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Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)


I. Pekerjaan Penambahan Sayap kanan pada pelimpah

Berdasarkan pada hasil rapat Bersama dengan PPK dan Satker BBWS
Bengawan Solo dan evaluasi Bersama pekerjaan Pembangunan Waduk
Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract). Kondisi
sesuai dengan desain pada sayap kanan pelimpah hanya sampai setengah
lingkaran seperti pada gambar dibawah ini:

Gambar denah pelimpah

Gambar foto kondisi saat ini

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

Dari gambar dan foto diatas terlihat (tanda merah) bahwa untuk daerah
tersebut adalah terdiri dari timbuanan tanah dan Sebagian batuan napal,
dimana daerah tersebut adalah daerah genangan air dan sangat dipengaruhi
oleh naik turunnya muka air waduk dimana untuk material clay mudah
tererosi oleh air. Maka daerah tersebut harus dilindungi dari situasi diatas,
berikut dibawah ini adalah denah rencana proteksi tebing sayap kanan
bangunan pelimpah:

Gambar denah proteksi sayap kanan pelimpah

Dari denah diatas terdapat dua buah tipikal dinding penahan yang terdiri

1. Tipe dinding kantilever

Berikut perhitungan struktur dinding tegak tipe kantilever

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

1. Design Data

1.1 Dimensions q (t/m2)

b11 b12 b13

B = 8,20 m H = 11,00 m
L = 1,00 m (unit length)

b11 = 1,65 m b21 = 4,55 m

b12 = 1,00 m b22 = 2,65 m
b13 = 0,00 m b23 = 1,00 m

h1 = 11,00 m h4 = 2,00 m
h31 = 2,00 m hw 1 = 5,50 m hw1

h32 = 0,00 m hw 2 = 2,00 m h32 hw2

1.2 Parameters
b2 b2 b23
q = 0,50 t/m (for normal condition) B
= 0,00 t/m (for seismic condition) Section of Retaining Wall
gc = 2,40 t/m
gw = 1,00 t/m
Backfill soil Foundation soil Safety factor
3 3
gsoil = 1,80 t/m gs' = 0,95 t/m (=gsat- gw ) Overturning
3 2
gsat = 1,95 t/m cB = 0,00 t/m normal |e|<B/6=1,37m
2 o
c = 1,00 t/m fB = 35,00 seismic |e|<B/3=2,73m
f = 17,00 m = 0,67 (Friction coefficient) Sliding
Um = 1,00 (Uplift coefficient) normal fs > 2,00
b = 0,000 seismic fs > 1,25
a = 0,000 (for stability analysis) Reaction of foundation soil
= 10,389 (for structural analysis) normal qmax<qa
d = 0,000 (for stability analysis in normal condition, d = b) qa=qu/3
= 11,33 (for structural analysis in normal condition, d = 2/3 f) seismic qmax<qae
= 15,01 (for stability analysis in seismic condition, see Section 2.3) qae=qu/2
= 8,50 (for structural analysis in seismic condition, d = 1/2 f)
F = 10,204 ( = Arc tan(Kh) ) Kh = 0,18

2. Stability Calculation
2.1 Case 1 (Normal condition, with vertical live load)
q = 0,50 t/m2 1,00



Pa2 10 7
11,00 9,00

qa2 11
Pa3 6
5,50 12 4 5
Pw1 Pa4
2,00 2,00
1 2 3 Pp1 Pw2

qw1 qa4 qa3 O qp1 qw2
qu2 Pu2
4,55 2,65 1,00

Acting Load in Case 1

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

No. Description H Y HxY

Pa1 0,274 x 5,50 1,507 8,250 12,44
Pa2 5,427 x 5,50 x 0,50 6,779 7,333 49,71
Pa3 5,701 x 5,50 23,210 2,750 63,83
Pa4 2,864 x 5,50 x 0,50 -0,268 1,833 -0,49
Pw1 5,500 x 5,50 x 0,50 15,125 1,833 27,72
Pw2 -2,000 x 2,00 x 0,50 -2,000 0,667 -1,33
Pp1 -3,468 x 2,00 x 0,50 -3,468 0,667 -2,31
Total 40,885 149,56

(3) Stability Calculation

a) Stability against overturning
a) -1 Without Uplift
B = 8,20 m
S W xX - S HxY 757,13 - 149,56
X = = = 3,546 m
SW 171,344

B 8,20
e = - X = - 3,546 = 0,554 m < B/6 = 1,367 m OK !
2 2
a) -2 With Uplift
B = 8,20 m
S W xX - S HxY 684,29 - 149,56
X = = = 3,428 m
SW 155,969
B 8,20
e = - X = - 3,428 = 0,672 m < B/6 = 1,367 m OK !
2 2

b) Stability against sliding

b)-1 Without Uplift
Sliding force : SH = 40,885 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0,67 x 171,344 = 114,229 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0,67 )
HR 114,229
Fs = = = 2,794 > 2,00 OK !
SH 40,885
b)-2 With Uplift
Sliding force : SH = 40,885 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0,67 x 155,969 = 103,979 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0,66667 )
HR 103,979
Fs = = = 2,543 > 2,00 OK !
SH 40,885

c) Reaction of foundation soil

SW 6xe
q1,2 = x (1 + )
171,344 6x 0,554
2 2
q1 = x (1 + ) = 29,366 t/m < qa = 81,098 t/m OK !
8,20 8,20

171,344 6x 0,554
2 2
q2 = x (1 - ) = 12,425 t/m < qa = 81,098 t/m OK !
8,20 8,20
Reaction of Foundation Soil in Case 1

2 2
12,425 t/m - t/m
2 2
29,366 t/m - t/m
in case, e > 0 in case, e < 0
(applicable) (not applicable)

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

2.2 Case 2 (Normal condition, without vertical live load)

q = 0,50 t/m 2 1,00



Pa2 10 7
11,00 0,7 9,00

qa2 11 12
Pw1 Pa4 6
2,00 2,00
1 2 3 Pp1 Pw2

qa4 qa3 Pu1 O qp1 qw2

qw1 Pu2
qu1 qu2
4,55 2,65 1,00
Acting Load in Case 2

(1) Vertical Load

No. Description W X W xX
1 2,00 x 4,55 x 2,40 21,840 5,925 129,40
2 2,00 x 2,65 x 2,40 12,720 2,325 29,57
3 2,00 x 1,00 x 2,40 4,800 0,500 2,40
4 0,50 x 0,00 x 4,55 x 2,40 0,000 5,167 0,00
5 0,50 x 0,00 x 1,00 x 2,40 0,000 0,333 0,00
6 0,50 x 9,00 x 1,65 x 2,40 17,820 3,100 55,24
7 9,00 x 1,00 x 2,40 21,600 1,500 32,40
8 0,50 x 9,00 x 0,00 x 2,40 0,000 1,000 0,00
9 1,00 x 5,50 x 1,18 x 1,80 11,633 3,100 36,06
10 4,55 x 5,50 x 1,80 45,045 5,925 266,89
11 4,55 x 3,50 x 1,95 31,054 5,925 183,99
12 0,50 x 3,50 x 0,70 x 1,95 2,389 6,683 15,96
T o t a l (1 to 12) 168,900 751,91
Pu1 5,50 x 8,20 x 0,50 x -1,00 -11,275 5,467 -61,64
Pu2 2,00 x 8,20 x 0,50 x -1,00 -4,100 2,733 -11,21
Total ( 1 to Pu2) 153,525 679,07

(2) Horizontal Load

Coefficient of Active earth pressure

Ka = 0,548 (for stability analysis)

Ka ' = 0,569 (for structural analysis)

Coefficient of Passive earth pressure

Kp = 1,825
qa1 = Ka x q = 0,274 ton/m
qa2 = Ka x (h1- hw 1) x gsoil = 5,427 ton/m
qa3 = qa1 + qa2 = 5,701 ton/m
qa4 = Ka x hw 1 x (gsat - gw ) = 2,864 ton/m
qw 1 = hw 1 x gw = 5,500 ton/m
qw2 = hw 2 x gw = 2,000 ton/m
qp1 = Kp x h4 x (gsat - gw ) = 3,468 ton/m

No. Description H Y HxY

Pa1 0,274 x 5,50 1,507 8,250 12,44
Pa2 5,427 x 5,50 x 0,50 6,779 7,333 49,71
Pa3 5,701 x 5,50 23,210 2,750 63,83
Pa4 2,864 x 5,50 x 0,50 -0,268 1,833 -0,49
Pw1 5,500 x 5,50 x 0,50 15,125 1,833 27,72
Pw2 -2,000 x 2,00 x 0,50 -2,000 0,667 -1,33
Pp1 -3,468 x 2,00 x 0,50 -3,468 0,667 -2,31
To tal 40,885 149,56

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

(3) Stability Calculation

a) Stability against overturning

a)-1 Without Uplift
B = 8,20 m
S W xX - S HxY 741,32 - 149,56
X = = = 3,517 m
SW 168,244
B 8,20
e = - X = - 3,517 = 0,583 m < B/6 = 1,367 m OK !
2 2
a)-2 With Uplift
B = 8,20 m
S W xX - S HxY 668,48 - 149,56
X = = = 3,394 m
SW 152,869
B 8,20
e = - X = - 3,394 = 0,706 m < B/6 = 1,367 m OK !
2 2

b) Stability against sliding

b)-1 without Uplift Pressure
Sliding force : SH = 40,885 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0,67 x 168,244 = 112,163 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0,66667 )

HR 112,163
Fs = = = 2,74 > 2,00 OK !
SH 40,885
b)-2 with Uplift Pressure
Sliding force : SH = 40,885 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0,67 x 152,869 = 101,913 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0,66667 )

HR 101,913
Fs = = = 2,49 > 2,00 OK !
SH 40,885

c) Reaction of foundation soil

SW 6 xe
q1,2 = x (1 + )
168,244 6x 0,583
2 2
q1 = x (1 + ) = 29,270 t/m < qa = 81,098 t/m OK !
8,20 8,20
168,244 6x 0,583
2 2
q2 = x (1 - ) = 11,765 t/m < qa = 81,098 t/m OK !
8,20 8,20

2 2
11,765 t/m - t/m
2 2
29,270 t/m - t/m
in case, e > 0 in case, e < 0
(applicable) (not applicable)

Reaction of Foundation Soil in Case 2

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

2.3 Case 3 (Seismic condition)


10 7
11,00 Pa1 9,00

qa1 8
5,50 12 4 5
Pa3 2,00 2,00
1 2 3 Pp1 Pw2

qw1 qa3 qa2 O qp1 qw2
qu1 qu2 Pu2
4,55 2,65 1,00
Acting Load in Case 3

(1) Vertical Load = Same as Case 2

(2) Horizontal Load

o o o
f = 17,00 a = 0,000 (for stability analysis) F = 10,204
o o
b = 0,00 a = 10,389 (for structural analysis) (F = Arc tan(Kh) )
q = 0,00 t/m (for seismic condition) Kh = 0,18

Coefficient of Active earth pressure

Cos2(f- F - a)
Kae = 2
Sin(f+)d)x Sin(f- b- F )
CosF x Cos2a x Cos(a ++
d+F ) 1+
d+F ) x Cos(a- b)
Cos(a ++

(for stability analysis)

o o
a = 0,000 d = 15,01

tan d = Sin f Sin ( F + D - b )

1 - Sin f Cos ( F + D - b )
sin D= Sin ( F + b )
Sin f

Sin (F + b ) = 0,177 Sin f = 0,292

Sin D = 0,606 then D = 37,3
Sin(F +D-b) = 0,737 Cos(F +D-b)= 0,676
tan d = 0,268

Cos (f-F -a)= 0,986 Sin(f+d) = 0,530
CosF = 0,984 Sin(f-b-F ) = 0,118
Cos a = 1,000 Cos(a-b) = 1,000
Cos(a +d+F )= 0,905

Kae = 0,694 (for stability analysis)

(for structural analysis)

o o
a = 10,389 d = 8,50
Cos (f-F -a)= 0,996 Sin(f+)d) = 0,431
CosF = 0,984 Sin(f-b-F ) = 0,118
Cos a = 0,967 Cos(a-b) = 0,984
Cos(a +d+F )= 0,874

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

Kae = 0,775 (for structural analysis)

Coefficient of Passive earth pressure

Cos2(f- F +a )
Kpe =
Sin(f- d) x Sin(f+b- F )
CosF x Cos2a x Cos(a +d- F ) 1-
Cos(a +d- F ) x Cos(a- b)

o o
a = 0,000 d = 15,01
Cos (f-F +a )= 0,986 Sin(f - d) = 0,035
CosF = 0,984 Sin(f +b-F ) = 0,118
Cos a = 1,000 Cos(a-b) = 1,000
Cos(a +-d-F )= 0,996

Kpe = 1,149

qa1 = Kae x ( h1 - hw 1) x gsoil = 6,871 ton/m

qa2 = qa2 = 6,871 ton/m
qa3 = Kae x hw 1 x (gsat - gw ) = 3,626 ton/m
qw 1 = hw 1 x gw = 5,500 ton/m
qw 2 = hw 2 x gw = 2,000 ton/m
qp1 = Kp x h4 x (gsat - gw ) = 2,183 ton/m

No. Description H Y HxY

1 0,18 x 21,84 3,931 1,000 3,93
2 0,18 x 12,72 2,290 1,000 2,29
3 0,18 x 4,80 0,864 1,000 0,86
4 0,18 x 0,00 0,000 2,000 0,00
5 0,18 x 0,00 0,000 2,000 0,00
6 0,18 x 17,82 3,208 5,000 16,04
7 0,18 x 21,60 3,888 6,500 25,27
8 0,18 x 0,00 0,000 5,000 0,00
Pw1 0,50 x 5,50 x 5,50 15,125 1,833 27,73
Pw2 0,50 x -2,00 x 2,00 -2,000 0,667 -1,33
Pa1 0,50 x 6,87 x 5,50 9,447 7,333 69,28
pa2 6,87 x 5,50 18,894 2,750 51,96
Pa3 0,50 x 3,626 x 5,50 9,972 1,833 18,28
Pp1 -2,183 x 2,00 x 0,50 -2,183 2,000 -4,37
Total 63,435 209,94

(3) Stability Calculation

a) Stability against overturning

a)-1 Without Uplift
B = 8,20 m
S W xX - S HxY 741,32 - 209,94
X = = = 3,158 m
SW 168,244
B 8,20
e = - X = - 3,158 = 0,942 m < B/3 = 2,733 m OK !
2 2
a)-2 With Uplift
B = 8,20 m
S W xX - S HxY 668,48 - 209,94
X = = = 3,000 m
SW 152,869
B 8,20
e = - X = - 3,000 = 1,100 m < B/3 = 2,733 m OK !
2 2

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

b) Stability against sliding

b)-1 Without Uplift
Sliding force : S H = 63,435 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0,67 x 168,244 = 112,163 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0,67 )
HR 112,163
Fs = = = 1,77 > 1,25 OK !
SH 63,435
b)-2 With Uplift
Sliding force : SH = 63,435 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0,67 x 152,869 = 101,913 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0,67 )
HR 101,913
Fs = = = 1,61 > 1,25 OK !
SH 63,435
c) Reaction of foundation soil

c-1) in case, |e| < B/6 (applicable)

SW 6xe
q1,2 = x (1 + )
168,244 6x 0,942
2 2
q1 = x (1 + ) = 34,660 t/m < qae = 121,648 t/m OK !
8,20 8,20
168,244 6x 0,942
2 2
q2 = x (1 - ) = 6,375 t/m < qae = 121,648 t/m OK !
8,20 8,20

c-2) in case, B/6 < |e| < B/3 (not applicable)

2xS W
2 2
q1' = = = - t/m qae = - t/m
3 x (B/2-|e|)

6,375 t/m

2 2
34,660 t/m - t/m
in case, e > 0 and e < B/6 in case, e > 0 and B/6 < e < B/3
(applicable) (not applicable)

- t/m

2 2
- t/m - t/m
in case, e < 0 and |e| < B/6 in case, e < 0 and B/6 < |e| < B/3
(not applicable) (not applicable)

Reaction of Foundation Soil in Case 3

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

2.4 Bearing Capacity of soil

(1) Design Data

o 2 3
fB = 35,00 cB = 0,00 t/m gs' = 0,95 t/m (=gsat- gw )

B = 8,20 m z = 2,00 m L = 1,00 m (unit length)

(2) Ultimate Bearing Capacity of soil, (qu)

Calculation of ultimate bearing capacity will be obtained by applying the following

Terzaghi's formula :

qu = (a x c x Nc) + (gsoil' x z x Nq) + (b x gsoil x B x Ng)

Shape factor (Table 2.5 of KP-06)

a = 1,00 b = 0,50
Shape of footing : 1 (strip)
Shape of footing a b
1 strip 1,00 0,50
2 square 1,30 0,40
3 rectangular, B x L 1,12 0,40
(B < L) (= 1.09 + 0.21 B/L)
(B > L) (= 1.09 + 0.21 L/B)
4 circular, diameter = B 1,30 0,30

Bearing capacity factor (Figure 2.3 of KP-06, by Capper)

Nc = 57,0 Nq = 44,0 Ng = 41,0
f Nc Nq Ng
0 5,7 0,0 0,0
5 7,0 1,4 0,0
10 9,0 2,7 0,2
15 12,0 4,5 2,3
20 17,0 7,5 4,7
25 24,0 13,0 9,5
30 36,0 23,0 20,0
35 57,0 44,0 41,0
37 70,0 50,0 55,0
39 > 82,0 50,0 73,0

(a x c x Nc) = 0,000

(gsoil x z x Nq) = 83,600

(b x gsoil x B x Ng) = 159,695

qu = 243,295 t/m

(3) Allowable Bearing Capacity of soil, (qa)

qa = qu / 3 = 81,098 t/m (safety factor = 3 , normal condition)
qae = qu / 2 = 121,648 t/m (safety factor = 2 , seismic condition)

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

STABILITY : Sayap Spillway

Normal Condition Seismic Condition

a) Stability against overturning a) Stability against overturning

|e| = 0,65 m < B/6 = 1,37 m OK! |e| = 1,04 m < B/3 = 2,73 m OK!

b) Stability against sliding b) Stability against sliding

Fs = 2,50 > 2,00 OK! Fs = 1,61 > 1,25 OK!

c) Reaction of foundation soil c) Reaction of foundation soil

2 2 2 2
q1 = 28,74 t/m < qa = 81,10 t/m OK! q1 = 34,03 t/m < qae = 121,65 t/m OK!
2 2 2 2
q2 = 13,21 t/m < qa = 81,10 t/m OK! q2 = 7,17 t/m < qae = 121,65 t/m OK!

Reinforcement Bar Arrangement and Stress

Normal Condition
Name of Structure : Sayap Spillway
Location : 0

Wall (upper) Wall (lower) Footing (toe) Footing (heel)

Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D
back front back front lower upper upper lower
Bending moment M kgfcm 3.038.316 13.025.170 1.193.867 6.751.382
Shearing force (joint) S kgf 15.846 44.289 23.533 22.311
Axial force N kgf 0 0 0 0

Height of member h cm 200,8 265,0 200,0 200,0

Covering depth d' cm 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0
Effective height d cm 193,8 258,0 193,0 193,0
Effective width b cm 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Young's modulus ratio n - 24 24 24 24

Required R-bar Asreq cm2 8,98 29,29 3,55 20,50

R-bar arrangement 19~200 19~200 19~100 19~200 19~200 19~200 19~100 19~200

Reinforcement As cm2 14,18 14,18 28,35 14,18 14,18 14,18 28,35 14,18
Perimeter of R-bar U cm 29,85 ok 59,69 ok 29,85 ok 59,69 ok

Dist. from neutral axis x cm 33,07 52,84 33,00 44,90

Compressive stress sc kgf/cm2 10,1 20,5 4,0 16,9

Allowable stress sca kgf/cm2 60,0 60,0 60,0 60,0
ok ok ok ok
Tensile stress ss kgf/cm2 1.172 1.911 463 1.337
Allowable stress ssa kgf/cm2 1.850 1.850 1.850 1.850
ok check ok ok
Shearing stress at joint t kgf/cm2 0,82 1,72 1,22 1,16
Allowable stress ta kgf/cm2 5,50 5,50 5,50 5,50
ok ok ok ok

Resisting Moment Mr kgfcm 3.783.864 10.936.568 3.573.542 8.526.571

Mr for compression Mrc kgfcm 9.261.614 21.692.310 8.137.232 13.932.919
x for Mrc cm 26 43 25 37
ss for Mrc kgf/cm2 5.536 4.585 5.290 3.918
Mr for tensile Mrs kgfcm 3.783.864 10.936.568 3.573.542 8.526.571
x for Mrs cm 29 50 28 43
sc for Mrs kgf/cm2 23 29 25 35
Distribution bar (>As/6 and >Asmin) 2,36 2,36 4,73 2,36 2,36 2,36 4,73 2,36
19~200 16~300 19~200 16~300 16~300 16~300 16~300 16~300
Reinforcement As cm2 14,18 6,70 14,18 6,70 6,70 6,70 6,70 6,70
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

Minimum requirement of distribution bar As min = 4,50 cm2

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

Reinforcement Bar Arrangement and Stress

Seismic Condition
Name of Structure : Sayap Spillway
Location : 0

Wall (upper) Wall (lower) Footing (toe) Footing (heel)

Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D
back front back front lower upper upper lower
Bending moment M kgfcm 4.532.921 14.852.972 1.435.510 10.266.809
Shearing force (joint) S kgf 23.537 56.021 28.135 33.227
Axial force N kgf 0 0 0 0

Height of member h cm 200,8 265,0 200,0 200,0

Covering depth d' cm 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0
Effective height d cm 193,8 258,0 193,0 193,0
Effective width b cm 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Young's modulus ratio n - 16 16 16 16

Required R-bar Asreq cm2 8,85 22,00 2,81 20,50

R-bar arrangement 19~200 19~200 19~100 19~200 19~200 19~200 19~100 19~200

Reinforcement As cm2 14,18 14,18 28,35 14,18 14,18 14,18 28,35 14,18
Perimeter of R-bar U cm 29,85 59,69 29,85 59,69

Dist. from neutral axis x cm 27,47 44,06 27,41 37,55

Compressive stress sc kgf/cm2 17,9 27,7 5,7 30,3

Allowable stress sca kgf/cm2 90,0 90,0 90,0 90,0
ok ok ok ok
Tensile stress ss kgf/cm2 1.731 2.153 551 2.006
Allowable stress ssa kgf/cm2 2.775 2.775 2.775 2.775
ok ok ok ok
Shearing stress at joint t kgf/cm2 1,21 2,17 1,46 1,72
Allowable stress ta kgf/cm2 8,25 8,25 8,25 8,25
ok ok ok ok

Resisting Moment Mr kgfcm 5.373.139 15.271.747 5.046.014 11.970.311

Mr for compression Mrc kgfcm 11.097.398 25.315.171 9.729.950 16.717.219
x for Mrc cm 21 35 20 30
ss for Mrc kgf/cm2 6.793 5.584 6.490 4.826
Mr for tensile Mrs kgfcm 5.373.139 15.271.747 5.046.014 11.970.311
x for Mrs cm 24 39 23 35
sc for Mrs kgf/cm2 41 52 44 62

Distribution bar (>As/6 and >Asmin) 19~200 16~300 19~200 16~300 16~300 16~300 16~300 16~300
Reinforcement As cm2 14,18 6,70 14,18 6,70 6,70 6,70 6,70 6,70

Minimum requirement of distribution bar As min = 4,50 cm2

Stressing of Reinforcement and Concrete

Name of Structure : Sayap Spillway
Location : 0
Normal Condition Allowable compressive stress (s ca) = 60 kg/cm
Allowable tensile stress (s s a) = 1850 kg/cm
Allowable shearing stress (ta) = 5,5 kg/cm
Young's modulus ratio = 24
Item Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D
A A b (cm) 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
h (cm) 200,8 265,0 200,0 200,0
d1 (cm) 7,0 back 7,0 back 7,0 lower 7,0 upper
B B d2 (cm) 7,0 front 7,0 front 7,0 upper 7,0 lower
d (cm) 193,8 258,0 193,0 193,0
M (ton m) 30 88 12 62
S (ton) 16 36 23 21
Bar size and spacing (mm)
Bar (As1) D 19 - 200 D 19 - 100 D 19 - 200 D 19 - 100
Section of Retaining wall Bar (As2) D 19 - 200 D 19 - 200 D 19 - 200 D 19 - 200
Stress sc 10 OK! 14 OK! 4 OK! 16 OK!
Stress ss 1172 OK! 1285 OK! 452 OK! 1230 OK!
Stress t 0,82 OK! 1,41 OK! 1,19 OK! 1,06 OK!

Seismic Condition Allowable compressive stress (s ca) = 90 kg/cm
Allowable tensile stress (s s a) = 2775 kg/cm
Allowable shearing stress (ta) = 8,25 kg/cm
Young's modulus ratio = 16

Item Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D

A A b (cm) 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
h (cm) 200,8 265,0 200,0 200,0
d1 (cm) 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0
B B d2 (cm) 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0
d (cm) 193,8 258,0 193,0 193,0
M (ton m) 45 149 14 97
S (ton) 24 56 28 31
Bar size and spacing (mm)
Bar (As1) D 19 - 200 D 19 - 100 D 19 - 200 D 19 - 100
Section of Retaining wall Bar (As2) D 19 - 200 D 19 - 200 D 19 - 200 D 19 - 200
Stress sc 18 OK! 28 OK! 6 OK! 29 OK!
Stress ss 1731 OK! 2153 OK! 540 OK! 1899 OK!
Stress t 1,21 OK! 2,17 OK! 1,43 OK! 1,63 OK!

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

1,65 1,00 0,00

+ 98,00

5,50 D19~200

11,00 D19~200

D19~100 D19~200
D16~300 D16~300
5,50 D19~100 D C D19~200 + 87,00
B B 0,00

+ 87,00
D19~200 D C
D16~300 D19~200 D16~300

4,55 2,65 1,00


2. Dinding penahan tipe Gravity dengan beton bertulang

1. Gambar Potongan Desain Dinding Penahan Tanah


Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

2. Data - data Desain

A. Dimensi Bangunan

A= 0,300
B= 9,000
C= 1,000
D= 1,000
E= 2,000
* Data Tanah/Timbunan
3 o
gsat = 1,800 t/m Sudut kemiringan tanah = 63
f= 18,000
c= 0,500 t/m
q= 1,000 t/m

B. Karakteristik Material
k = 0,140 (koefisien gempa)
f = 0,750
gair = 1,000 t/m
gbeton = 2,400 t/m

C. Koefisien
* Tanah timbunan
Ka = 0,134
Kp = 1,891

D. Faktor Keamanan Ijin

SF Guling Normal = 1,50
Gempa = 1,20
SF Geser Normal = 1,20
Gempa = 1,10
3. Perhitungan Titik Berat Konstruksi Pasangan Batu (ditinjau dari titik Z)

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

Tabel : Perhitungan Titik Berat Struktur Dinding Penahan Tanah/meter panjang

Gc L X Y Gc * X Gc * Y
No. Keterangan
(ton) (m) (m) (m) ( tm ) ( tm )
I 4,800 1,000 1,000 0,500 4,800 2,400 persegi panjang
II 8,662 1,000 3,060 3,805 26,504 32,957 Trapesium
III 1,620 1,000 4,525 5,750 7,331 9,315 jajaran genjang
IV 3,108 1,000 6,204 7,733 19,282 24,034 jajaran genjang
V 0,785 1,000 7,810 9,877 6,129 7,751 Trapesium
18,974 64,046 76,458
Xo = S Gc * X = 3,375 m
S Gc
Yo = S Gc * Y = 4,030 m
S Gc
4. Perhitungan Stabilitas Bangunan
Data- data material :
Berat Jenis Tanah ( gsat ) tanah timbunan = 1,800 t/m
Sudut Geser = 18,000
Kohesi Tanah ( c ) = 0,500 t/m
Berat Jenis beton bertulang ( gbeton ) = 2,400 t/m
Koefisien Gempa ( kh ) = 0,140
Koefisien Hambatan Lekat = 0,750

a. Perhitungan Momen Gaya Berat Sendiri Terhadap Titik Z

Gc X Y Mx My
Notasi Uraian
(ton) (m) (m) ( tm ) ( tm )
G1 Berat konstruksi 4,800 1,000 0,500 4,800 2,400
G2 Berat konstruksi 8,662 3,060 3,805 26,504 32,957
G3 Berat konstruksi 1,620 4,525 5,750 7,331 9,315
G4 Berat konstruksi 3,108 6,204 7,733 19,282 24,034
G5 Berat konstruksi 0,785 7,810 9,877 6,129 7,751
TOTAL 18,974 64,046 76,458

Jarak resultante gaya akibat berat sendiri bangunan dinding penahan tanah
X1 = Mx / G = 3,375 m
Y1 = My / G = 4,030 m

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

b. Perhitungan Momen Tekanan Tanah

Notasi Uraian Tekanan (P) Y (m) My ( tm )

2 0,5
Pa1 1/2*Ka*gsat*(H) -2*C*H*(ka)^ 0,594 6,900 4,096
2 0,5
Pa2 1/2*Ka*gsat*(H) -2*C*H*(ka)^ 0,799 2,757 2,204
2 0,5
Pa3 1/2*Ka*gsat*(H) -2*C*H*(ka)^ 0,799 1,840 1,471
2 0,5
Pp 1/2*Kp*gsat*(H) +2*C*H*(kp)^ 3,077 0,333 1,026
Pw 1/2*gw*(H) 1,389 3,000 4,167
Q q*Ka*(H) 1,209 4,650 5,623
2,423 12,861

Jarak resultante gaya akibat gaya Horisontal

Y2 = My / P = 5,308 m

c. Kontrol Terhadap Guling

- Kondisi normal
Gaya Momen Momen
Notasi Uraian Jarak
Vertikal Horisontal Tahanan Guling
G Berat sendiri dinding penahan tanah 18,974 3,375 64,046
P Tekanan Tanah 2,423 5,308 12,861
18,974 2,423 64,046 12,861

Faktor Keamanan Terhadap Guling = Jumlah Momen Tahanan = 4,980

Jumlah Momen Guling

FK = 4,980 > 1,5 Aman

- Kondisi dengan gempa
Gaya Momen Momen
Notasi Uraian Jarak
Vertikal Horisontal Tahanan Guling
G Berat sendiri dinding penahan tanah 18,974 3,375 64,046
P Tekanan Tanah 2,423 5,308 12,861
Gh Berat sendiri dinding krn gempa 2,656 4,030 10,704
18,974 5,079 64,046 23,565

Faktor Keamanan Terhadap Guling = Jumlah Momen Tahanan = 2,718

Jumlah Momen Guling
FK = 2,718 > 1,2 Aman

d. Kontrol Terhadap Geser

- Kondisi normal
Total Gaya Vertikal = 18,974
Total Gaya Horisontal = 2,423

Daya dukung Geser = Total Gaya Vertikal * Koef. Hambatan Lekat

= 14,231 ton

Faktor Keamanan Geser = Daya Dukung Geser = 5,874

Total Gaya Horisontal
FK = 5,874 > 1,20 Aman

- Kondisi dengan gempa

Total Gaya Vertikal = 18,974
Total Gaya Horisontal = 5,079

Daya dukung Geser = Total Gaya Vertikal * Koef. Hambatan Lekat

= 14,231 ton

Faktor Keamanan Geser = Daya Dukung Geser = 2,802

Total Gaya Horisontal
FK = 2,802 > 1,10 Aman

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

e. Kontrol Terhadap Daya Dukung Tanah

q ult = 4*N
D= 12,350 m
N= 50,00
q ult = 200,000 kg/cm
q ult = 2000,000 t/m
Faktor Keamanan = 2,5
q all = q ult / Fk = 800,000 t/m

- Kondisi normal
Total Gaya Vertikal = 18,974 ton
Total Momen (Momen tahanan-Momen Guling) = 51,186 tonmeter
B= = 1,000 m
B/6 = = 0,167 m
X= M/V = 2,698 m
e= = 0,678 > 0,167
2 2
q maks = (V/B)+(6*V*e)/B^ = 96,139 t/m Aman
2 2
q min = (V/B)-(6*V*e)/B^ = 58,190 t/m Aman

- Kondisi gempa
Total Gaya Vertikal = 18,974 ton
Total Momen (Momen tahanan-Momen Guling) = 40,481 tonmeter
B= = 1,000 m
B/6 = = 0,167 m
X= M/V = 2,133 m
e= = 1,242 > 0,167
2 2
q maks = (V/B)+(6*V*e)/B^ = 160,364 t/m Aman
2 2
q min = (V/B)-(6*V*e)/B^ = 122,415 t/m Aman

f. Perhitungan tulangan

Tembok penahan tanah terbuat dari beton cyclope K-225, untuk menahan susut dan
perubahan suhu, disyaratkan didalam SK SNI T-15-2002-03 harus dipasang tulangan susut
minimal 0,0018 dari luas beton cyclope K-225 yang ada

1 Luas beton cyclope rata-rata = (100+100)/2x100 = 10000 cm2

2 Luas beton cyclope rata-rata = 100+60,4x450 = 36090 cm2

3 Luas beton cyclope rata-rata = 135x50 = 6750 cm2
4 Luas beton cyclope rata-rata = 350x35 = 12250 cm2
5 Luas beton cyclope rata-rata = (100+118)/2x30 = 3270 cm2

Sehingga luas tulangan susut yang diperlukan :

Fy = 0,002 x 10000 = 20 cm2

Digunakan 14,000 batang Ø 16

= 14,000 x 2,011 = 28,14867018 cm2 > 20 Ok

Dari 14 batang besi tulangan, 7 batang terpasang sebagai tulangan tarik Besarnya tulangan
pembagi diambil sama besar dengan tulangan vertikal dan tidak boleh kurang dari 0,002 luas
beton yang ada Untuk tulangan pembagi ini dipakai Ø 16 – 30 cm.
Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

Dinding beton dinding setebal 30 cm terbuat dari beton cyclope diberi tulangan susut seperti
pada tembok penahan tanah. Luas tulangan susut pada slab beton diambil sesuai dengan PBI
71, minimum 0.002 luas beton yang ada.

Fy = 0,002 x 30 x 100 = 6 cm2

Digunakan 6,000 batang Ø 13

= 6 x 1,327 = 7,963937377 cm2 > 6 Ok

Dari 6 batang besi tulangan, 3 batang terpasang sebagai tulangan tarik Besarnya tulangan
pembagi diambil sama besar dengan tulangan vertikal dan tidak boleh kurang dari 0,20% luas
beton yang ada Untuk tulangan pembagi ini dipakai Ø 13 – 30 cm.

Gambar tipikal penulangan untuk tipe gravity wall

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

Gambar denah Proteksi sayap spillway

Pekerjaan Supervisi Pembangunan Waduk Gongseng di Kabupaten Bojonegoro Lanjutan (Multiyears Contract)

Tabel Hasil perhitungan Volume Pekerjaan Proteksi U/S Spillway

Volume Perubahan Volume
No. Uraian Pekerjaan satuan Keterangan
Sebelum Sesudah Tambah Kurang
20 Proteksi Up Stream Spillway
a. Galian Tanah m³ 8987,025 8987,025 tambahan vol
b. Galian Batu (dengan Breaker) m³ 390,652 390,652 tambahan vol
c. Timbunan Inti m³ 714,528 714,528 tambahan vol
d. Timbunan Tanah Kembali m³ 193,117 193,117 tambahan vol
e. Beton K-125 m³ 24,76 24,76 tambahan vol
f. Besi Tulangan Ulir ton 47,2 47,2 tambahan vol
g. Bekisting m² 2694,13 2694,13 tambahan vol
h. Waterstop m 179,48 179,48 tambahan vol
i. Dowel Bar Dia. 22 bh 341 341 tambahan vol
j. Beton K-225 m³ 1319,18 1319,18 tambahan vol
k. Weep Hole Pipa PVC dia 2'' m 275,85 275,85 tambahan vol


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