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United Nation Convention Against Corruption
United Nation Convention Against Corruption

Condition in Indonesia

Substance of the law

Importance and impact to Indonesia

The United Nations Convention against Corruption
(UNCAC) is the only legally binding
international anti-corruption multilateral treaty.

UNCAC's goal is to reduce various types

of corruption that can occur across country borders,
such as trading in influence and abuse of power, as
well as corruption in the private sector, such
as embezzlement and money laundering.
Drafted Signed Effective
31 Oktober 2003 9 Desember 2003 14 Desember 2005

Signed in
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
UN headquartes in New York City
181 UN member states, the Cook Islands, Niue, the Holy See, the State of Palestine, and the European Union.

12 UN member states that have not ratified the convention are

North Korea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Vincent and Grenandies
San Marino
Korupsi memerlukan langkah-Iangkah pencegahan dan pemberantasan pada
tingkat nasional maupun tingkat internasional.

Dukungan manajemen pemerintahan yang baik dan kerja sama


Peraturan perundang-undangan yang sudah ada belum memadai.

Pemerintah Republik Indonesia ikut menandatangani Konvensi Perserikatan

Bangsa Bangsa tentang Anti Korupsi.
Masa Sebelumnya...

• UU Tipikor di Indonesia masih belum menyentuh

korupsi di beberapa sektor
• Belum adanya peraturan mengenai pengembalian
aset-aset yang dikorup
• Belum ada peraturan yang melarang aktivitas
seperti pencucian uang (money laundering),
mencegah korupsi, dan saling bekerja sama satu
sama lain
Pasal 1
1) Mengesahkan United Nations Conention Against Corruption, 2003
(Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Anti Korupsi, 2003) dengan
Reservation (Pensyaratan) terhadap Pasal 66 ayat (2) tentang
Penyelesaian Sengketa.
2) Salinan naskah asli United Nations Convention Against Corruption,
2003 (Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Anti Korupsi, 2003)
dengan Reservation (Pensyaratan) terhadap Pasal 66 ayat (2) tentang
Penyelesaian Sengketa dalam bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya
dalam bahasa Indonesia sebagaimana terlampir dan merupakan
bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Undang-Undang ini.

Isi Undang-Undang
Sesuai dengan ketentuan Konvensi, Indonesia juga menyatakan reservation
(persyaratan) terhadap Pasal 66 ayat (2) Konvensi yang mengatur upaya
penyelesaian sengketa, seandainya terjadi, mengenai penafsiran dan
pelaksanaan Konvensi melalui Mahkamah Internasional. Sikap ini diambil
antara-lain atas pertimbangan bahwa Indonesia tidak mengakui jurisdiksi
yang mengikat secara clematis (compulsory jurisdiction) dari Mahkamah
Internasional. Pensyaratan tersebut bersifat prosedural sesuai dengan
ketentuan internasional yang berlaku.

Lingkup Konvensi pembukaan dan batang tubuh yang terdiri
atas 8 (delapan) bab dan 71 (tujuh puluh satu) pasal dengan
sistematika sebagai berikut:
Bab I : Ketentuan Umum
Bab II : Tindakan-tindakan Pencegahan
Bab III : Kriminalitas dan Penegakan Hukum
Bab IV : Kerja Sama Internasional
Bab V : Pengembalian Aset
Bab VI : Bantuan Teknis dan Pertukaran
Bab VII : Mekanisme-mekanisme Pelaksanaan
Bab VIII : Ketentuan-ketentuan Akhir

Pokok-pokok Isi Konvensi

Pasal 2
“Undang-Undang ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal
diundangkan. Agar setiap orang mengetahuinya,
memerintahkan pengundangan Undang-Undang ini dengan
penempatannya dalam Lembara Negara Republik Indonesia.”

Isi Undang-Undang
The preparation of the United Nations Convention began in 2000 where
the General Assembly of the United Nations in its 55th session through
Resolution Number 55/61.

It is necessary to formulate international anti-corruption legal

instruments globally that connect different legal systems and advance
effective efforts to eradicate corruption.

An Ad Hoc was formed to negotiate the draft convention until finally

the UNCAC created.
The ratification of this convention is a national commitment to improve the image of the
Indonesian nation in international political circles. Other important meanings of the ratification
of the convention are:
1. Increasing international cooperation especially in tracking, freezing, confiscating, and
returning assets resulting from corruption committed abroad;
2. Increase international cooperation in realizing good governance;
3. Increasing international cooperation in implementing extradition agreements, mutual legal
assistance, transfer of prisoners, transfer of criminal proceedings, and cooperation in law
4. Encourage the establishment of technical cooperation and information exchange in the
prevention and eradication of criminal acts of corruption under the umbrella of economic
development cooperation and technical assistance in the bilateral, regional and multilateral
scope; and
5. Harmonization of national legislation in the prevention and eradication of corruption in
accordance with this convention.

Important Meaning for Indonesia

The juridical consequences of the ratification of UNCAC by Indonesia
through the Law Number 7 of 2006 concerning on the existence of need
to adopt important norms inwardly positive law in Indonesia. In addition
to "catching up" behind and shortcomings of the current Corruption
Crime Act, the ratification also shows a serious commitment from this
country to eradicate corruption.

• Corruption is increasingly sophisticated and

varied in its mode of operation while the
development of law is relatively lagging behind
the development of society and information

The case of complexity corruption crime • This means that unlike other conventional
crimes, corruption is a crime that develops
dynamically over time.
• Htt recht hinkt achter de feiten aan. An
expression in Dutch which means that the law is
left out of the event.
Broadly speaking there are two categories of
international crime codification in various treaty.
First, treaties that expressly state actions that are

prohibited and are declared as crimes under
Internationalization corruption crime international law. Secondly, treaties which do not
declare prohibited acts of crime as a crime, but
require the participating countries to demand or
extradite the perpetrators of these acts based on
national law.
The relationship between international criminal law

and national criminal law is a complementary
The connection between “International
relationship with one another and has an important
Law and National Law” and the influence
meaning in the framework of the enforcement of
of International Law
criminal law itself. International Law as
complement of National Law.
• Based on UNCAC, corruption is an
international crime, so the universal principle in
criminal law applies in every country is obliged
to prosecute and punish perpetrators of
international crimes.

• The ratification of the UNCAC by the
How’s the implementation of UNCAC in
Indonesian Government is of course based on
Indonesian Law
careful consideration that the contents of the
convention are in accordance with the situation
and condition of the country which is currently
active in eradicating corruption.
• The ratification of the UNCAC applies as a self-
executing treaty. That is, it can be immediately
applied as a positive law.
The results that have been achieved and Indonesia's plans for the 8 articles
are the priority and the pilot focus of UNCAC. The 8 articles are among

• Article 5 (anti-corruption prevention policies and practices),

• Article 15 (bribery of national public officials),
• Article 16 (bribery of foreign public officials and officials from
international organizations),
• Article 17 (embezzlement, misuse or transfer of property by other
means by a public official),
• Article 25 (Acts obstruct judicial proceedings),
• Article 46 (reciprocal assistance in criminal matters),
• Article 52 (Prevention and Tracking of transfer of proceeds of
proceeds of crime), and
• Article 53 (Actions for direct return of assets)
The important thing in ensuring the acceleration of eradicating corruption in
Indonesia in supporting UNCAC is to ensure that the current legal instruments and
regulations are in accordance with the objectives of UNCAC. For this reason, the
KPK, assisted by donors, took the initiative to conduct gap analysis of articles
in the UNCAC with the applicable rules and regulations in Indonesia. This gap
analysis study is carried out by Indonesian and International legal experts who are
experienced and competent in their fields
Penyuapan pejabat publik dalam negeri [MANDATORY] Gap Analysis berpendapat bahwa ketentuan ini
sudah dipuaskan pasal-pasal 5 dan 6 UU No. 31/99.
Penyuapan pejabat publik luar negeri dan pejabat publik organisasi internasional [AYAT (1) MANDATORY;
AYAT (2) NON-MANDATORY Konsep kriminalisasi penyuapan pejabat publik luar negeri belum tercantum
dalam hukum Indonesia. Dalam pasal ini, tindakan-tindakan yang perlu dikriminalisasikan adalah
pengundangan (solicitation) suap oleh pejabat publik luar negeri/organisasi internasional (AYAT 2 – NON
MANDATORY), serta penawaran suap kepada pejabat publik luar negeri/organisasi internasional oleh pihak
manapun (AYAT 1 - MANDATORY). Gap Analysis memberi rekomendasi bahwa ketentuan ini perlu dibuat
eksplisit dalam UU Anti-korupsi, karena ketentuan ini akan merubah subyek dari UU tersebut, sehingga
merangkup pengundangan (solicitation) suap oleh seorang warga asing pejabat publik/organisasi
internasional di Indonesia, serta warga negara Indonesia yang melakukan penyuapan warga asing pejabat
publik/organisasi internasional di negara asing. Secara umum, Gap Analysis mengingatkan bahwa KUHP
berdasarkan prinsip teritorial dalam pasal 2-nya, memungkinkan pemrosesan secara pidana seorang pejabat
publik asing/pejabat publik organisasi internasional yang melakukan tindak pidana di Indonesia.
Pencurian (Embezzlement), Misapropriasi dan Pengalihan Properti lainnya oleh pejabat publik 16
[MANDATORY] Gap Analysis berpendapat bahwa ketentuan ini sudah dipuaskan pasal-pasal 8, 9 dan 10
UU No. 31/99.
Pasal 17
• Given Indonesia's preparation and sincerity in
eradicating corruption and implementing UNCAC,
Indonesia was chosen as one of the countries that was
used as a pilot project in implementation, where
Indonesia was willing to be reviewed by other
countries. In this case Indonesia is willing to be
Conclusion reviewed by the Netherlands and Jordan.
• Though the complexity case of corruption, Indonesia
still trying best to face and correlate between national
crime law and conversion rule that has been ratified.

The process and effort show Indonesia’s commitment to

push and fight against corruption case!
Thank You

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