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Serovar Host Spesies
Salmonella Choleraesuis Swine
Salmonella Dublin Cattle
Salmonella Enteritidis Humans, rodents, galliformes
Salmonella Gallinarum Galliformes
Salmonella Hadar Humans, galliformes, rabbits
Salmonella Heidelberg Humans, galliformes, swine[4]
Salmonella Infantis Humans, poultry
Salmonella Paratyphi Humans
Salmonella Typhi Humans
Infects humans, cattle, swine,
Salmonella Typhimurium sheep, horses, rodents,
galliformes , cat
Klasifikasi :
Old : Serovar berdasar O (LPS), H (flagella), K/Vi (kapsul)
New : homology DNA (2 spesies Salmonella); S. enterica ssp. enterica
Potential/true pathogen : Salmonella, shigella, Yersinia
ž Etiologi : Salmonella pullorum ;
Gram negatif, bacil, non motil, Diameter 0,7
micrometer, panjang 1,5, fakultatif aerob
ž Faktor virulensi :
gen PhoP/PhoQ (resistensi terhadap pH
rendah, asam empedu), intraselluler fakultatif,
T3SS, adhesi, endotoksin, enterotoksin,
Cytochrome C peroksidae : mengkatalisis degradasi
1. Penularan secara horisontal
a. Feses dan telur unggas yang terkontaminasi
b. Peroral ; makan minum
c. mekanik ; lalat, hewan liar, alat

2. Penularan secara vertikal

transmisi terjadi secara ovarial
1. Masuk ke dalam inang : oral
2. Salmonella melawan mikroflora mll kontak dengan sel M,
peyer patches untuk berkolonisasi. Flagella dan fimbre
(Type 1 fimbria, komponen mannosa) untuk melekat
pada epitel UH Hematogen invasi hepar, lien ,
sal repro Mengekspresikan T3SS : multiprotein
kompleks unt uptake endotelial dan invasi, molecular
syringe (injek toksin atau protein efektor lainnya masuk ke
dalam sel intestinal , tjd sitotoksik lamina propria
inflamasi c AMP diare
ž Sel M adalah sel yang terletak di basal
glandula intestinal / basal kripte lieberkhun
yang berfungsi untuk melapisi kelenjar getah
bening yang terdapat pada mukosa
ž Rusaknya pertahanan dari M sel akan
mengganggu keseimbangan cairan di saluran
ž Pullorum bersifat kontagius pada ayam,
dengan angka mortalitas tinggi terutama
anak ayam berumur 1-10 hari
ž Pada ayam dewasa biasanya bersifat
asimptomatik, ayam bersifat karrier Masa
inkubasi sekitar 5-10hari
ž GK : lemah, mengantuk, nafsu makan
menurun, pertumbuhan terhambat, feses
seperti kapur berwarna putih
ž Anak ayam yang terinfeksi akan tampak
lemah meringkuk mendekati sumber panas
ž Pada ayam petelur : penurunan produksi
telur, penurunan fertilitas dan daya tetas
ž Pada kasus sistemik : peritonitis,
pembesaran hepar dan lien, hemoragi, warna
ovarium abnormal menjadi lenih tua
S. dublin
ž Lesu, depresi
ž Anorexia
ž Hipersalivasi
ž Dehidrasi
ž Penurunan produksi susu
ž Diare berlendir yang dapat berprogess ke
ž Abortus
ž S. cholerasuis : septicemia (6 bln), diare,
pneumonia (rare)
ž S. thypimurium : enteric, anak sapi < 2 bulan
ž S. dublin : sering pada sapi dewasa. Adult (Acute
enteritis), young (diare profus, dehidrasi,depresi,
abdominal pain, diare berdarah-pasta, bbrp hr-
sub akut (diare kmd bbrp hr abortus)
ž Etiologi : Salmonella gallinarum
ž Host rentan : Unggas, terutama ayam
dan kalkun
ž Berbeda dengan pullorum yang lebih banyak
menyerang ayam usia muda, fowl thypoid
menyerang usia ayam dewasa, namun tidak
menutup kemungkinan ayam muda
ž bertahan selama 4 sampai 5 tahun di air,
tanah, debu, daerah lembab atau di dalam
ž S. dublin dapat bertahan hidup dalam
kotoran kering > 1 tahun.
ž Tanaman diairi dengan air limbah salmonella
yang terkontaminasi akan menyebabkan
hijauan kontaminasi dan sumber air.
ž S. suis : feses tahan 13 mgg-3 bln
ž moist heat (121°C slm 15 min), dry heat (for
1 hour)
ž Gejala klinis
ž Uji laboratorium

ž Tes serologis ; Rapid test

ž Biosecuriti : Higiene pakan, Kebersihan kandang
ž Pengobatan : antibiotik amoksilin, tetrasiklin
Eradikasi unggas apabila hasil pullorum positif
ž Desinfektan : 1% sodium hypochlorite, 70%
ethanol, 70% propanol, 2% glutaraldehyde, and 4%
formaldehyde, phenol, peracetic acid, hydrogen
peroxide, quaternary ammonium compounds,
iodophors. Resistant to nitrites.
Live, modified dan inactivated vaccine untuk fowl typhoid sudah tersedia di
beberapa negara. Vaksin berasal dari strain rough (R) polisakarida S.
gallinarum (9R). Baru-baru ini dibuat vaksin dari protein membran luar, strain
mutan, dan virulence-plasmid-cured S. gallinarum.
ž Shigella bacillary dysentery in 1897 by Kiyoshi Shiga.
ž Terdapat 4 spesies : S. Dysenteriase (PALING
SERING, developed), S. Flexneri (developing),S.
Boydii (Indian subcontinent) dan S. Sonnei (both
transitional & developed) (Ag O & biochemical)
ž gram Negatif, Bacil, mirip dengan E.coli, non motil,
fermenting dextrose, Fakultatif intraselluler
ž invasi : colon
ž Host : human, primate animal (sering), rabbits,
calves, and piglets
Human : self limiting (5 hr)
Virulence : protein Ipa for epithelial cell entry and phagosome escape, activate
macrophage apoptosis, T3SS unt survive mq, enterotoxin
Dosis inf : 10-100 mo
Tight junction protein : paraseluler bakteri ke submucosa
Submukosa, kontak dgn basal membrane sekresi T3SS
ž Entry epithel kolon, two ways: M-cell membrane ruffling,
and epithelial barrier destabilization.
ž Kontak dgn sel M endocytosed by resident MQ lepas
dari fagosom, menuju sitoplasma apoptosis Caspase-1
IL-1β and IL-18 (kemotaksis) kerusakan barrier
Epithelial IL-8 recruits PMN leukocytes, from
basolateral to apical colonic epithelium destabilizing the
junctions between the epithelial cells melepas mucus
& darah kerusakan jar
ž secretes virulence factors that induce inflammation ,
enterotoxic, T3SS effects on the colon watery
diarrhea host to susceptible to re-infection.
žwatery diarrhea, abdominal cramps,
and fever
žInflamasi akut, erosi kolon
ž Beta-lactams:Ampicillin, amoxicillin, third-
generation cephalosporins (cefixime,
ceftriaxone), Quinolones: Nalidixic acid,
ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, and ofloxacin.
Macrolides: Azithromycin.
ž Terdapat 3 spesies patogen
1. Yersinia pestis
2. Yersinia enterolitica
3. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

v gram neg, cocobacil, enterobacteriaceae

q Y. enterocolitica zoonotic disease
human, cattle, deer, pigs, and birds.
ž Nama penyakit : PES / PLAQUE
ž Merupakan wabah “black death” yang terjadi pada
perang dunia ke 2
• Sudden onset of fever and chills, Headache,
Fatigue or malaise, Muscle aches,
• Vektor : Xenopsylla cheopis
• Manifestasi : bubonic plaque(sistem limfatik
inflame, bubo), septicemic plaque (p.drh, limfa),
• Inf : 100-20.000 mo

ž bubonic plague (fatal, flea-transmitted disease)

ž Yersinia murine toxin (Ymt) : sitotoksin

ž Pld (phospholipase) : survive d midgut flea. Flea
regurgitasi (makan darah)
ž Hms (hemin storage system) : sintesis extracellular
saccharides to colonization in provent biofilm
ž plasminogen activator (Pla) adhesi, invasi
ekstasel. Plasminogen mjd plasmin kolonisasi
ž Dog : bacteria di mq lymp node
mq lisis (kapsul) ekstraseluler
bubonic plague : lymphatic system. Bacteria MQ, proliferate lymph nodes
inflammation & swelling (buboes). Septic plague P.darah lungs,
pneumonic plague.
Arthropod-Borne Transmission of Plague

Y. pestis ingested during blood meal from bacteremi

host Coagulase of flea (fibrin clot of bacteria in
stomach (proventriculus) blockage
Flea regurgitates infectious material into new host
ž Bubonic Plague
2-6 days fever, headache, chills, and weakness,
gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting) 24 hours (swollen,
buboes (filled with Y. pestis)
ž Septicemic Plague
fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, purpura, a rash caused by
bleeding skin, disseminated vascular coagulation, Tissue
blackening and death (fingers, toes, nose)
o Pneumonic Plague
Pneumonic plague, fever, headache, weakness, cough,
chest pain, shortness of breath, hemorrhages & necrosis of
the tissue, pulmonary abses
ž blood : BACTEC Media and SEPTI-CHEK BHI.
Next, TSA w/5% Sheep Blood/MacConkey II Agar,
incubated for 24 hours at 28°C colony
gray-white, translucent, little to no hemolysis,
and be non-lactose fermentor, katalase positive,
negative oxidase
Treatments and Preventive
• Ab : streptomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline

Y. pestis inactive (formaldehyde, preserved in 0.5% phenol). Vaccine
contains beef-heart extract, yeast extract, agar, & peptones, peptides
of soya and casein.

Control of rat populations concurrent with elimination of their flea

prevent spread of the plague to humans.
Y. enterolitica
• pigs, cattle, birds, human (human to
human rare)
• food-borne gastrointestinal diseases
• Penularan : meats (pork, beef, lamb, ect.),
fish, and raw milk
adhere to lumen and invade the epithelial ileum submucosa, Peyer Patches
proliferate menghindar mq (sistemik), kelj getah bening hati, limpa
ž invasin, enterotoxin, cytotoxin (YopE), and adhesin
(YadA), polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)
(oxidative burst, phagocytosis, killing)
ž Enterotoxin
LT : + cholera toxin : Aktivasi adenylate cyclase
cAMP (2nd messanger, sinyal transduksi
intraseluler) CFTR channel (membrane protein &
chanel Cl) sekresi ions Cl and water dr
enterocyte ke gut lumen. Ketidakseimbangan ion
watery diarrhea.
ST : Guanilat cyclase (jk Ca rendah), aktivasi cyclic
GMP (2nd messanger unt bind membrane-
impermiable peptide), shg kehilangan kemampuan
absorbs elektrolit & air dr GIT diare
ž Illness (24 and 48 hours after ingestion) :
diarrhea—sometimes bloody—low-grade
fever, abdominal pain and vomiting
ž food and water contamination, uncooked meat.
ž Exotocin YPM proliferasi sel T, over produksi
IL-8, mol adhesion, High Pathogenicity Island (iron
uptake), win Arginine Translocation (tat) (motility
and acid resistance)
ž Zoonosis
ž dogs, cats, cattle, horses, rabbits, deer, turkey,
ž subacute infections of GI tract (appendicitis), , severe
skin rashes (skin rash, strawberry tongue,
ž Self limiting
ž Pcr, elisa
ž aminoglycosides, chloramphenicol,
tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
(TMP-SMZ), piperacillin, ciprofloxacin, and
third-generation cephalosporins.

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