Anda di halaman 1dari 51

• Konsep dasar metode penelitian

• Perumusan masalah
• Penyusunan kerangka kerja
• Perumusan hipotesa
• Metode sampling
• Penyusunan instrumen
• Teknik Pengumpulan data
• Teknik Analisis data
• Penyusunan proposal penelitian
• Kuliah
• Diskusi  partisipatif
• Komposisi  mengubah gagasan ke
dalam tulisan
• Presentasi  komunikasi ide
Alasan Bobot Ketidakhadiran
Sakit dirawat (dg bukti) 0%
Izin alasan penting (dg bukti) 0%
Dispensasi (surat ketua/puket) 0%
Sakit dg keterangan dokter 50%
Tidak hadir alasan lain 100%
Terlambat (surat BAAK)
< 15 menit 0%
15 – 30 menit 25%
> 30 menit 50%
• Presensi  80%
• Ujian susulan
– Ada surat dari BAAK
– Paling cepat 1 minggu setelah jadwal
seluruh ujian selesai
Rentang Huruf Nilai
Komponen Bobot
90 – 100 A 4
Tugas/Kuis 20%
80 – 89,9 A– 3,75
Ujian Tengah 30%
75 – 79,9 B+ 3,5
68 – 74,9 B 3
Ujian Akhir
Proposal 50%
Penelitian 60 – 67,9 C+ 2,5
55 – 59,9 C 2
50 – 54,9 D+ 1,5
40 – 49,9 D 1
< 40 E 0
1. Konsep Dasar Penelitian
2. Masalah & Variabel Penelitian
3. Pengertian Peubah, Jenis Peubah, dan
Skala Pengukuran
4. Kajian Teori – Kerangka Pikir dan Hipotesis
5. Berbagai Metode Penelitian
6. Populasi, Sampel, dan pendugaan (1)
7. Populasi, Sampel, dan pendugaan (2)
8. Pengumpulan Data
9. Instrumen Penelitian
10.Kelayakan Instrumen Penelitian
11.Instrumen dan Kelayakan Instrumen
Penelitian (review)
12.Pengolahan dan Penyajian Hasil
13.Analisis Hasil Penelitian
14.Penyusunan Laporan Penelitian
Observasi awal
Konsep dasar
Data awal

Identifikasi &
perumusan masalah

Populasi & sampel

Kerangka teoritis Penyusunan
hipotesis proposal
Skala pengukuran
Pengumpulan data

Analisa data
Penyusunan laporan
1. Materi Kuliah
– Power point
– Beberapa contoh artikel jurnal
2. Buku Acuan
– Asra & Parwanto. 2018. Skripsi Berbasis Penelitian dan
Statistika. In Media: Jakarta.
– Asra, Irawan, Purwoto. 2015. Metode Penelitian.
– Uma Sekaran & Roger Bougie. 2009. Research Method for
Business. Fifth Editions. New York, John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
– Cooper, D.R. and Pamela S. Schindler. 2003. Business
Research Methods, 8th Edition. McGraw-Hill, Singapore. (C)
– William G. Zikmund, 2003. Business Research Methods, 7th
Edition. Orlando: The DrydenPress Harcourt
Brace College Publishers. (Z)
– Cozby, P.C. 2007. Methods in Behavioral Research. Ninth
Edition. New York: McGraw Hill.
Office : Ruang LPMI, Gedung 2 Lantai 2
Konsultasi  Dengan perjanjian
Under graduate: Academy of Statistics, Jakarta
Post graduate:
M.S.E.  University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta
M.P.P.  National Graduate Institute for
Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo
Ph.D. in Social System Analysis
 National Graduate Institute for
Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo
1 • Arti Penelitian

2 • Tujuan Penelitian

3 • Unsur-unsur Penelitian

4 • Proses & Struktur Penelitian

5 • Jenis-jenis Penelitian

6 • Ciri-ciri Penelitian Yang Baik

1 Arti Penelitian
• Metode: Cara yang tepat melakukan sesuatu (Cholid
• Logos : ilmu/pengetahuan.
• Apa penelitian itu?
• Jawaban berbeda karena faktor yang melatar-
belakangi seorang peneliti
• Penelitian berasal dari kata Inggris, research.
• Research itu sendiri berasal dari kata re, yang berarti
kembali, dan to search yang berarti mencari.
• Dengan demikian, arti sebenarnya dari
research adalah mencari kembali.
1 Arti Penelitian

• Salah satu ciri khas penelitian adalah: proses

yang berjalan secara terus menerus
• Jadi hasil penelitian tidak akan pernah
merupakan hasil yang bersifat final.
• Hasil penelitian seseorang harus tunduk pada
penelitian orang lain yang datang belakangan,
• Jadi proyek penelitian dari awal sampai akhir
merupakan proses
1 Arti Penelitian

Penelitian (research): pada hakekatnya,

kegiatan mencari tahu suatu
kejadian/peristiwa/fenomena, kemudian
melihat lagi secara berhati-hati, untuk
mendalami lebih jauh.
Penelitian adalah penyaluran hasrat ingin tahu
manusia dalam taraf keilmuan, yg kemudian
mendorong pengembangan ilmu.
1 Arti Penelitian
Hanya sekedar melihat tidak selalu
menghasilkan suatu kesimpulan yang valid:
• » Sebuah kapal Spanyol berlayar, lalu sirna di
bawah horison
• COLUMBUS: percaya bahwa dunia/bumi
bulat, kapal tersebut melalui bulatan bumi
paruh pertama.
• King Ferdinand: bumi rata, atau setidaknya
berbentuk seperti seekor kura-kura, oleh
krn itu kapal tsb lenyap dari pandangan.
1 Arti Penelitian
Intelligence gathering vs Research:
Pengumpulan informasi intelijen (Intelligence
gathering): mencari tahu pertanyaan ‘WHAT’,
bersifat deskriptif, dan ini bukan riset.
Penelitian (research): mencari tahu
pertanyaan ‘WHY’, berisi analisis (penjelasan2,
keterkaitan2, perbandingan2, prediksi,
generalisasi, dan teori).
1 Arti Penelitian

Peranan/fungsi penelitian:
1) Membantu manusia memperoleh
pengetahuan baru
2) Memperoleh jawaban atas suatu
3) Memberikan pemecahan atas suatu
1 Arti Penelitian
Sifat siklus dari penelitian tercermin dari
istilah research, berasal dari re dan
search, yg berarti pencarian kembali.
Riset diringkas sbg suatu proses untuk
mengumpulkan, menganalisa dan
mengartikan informasi untuk menjawab
pertanyaan penelitian.
1 Arti Penelitian
Sifat-sifat riset/penelitian:
1. Controlled (effects of other factors on certain
2. Rigorous (relevant, appropriate and justified)
3. Systematic (logical sequence)
4. Valid and verifiable (correct findings, can be
5. Empirical (hard evidence-based facts)
6. Critical (critical scrutiny of research
2 Tujuan Penelitian

1. Mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi teori

hubungan sosial, kebiasaan dan konsep, serta
metodologi yang digunakan untuk menguji
kebiasaan, konsep dan teori tersebut;
2. Meningkatkan kualitas dari kehidupan sosial;
3. Mengembangkan ukuran kualitas hidup,
seperti indikator-indikator sosial.
2 Tujuan Penelitian



Memperdalam &
Data untuk
Data Baru membuktikan
yang ada
3 Unsur-unsur Penelitian
1. Permasalahan
2. Kerangka Teori atau Kerangka Pikir
3. Konsep
4. Dimensi dan Variabel/Indikator
5. Hipotesis
4 Proses dan Struktur Penelitian
4 Proses dan Struktur Penelitian

A research design:
 A research design is set up to decide on,
among other issues to collect further data,
analyze and interpret them.
 And finally to provide an answer to the
 The process of drawing from logical analysis
an inference that declare to be conclusive is
called deduction.
4 Proses dan Struktur Penelitian

Deduction and Inductions

Answers to issues can be found either by the;
 Process of Induction
 Process of Deduction,
 By a combination of the two.
Deduction & Induction Methods in Research
Deduction Method in Research

• Deduction is the process of arriving at a conclusion

by applying known facts or principles.
Induction Method in Research;
• Induction is a process in which certain
observations are used to logically establish a
general proposition from which we draw a

In other words, in induction we logically establish a

general proposition based on observed facts.
We see the production processes are the prime
features of manufacturing plants therefore we
conclude that factories exist for production
4 Proses dan Struktur Penelitian


Pendefinisian dan Kesimpulan

Studi Perumusan Pengumpulan
Perumusan Analisis Data dan
Pendahuluan Hipotesis Data
Masalah Rekomendasi

Pengujian Penelitian
4 Proses dan Struktur Penelitian
The Building Blocks of science in Research
5 Jenis-jenis Penelitian
1) Penelitian murni (pure research)
Pengembangan & uji teori/hipotesa yg menarik bagi
peneliti, tetapi mungkin atau mungkin tidak punya
aplikasi praktis saat ini atau di masa mendatang.
pengembangan teknik sampling yg dpt diterapkan thd
suatu situasi tertentu, pengembangan metodologi utk
mengkaji validitas dari suatu prosedur, pengembangan
instrumen utk mengukur tingkat stres orang, menemu-
kan cara terbaik untuk mengukur perilaku orang.
5 Jenis-jenis Penelitian
2) Penelitian terapan (applied research)
Kebanyakan dilakukan di ilmu-ilmu sosial
Tehnik riset, prosedur & metode yg membentuk
metofologi riset diaplikasikan utk pengumpulan
data, sbg basis utk formulasi kebijakan.
5 Jenis-jenis Penelitian
3) Penelitian deskriptif (descriptive research)
Usaha untuk menguraikan secara sistematik ttg suatu
situasi, masalah, fenomena, program layanan.

4) Penelitian keterkaitan (correlational research)

Untuk menemukan keberadaan dari suatu hubungan
atau inter-dependensi antara dua atau lebih variabel.
5 Jenis-jenis Penelitian
5) Penelitian eksplanatori (explanatory research)

Usaha untuk menjelaskan mengapa dan bagaimana

suatu hubungan antara dua aspek dari suatu

6) Penelitian eksplorasi (exploratory research)

Meneliti kemungkinan2 utk melakukan studi riset
tertentu; disebut juga “feasibility study” atau “pilot
5 Jenis-jenis Penelitian
7) Penelitian kuantitatif (quantitative research)
Untuk mengkuantifikasi variasi dari suatu fenomena,
situasi, masalah; dan variabel yg digunakan bersifat
8) Penelitian kualitatif (qualitative research)
Untuk menguraikan suatu situasi/fenomena/masalah atau
Menggunakan variabel2 yg diukur dg skala nominal atau
Dan jika analisa dilakukan utk mengembangkan variasi dari
suatu situasi tanpa mengkuantifikasikan variabel2 tsb.
6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik
1. Ada tujuan yang jelas (purposiveness)
2. Menggunakan dasar teori yang baik dan metodologi
penelitian yang diakui (rigor)
3. Menggunakan pengujian hipotesis (testability)
4. Dapat diulang (replicability)
5. Adanya presisi yang tinggi dalam melakukan
perkiraan (precission and confidence)
6. Bersifat Objektif (objectivity).
7. Hasil dapat disimpulkan secara lebih luas/umum
8. Ringkas (parsimony)
6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik


 It has to start with a definite aim or purpose.

 The focus is on increasing employee commitment.
 Increase employee commitment will translate into
 Less turnover
 Less absenteeism
 Increased performance levels
 Thus it has a purposive focus.
6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik
• A good theoretical base and sound methodological
design would add rigor to the purposive study.
• Rigor adds carefulness, accuracy and the degree of
exactitude in research.
 A manager asks only from 10-12 employees how to
increase the level of commitment.
 And on the basis of their responses the manager reaches
to conclusions on how commitment can be increased?
 Whole approach to the investigation would be unscientific.
 It would lack rigor for the following reasons
6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik
1. Based on few employees’ opinion that does not represent
the whole population

2. Bias and incorrectness in the responses

3. There might be other influences on commitment which are

ignored and are important for a researcher to know

• Rigorous involves good theoretical base and thought

out methodology.
• These factors enable the researcher to collect the right
kind of information from an appropriate sample with
the minimum degree of bias and facilitate suitable
analysis of the data gathered.
6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik
 After random selection manager and researcher
develop certain hypothesis on how manager
employee commitment can be enhanced, then these
can be tested by applying certain statistical tests to
the data collected for the purpose.
 If the scientific analysis of data supports the
hypothesis, it is accepted as a fact or as truth.
 The researcher might hypothesize that those
employees who perceive greater opportunities for
participation in decision making would have a higher
level of commitment.
6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik
 It means that the results of the tests of hypotheses
should be supported again and yet again when the
same type of research is repeated in other similar
 The study concludes that participation in decision making is one
of the most important factors that influences the commitment,
we will place more faith and credibility in these finding and
apply in similar situations.

 To the extent that this does happen, we will gain confidence in

the scientific nature of our research.

 Every object is attracted to the center of the earth.

6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik
Precision and Confidence
 Precision refers to the closeness of the findings
to “reality” based on a sample.

 It reflects the degree of accuracy and exactitude

of the results of the sample.
 If a supervisor estimated the number of production days
lost during the year due to absenteeism at between 30 and
40, as against the actual of 35.
 The precision of estimation more favorably than if he has
indicated that the loss of production days was somewhere
between 20 and 50.
6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik
Precision and Confidence

 Confidence refers to the probability that our

estimations are correct.

 That is, it is not merely enough to be precise, but it

is also important that we can confidently claim that
95% of the time our results would be true and there
is only a 5% chance of our being wrong.

 This is also known as confidence level.

6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik
 The conclusions drawn through the interpretation of
the results of data analysis should be objective; that
is, they should be based on the facts of the findings
derived from actual data, and not on our subjective
or emotional values.

 If we had a hypothesis that stated that greater participation in
decision making will increase organizational commitment and
this was not supported by the results, it makes no sense if the
researcher continues to argue that increased opportunities for
employee participation would still help!
6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik

 It refers to the scope of applicability of the
research findings in one organization
setting to other settings.

 If a researcher’s findings that participation in decision making
enhances organizational commitment are found to be true in a
variety of manufacturing, industrial and service organizations,
and not merely in the particular organization studied by the
researcher, then the Generalizability of the findings to other
organizational settings in enhanced.
6 Ciri-ciri Penelitian yang Baik
 Simplicity in explaining the phenomenon or problems
that occur, and in generating solutions for the problems,
is always preferred to complex research frameworks that
consider an unmanageable number of factors.
 For instance, if 2-3 specific variables in the work situation are
identified, which when changed would raise the organizational
commitment of the employees by 45%, that would be more
useful and valuable to the manager than

 if it were recommended that he should change 10 different

variables to increase organizational commitment by 48%.
In business Research:
 It is not possible to conduct 100% scientific
research studies.
 It is due to human behavior being studied.
 Data collection in the subjective areas of
feelings, moods, attitudes and perceptions may
not be 100% accurate.
 Sometimes, the obstacle is due to lack of a
representative sample.
Contoh Tujuan Tema utama Jenis Penelitian
Karakteristik sosek Untuk menguraikan apa Uraian umum ttg Penelitian deskriptif
penduduk yg umum: suatu fenomena,
Kelompok penduduk, kondisi
situasi, program, keluaran

Dampak suatu Untuk mengembangkan Untuk memastikan Penelitian keterkaitan

program. atau mengeksplorasi: jika ada suatu
Hubungan antara Suatu hubungan, asosiasi hubungan
pendidikan wanita atau inter-independensi
& tingkat fertilitas
Bagaimana Untuk menjelaskan Penjelasan ttg Penelitian
teknologi mengapa suatu faktor-faktor eksplanatori
menghasilkan hubungan terjadi. penyebab/
peningkatan pada determinan
pengangguran terjadinya suatu

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