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Sering kali hal yang mudah terlewatkan begitu saja hanya karena kurang memperhatikan hal yang
sepele. Namun karena anggapan sepele itu pula yang kemudian terkesan tidak penting dan
terabaikan. Oleh karena itu, untuk menghindarinya, Anda wajib mengenal tipe dari pertanyaan
yang akan ditanyakan, antara lain
1. Penggunaan Kata benda tunggal (Singular) dan jamak (Plural)
a. Tipe pertanyaan ini sering kali mengecoh peserta test dengan memasangkan Kata
benda tunggal dengan kata benda jamak atau sebaliknya. Misalnya, “Many Child” ,
Each Students
b. Setelah memperhatikan poin a dan jika poin a benar, maka kemudian anda wajib
mencocokannya dengan Kata Kerjanya karena sudah pasti kesalahan terjadi di kata
kerja tersebut. Misalnya “ Many students of an International School is rich” / Mice
is destructive animal. Pada contoh yang pertama, an international school
mengecoh. Perhatikan Kata sebelum of (sebelum preposisi). Contoh yang kedua,
kebanyakan dari peserta TOEFL test tidak mengetahui bentuk irregular dari kata
benda jamak. Mouse = Tunggal, Mice = Jamak
2. Perbedaan benda yang bisa dihitung (Countable) & yang tidak bisa dihitung (Uncountable)
3. Bentuk Kata benda jamak yg tidak beraturan (irregular)
4. Penggunaan kata benda orang & thing

1. Penggunaan Kata benda tunggal (Singular) dan jamak (Plural)

The car dealers stocked many part for the various types of Suzuki. (I)
Every student must attend the class punctually. (C)
The teacher demonstrated various additional way that the computer could be used. (I)
2. Perbedaan benda yang bisa dihitung (Countable) & yang tidak bisa
dihitung (Uncountable)

Miss Johnson receives little notice that the debt would have to be paid as soon as possible. (C)
After the financial problem, the factory dismissed many workers. (C)
He has much coins in the back pocket. (I)

3. Bentuk Kata benda jamak yg tidak beraturan (irregular)

The crisis is not going to be over unless there is a new policy rom the government. (C)
The fungi has spread throughout the garden. (I)

4. Penggunaan kata benda orang & thing

Her hobby is writing short poets. (I)
He works as a cook in the new restaurant. (C)
She completed her three-year course in chemical engineer. (I)


1. She does not attend many exam this semester because of her ilness. (I)
2. He made an analyses about various factors influencing introversion. (I)
3. For each vacation you take, you can choose from many different airlines. (C)

4. As a collection of useful details, a monthly newspaper commends itself in several respect.

5. Through new method of fish farming, more than 300 million tons of fish are exported each

6. The prison has much guards to prevent the prisoners from escaping.

7. The existence of aliens was largely a phenomena of the last century.

8. The Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling, tells the story of a wizard heroism who fought
against Lord Voldemort.

9. Earth is the third planets from the Sun.

10. The crocodile has big mouth with a large amount of pointed teeth. (number)

11. To join the Liverpool Youth Academy, an application must be between the ages of eight and
eleven. (applicant)


1. In Indonesia, presidential ______________ every five years.

A. electing
B. election is
C. is elected
D. elected and

Kata Every yang diikuti oleh keterangan frekuensi seperti diatas menunjukkan bahwa
jawabannya harus menggunakan kata kerja simple present seperti is,am,are,v+s

2. Based on the Study in their DNA structure, mice has_______ in human suscepbility.
A. Differences are
B. that differences are
C. differences have
D. differences

3. To get an overseas scholarship, _______must not be over 35 years old.

A. Which an application
B. An application
C. That much applicant
D. An applicant

4. The birth rate in Indonesia ______ at a tremendous rate and soon will be out of control.
A. Is increasing
B. Are increasing
C. That Increases
D. increased

5. All of Indonesia civil servant test participants __________ to come in time

A. Which are required
B. Are required
C. Require
D. Who require

Many of food consumed by bears consists of fruit obtained from the forest. (much)
All of Indonesian Aircraft's manned spacecraft project are headquartered at the Adisucipto Airport.
Fungi causes more serious skin diseased than do other parasites.
Prinsip dasar
1. Caluse harus terdiri dari S+V
2. Jika terdapat lebih dari 1 clause, maka diantara clause harus terdapat connector
3. Dengan kata lain, setelah connector harus diikuti S+V
4. Jika terdapat connector langsung bertemu dengan V, maka connector tersebut berfungsi
ganda. Yaitu sebagai Subject dan Connector sekaligus.

Contoh Soal
1. The company was prepared for ________ happened with the economy.
A. it
B. the problem
C. what
D. when

2. Starting in 1945, merchants and traders were more easily able to send goods and upriver in
_________ provided the necessary power to counteract the flow of the waters.

A. steamboat
B. which
C. that
D. that steamboat

The teacher heard who answered the question. (C)

I do not understand it went wrong. (I)
Of the three movies, I can’t decide which is the best. (C)
She did not remember who in her class. (I)
No one is sure what did it happen in front of the building. (I)
We found out which was her favorite type of candy. (C)
Do you know what caused the plants to die? (C
I am not sure which it is the most important course in the program. (I)
We thought about who would be the best vice president.(C)
She saw what in the box in the closet. (I)

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