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[20/4 23:02] Mira Nuri santika: Pemilihan film Petualangan Sherina karya Riri Riza dipilih sebagai objek

penelitian karena film ini mengandung aspek pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama dan implikatur percakapan
yang digunakan untuk menarik penonton dari segi bahasa. Film ini juga menjadi tonggak kebangkitan
kembali perfilman Indonesia. Selain itu, film ini menghasilkan beberapa penghargaan, yaitu Jakarta
International Film Festival 2000,Pusan International Film Festival 2000, Cairo International Children’s
Film Festival 2001, CineKids International Film Festival 2006.

[20/4 23:03] Mira Nuri santika: Adapun metode penelitian ini termasuk dalam metode deskriptif
kualitatif.maka dilakukan langkah deskriptif kualitatis sebagai berikut.

1. Data penelitian diperoleh dari film berjudul Petualangan Sherina dari kepingan VCD. Data tersebut
berupa tuturan tokoh-tokoh (pemeran film) dalam berbagai adegan.

2. Metode pengumpulan dilakukan dengan cara penyimakan, teknik rekam, transkrip, dan menganalisis
data. Tahap awal kita melakukan penyimakan dengan cara mengamati langsung data-data kebahasaan
yang sering dimunculkan dalam film Petualangan Sherina kemudian melakukan teknik rekam. Tahap
selanjutnya melakukan transkrip data untuk mengetahui data-data kebahasaan yang mengandung aspek
pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama dan implikatur percakapan. Tahapan yang terakhir melakukan analisis
data dengan[20/4 23:03] Mira Nuri santika: cara mengklasifikasikan terkait dengan aspek-aspek
pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama dan implikatur percakapan.

3. Metode analisis data. Dalam tahap ini tahap yang pertama dilakukan adalah identifikasi untuk
mengetahui apakah tuturan tersebut sudah memenuhi atau sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan, sedangkan
klasifikasi dilakukan dengan memilah-milah data untuk dimasukkan sesuai kategori. Selanjutnya
dilakukan tahap deskripsi, yaitu pemaparan data secara menyeluruh berdasarkan


4. Pemaparan hasil analisis data disajikan secara informal. Pemaparan data secara informal merupakan
pemaparan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan katakata atau kalimat yang bersifat tidak resmi atau
mudah dimengerti. Pada tahap ini pula, nomor data dan gambar adegan dalam lampiran digunakan
dalam menuliskan tuturan di analisis data.

[20/4 23:07] Mira Nuri santika: SimpulanBerdasarkan pembahasan yang telah dijelaskan pada bab
sebelumnya, maka penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam film Petualangan Sherina terdapat
berbagai macam implikatur percakapan yang timbul karena pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama. Dalam film
Petualangan Sherina ditemukan pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama, yaitu maksim kuantitas, maksim
kualitas, dan maksim cara. Pelanggaran maksim kuantitas lebih banyak ditemukan karena penutur dan
lawan tutur tidak mengikuti prinsip kerja sama. Penutur dan lawan tutur saling memberikan kontribusi
yang berlebihan dan tidak ditemukan maksim relevansi karena penutur dan lawan tutur (tokoh-tokoh
film) mengikuti prinsip kerja sama dengan baik, sehingga menghasilkan tuturan yang bersifat kooperatif
Implikatur percakapan yang ditemukan dalam film Petualangan Sherina yang timbul karena adanya
pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama terdiri dari macam-macam implikatur yang berbeda. Implikatur tersebut
adalah implikatur yang bersifat memberitahukan, menunjukkan, menolak, menyatakan keraguan,
menyatakan kebingungan, mengejek, merahasiakan, menyetujui, meminta pemahaman mitra tutur,
menyatakan kemarahan, dan menyatakan kebohongan. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa percakapan yang
tidak menjalankan prinsip kerja sama akan menghasilkan implikatur dalam sebuah percakapan.

My Lawyer, Mr. Jo is Drama Korea written by Lee Hyang Hee, total Episodes are 20 My Lawyer, Mr. Jo
also known as Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho. The Genre its Drama, Legal and Comedy, South Korean
Television series starring Park Shin-Yang, Kang So-ra, Ryu Soo young, Park Sol mi used this movies the
researcher finds the utterance contain declarative the researcher founds many utterance or speech
contains declarative speech act. The main purpose of this paper 1). Understanding Speech act and Types
of Speech act. 2) To find of Declarative speech act in movie entitled my Lawyer, Mr Jo.

After watching and observing the movie called My Lawyer, Mr. Jo. In this paper the author takes only a
few sample conversations related to the Declarative Speech Act. In this study the author found some
speech Declarative Speech act Like:

1. In the Film entitled My Lawyer, Mr. Joo found the Declarative Speech Act because the film is related
to the Law and the settings used in the film are mostly taken in court.

2. In Judge Film the Declarative Speech act element not only decides a case but becomes the
determinant of the Trial Way such as starting a case to be tried, continuing or dismissing his or her


This Study focuses on the Declarative Speech act on the movie My Lawyer, Mr Jo. In My Lawyer, Mr Jo
The writer finds many Declaration utterances because this movie is about law and automatically it is
easy to find out the Declaration utterance. Other kinds of speech acts are assertives, commisive,
expressive and directives. All in all, this research is expected to be used as a reference or example to
understand more about speech act especially declarative act.

This paper is an exploration in the semantics and pragmatics of linguistic feedback, i.e., linguistic
mechanisms which enable the participants in spoken interaction to exchange information about basic
communicative functions, such as contact, perception, understanding, and attitudinal reactions to the
communicated content. Special attention is given to the type of reaction conveyed by feedback
utterances, the communicative status of the information conveyed (i. e., the level of awareness and
intentionality of the communicating sender), and the context sensitivity of feedback expressions. With
regard to context sensitivity, which is one of the most characteristic features of feedback expressions,
the discussion focuses on the way in which the type of speech act (mood), the factual polarity and the
information status of the preceding utterance influence the interpretation of feedback utterances.
Thedifferent content dimensions are exemplified by data from recorded dialogues and by data given
through linguistic intuition. Finally, two different ways of formalizing the analysis are examined, one
using attribute-value matrices and one based on the theory of situation semantics.
Our ultimate aim is to demonstrate that the use of idioms in context shows their communicative
purpose, as is shown through their occurrence in headlines and through idiom modification and
creation. Our focus will be on the effect of idiomatic variation on the semantic motivation of idioms.

Idioms have been vastly researched in the last years from various perspectives (psychological, cognitive
and linguistic). The present contribution sets out to explore the semantic and pragmatic dimensions of
idiomatic expressions through the analysis of a small corpus of colour idioms in the English language.
First, we will examine the motivation underlying idioms. Colour words are frequently used to mean
something other than a sensory property. They have developed figurative meanings grounded on
conceptual structure or on culture. Secondly, we will discuss the usage of idioms with data drawn from
The Tmes.
The present contribution has focused on idioms. We have addressed two issues: the semantic
motivation underlying idiomatic expressions and the use of idioms in actual discourse. The semantic
analysis of a small corpus of English colour idioms has yielded two types of motivated idioms:
metaphorically-motivated and culturally-motivated. The pragmatic analysis has shown the
communicative impact of colour idioms in the British press, as evidenced in their high occurrence and
degree of variation. At the same time, such variation bears on the semantic motivation of idioms by
triggering a different type of motivation. The scope of this paper being limited, it appears that the
interdependence between the semantic and pragmatic dimensions of idioms should be further
investigated in corpus-based studies.

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