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Nama : Christoper Edward Prameswara

NIM : 181040600022

Kelas : RMIK 5A


1. Luka bakar telapak tangan kanan derajat ke 2 (Burn, hand, 2nd degree) T23.2
2. Fraktur leher femur, terbuka S72.0 Fracture of neck of femur, open
3. Fraktur humerus distal S42.4 Fracture of lower end of humerus
4. Masuk biji kacang ke dalam rongga hidung (Foreign body, entering …) T17.1 Foreign
body in nostril
5. Emboli udara akibat trauma pembuluh darah T79.0 Air embolism (traumatic)
6. Luka tusuk pisau pada telapak tangan S61.9 Open wound of wrist and hand, part
7. Cedera arteria femoralis kanan S75.0 Injury of femoral artery
8. Luka tembak pada abdomen sampai ke hati S36.8 Injury of other intra-abdominal organs
9. Cedera saraf sciatic (ischiadica) S74.0 Injury of sciatic nerve at hip and thigh level
10. Cedera gencet pada tumit S97.8 Crushing injury of other parts of ankle and foot

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