C. Picture number 3

1. ..........................................................................................................................

2. ..........................................................................................................................

3. ..........................................................................................................................

Agar dapat menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut,silahkan kalian lanjutkan pada

kegiatanbelajarberikutdanikutipetunjuk yang adadalam UKB ini
c. Kegiatan Inti

Read this material,



Invitation Text :
 A spoken or Written request to somebody to do something or to go
 A Request, A Solicitation, or An Attempt to get another person to
join you at a specific event.

Generic Structure :
1. Invitee
2. Body of invitation:
• Greating
• Content :
 Occasion
 Day or Date
 Time
 Place
• Closing
3. Inviter
Types of Invitation Text :
 Formal Invitation :
This type of invitation has a meaning official senses. It is written by institution or
company. Due to its formality, such typical invititation seems to tie the people whom
are invited.
Example : Government Agenda, Company Invitation, Organisation Program, School
Inauguration Agenda, Wedding Party, Promotion, Farewell Party.

 Infomal Invitation :
This kind of invitation is found a lot in social interaction. The informal invitation can
be written or spoken and commonly given or addressed to family member, friends,
mate, etc.
Example : Birthday Invitation, Family Gathering Invitation, Inauguration Celebration,
Engagement Party, Anniversary, Wedding Party, Promotion, Farewell Party.

 Note : Usualy you will find a word of “RSVP” , it stands for Respondez S”il Vout
Plait (This Phrase is from French Language , that means “Answer Please”

Making Invitation
Sample Phrases (From Formal to Informal)
 Iwould like to invite you to dinner next Sunday at my
 I was wondering if you’d like to come to dinner on
Wednesday evening
 Would you like/care to have dinner with us on Saturday?
 What/How about dinner tonight?
 Let’s go to our place for dinner.

.Accepting Invitations
Sample Phrases (From Formal to Informal)
 Thanks for your invitation. I’d be delighted to
 Thank you. I’d love to..
 Yes, thanks. That would be great/wonderful.
 Sounds great/like fun.
 OK/All right
Refusing Invitations
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)
 I’m awfully/terribly sorry. I have other plans for that night.
 I’d really like to, but I have an appointment that day.
 Thanks for asking, but I’m afraid I’m busy.
 I can’t. I’ve got a lot of work to do.
 Sorry. I’m already tied up.

Sample phrases (from formal to informal)
 Thank you, but I’ll have to check my calendar. Do you mind if I tell you
on Monday?
 I’m not sure what my plans are. Could I get back to you tomorrow?
 I might be busy. I’ll let you know later.


After reading the Material above, please discuss with your friends to understand and
answer some questions below...

1. Find out fiveFORMAL INVITATION forms, you may search by using

internet (Put the pictures and give the detail information about the invitation
on your exercise book).

2. Find out fiveINFORMAL INVITATION forms, you may search by using

internet (Put the pictures and give the detail information about the invitation
on your exercise book).

3. Here are some questions to help you filling the information for number 1 and
number 2:
a. Who made the invitation?
b. What is the purpose of the invitation?
c. Where will the place the invitation be held?
d. When the party will be started ?
e. To Whom is the invitee addressed?

4. Answer the questions based on the informatin in the invitation card below
a. What kind of party is it?
b. What is “Virginia Parker is turning 80” means?
c. Where will it be held?
d. What is the “RSVP” stand for?
e. What does the “RSVP” mean?

Virginia Parker is turning 80

Though it may seems absurd!
We’re having a party, but don’t breathe a word
Please join us for
a Surprise Birthday Party
Sunday, June 20th
2.00 pm
Deering Bay Estates Club House
13600 Old Cutler Road
RSVP by June 10th
To Danielle Stevens
5. Answer the qustion from the information of the invitation below:
a. According to the text of the invitation, it is addressed to?
b. Why does they hold a celebration?
c. Who made this invitation?
d. From yhe invitation below, we can conclude that…
e. Who is Minnie?


After finish this exercises, you will make your own

Analisis peristiwa

Please composse and design two invitation text, you have todo by yourself .
One that you have to make is about School Inauguration Agenda. And the other
are some activities that you can choose freely, here the options :
a. Government Agenda
b. Company Invitation
c. Organisation Program
d. Wedding Party
e. Promotion
f. Farewell Party.
g. Birthday Invitation
h. Family Gathering Invitation
i. Inauguration Celebration
j. Engagement Party
k. Anniversary

Please make it as beautiful as possible

After this exercise you will continue to the next activites of learning

d. Penutup
It is really interesting for compossingsome Invitation Text, Right?
Composing words, telling people about some IMPORTANT activities, is
much joyful…
After learning the material of Simple Past Tenseand Simple Perfect Tense
Text and doing some steps of activities, you have to continue the learning
process by filling the questions below to measure your understanding the
material you have learnt. Answer all the questions briefly and honestly about
your mastering material in this UKB.
Tabelof Self Reflectionof Understanding Material
No Questions Yes No
1. Do you understand what the Invitation Text is ?
2. Can you differentiate the generic structure between
spoken Invitation and written Invitation?
3. Do you know about the social function of Invitation
text ?
4. Do you think that Invitationis a effective and
efficient way to inform something important in your
daily life ?

If the answer is “NO” in one of the question above, you have to learn the
material once more time in English book (BTP) and you should do some
exercises again about Simple Past Tense and Simple Perfect Tense text with
your teacher and friends. Never been given up !.And if all your answers are
“YES”, it is mean that you can continue to the next step .
Where is your Position?
Measure your self in mastering the material of the Simple Past Tense and
Simple Perfect Tense text in rangebetween 0 – 100, write down on the
available box below.

After finishing this test above and following the learning activities of Invitation
Text , how to overcome the problem of learning Invitation Text in the beginning of
learning process? Please discuss with your group. Then write down the overcoming
way in your own book.!.
This is the last part of Invitation Text UKB material, ask for a Formatif test to your
teacher before you continue to the next UKB.

Have a great experience and GOOD LUCK…

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