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Diajukan Guna Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah

Konseling Lintas Budaya

Dosen Pengampu:
(1) Prof. Dr. Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto, M.Pd., Kons.
(2) Mulawarman, Ph.D.

Burhanudin (0106519019)




NAMA/NIM/ROMBEL : Burhanudin (0106519019)/A
TOPIK/BAHAN KAJIAN : Konseling Lintas Budaya
PENGUMPULAN TGL : 24 September 2020 (Deadline 23 September 2020)


No Aspek/Konsep utama dlm Penjelasan

Bahan kajian
1. Budaya/Culture Sekumpulan sikap, nilai, keyakinan, & perilaku yg dimiliki
bersama olh sekelompok orang, yg dikomunikasikan dari
satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya (Sue & Sue, 2003)

Budaya juga diartikan sebagai pedoman cara berpikir,

bagaimana bersikap, berprilaku dan apa yang harus
dirasakan. Pedoman tersebut diwariskan dari satu generasi
ke generasi berikutnya. (Matsumoto & Juang, 2013)

Budaya juga dapat digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan dan

menjelaskan berbagai kegiatan, perilaku, peristiwa, dan
struktur dalam hidup kita (Matsumoto & Juang, 2013)

Budaya manusia juga dapat diartikan suatu makna dan

sistem informasi yang unik, dibagi oleh kelompok dan
ditransmisikan lintas generasi, yang memungkinkan
kelompok untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar bertahan hidup,
untuk kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan, dan untuk
menciptakan makna dari kehidupan. Dengan budaya
memungkinkan manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar
dalam bertahan hidup. (Matsumoto & Juang, 2013)
Menurut Kroeber & Kluckholn, dalam (Matsumoto & Juang,
2013) Budaya memiliki 2 Elelmen
1. Elemen Objektif
Unsur-unsur objektif budaya melibatkan unsur-unsur
objektif dan eksplisit yang bersifat fisik. Misalnya ini
akan mencakup arsitektur, pakaian, makanan, seni,
peralatan makan, dan sejenisnya.
2. Unsur subjektif budaya mencakup semua bagian budaya
yang memiliki keterlibatan dengan unsur psikologis dan
prilaku seperti sikap (Attitudes), nilai (Values), Norma
(Norms) dan keyakinan (beliefs), serta Cara Pandang

2 Fungsi Budaya Budaya yang tumbuh dan berkembang di masyarakat

berfungsi untuk memberikan aturan, pedoman atau peta jalan
tentang apa yang harus dilakukan, bagaimana berpikir,
bagaimana bersikap, berprilaku dan apa yang harus
dirasakan. Pedoman tersebut diwariskan dari satu generasi
ke generasi berikutnya. (Matsumoto & Juang, 2013)

Budaya dapat dikatakan membantu manusia dalam merawat

dan memenuhi kebutuhan esensial biologis sehari-hari.
Budaya memungkinkan manusia untuk menciptakan
jaringan sosial yang kompleks dan saling berhubungan satu
sama lain.
Budaya juga memungkinkan manusia untuk menjadi lebih
kreatif dan kompetitif.
3 Emik dan Etik Etika mengacu pada proses yang konsisten lintas budaya
yang berbeda; artinya, etika mengacu pada proses psikologis
universal (umum dan menyeluruh).
Emics mengacu pada proses yang berbeda lintas budaya
(bersifat khas), oleh karena itu mengacu pada proses khusus
budaya. (Matsumoto dan Juang 2013)
4 Asal Mula/factor Menurut Matsumoto dan Juang (2013) ada 3 Faktor
pembentuk Budaya pembentuk budaya:
1. Ekologi/Echology
Iklim mempengaruhi budaya seseorang kondisi
Kelompok masyarakat satu akan menunjukkan gaya
hidup yang sangat berbeda dari kelompok lain
berdasarkan iklim dan kondisi lingkungan.
2. Sumber daya/Resourches
Pangan, hasil alam, maupun kemajuan teknologi
merupakan salah satu factor pembentuk budaya
3. Masyarakat/People Group living (kelompok
masyarakat), Needs and motives (kebutuhan dan
dorongan), psikologis universal toolkit (bakat,
kemampuan kognitif yang membantu manusia dapat

5 Konseling Lintas Budaya Konseling yang berlangsung antara atau di antara individu-
individu dari latar belakang budaya yang berbeda (Jackson,

Proses di mana seorang profesional terlatih (Konselor) dari

satu latar belakang budaya, etnis, ras berinteraksi dengan
klien/konseli yang berasal dari latar belakang budaya, etnis,
ras yang berbeda untuk tujuan mencapai dan meningkatkan
perkembangan kognitif, emosional, psikologis, atau spiritual
klien (D’Andrea & Daniels, 1995)

Peranan membantu atau proses bantuan dengan

menggunakan modalitas dan menetapkan tujuan secara
konsisten dengan pengalaman hidup dan nilai budaya klien;
mengenali identitas klien termasuk dari sisi dimensi
individu, kelompok ataupun universal; menganjurkan
penggunaan universal dan strategi dan peran khusus budaya
dalam proses penyembuhan; dan menyeimbangkan
pentingnya individualisme dan kolektivisme dalam
penilaian, diagnosis, dan pengobatan klien dan sistem klien.
(Sue dan Sue, 2016)

Konseing Lintas Budaya didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa

setiap orang itu berbeda, tidak ada dua orang sama.

Manusia adalah makhluk budaya yang dihadapkan pada

jaringan pengaruh budaya yang kompleks dan membentuk
cara pandang kita, perilaku, dan pengalaman hidup.

Bagaimana cara manusia melihat dan mengalami dunia

adalah hasil dari pengondisian budaya yang dimulai saat
lahir dan berlanjut hingga saat ini dalam rentang kehidupan.
profesional (konselor) yang memberikan bantuan harus
berkomitmen untuk memahami relevansi Budaya dalam
proses terapeutik konseling. (Matsumoto & Juang, 2013)
6 Kompetensi Multikultural Konselor yang kompeten secara budaya menyadari asumsi
Konselor mereka sendiri tentang perilaku manusia, nilai, bias, gagasan
yang terbentuk sebelumnya, dan batasan pribadi. Konselor
semacam itu tidak hanya berusaha memahami pandangan
dunia klien yang berbeda secara budaya tetapi mereka juga
secara aktif mengembangkan dan mempraktikkan strategi
intervensi yang sesuai dan sensitif. (Sue & Sue, 2016)

Konselor yang sadar budaya adalah mereka yang telah

memeriksa dan sedang dalam proses memahami "sikap,
pendapat, dan asumsi mereka tentang budaya mereka sendiri
dan budaya lain" (Sue & Sue, 2016).

Konseling dalam lingkungan multikultural membutuhkan

konselor yang dapat menghargai keragaman. Seiring dengan
peningkatan tingkat keragaman di abad mendatang,
Konselor diharapkan dapat memberikan layanan yang
bermanfaat bagi klien dari berbagai latar belakang etnis,
budaya, dan sosial ekonomi (Ernst dan Ramirez, 1994).

Ketika kita konselor ingin mengembangkan kompetensi

multikultural, maka yang harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu
adalah meningkatnya rasa tanggung jawab sosial. Konselor
yang kompeten secara multikultural harus dimulai denagn
melihat masalah klien secara lebih kontekstual. Dengan
kesadaran ini membuat konselor melakukan sesuatu yang
lebih karena mereka akan melihat perjuangan yang dihadapi
klien dan menyadari keterbatasannya.

Konselor Multikultural harus lebih kreatif dan proaktif

dalam mengatasi akar permasalahan masalah klien. Secara
khusus, konselor perlu mempertimbangkan untuk
mengintegrasikan advokasi sosial ke dalam selain konseling
individu dalam praktik mereka. Akar keadilan sosial dalam
konseling sudah ada sejak dimulainya profesi konseling
(Kiselica & Robinson, 2001).
B. Jurnal Relevan Terkait Bahan Kajian:

Nama Jurnal: Alina Anghel, Ramona Adina Lupu (2013). Multicultural Counseling
in School. Procedia-Ilmu Sosial dan Perilaku 92, 32 - 35

Doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.08.632

Deskripsi Latar Belakang dan Tujuan

Jurnal ini menekankan pentingnya peran konseling multikultural, dalam
organisasi sekolah multietnis, yang mengumpulkan dan mengintegrasi
siswa dari berbagai latar belakang etnis yang berbeda. Dengan tujuan
penerapan peran konseling multicultural yakni mencegah situasi krisis
pribadi, pendidikan dan sosial di sekolah multikultural.

Teknis Penelitian
Di dalam jurnal ini jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif, dengan
menggunakan metode wawancara terstruktur
Subjek Penelitian adalah 48 siswa, dengan usia antara 10-14 tahun, dari
kelas yang berbeda. Di antaranya, 20 orang dari etnis Rumania, 16
Roma, dan 12 Bulgaria. Sesi konseling berlangsung selama 3 bulan
dengan frekuensi 2 jam seminggu. Murid-murid dipantau selama
periode 6 bulan. Untuk pembimbing penelitian adalah konselor sekolah.

Paradigma Penelitian
Paradigma eksplikatif dalam penelitian tentang konseling multicultural
sebagai berikut:
a. Dalam konteks budaya mayoritas, budaya asli kelompok etnis
mempengaruhi proses adaptasi/penolakan terhadap aturan dan
konvensi untuk integrasi sosialnya dalam kelompok pendidikan;
b. Konselor melakukan intervensi secara profesional untuk
mengintegrasikan unsur-unsur keberagaman sekolah dengan
mempertimbangkan batas-batas nilai budaya penerima manfaat.
c. Dalam organisasi sekolah multikultural, konselor membantu
menghilangkan stereotip dan prasangka diskriminatif serta
mempromosikan budaya kesetaraan.

Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa Proses Konseling dalam
konteks multikultural dengan tujuan dan fokus penghapusan
diskriminasi berdasarkan kriteria etnis dan agama berhasil diselesaikan
dalam sesi pendidikan multikultural. Dan peran konseling
multicultural terbukti mampu menginternalisasi rasional dari nilai-
nilai kemanusiaan, menghilangkan stereotip dan menumbuhkan
penerimaan dalam konteks hidup bersama.

C. Pembahasan Ringkas:
Dari semua penjelasan di atas dapat kita pahami bahwa konseling multikultural
diartikan sebagai proses kondisi peran proaktif oleh konselor yang mendidik, membantu,
mendukung para klien untuk memahami dengan benar jenis perilaku dan reaksi sosial
mereka. Sebagai kegiatan khusus, di dalam lingkup pendidikan, konseling multikultural
berperan baik dalam tujuan terapeutik serta upaya preventif terhadap situasi krisis yang
teridentifikasi serta sebagai upaya memfasilitasi dan optimalisasi strategi yang mungkin
digunakan sekolah dalam situasi aktual.
Dalam proses konseling konselor harus memiliki kompetensi multicultural yakni
memperhatikan, menghargai, dan menghormati unsur-unsur kebudayaan. Dalam
menghadapi dan membantu permasalahan individu komselor dapat mengkaitkan dengan
budaya yang mempengaruhi individu. Selain itu, seperti apa yang dikatakan sue & sue
(2016) bahwa Konselor juga perlu menyadari akan nilai-nilai keragaman budaya yang
berlaku di masyarakat. Kesadaran akan keragamn budaya yang dianut olehnya, yang
dianut oleh konseli maupun yang berlaku di masyarakat pada umumnya akan
menumbuhkam sikap toleransi, tegang rasa, simpati serta empati dalam diri konselor yang
dimana semua ini sangat bermanfaat menjadi modal utama bagi konselor untuk
melaksanakan konseling.
Dengan ini pula, konselor akan mampu memahami perbedaan yang terjadi antara
dirinya dan konseli dalam proses konseling yang ada. Baik itu, perbedaan terkait nilai-
nilai, keyakinan, adat dan kebiasaan dan lain-lain.

D. Referensi
Sue, D. W. & Sue, D. (2016).Counseling the culturally diverse; Theory and
practice. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Matsumoto, David & Juang, Linda. (2013). Culture and psychology. (Fifth
Edition). USA: Wadsworth.

Alina Anghel, Ramona Adina Lupu (2013). Multicultural Counseling in

School. Procedia-Ilmu Sosial dan Perilaku 92, 32 - 35

Available online at

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 92 (2013) 32 – 35

Lumen International Conference Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty (LUMEN


Multicultural Counseling in School

Alina Anghela, Ramona Adina Lupub *

Valahia University of Targoviste, Bd. Carol I, nr. 2, Targoviste, Romania
Valahia University of Targoviste, Bd. Carol I, nr. 2, Targoviste, Romania


The paper proposes to underline the role of the multicultural counseling, in the multiethnic school organizations, for
the school integration of the different ethnical pupils. For the achievement of this purpose the following general goal was
proposed: the analyze of the way in which the proactive valences of the counseling process prevent the situations of personal,
educational and social crisis in the multicultural school. There were considered the following explicative paradigms: a) in the
context of a majority culture, the native culture of the ethnic group influence the processes of adaptation/rejection of the rules
and conventions for its social integration in the educational group ; b) the counselor intervenes professionally for the school
integration taking into account the limits of the beneficiaries’ cultural valences; c) in the multicultural school organization, the
counselor helps eliminating the discriminative stereotypes and preconceptions and promotes the culture of equality. For this
purpose the qualitative type research, using the method of the structured interview, with items corresponding to the following
analyze directions: beneficiary – counselor, counselor -beneficiary. On the direction beneficiary - counselor, the analyze unit is
represented by the group of different ethnic persons (Bulgarians, Romani, Romanians). The registration unit is the ethnic pupil:
Bulgarian, Romani and Romanian, with ages between 10-14. For the research direction counselor – beneficiary, the analyze unit
is the counselor of school and professional education. The research underlined the fact that the resistance to change is latent.
The rational internalization of the human values eliminate the stereotypes and cultivates tolerance in the context of

© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Asociatia
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Asociatia Lumen.

Keywords: empathy, consoling, multiculturalism, transcultural aptitudes, cultural influence

Multicultural counseling in educational context - argument

The research problematic in the field of the intercultural education and of interculturality in school as
organization focuses more and more frequently on the identification of good educational practices which, once
identified and applied in the context of the intervention strategies in crisis situations at educational level, might
influence the processes of school adaptation an integration for pupils. The Romanian school, from the perspective
of the characteristics of educational groups, is a heterogeneous type school, with elements of multicultural structure
(mainly characteristics of ethnical and religious nature). This aspect requires from the educational field actors to
adopt in the educational process a working method which to consider also the deviant characteristics
Alina Anghel Tel.:0040 0722874797; E-mail address:
Ramona Adina Lupu Tel. 0724376256; e-mail address:

1877-0428 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Asociatia Lumen.
Alina Anghel and Ramona Adina Lupu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 92 (2013) 32 – 35 33

from multiculturality: traditions, costumes, habits, values, beliefs etc. in almost all the Romanian schools we
identify children with ethnicity and religions which are different from those of the Romanians. The statistic
results regarding the population’s ethnical structure1 in Romania, underlines the fact that, a percentage of almost
11% from the majority of the population is of different ethnicity. Most of it belong to the national minority
groups which, in history, were exposed to the processes of adaptation and social integration in cultural context. For
the children of the families which belong to national minorities but also to those identified in the families of
immigrants, at level of educational politics was imposed the necessity of the education for all, respecting the
principle of the equal access to quality education. The school has the fundamental mission to allow every child to
acquire the necessary competences for normal social adaptation, integration and functionality. In this context, the
approach of the educational interventions centered on pupil must take into account, besides the bio-psycho-social
particularities which are specific for every person, the cultural ones which are vital in the cohabitation space. The
social reality demonstrates, more and more frequently, the presence in the social space of a social problem
derived from the perception slide-ups at group or individual level of certain categories of persons or of groups,
following their different cultural belonging (ethnical and religious, but not only). These behavioral habits
objectivize in: marginalization, exclusion and social branding with negative effects in the process of school and
social adaptation and integration. In this context, with the purpose of preventing these problems, appears the
necessity of specialized intervention which to support the process of correct construction of the social image in
report with the other, between the limits of equality among men. For this purpose, education concentrates in the
preuniversity curricula on the one side disciplines focused on the multicultural education problematic, and on the
other it recognizes the necessity of developing specific counseling activities which to support the solving of critical,
needy situations, registered at individual or group level, following the causes derived from discrimination processes
at not only. ,,Whoever says intercultural, necessarily says, starting from the plenary meaning of the prefix:
interaction, exchange, opening, reciprocity, objective solidarity. It also says, giving the full meaning of the word
culture: recognize of values, of the way of lives, of the symbolic representations at which human beings, individuals
or societies report themselves, in their interaction with one another and in the understanding of the world, the
recognize of their importance, the identification of interactions which intervene simultaneously between
multiple registers of the same culture and between different cultures " (Micheline Rey, 1984, 153). The specialty
literature identifies a multitude of definitions given to the concept of counseling, which it describes as a guided
process, of supporting and orienting the beneficiaries in solving certain problems with the purpose of gaining
personal autonomy and social nominalization. In educational context, the psychopedagogical counseling “facilitates
the learning of some competences and abilities which allow the beneficiary to permanently adapt, through an
evolutional change, to the reality’s demands” (Dumitru, 2008, 15). The multicultural counseling in educational
space develops in the conditions of undertaking the proactive role by the counselor who teaches, aids, supports the
beneficiaries to correctly understand certain types of social behaviors and reactions. As specialized activity, inside
school, the multicultural counseling acts both in therapeutic and prevention purpose face to the identified crisis
situations and facilitates the optimization of strategies which school might use in actual situations. At
multicultural counseling competences level, according to some researchers, identify ,,three levels developed by
specialist: the conscience of one’s own suppositions, values and tendencies, understanding the global
perspective of the client who is different from cultural perspective and the development of different strategies and
techniques”. (Sue, 1998 apud Nelson-Jones Richard, 2009, p.255). In the limits of this analytic frame
were built the explanations of the research which evaluates the efficaciousness of the strategies used in multicultural

According to the data offered by INS, at the 2011 census, 88,6% are Romanian, 6,5% Hungarian, 3,2% Romani, followed
by: Ukrainians, Germans, Turks, Russians, Lipoveni, Tartars, Bulgarians etc. (
34 Alina Anghel and Ramona Adina Lupu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 92 (2013) 32 – 35

Multicultural counseling in school – case study

Aim of the research
The research initiated from the wish to evidence the importance of multicultural counseling in the school
integration of different ethnical pupils, in multicultural school organizations.
For this purpose, was formulated the following objective: the analysis of the way in which the proactive valences
of the counseling process prevent the situations of personal, educational and social crisis, in the multicultural school
We considered necessary to construction the following explicative paradigms: a) in the context of a
majority culture, the ethnical group’s native culture influence the processes of adaptation/rejection of its social
integration rules and conventions in the educational group ; b) the counselor intervenes professionally for the school
integration considering the limits of the beneficiaries’ cultural valences; c) in the multicultural school organization,
the counselor helps eliminate the discriminative stereotypes and prejudices and promotes the equality culture.
The explicative theoretical fond is justified in the context of the social influence which, in Germain de Montmollin’s
opinion (1977) represents ,,the ensemble of the modifications, judgements, opinions, behaviours, values, models of
life intervened following the interaction with an individual or a group”. In this frame, the counselling activity
identifies educative-formative valences which facilitate the efficient and durable learning necessary for solving
the situations of individual and collective crisis. According to the presented subject, we appreciate that the
process of school integration and the school success of the pupils who belong to different ethnies than the majority
is a successful one, if the group in which the pupil takes part benefits from programs of proactive multicultural
counseling. The process of socialization and sociocultural integration may be understood in terms of appropriating,
interiorizing values and norms which are generally human or are specific for a culture or a group (Ilu , 2004, 37).
In order to measure the results of the research, were taken into account the following indicators:
a. Changes in the Romanian pupils’ behavior and attitude face to their Romani and Bulgarian ethnical
b. The increase of the social and school adaptation degree of the Romani and Bulgarian pupils.
c. The pupils’ efficient integration in the school and social life;
d. The promotion and development of positive social relations with people around them.

Characteristics of the research: The research we made respected the methodology of an exploratory
(Yin,[2003],(2005),32) qualitative type of research, using the method of structured interview, with corresponding
items to the following analysis directions: behaviors, attitudes, adaptation, school integration at the level of the
beneficiaries – target group, different ethnical pupils (Bulgarians, Romani, Romanians), actively present in the
school unit with ages between 10-14 years.
The results’ analysis and interpretation was made considering the operationalization of the concept of
,,proactive counseling”. The identified operational dimensions were: learning and the support offered to the
beneficiary/beneficiaries for the purpose of correctly understanding his own behavior and that of the people around.
Thus, at the level of the explanation based on the learning mechanism, it was considered that the majority ethnical
pupils which were included in programs of intercultural education, developed sentiments of sympathy and
attitudes of comfort in the social behavior, inside and outside school, following the correct information and the
internalization of the positive elements of the minority’s cultural identity. This fact was not enough in the pupils’
subsequent orientation in the multicultural school group. The intervention for the purpose of modifying attitudes
and identifying desirable behaviors focused on counseling techniques which aimed: the visualization of the role
inside the group and the recreation of situations in which it was/he was exposed to problems which affected his
position. The acknowledgement of the social position and the explanation of expectations through the mechanism
of recreating the significant scenes, on the one side helps the beneficiary acknowledge his behavior in report with
the other, and on the other side identifies the problems of social adaptation and integration at
Alina Anghel and Ramona Adina Lupu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 92 (2013) 32 – 35 35

individual level. Through this method we were able to correct the discriminative behaviors at group level,
manifested through: rejection, marginalization, branding. Among the strategies applied with the purpose of
changing the negative behaviors at school group level, we also mention the scheme projected by G.J.Blackham and
A. Silberman (apud Tom a, 1999, 180),, which follows: positive quench and reinforcement, roles assuming and
positive reinforcement, behavioral contact, positive reinforcement and renouncing to reinforcement.
The model used in the counseling process was applied at a number of 48 pupils, with ages between 10-
14 years, from different classes. Among these, 20 were of Romanian ethny, 16 Romani and 12 Bulgarians. The
counseling sessions unfolded on a 3 months period with a frequence of 2 hours a week. The pupils were
monitored during the 6 months period. For the analyzed case, were observed the following: previously to the process
of individual and group counseling, the ethnically majority pupils developed discriminatory behaviors objectivated
in: marginalization and branding during the recreational activities, isolation, ,,little churches”, refuse in
communication, labeling, rejection, verbal violence, detachment. These behaviors were more intense in the case
of the Romanian ethnical children behaviors towards the Romani. The reason they chose such forms of behavior
was justified in the context of the differentiation and of respecting the personal beliefs previously implemented and
modeled by family. The acknowledgment by the majority pupils of the negative effects that the undesirable behavior
towards the minority colleagues by means of the previously described technique, eased the change of the attitude
and of the behaviors through: the adoption of attitudes and the development of positive behaviors which eradicated
the negative behavioral manifestations previously described. Moreover, the effects of this counseling model
facilitated the positive behaviors of the pupils who came from minority ethnic groups. In the same time, the
educative speech constantly centered upon autonomy, responsibility and assuming responsibility (Monteil, 1997,
46) presented to the beneficiaries consolidates the vector ,,internality norm”. In this frame was identified a grown
development of the adaptation behaviors at different social situational contexts. In the same time, grew the
participation at extracurricular activities and the manifestation of self-esteem following the acceptance at the
group level. The focusing on the development of the activities in partnership made possible the growth of the
scholar success rate also following the development of social competences in multicultural context. The counseling
process in multicultural context and focused on the elimination of discrimination based on ethnical and religious
criteria was successfully completed in the sessions of multicultural education.

The research evidenced the fact that the resistance to change is in latent state. The rational
internalization of the human values, eliminate the stereotypes and cultivate acceptance in the context of
multicultural living together. This aspect leads to the confirmation of the work hypothesis.

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Ilu , P. (2004). Valori, atitudini i comportamente sociale. Teme actuale de psihosociologie. Ia i: Ed. Polirom.
Monteil, J.M. [1989](1997). Educa ie i formare. Perspective psihosociale. Ia i: Ed. Polirom.
Montmollin, (1977). L’influence sociale. Phenomenness, facteurs et theories. Paris:PUF
Nelson-Jones Richard. [2007](2009). Manual de consiliere. Buc.: Ed.Trei
Rey, M., (1999), „De la Logica „mono” la logica de tip „inter”. Piste pentru o educa ie intercultural i solidar ”. , Ia i: Ed. Polirom
Tom a, Gh. (1999). Consilierea i orientarea în col . Buc.: Ed. Casa de Editur i Pres Via a Românesc .
Yin, Robert K. [2003](2005). Studiul de caz.Designul, colectarea i analiza datelor. Ia i: Ed. Polirom

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