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Nama : Ratu Najla Shopandi

Prodi : S1 Keperawatan smstr 4

Tugas : B. Inggris

Halaman 142

Bidan Jane Johnson & Kecelakaannya

Jane Jchnson akan berangkat ke sekolah pagi ini, sebuah mobil menjatuhkannya.
Kaki kanannya patah tepat di bawah krce. Beberapa orang yang melihat kecelakaan
meletakkannya dalam posisi yang nyaman di trotoar dan menelepon ambulans. Pengemudi
mobil yang mengetuk Jane menutupinya dengan mantel dan berusaha menghiburnya. Ketika
ambulans tiba, Jane diangkat ke atas tandu. Dimasukkan ke ambulans dan dibawa ke rumah
sakit yang tidak jauh. Ketika dia arived di departemen korban, dia dirawat. Bidan itu
mengakui bahwa dia memberikan suntikan morfin untuk mengurangi syok dan rasa sakit.
Bidan yang memeriksanya, menghiburnya dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa semuanya akan
baik-baik saja.
Ketika Bidan memeriksanya, Bidan mengaku menerima tekanan darah dan denyut
nadi. Karena luka Jane menderita luka bakar dan memar, ia diberi antibodi untuk mencegah
infeksi. Dia dibawa ke departemen X-ray, sementara pemeriksaan X-ray sedang dipotong,
orang tua Jane tiba di rumah sakit. Bidan yang memeriksa Jane memberi tahu mereka bahwa
Jane mengalami beberapa patah tulang pada tibia dan fibula.
Dia menjelaskan bahwa pembedahan diperlukan dan meminta Tuan Smith untuk
menandatangani formulir persetujuan. Sementara Ny. Smith memberikan rincian Jane dan
riwayat kesehatan sebelumnya kepada Bidan, Sebelum orangtua Jane meninggalkan rumah
sakit, mereka diberi tahu kapan mereka bisa mengunjunginya dan diberi daftar hal-hal yang
akan ia butuhkan.

142. Reading Comprehension I

Midwife Jane Johnson & her accident
Jane Jchnson was leaving for school this morning, a car dropped her. His right leg
was broken just below Krce. Some people who saw the accident put it in a comfortable
position on the sidewalk and called an ambulance. The driver of the car that knocked Jane
covered him with a coat and tried to cheer him up. When the ambulance arrived, Jane was
lifted onto a stretcher. Put in an ambulance and taken to a hospital not far away. When he
was arived in the victim's department, he was treated. The midwife admitted that she gave an
injection of morphine to reduce shock and pain. The midwife who examined him, comforted
him and told him that everything would be fine.
When the Midwife checks it, the Midwife claims to receive blood pressure and pulse.
Because Jane's wounds suffered jaceration and bruising, she was given antibodies to prevent
infection. He was taken to the X-ray department, while X-ray examinations were being cut,
Jane's parents arrived at the hospital. The midwife who examined Jane told them that Jane
had multiple fractures in the tibia and fibula.
He explained that surgery was needed and asked Mr. Smith to sign the consent form.
While Mrs. Smith gave the details of Jane and her previous medical history to the Midwife,
Before Jane's parents left the hospital, they were told when they could visit her and were
given a list of things she would need.
Answer :
1. she was admitted
2. 2.Some people who saw the accident laid her in comfortable position on the pavement
and phoned for an ambulance.
3. The driver of the car that knocked Jane covered her with a coat and triet t comfort her
a. When the ambulance arrived, Jane was lifted onte a stretcher. Put into the
ambulance and driven to a hospital that was not far away.
4. The midwife
5. The Midwife was admitted her gave an injection of morphine to combat the shock and
the pain.
6. Jane had sustained a compound fracture at tibia and fibula
7. Her right leg was broken just below the knee
8. He explained that an operation was necessary and asked Mr. Smith to sign a consent
9. Jane had sustained a compound fracture
10. Mr. Smith
11. No, the jane’s parents get a punishment to the car driver
12. to a hospital that was not far away
13. While Mrs. Smith was giving Jane's particulars and previous medical history to the
14. Yes , the jane’s parents get shock when they heard about the accident

143. Pemahaman Membaca II

Tn. Jack & Bedahnya
Di teater, dongkrak akan diberikan obat bius dan lukanya akan dieksplorasi. Sinar-X
yang diambil oleh ahli radiografi akan menunjukkan kepada ahli bedah tempat yang tepat dan
sejauh mana fraktur. Jaringan yang mati atau kotor akan dipotong dan serpihan kecil tulang
akan dikeluarkan. Dokter bedah akan melakukan perforin. operasi menggunakan teknik
"tanpa sentuhan" untuk mengurangi kemungkinan infeksi.
Ketika ahli bedah puas bahwa lukanya sebersih mungkin, ia akan membersihkannya
dengan bubuk antibiotik. Dia kemudian menjahitnya dan menutupinya dengan kasa steril.
Setiap area yang mentah akan didandani dengan: kasa seteline Vaseline sterie. Dokter bedah
sekarang akan dapat mengobati fraktur sebagai tertutup. Dia akan mereduksi tulang menjadi
pos anatomi, dan kaki akan menjadi pui di plester Paris. Jack kemudian akan dibawa kembali
ke bangsal ortopedi.
Ketika pasien pasca operasi seperti jack tiba di bangsal, mereka dengan hati-hati
diangkat dari tandu dan diletakkan di tempat tidur yang disiapkan khusus. Kaki tempat tidur
sering diangkat pada balok kayu. Pasien diletakkan telentang dengan kepala menghadap ke
satu sisi. Karena ia umumnya masih tidak sadarkan diri, jalan nafas buatan berada pada
posisi dan Bidan tetap bersamanya untuk memastikan jalan napasnya tetap jelas. Dia juga
memeriksa denyut nadi dan volurme, warna dan kecepatan serta kedalaman pernapasannya.

Mr. Jack & the Surgery

In the theater, a jack will be given an anesthetic and the wound will be explored. X-
rays taken by a radiographer will show the surgeon the exact location and extent of the
fracture. Dead or dirty tissue will be cut off and small pieces of bone will be removed. The
surgeon will perform perforin. surgery uses a "no-touch" technique to reduce the chance of
When the surgeon is satisfied that the wound is as clean as possible, he will clean it
with antibiotic powder. He then sewed it up and covered it with sterile gauze. Each raw area
will be dressed with: Vaseline sterie gauze. The surgeon will now be able to treat the fracture
as closed. He will reduce bone to an anatomic post, and the foot will become pui in Parisian
plaster. Jack will then be brought back to the orthopedic ward.
When postoperative patients like Jack arrive on the ward, they are carefully lifted
from the stretcher and put on a specially prepared bed. The foot of the bed is often raised on
a wooden block. The patient is placed supine with the head facing one side. Because he is
generally still unconscious, the artificial airway is in position and the Midwife stays with him
to ensure that the airway remains clear. He also checks his pulse and volurm, his color and
the speed and depth of his breathing.

Answer :
1. jack will be given an anesthetic
2. his wound will be explored
3. The X-rays which were taken by the radiographer will show the surgeon the exact site and
extent of the fracture
4. Dead or dirty tissue will be excised and any small splinters of bone will be removed.
5. The surgeon will perform the operation using a "no touch" technique to reduce the chances
of infection. When the surgeon is satisfied that the wound is as clean as possible, he will dust
it off with an antibiotic powder.
6. He will then suture it and cover it with a sterile gauze dressing. Any areas that the raw will
be dressed with the sterile Vaseline petroleum gauze. The surgeon will now be able to treat
the fracture as closed
7. Jack then will be taken back to an orthopedic ward
8. She also checks his pulse rate and volume his color and the rate and the depth of his
9. When the post operative patients like jack arrives in the ward, they are carefully lifted from
the stretcher and laid in a specially prepared bed. The foot of the bed is often raised on
wooden blocks. The patient is placed on his back with his head turned to one side.
10. As he is generally still unconscious, an artificial airway is in position and a Midwife stays
with him to ensure that his airway is kept clear.

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