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Hendra Susanto, S.Pd., M.Kes., Ph.D
Laboratory of Human Physiology
Department of Biology
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Negeri Malang
1. Mengapa setiap organ indera sensitif terhadap sebuah stimulus
spesifik?jelaskan pula apakah perbedaan utama indera umum
dan indera khusus?
2. Sebutkan tipe-tipe reseptor berdasarkan stimulus khususnya!
3. Jelaskan perbedaan antara potensial reseptor dengan potensial
4. Apa yang dimaksud dengan sensasi?
5. Jelaskan bagaimanakah keterkaitan proses fisiologi antara
indera pembau dan pengecap!jelaskan pula mengapa area lidah
sangat khusus terhadap rasa tertentu?
6. Jelaskan mengapa kalau kita dari halaman yang terang
kemudian masuk ruangan, maka untuk beberapa detik maka
penglihatan kita tidak jelas!jelaskan pula mengapa pada sel
fotoreseptor ketika Na+ bergerak ke dalam bagian dalam
membran akan memicu hiperpolarisasi?
7. Jelaskan mekanisme bekerjanya alat keseimbangan statis dan
dinamis!apakah peran fisiologis dari organ otolit dalam telinga?
8. Pada bagian kulit, jelaskan bagaimana perbedaan kerja antara
mekanoreseptor, nocireceptor dan thermoreseptor!
General properties of sensory sytems

• Semua jalur sensorik ➔ memiliki komponen utama yang

dimulai dari stimulus (internal or external) dan bekerja
pada sensory receptor.

• RECEPTOR ➔ sebuah TRANDUCER yang merubah stimulus

menjadi electrical graded potentials.

• Apabila graded potentials melampaui/diatas threshold,

action potential akan melewati receptor sepanjang an
afferent sensory neuron menuju ke CNS (signal akan di
Proses Mengindera
• Proses mengindera dimulai dari adanya: (1) stimulus yang
diterima oleh reseptor, kemudian (2) reseptor mengubah
energi stimulus menjadi potensial bertingkat (potensial
reseptor atau potensial generator) dilanjutkan dengan
pembentukan potensial aksi pada saraf aferen, (3)
potensial aksi (impuls) dirambatkan oleh saraf aferen ke
pusat indera di otak, (4) di dalam pusat indera impuls
diinterpretasi sehingga timbul ekspresi sensoris (sensasi).
• Reseptor bersifat khusus, hanya merespon stimulus
khususnya saja.
• Stimulus yang cocok akan mendepolarisasi membran
reseptor (kecuali pada fotoreseptor mengalami
hiperpolarisasi), mengubah potensial membran reseptor
menjadi potensial reseptor atau potensial generator.
• Potensial reseptor maupun potensial generator merupakan
potensial bertingkat, semakin besar stimulus, semakin besar
potensial reseptor atau potensial generatornya.

• Membran reseptor memiliki ambang yang sangat tinggi,

oleh karena itu potensial aksi tidak terjadi pada reseptor,
tetapi pada saraf aferennya/sensorinya.
• Reseptor merupakan bagian dari organ indera
yang berfungsi sebagai pengubah (transducer)
bentuk energi, yaitu mengubah energi stimulus
menjadi energi impuls saraf atau sebagai
pembangkit potensial aksi.
• Reseptor bersifat khusus, hanya merespon
stimulus khususnya saja.
• Berdasarkan bentuk energi stimulusnya, reseptor
dibedakan menjadi: kemoreseptor,
mekanoreseptor, fotoreseptor, termoreseptor,
• Berdasarkan strukturnya, suatu reseptor dapat berupa (1) sel
reseptor khusus yang bersambungan dengan ujung perifer saraf
aferen atau (2) ujung perifer saraf aferen, dapat telanjang atau

• Proses pengubahan stimulus menjadi impuls (transduksi): (1)

pada sel reseptor khusus: stimulus membuka channel Na+ pada
membran reseptor membentuk potensial reseptor →
membebaskan neurotransmiter ke celah antara reseptor khusus
dan ujung saraf aferen, neurotransmiter berinteraksi dengan
protein reseptor pada ujung saraf aferen, membuka channel Na+
berpintu kimia, menyebabkan depolarisasi membran → potensial
aksi yang dirambatkan ke pusat indera → sensasi.
(2) pada reseptor ujung saraf aferen: stimulus membentuk
potensial generator → membuka channel Na+ berpintu voltase,
Na+ masuk CIS → potensial ambang → pot. aksi yg dirambatkan
ke pusat indera → sensasi.
• Sensasi (ekspresi sensoris) adalah interpretasi otak (pusat
indera/pusat sensoris) terhadap impuls yang datang
• Ekspresi sensoris (sensasi) ditentukan oleh pusat-pusat
• Ekspresi sensoris perasaan tubuh (sentuhan, tekanan,
panas/dingin, dan sakit) bersama-sama disebut sensasi
somestetik, sedangkan sensasi kesadaran posisi tubuh
disebut sensasi propioseptik.
• Pusat sensasi somestetik dan proprioseptik terletak pada
korteks bagian depan lobus parietalis persis di belakang
sulkus sentralis. Daerah ini dikenal sebagai korteks
• Setiap bagian korteks somatosensori akan menerima input
sensori dari bagian tertentu pada tubuh. Daerah ini disebut
juga sebagai humunkulus sensori
• Sensation, or perception, is the conscious awareness of stimuli
received by sensory receptors. The brain constantly receives a
wide variety of stimuli from both inside and outside the body.

• Stimulation of sensory receptors does not immediately result in

sensation. Sensory receptors respond to stimuli by generating
action potentials that are propagated to the spinal cord and

• Sensations result when action potentials reach the cerebral

cortex. Some other parts of the brain are involved in sensation.
For example, the thalamus is involved in the sensation of pain.
Sensation requires the following steps:
1. Stimuli originating either inside or outside of the
body must be detected by sensory receptors and
converted into action potentials, which are propagated
to the CNS by nerves.

2. Within the CNS, nerve tracts convey action potentials

to the cerebral cortex and to other areas of the CNS.

3. Action potentials reaching the cerebral cortex must

be translated so the person can be aware of the
• The general senses are those with receptors distributed over a
large part of the body. They are divided into two groups: the
somatic and visceral senses.

The somatic senses, which provide sensory information about

the body and the environment, include touch, pressure,
temperature, proprioception, and pain. The visceral senses,
which provide information about various internal organs, consist
primarily of pain and pressure.

• Special senses are more specialized in structure and are localized

to specific parts of the body. The special senses are smell, taste,
sight, hearing, and balance.
Sensory receptor
Sensory pathways carry information to
CNS integrating centers
Sensory stimuli trigger action potential
in primary sensory neuron that travel to

In the spinal cord, MOST of sensory

neuron synapse onto interneurons
called secondary sensory neuron
The change in receptor in membrane
potential is called:
The generator potential: somatic
sense receptor

Receptor potential: special

• Tonic receptors generate action potentials as long as a
stimulus is applied and accommodate very slowly.
Information from tonic proprioceptors allows a person
to know, for example, where the little finger is at all
times without having to look for it.

• Phasic receptors, by contrast, accommodate rapidly

and are most sensitive to changes in stimuli. For
example, information from phasic proprioceptors allows
us to know where our hand is as it moves, thus we can
control its movement through space and predict where
it will be in the next moment.
These interneurons may project
their axon to other regions to other
regions of the spinal cord or to the
brain where they in turn synapse
onto tertiary sensory neuron etc

Sensory information from the spinal

cord ascends trough the brain stem
on its way to sensory area to the
Each major division to the brain
prosesses a particular type of
sensory information
Only olfactory, information is not
routed trough the thalamus

Perhap it is because the direct link to the

cerebrum that odors are so closely
linked to memory and emotions. Most
people have experienced encountering a
smell that suddenly brings back flood of
memories of time or people from the
• Primary and secondary sensory neurons do not
always exists in 1:1 ratio
• In many cases, multiple primary sensory neurons
converge onto a single secondary sensory neuron
• The receptor of each primaly neuron picks up
information from a specific area known as the
receptive field of the receptor
• The size of secondary (neuron) receptive fields
determines the sensitivity of an area to stimulus.
• Sensitivity to touch is demonstrated by “ a two point
of discrimination test”
• More sensitive area of skin have smaller receptive
fields, with perhaps 1:1 relationship between
primary and secondary neurons
How do receptors convert diverse physical
stimuli into electrical signal

First: transduction
The conversion of stimulus E into information that
can be processed by the nervous system

Each receptor has an adequate stimulus

Sensory receptor can be incredibly sensitive to
their preferred form of stimulus
How is a physical or chemical stimulus converted into a
change in membran pot?

The stimulus open ion channels in the

receptor membran
(Directly or indirectly /2nd messenger)

In MOST cases channel opening result

in net influx of Na+
Depolarizing membrane
In few cases
The response of the stimulus is

When K+ leaves the cell

Special senses are defined as those senses
with highly localized receptors that provide
specific information about the
Binocular Zone
• The central portion of the visual field, where left &right
visual field overlap is THE BINOCULAR ZONE
• The 2 eyes hv slighty different views of objects in this
region, so the brain processes& integrates the 2 views
to create three dimensional representations of the
objects. Our sense of depth perception-that’s, whether
one objects is in fronts of or behinds another-depends
on binocular visions
• Ojects that fall within the visual field of only 1 eye are in
the monocular zone& are viewed in 2dimensions

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