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No Judul Dapus Resume BAB Halama Yang dimasukkan
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1 Prevalent high-risk Nasreen. S, Azziz E, Person-to-person transmission of 2 763 Penularan virus pernafasan dari orang
respiratory hygiene Gurley E et al. respiratory viruses occurs when virus- yang terinfeksi ke orang disekitarnya
practices in urban and 2010. Prevalent laden droplets (>5 lm) expelled from terjadi ketika droplet yang mengandung
rural Bangladesh high-risk infected persons during coughing and virus (> 5 lm) dikeluarkan dari orang yang
respiratory sneezing are pro- pelled a short terinfeksi selama batuk dan bersin dalam
hygiene practices distance (1 m) and come into contact jarak pendek (1 m) dan bersentuhan dengan
in urban and rural with another person’s conjunctiva, konjungtiva, mulut, dan mukosa hidung.
Bangladesh. mouth and nasal mucosa. Hands have Oleh karena itu, kontak tidak langsung juga
Tropical Medicine a potential role in the spread of dapat menjadi mode transmisi penyakit
and International respiratory viruses through their yang memungkinkan ketika bersentuhan
Health. Vol 15:6 contact with respiratory droplets when dengan permukaan dan benda yang
Pp 763 people cover their mouth and nose terkontaminasi (Nasreen, 2010).
during coughing and sneezing and Selain droplet, tangan memiliki peran
touch contaminated objects and potensial dalam penyebaran virus
surfaces. The viability of the virus on pernapasan. Melalui kontak langsung
hands is approximately five minutes dengan droplet pernapasan ketika orang
after transfer from the environmental menutup mulut dan hidung mereka saat
surfaces. batuk dan bersin lalu menyentuh benda dan
permukaan yang terkontaminasi.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
Kelangsungan hidup virus di tangan adalah
and Prevention (CDC) recommends
sekitar lima menit setelah transfer melalui
three measures of respiratory hygiene:
lingkungan sekitar (Nasreen, 2010).
covering the nose and mouth with a The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
tissue when coughing or sneezing (or and Prevention (CDC) merekomendasikan
into the upper sleeve if no tissue is tiga langkah kebersihan pernapasan:
available), disposing the used tissues 1. Menutup hidung dan mulut dengan
in the nearest waste receptacle and tisu saat batuk atau bersin (atau
washing hands after contact with menggunakan lengan atas jika tidak

respira- tory secretions and ada tisu)

contaminated objects. 2. Membuang tisu yang telah digunakan

di sampah limbah terdekat
3. Mencuci tangan setelah kontak
dengan sekresi pernafasan dan
benda-benda yang terkontaminasi
(Nasreen, 2010)

2 Respiratory source Rajev B. Patel, Skaria Our findings support the use of 2 575 Pada penelitian didapatkan hasil yang
control using a surgical Shaji, Mohamed M et facemasks as a potentially reliable and mendukung dalam penggunaan masker
mask: An in vitro al. 2016. Respiratory consistent means of infection control, wajah sebagai cara pengendalian infeksi
study source control using a akin to other environmental con- trols yang dapat diandalkan dan bersifat
surgical mask: An in such as respiratory etiquette, hand konsisten, yang serupa dengan kontrol
vitro study. Journal of washing, physi- cal partitions and lingkungan lainnya seperti etika batuk,
Occupational and engineering controls such as negative mencuci tangan. Sementara "pasien" dan
Environmental pressure isolation rooms. While "orang sekitar" digunakan di sini untuk
“patients” and “HCW” are used here mengidentifikasi "Sumber" dan "Penerima".
Hygiene. Vol 13 Pp 575 to identify the most obvious
“Sources” and “Receivers” within a Selama batuk, kontrol sumber jelas lebih
hospital setting, our data would likely unggul untuk memberi masker pada
apply to any combination of potential penerima. Dalam ruang tekanan Negatif,
“Sources” and “Receivers,” e.g., menempatkan masker bedah alami (S-
hospital visitors, HCW who have not SMnat) pada Sumber selama batuk
received in uenza u shots or patients mengurangi paparan sekitar 1.500 kali lipat
within healthcare settings such as (RPF = 1587), dibandingkan dengan
emergency rooms and physician o ce perlindungan ekstrim respirator N95 (R-
waiting rooms. N95- vas) pada penerima (RPF = 17).
Pengamatan ini disebabkan oleh efek
During coughing, source control was gabungan dari impaksi partikel yang
clearly superior to masking the dikeluarkan pada masker dan ekstraksi
Receiver. In the Negative pressure partikel yang tersebar pada aliran udara di
cham- ber, placing a natural surgical dalam ruangan. Temuan ini konsisten
mask (S-SMnat) on the Source during dengan hasil yang dilaporkan oleh Cheong
coughing reduced exposure dan Phua yang menemukan bahwa, di ruang
approximately 1,500-fold (RPF = tekanan negatif, menempatkan lubang
1587), compared to the extreme of buang di dinding di belakang tempat tidur
sealing an N95 respirator (R-N95-vas) pasien, seperti dalam eksperimen ini, lebih
to the face of the receiver (RPF = 17). efektif dalam menghilangkan polusi
This observation was due to the com- dibandingkan dengan ventilasi buang di
bined e ects of the impaction of langit-langit di atas pasien.
expelled particles on the mask and
extraction of de ected particles by the
ow of air in the room. These ndings
were consis- tent with the results
reported by Cheong and Phua who
found that, in a negative pressure
room, placing the exhaust vent on the
wall behind the patient’s bed, as in our
experiments, was more e ective in
removing pollu- tants than having the
exhaust vent in the ceiling above the
3 Respiratory hygiene Barry. Tasmin, Covering respiratory events with the 4 232 Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang
practices by the public Stephanie hand (64.4%) was the most common
respiratory hygiene pada negara
during the 2009 Manning, Mei S behaviour observed. The use of a
berkembang atau miskin belum sepenuhnya
influenza pandemic: an et al. 2011. tissue or handkerchief (3.4%) and
observational study. Respiratory covering with elbow or arm (1.3%) dipahami dan diaplikasikan dengan benar.
hygiene practices were much less common.
Namun pada negara maju masyarakatnya
by the public
menunjukan perilaku respiratory hygiene
during the 2009
influenza dengan baik. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh
pandemic: an
Barry Tasmin pada tahun 2011 yang
membandingkan cara aplikatif respiratory
study. Blackwell
Publishing. Vol 5 hygiene sejak 2009 meunjukan perilaku
Pp 319
masyarakat New Zealand saat batuk atau

bersin. Menutup hidung dan mulut

menggunakan tangan (64,4%),

menggunakan tisu atau sapu tangan (3,4%),

menutup dengan siku lengan (1,3%) (Barry,


4 Program Pendidikan RSSA. 2016. Etika 7 2

Dan Pelatihan Pra batuk / Bersin.
Residen Program Studi Program Pendidikan
Pendidikan Dokter Dan Pelatihan Pra
Spesialis I (P4r) Residen Program Studi
Fakultas Kedokteran Pendidikan Dokter
Universitas Brawijaya Spesialis I (P4R)
– Rsud Dr. Saiful Fakultas Kedokteran
Anwar Universitas Brawijaya –
Rsud Dr. Saiful Anwar.

5. Big-5 Quasi- Tugwel. Peter, Andre J, These series’ authors nominate the 4 1 Penulis peneletian ini menominasikan 5
Experimental designs Jessie McGowan at al. ‘Big 5’ study designs and their main terbesar desain studi dan varian utama
2017. Big-5 Quasi- variants as meeting these criteria: (1) mereka memenuhi kriteria ini:
Experimental designs. Instrumental Variables, (2) Regression 1. Instrumental Variables
Journal of Clinical Discontinuity, (3) Interrupted Time 2. Regression Discontinuity
Epidemiology. Vol 1-3 Series, (4) Differ- ence-in-Differences, 3. Interrupted Time Series

Pp (5) Fixed Effects Designs. 4. Differ- ence-in-Differences

5. Fixed Effects Designs.

6. Quasi-experimental Barnaby C. Reeves, Before after study (BA) 4 36 Before after study (BA)
study designs series- George A,
Hugh As for CBA but without data for a Perbandingan yang tidak terkendali dibuat
paper 5: a checklist for Waddington. 2017. control group of clusters [52]. An antara frekuensi hasil untuk dua titik waktu.
classifying studies Quasi-experimental uncontrolled comparison is made Istilah ini juga dapat diterapkan pada
evaluating the effects study designsseries- between frequencies of outcomes for penelitian di mana kelompok individu
on health paper 5: a checklist for the two time points. memiliki hasil (misalnya, fungsi, gejala,
classifying studies atau kualitas hidup) yang diukur sebelum
Interventions a
evaluating the effects This term may also be applied to a intervensi dan setelah intervensi. Jenis
taxonomy without study in which a cohort of individuals
on health penelitian ini terdiri dari satu "‘exposed’’
labels have the outcome (e.g., function,
(sering disebut 'seri kasus' ’), dengan hasil
Interventions a symptoms, or quality of life)
yang diukur sebelum dan sesudah paparan.
taxonomy without measured before an intervention and
Jika berlaku, analisis harus
labels. Journal of after the intervention [53]. This type
memperhitungkan hirarki data.
Clinical Epidemiology. of study comprises a single
Vol 89 Pp 36 ‘‘exposed’’ cohort [54] (often called a
‘‘case series’’), with the outcome
measured before and after exposure. If
applicable, the analysis should take
into account the data hierarchy.

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