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Surabaya, 22 Januari 2020

Kepada Yth. Kepala Human Resource Department

PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka
Jl. Pasuruan Malang KM11 Desa Pacar keeling
Pasuruan 67172

Dengan hormat,
Sehubungan dengan informasi dari website resmi PT Amerta Indah Otsuka dibukanya
lowongan untuk kandidat Brand Communication Executive Soyjoy. Saya yang bertanda
tangan dibawah ini :
Nama : Eka Bayu Gunawan
Tempat, tanggal lahir : Kediri, 15 Desember 1995
Alamat : Perum. Candra Kirana Blok P-10, Mojororto
No. HP : 085882773594
Dengan ini mengajukan surat lamaran pekerjaan kepada PT Amerta Indah Otsuka untuk
dapat mengisi posisi tersebut dengan mengikuti prosedur yang telah ditentukan. Sebagai
bahan pertimbangan bersama ini saya lampirkan :
1. Curriculum Vitae (1 lembar)
2. Surat Keterangan Lulus Kuliah S1 (copy) (1 lembar)
3. Transkip Nilai (1 lembar)
4. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (copy) (1 lembar)
5. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (copy) (1 lembar)
6. Pas Foto 4x6 (1 lembar)
7. Sertifikat pendukung (1 lembar)
Demikian untuk menjadikan periksa adanya, besar harapan saya agar menjadi
pertimbangan perusahaan terkait kelayakan saya sebagai kandidat. Atas perhatian dan
terkabulnya permohonan ini saya ucapkan Terima kasih.

Hormat saya,

Eka Bayu Gunawan

Lingk. Majekan RT 027 RW 005 ◆ Kediri, Indonesia 64132 ◆ (+62) 085882773594

January 22, 2020

Human Capital Sourcing Staff
PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka
Jl. Pasuruan Malang KM11 Desa Pacar Keling
Pasuruan 67172

To whom it may concern,

I am interested in applying for the PT Amerta Indah Otsuka In Job opportunity. I believe that I would
be an asset to your program, contributing both knowledge and experience to PT Amerta Indah
Otsuka. This job would also provide me with an ideal opportunity to build on my current skills and
prepare for a career at your company in the future. My undergraduate thesis focused on risk supply
chain management with title “Risk Supply Chain Management of sugarcane production in PT
Perkebunan Nusantara XI Ngadiredjo Kediri”. In the agroindustrial field study I’ve learned about
management in any aspect, the way of the company’s production, risks estimation, to catch of the
solution that can help company’s productivity by reducing risks. In the past 6 month, I studied about
quality management at PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (crude palm oil factory in Cikasungka, Bogor).
Due to a time given by the faculty only one month, I have learned how to analyze the quality of the
product (crude palm oil) by paying attention on the quality each parts of the production process. At
the year of 2016, I worked in the faculties laboratory as an assistant of the operation utilities system
practical learning in order to assist the students about the subject practicaly in proper way.
After graduated from university, I worked directly in PT Graha Service Indonesia for 6 month as an
admin parts. The company gave me a responsibility to handle warehouse of spare parts used by
engineers for services. From the way company’s SOP works, I’ve learned to communicate with team
members, worked under target, and worked for the consumer good. At the month of 6 th, I worked at
PT BCA Finance as a relationship officer, the job was gaining a relation between company and car
showroom. Company gave me responsibility to handle a view of car showroom’s loan applications.
From that job, I’ve learned about data analyst, people handling, consumer good, targeted working,
and risk mitigation. I hope to complement my previous experience that will allow me to utilize and
to explore different skills due to different field studies background to positively affect PT Amerta
Indah Otsuka.
I appreciate your time and hopefully concideration for the PT Amerta Indah Otsuka job opportunity.
Please do not hestitate to contact me at (+62) 085882773594. I look forward to hear the answer
from you.


Eka Bayu Gunawan

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