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Studi Integrasi Well Testing Analysis dan

Reservoir Characterization untuk
Distribusi Properti Reservoir
Oleh: Malik Awab

Pembimbing I: Prof. Ir. Pudji Permadi, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Pembimbing II: Agung Budiarto, S.T.

Pemodelan reservoir yang dikonfirmasi oleh well testing analysis memiliki

tingkat akurasi yang baik terlebih jika di tambah dengan data pendukung seperti
well log dan informasi geologi seperti struktur dan lingkungan pengendapan.
Meskipun, terdapat kekurangan dalam hal area observasi yang terbatas pada
lapisan uji dan radius investigasi. Sedangkan, pada reservoir characterization area
observasi relatif luas yang mencakup seluruh lapisan reservoir, namun memiliki
tingkat ketidakpastian yang cukup tinggi.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami pengaruh integrasi well testing
analysis dan reservoir characterization secara mendalam dalam pemodelan
reservoir. Penentuan model reservoir berdasarkan well testing analysis, digunakan
metode pressure derivative dan semi-log plot. Untuk memperoleh hasil invers
problem yang baik digunakan software Ecrin Kappa. Sementara itu metode
reservoir characterization dalam pemodelan reservoir menggunakan software
PETREL, dalam proses ini integrasi antara well testing analysis dan reservoir
characterization dihubungkan dengan penentuan nilai major dan minor pada
parameter variogram berdasarkan radius investigasi.
Model reservoir hasil integrasi kedua metode tersebut sesuai dengan
parameter petrofisika dan fluida reservoir, ditandakan dengan hasil initialisasi
dengan selisih sebesar 0.025%. History matching juga mengkonfirmasi bahwa
model reservoir sesuai dengan karakter dinamik reservoir yang direpresentasikan
sebagai laju alir dan tekanan reservoir.

Kata Kunci : pemodelan reservoir, reservoir characterization, well testing

analysis, integrasi

Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung

Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung

Integration Studi of Well Testing Analysis and

Reservoir Characterization for
Reservoir Property Distribution
By: Malik Awab
Advisor : Prof. Ir. Pudji Permadi, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Co-Advisor : Agung Budiarto, S.T.

Modeling of reservoir characterization which is confirmed by well testing

analysis has a good degree of accuracy especially when added with supporting
data such as well logs, geological structure and environment of deposition.
Although, there is a shortage in the event of a limited observation areas on a
layer of testing and a radius of investigation. Whereas, in the reservoir
characterization of relatively broad observation area which covers the whole
layer reservoir, but has a fairly high degree of uncertainty.
This research was conducted to understand the influence of integration of
well testing analysis and reservoir characterization in depth in modeling
reservoir characterization. Determination of reservoir character based on well
testing analysis, used methods of pressure derivative and semi-log plot. To obtain
the results of inverse problem of good used software Ecrin Kappa. While that
method of reservoir characterization in reservoir modeling using software
PETREL, in this process of integration between well testing analysis and
reservoir characterization associated with the determination of the value of major
and minor on the variogram based on the parameters radius of investigation.
Reservoir character of the results of the integration of both these methods
in accordance with the parameters of the petrophysics and reservoir fluid,
indicated by the results of the initialisasi with the difference of 0.025%. History
matching confirm that reservoir models also correspond to the dynamical
characters of reservoir is represented as flow rate and pressure of the reservoir.

Keywords : reservoir modelling, reservoir characterization, well testing analysis,


Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung

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