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Terapi Komplementer = Terapi Alternative
• Disebut komplementer karena terapi yang digunakan disamping terapi
standar dari dokter ( mis, obat dan visitasi dokter )
• Disebut alternative karena terapi tidak mainstream barat ( tidak terapi
standar Rumah Sakit )
• Termasuk di dalamnya adalah :
• Terapi fisik / tubuh : yoga , pijat , akupuntur
• Teknik relaksasi : meditasi , visualisasi
• Terapi Herbal / tumbuhan : jamu , biji-bijian
Maksud / Tujuan
• Melihat tubuh secara holistik
• Memikirkan bahwa tubuh ini adalah suatu system sangat besar dan komplek
• Melalui pandangan holistik ini maka semua yang dilakukan tubuh mulai dari
makanan , minuman, sampai dengan keadaan stress , berpengaruh pada
kesehatan tubuh
• Meningkatkan system imun
• Meningkatkan kesehatan secara umum ( feel better in general ), mengurangi
rasa tidak nyaman karena efek samping obat
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among HIV+ People:
Research Synthesis and Implications for HIV Care
Rae A. Littlewood, M.S. and Peter A. Vanable, Ph.D. Department of Psychology and Center for Health and
Behavior, Syracuse University, Syracuse,

15 tahun terakhir penggunaan terapi alternative meningkat di USA, terutama

pada pasien dengan penyakit yang mengancam jiwa , termasuk HIV
Terapi Komplementari / Alternatif untuk
Bisa mengatur stress, melawan efek buruk dari stress
Dapat menguragi dampak buruk dari kelelahan ( fatigue ) , cemas, dan derpesi
Setelah rutin beryoga selama 1 bulan , sistim imun meningkat (Journal Yoga , Januari 2016)
TaiChi dapat menolong menjaga keseimbangan tubuh, karena pasien HIV yg
mengkonsumsi ARV memiliki efek samping kerapuhan tulang ( bila jatuh akan
mudahh fraktur ) dan nyeri sendi
TaiChi membuat otot lebih kuat , seimbang , lentur / flexible, memperbaiki mood
Kekuatan penyembuhan melalui sentuhan (healing power of touch)
Pengurang rasa nyeri ; karena pasien HIV sering mengalami nyeri kronis
Efek samping tidak ada dibandingkan penggunaan obat antinyeri
Terapi komplementer dengan meletakkan suatu sensor di tubuh , ada 3 macam :
• Thermal biofeedback mengukur temperature kulit
• Electromyography mengukur tekanan otot
• Neurofeedback, atau EEG biofeedback mengukur gelombang otak , inilah
yg dipakai untuk menilai tingkat stress pada pasien HIV
Dipakai untuk mengetahui dan mengontrol stress pada pasien HIV
Seperti diketahui pasien HIV sangat dekat dengan narkoba dan zat adiktif lain,
hypnosis dapat mengurangi ketergantungan akan zat-zat tersebut ( mengurangi
sakau )
Hypnosis juga dapat mengurangi nyeri (Pain Medicine 2013)
Juga mengurangi nyeri , sehingga pasien dapat melakukan tugas dan fungsi
sehari-hari , tidak tergantung kepada obat anti nyeri yang memiliki efek samping
yang serius
Tidak direkomendasikan bila ada resiko perdaraan / hematom / pada jumlah
trombosit yang rendah
Makanan sehat dapat menolong meningkatkan kulaitas hidup pasien HIV
Paisen HIV cenderung mengalami infeksi / inflamasi kronis , sehingga pilihan
makanan sehat yang dapat mengurangi /berperan dalam mengatasi inflamasi sangat di
perlukan . Contoh : lemak sehat , lemak ikan ( salmon dan makarel ), buah dan sayuran
Suplemen tidak dianjurkan kecuali terbukti ada defisiensi terhadap nutrient tersebut
Suplemen bawang putih dapat memperngarhui terapi HIV
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Volume 15, Issue 2, May 2009, Pages 102–104

Effects of yoga on depression and anxiety of women

M. Javnbakhta, ,
R. Hejazi Kenarib, , ,
M. Ghasemic
Participation in a two-month yoga class can lead to significant reduction in perceived levels
of anxiety in women who suffer from anxiety disorders. This study suggests that yoga can
be considered as a complementary therapy or an alternative method for medical therapy in the
treatment of anxiety disorders.
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Volume 18, Issue 4, November 2012, Pages 216–220

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs as treatments for depression: An

Australian pilot study
Zaza Lyons, a, ,Gillian van der Watta, Zhiwei Shena, Aleksandar Jancaa

Acupuncture was effective in reducing depressive symptoms. However,
herbs did not have an additional treatment effect. Beliefs and attitudes were
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Volume 20, Issue 4, November 2014, Pages 224–229

Massage therapy research review

Tiffany Fielda, b, ,

Moderate pressure massage has contributed to many positive effects including increased weight gain
in preterm infants, reduced pain in different syndromes including fibromyalgia and rheumatoid
arthritis, enhanced attentiveness, reduced depression and enhanced immune function
(increased natural killer cells and natural killer cell activity).Surprisingly, these recent studies
have not been reviewed, highlighting the need for the current review. When moderate and light
pressure massage have been compared in laboratory studies, moderate pressure massage reduced
depression, anxiety and heart rate, and it altered EEG patterns, as in a relaxation response.
Moderate pressure massage has also led to increased vagal activity and decreased cortisol levels.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging data have suggested that moderate pressure massage was
represented in several brain regions including the amygdala, the hypothalamus and the
anterior cingulate cortex, all areas involved in stress and emotion regulation. Further research
is needed to identify underlying neurophysiological and biochemical mechanisms associated with
moderate pressure massage.
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Volume 20, Issue 1, February 2014, Pages 65–69

Complementary therapy provision in a London community clinic for people

living with HIV/AIDS: A case study
Ava Lorenca, , , Reetoo Banarseeb, Nicola Robinsona
CT-users were demographically similar to other clients. Support for coping with HIV was
commonly cited as a service benefit. Over 26 months 1416 CT sessions were provided; 875
aromatherapy and 471 shiatsu. CT-users’ most common concerns were pain (48%), stress
(15%) and insomnia (13%), few had heard of or used CT before. Perceived mental and
emotional benefits included relaxation,stress relief, relieving musculoskeletal aches and pains.
Service challenges included time and funding, though staff felt CT may be cost-effective.

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