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Deskripsi Singkat

Tujuan Intruksional Umum

No Tujuan Instruksional Khusus

1 Mahasiswa memahami organisasi sistim saraf

dan fungsi-fungsi dasarnya

Mahasiswa mengetahui reseptor sensorik serta 1

jalur sensorik ke saraf sentral

3 Mahasiswa mengetahui reseptor sensorik serta 2

jalur sensorik ke saraf sentral khususnya
reseptor somatik di bagian permukaan tubuh

4 Mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami 3

reseptor sensorik berupa nyeri, bagaimana
nyeri dihantarkan serta faktor yang
mempengaruhi kualitas nyeri. Juga beberpa
type sensasi nyeri

5 Mahasiswa mengetahui perjalanan saraf 4

motorik pada medula spinalis dan beberapa
refleks yang terkait.
6 Mahasiswa mengetahui perjalanan dan fungsi 5
saraf motrik di batang otak dan otak bagian

7 Mahasiswa mengetahui perjalanan dan fungsi 6

saraf motrik di serebellum dan fungsi motorik
yang terintegrasi di serebellum dan bagian-

Mahasiswa mengetahui beberapa fungsi 7

8 spesifik dari korteks dan bagian-bagiannya,
khsusnya proses berfikir, sadar dan memory

Mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami fungsi 8

sistim limbik khususnya hypothalamus yang
9 merupakan komponen penting dari sistim ini

Mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami 9

10 beberapa aktifitas otak khususnya proses tidur,
gelombang otak, epilepsi dan psikosis

Mahasiswa mengetahui fungsi-fungsi saraf 10

11 otonom khususnya saraf simaptis dan

Daftar Pustaka

1 Guyton and Hall, 2006, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th edition, Elsevier Saunders

2 Ganong WF, 2003, Review of Medical Physiology, 21th edition, a Lange Medical Book

3 Fox Human physiology, 2003, 8th edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies

4 Vander, 2001, Human Physiology : The Mechanism of Body Function, 8th edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies
Fisiologi Sistem Saraf (Neurofisiologi)
Matakuliah ini membahas dasar-dasar fisiologi sistim saraf yang mencakup : organisasi dan fungsi dasar sel saraf, jalur saraf
transmisi saraf dan neurotrasnmitter, refleks saraf, sistem sensorik, sistem motorik, sistem saraf otonom, sistim limbic, memor
beberapa kelainan yang mendasari penyakit-penyakitpada sistim saraf
Mahasiswa mengetahui dasar-dasar fungsi saraf termasuk sistim saraf sensorik, saraf motorik, dan saraf otonom. Juga jalur-ja
ke dan dari saraf pusat di otak. Juga dapat menggunakan pengetahuan fisiologi untuk memahami kelainan/penyakit pada sist

Pokok Bahasan

Organization of the Nervous system,

Basic function of the nerve/synaps

Sensory Receptors, Neuronal Circuits

for Processing Information

Somatic Sensations: I. General

the Tactile and Position Senses

Somatic Sensations: II. Pain, Headache,

and Thermal Sensations

Motor Functions of the Spinal Cord; the

Cord Reflexes
Cortical and Brain Stem Control of
Motor Function

Contributions of the Cerebellum and

Basal Ganglia to Overall Motor Control

Cerebral Cortex, Intellectual Functions

Behavioral and Motivational

Mechanisms of the Brain - The Limbic

States of Brain Activity—Sleep, Brain

Waves, Epilepsy, Psychoses

Autonomic Nervous System and the

adrenal medulla

he McGraw-Hill Companies

r-dasar fisiologi sistim saraf yang mencakup : organisasi dan fungsi dasar sel saraf, jalur saraf ke dan dari otak,
mitter, refleks saraf, sistem sensorik, sistem motorik, sistem saraf otonom, sistim limbic, memory dan belajar serta
asari penyakit-penyakitpada sistim saraf
dasar fungsi saraf termasuk sistim saraf sensorik, saraf motorik, dan saraf otonom. Juga jalur-jalur sensorik dan motorik
Juga dapat menggunakan pengetahuan fisiologi untuk memahami kelainan/penyakit pada sistim saraf

Sub Pokok bahasan Estimasi Waktu Referensi

General design of the nervous system

Major level of the central nervous system function 3 x 50 mnt 1,2,3
Membran and action potential
Central nervous system synaps
Some special characteristics of synaptic transmission

4 x 50 mnt 1,2
Types of sensory receptor and the sensory stimuli they detect
Transductiion of sensory stimuli into nerve impulses
Nerve fibers that transmit different types of signal
Transmission of signal of different intensity in nerve tract
Transmission and processing of signalin neuronal pool
Instability and stability of neuronal circuit

Detection and transmission of tactile sensation 4 x 50 mnt 1,2

Sensory pathway for transmitting somatic signal into the CNS
Transmission in the Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscal system
Transmission of Less critical sensory signals in the anterolateral pathway
Some special aspect of somatosensory function

Types of pain and their quality

Pain receptors and their stimulation 4 x 50 mnt 1,2
Dual pathways for transmission of pain signals into the CNS
Pain suppression (analgesia) system in the Brain and spinal cord
Reffered and visceral pain
Some clinical abnormality of pain and other somatic sensation
Headache and thermal sensation

Organization of the spinal cord for motor function

Muscle sensory receptor 4 x 50 mnt 1,2,3,4
Flexor reflex and withdrawal reflex
Crossed extensor reflex
Reciprocal inhibition and innervation
Reflexes of posture and locomotion
scartch reflex
Spinal cord reflexes that cause muscle spasm
Autonomic reflex in the spinal cord
Motor cortex and corticospinal tract
Role of the brainstem in controling motor function 2 x 50 mnt 1,2,3,4
Vestibular sensation and maintanence of equilibrium
Function of brainstem nuclei in controlling subcounscious, stereotyped

Cerebellum and motor function 2 x 50 mnt 1,2,3,4

Basal ganglia - their motor function
Integration of the many parts of the total motor control system

Physiologis anatomy of cerebral cortex 3 x 50 mnt 1,2

Function of spesific cortical area
Function of the brain in the communication
Function of the corpus callosum and anterior commisura
Thoughts, counsciousnes and memory

Activating driving-system of the brain 2 x 50 mnt 1,2

Limbic system
Hypothalamus, a major control headquarters for the limbic system
Spesific function of other parts of the limbic system

Sleep 2 x 50 mnt 1,2

Brain waves
Psychotic behaviour and dementia

General organization of the autonomic nervous system 2 x 50 mnt
Basic characteristics od symphatetic and Parasymphatetic function
Autonomic reflexes
Stimulation of Discrete Organs in Some Instances and Mass
stimulation in other instances by the sympathetic and
parasymphatetic system
Hipotalamus, sebuah markas kontrol utama untuk sistem limbik
Spesifik fungsi bagian-bagian lain dari sistem limbik

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