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Berikut data obat Omeprazole sebagai berikut :

1 Use Treatment of active duodenal ulcer
Treatment of peptic ulcer
2 Pregnancy Risk C
3 Pregnancy Consideration Adverse events were observed in some animal
reproduction studies. Based on data collected by the
Teratogen information system, it was concluded that
therapeutic dose used during pregnancy would be
unlikely to pose a substantial teratogenic risk.
Because the possibility of harm still exists, the
manufactuter recommend use during pregnancy only
if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the
possible risk to the fetus.
4 Lactation Enter breast milk
5 Precautions Bioavailability may be increased in patients with
hepatic dysfunction, consider dosage reductions.
6 Adverse Reactions Cardiovaskuler : tachycardia, bradycardia,
palpitations, hypertension.
CNS : Headache, vertigo, insomnia, confusion, fever.
Dermatologic : Urtikaria, rash, dry skin, pruritus
Gastrointestinal : Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain,
vomiting, constipations, flatulence.
Hematologic : thrombocytopenia, anemia, hemolytic
Renal : hematuria, proteinuria
7 Mechanism of Actions Suppresses gastric acid secretion by inhibiting the
parietal cell membrane enzyme APTase or proton
pump; demonstrates antimicrobial activity against
Helicobacter pylori.
8 Pharmacodynamics Onset of actions : 1 hour
Maximum effect : 2 hours
Duration : 72 hours
9 Pharmacokinetics Absorption : rapid
Protein binding : 95%
Metabolism : extensively hepatic by cytochrome
P450 CYP 2C9.
10 Patienst Informations May cause dry mouth. Do not chew or crush garanule

1. Apa indikasi dari omeprazole?

2. Apa efek terapi dari omeprazole? bagaimana cara kerja omperazole sehingga dapat
memberikan efek terapi tersebut?
3. Bagaimana cara meminum obat omeprazole. Apakah boleh dikunyah? Berikan
penjelasan secara singkat !
4. Bagaimana keamanan omeprazole untuk pasien yang tengah hamil dan ibu menyusui?
Jelaskan secara singkat!
5. Apakah obat omeprazole dikontraindikasikan untuk pasien dengan gangguan fungsi
hati? Jika “ya”, apa yang harus dilakukan? Jelaskan secara singkat!
6. Jika pasien mengalami gangguan fungsi hati, apa yang terjadi pada proses metabolism
obat omeprazole?
7. Seorang pasien mengeluh bahwa kepalanya sakit stelah meminum obat omeprazole.
Selain itu, pasien mengeluh bahwa jantungnya sering berdebar. Pasien juga mengalami
gata-gatal seperti biduran di kulitnya. Apa yang terjadi pada pasien tsb?


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