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Kerapatan zat gas

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apa yang saya miliki di sini adalah sebuah akuarium tapi bukannya diisi dengan air akuarium ini diisi
dengan gas karbon dioksida Anda melihat es kering di bagian bawah yang padat karbon dioksida dengan
adanya suhu laut karbon dioksida padat menyublim yang berarti langsung dari fase padat menjadi fase
gas jadi es kering ini telah mengisi akuarium yang penuh dengan gas karbon dioksida dan Anda dapat
melihat bahwa dengan menggunakan balon saya mengembang balon ini hanya dengan meniup ke
dalamnya dan Anda tahu apa yang akan terjadi jika saya melepaskan banteng ini Konya akan jatuh
begitu saja karena udara di dalam ditambah massa balon itu sendiri membuatkepadatan yang lebih
besar dari udara jadi karena balon ini lebih padat dari udara tenggelam ketika dilepaskan ke udara
namun ketika dilepaskan ke karbon dioksida itu sama mengapung itu karena karbon dioksida lebih padat
daripada udara dan bahkan ketika Anda termasuk berat dari balon di sini massa jenis total balon ini
masih lebih kecil dari massa jenis karbon dioksida sehingga balon tidak seberat karbon dioksida yang
harus dipindahkan dengan tenggelam ke dalam karbon dioksida sehingga pada akhirnya balon
mengapung sekarang itu tidak benar untuk semua gas ini diklorometana balon inipenuh dengan
diklorometana dan densitasnya jauh lebih besar daripada karbon dioksida jadi ketika saya melepaskan
balon klorometana saya ini ke dalam karbon dioksida, balon itu hanya tenggelam sehingga pada
akhirnya sama seperti bentuk materi lainnya, gas memiliki kerapatan lebih kecil daripada gas yang
mengapung di tempat yang lebih padat gas lebih des garis-garis gas dan kurang padat gas

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jadi dalam studi kita tentang sifat fisik, kita sekarang sampai pada kerapatan, kita telah menemukan
bahwa kerapatan adalah properti suatu benda yang menggambarkan berapa banyak materi yang ada
dalam satuan volume tertentu, ingat kita dapat memberi label kerapatan sebagai gram per mililiter atau
gram per sentimeter kubik. ini sebenarnya yang kita sebut satuan turunan karena kita menggunakan
hubungan antara dua sifat terukur lainnya untuk menentukannya Kita telah melihat hubungan antara
massa dan volume untuk dua logam dan untuk air pikirkan tentang bagaimana massa zat-zat itu
didistribusikan ke seluruh volume mereka bagaimana menurut Anda kepadatan gas akan dibandingkan?
dengan nilai yang kami temukan untuk zat lain ini, jadi di lab ini yang akan kami lakukan adalah
menentukan massa jenis gas, Anda memerlukan seember air, tabung ukur, labu dengan sedikit air di
dalamnya. sumbat dengan pin kaca dan beberapa tabung dan setengah tablet alka-seltzer sekarang
untuk menemukan massa gas itu sedikit rumit karena seperti yang Anda tahu gas cenderung hanyut
sehingga kita tidak bisa begitu saja memakainya keseimbangan untungnya kami telah melakukan massa
dan mengubah lab di mana kami melarutkan Kasasa dalam air kami mengumpulkan gas itu dan massa
tidak berubah jadi kami akan menggunakanmassa tablet alka-seltzer kami untuk digunakan sebagai
massa gas kami oke kedua hal itu akan sama untuk menemukan volumenya kita akan menggunakan
gelas ukur tapi sekali lagi itu mengapung jadi kita akan gunakan perpindahan sekarang perpindahan
dalam hal ini gas sama dengan padatan ketika kita berbicara tentang menemukan volume benda tidak
beraturan jadi apa yang akan kita lakukan adalah kita akan mengisi silinder ukur kita dengan air hanya
dengan sangat hati-hati saya akan membiarkannya terisi biarkan saya membaliknya sekarang jika Anda
melihat tidak ada gelembung di sini oke itulah yang kita inginkan kita tidak ingin ada partikel gasstarted
out in that particular so what we're going to do now is take our tube and we're going to put it into the
end of our graduated cylinder just a little bit this is where your partner comes in handy we don't want
let any air into that graduated cylinder you want to start out with a zero yes we're going to take our
alka-seltzer tablet and we're going to put it into the flask and very quickly stopper that we don't want to
lose any gas that's being produced we want it all to go into our graduated cylinder so you can see those
gas bubbles being produced so it's coming up through this tube and into our graduated cylinder and
we're just going to keep collecting that you want to keep going until all over the alka-seltzer has been
dissolved okay so it's going to stop bubbling eventually and that is when you can stop it and take your
volume now if you notice there's some little bubbles down here on the bottom we want to shake that up
okay any bubbles that are produced we want them in the graduated cylinder okay so once you get rid of
all of that it looks like we've stopped going okay once you've stopped bubbling and you have all of that
out of the cells are dissolved let me take your tube out we'll see this very well but what happens is all of
this gas gets collected in the water and it displaces the water pushes that water out of the way so the
gas that's being collected in here you can read the volume just like you would a liquid so before coming
to lab you need to have a few things set up in your lab notebook again for the purposes of this lab we
will use the volume of the gas and milliliters as the independent variable and the mass of the gas in
grams as the dependent variable just like in your density of water lab you will not need to have more
than one data point we have already determined the formula for density so all we need to do is find the
massa dan volume tamu kami jangan lupa sebagai bagian dari data Anda, Anda perlu menemukan massa
tablet alka-seltzer bersama dengan labu dan air sebelum mengumpulkan gas untuk menemukan massa
gas yang Anda temukan massanya termos di dalam air setelah Anda bereaksi perbedaan antara dua titik
ini akan menjadi massa tamu kami.

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Saya melakukan lab dengan siswa saya di kuartal pertama yang melibatkan massa jenis tidak hanya
massa jenis padatan dan cairan tetapi juga massa jenis gas siswa diminta untuk mengidentifikasi
himpunan padatan yang tidak diketahui pada cairan dan gas yang tidak diketahui dengan menentukan
kerapatannya sekarang padatan kita tahu bagaimana melakukan itu menemukan volume menemukan
massa jika saya memberi Anda cairan seperti ini misalnya dan mengatakan menentukan massa jenis
cairan ini dengan baik siswa mencari tahu teknik yang mereka miliki untuk meletakkan gelas ukur pada
neraca mencari banyak berat kosong atau jika tidak ada yang tersedia, mereka dapat menuangkannya ke
nolcertain amount of liquid in there they find the mass of the liquid from the scale they find the volume
of the liquid from the graduated cylinder if they divide they get the density pretty simple but how would
you find the density of a gas I couldn't do that the same thing here and it's already filled with gas air
beforehand hmm so I'm going to show you as a neat little technique involving syringes and I've got a
syringe I'll show you some modifications of a maid this is a 60 milliliter syringe plastic syringe I've got a
little cap and this is made of a piece of aquarium tubing that fits nicely over that and I've got a little
string that just makes sure this doesn't get lost somewhere also make sure that this cap stays with this
syringe because the mass is involved in this are very sensitive and if they switch caps in the middle of the
experiment that would change things so and it also has a nail I've blunted the tip there so it's not sharp
and the other modification is in the plunger part of the syringe you can see I've made a hole and I made
that hole simply by taking a nail like this heating it a Bunsen burner holding of course with a pair of pliers
oh no not with my fingers heating the nail and then just pushing it through there wiggling around and it
makes a nice hole actually has to be big enough of course for the nail to fit in there like that okay so
you'll see what that's all for so there is the modified assembly I have 12 of these made up one for each
lab group or whatever okay now when they did the liquid they had to weigh the cylinder empty same
here we have to weigh the syringe empty but what does that mean I mean is it empty now well it is and
it's not it's not empty if we consider the fact that there's air inside and air has mass so we have to create
a vacuum inside ER to get this thing completely empty okay so here's how we do that we put the cap
over the top of it okay it's a good snug fit and as I pull this out right now there's a vacuum inside of that
that's a truly empty syringe right there I can confirm that by letting it go and seeing it snap back in by the
way it's not being pulled back in by the vacuum or the suction right it's being pushed back in by the
atmospheric pressure with nothing working against it but I've got to somehow be able to weigh it with it
held in this position and that's the purpose of this nail here now when they're working with their lab
partner one student pulls it out and the other student puts a nail in but I'm gonna try to do both here
one time just by pulling this out pinchy with my fingers as I put the nail through okay see how that works
okay and I'm actually gonna get a volume reading right now might as well the volume on this I'll set it
down here so you can see it is about fifty we'll say fifty four point nine milliliters so we'll write that up on
the board fifty four point nine the leaders okay now of course we have to weigh the syringe this will not
work on a regular centigram bounce so you can you won't get enough precision on that so I go to a
milligram balance I've got one set up here let me zero it first okay and put this on there and we're gonna
write down this mass of the syringe so after worried about the balance changing over time forty point
four eight six forty point four eight six grams okay now I'm gonna put one of these gas samples in here
I've got three gas samples a B and C those my three unknowns one of them corresponds to carbon
dioxide one corresponds to air and one corresponds to methane which I got right are the methane gas
jet there so we'll get rid of the vacuum okay just like that that's good to do to make sure it didn't leak
while you were doing that going all the way I get the way back in that's good and we'll try putting some
of gas sample a in there okay simply connect it to this tubing this is the same aquarium tubing that I
used for the stopper it's been just very taped into the corner of this bag little hole there and some
electricians tape the pinch clamp I'm just going to move to this position right here and just so I can now
fill it to that same extent and to make sure I get to the same extent I'm somebody gonna put the nail in
and push it back out so it's right like that and now pinch this off that's really to keep this thing from
leaking out or to keep air from leaking in disconnect finger over it there second until I can get the cap on
it now doesn't that look exactly as it looked a minute ago with a vacuum there will it weigh the same of
course not it's got a gas in there now so we should see an increase in mass let me again Reesie row it in
case the scale has drifted at all and we get now syringe and sample a forty point five six zero forty point
five six zero we'll do a little subtraction a sec to figure out how much the gas itself weighed but in the
meantime how easy is this and by the way we're not going to try to put this gas back in the bag okay
these bags look way too somewhere I can color-code the liquids to make sure that they can return those
to the container but with gases I don't bother so they literally just push that out into the air not a big
deal I mean one of the three is air I'll go to sample B same technique okay open the pinch clamp look
this one's a spit on here and pull it out set the nail in push it right there so it's just like it was before
pinch clamp back on it's a nice little technique to learn disconnect it put the cap on there okay I know
some air leaked out I mean air leak dinner out during that time it's there's a bit there's some air sources
it's not perfect but let's see if we get different mass this time hopefully for this is sample B of course plus
the empty plus the syringe so we zero it okay and we're getting a reading of forty point five one four
forty actually 40.1 40.5 oh seven sorry forty point 507 okay even without doing a subtraction I can just
look at that and see that B is less dense than a okay so I can start to do what we have to do C now and
again just push that out of the air connect it to C will move the pinch clamp to there draw it out okay
nail in there push it back pinch clamp nice little technique okay so we can make a prediction maybe here
okay we'll see where it goes let's zero this each time just to be consistent and now this is syringe and gas
sample see and we're talking forty point six zero six forty point six so six grams so let's see what we've
got without doing any math at all except the three gases the correspond or carbon dioxide air and keep
in mind air is of course mostly nitrogen and methane so carbon dioxide with the molar mass of 44 air
airs molar mass well if we just use Nitra to be 28 it actually is up close to around 29 when you
incorporate a little bit of oxygen and carbon dioxide in there so we'll use just 29 as an average molar
mass for prayer and methane of course is 16 by the way it's not pure methane that comes out of the gas
jet it has some ethane mixing as well so this might be upwards closer to 20 but it certainly is the least n
to the three and if I now figure this out let's see there they are in order of we have most dense right
here so that would correspond to and I did that on purpose see for co2 second most dense would be a
again I have to make it easy a for air and that's right my sample B was methane because methane burns
be okay those are the right connections but look kind of how close are these are the actual values well in
order to get that we're something going to take and subtract the empty syringe from each of these
three full syringes okay and we have forty point five six zero minus forty point four eight six we have
four the mass of the a the first one point O seven for grams now I'm gonna divide that by the volume I'm
sorry that's grams per our volume was fifty four point nine milliliters okay we're gonna just do that each
time to get the density so divided by fifty four point nine and we have a very good value point zero zero
one three grams per milliliter for our air okay the next one methane we'll go back and compare these to
what they would be based on the molar masses for methane actually know what I'll just do it for the for
the air and you can then figure out for the rest but just for the air what should the molar mass of air be
well twenty nine grams that's the mass of one mole divided by the volume of one mole now you're
thinking twenty two point four liters but we're not at zero degrees Celsius up at room temperature
volume of gas is more like around twenty four liters so we're just gonna take 29 divided by twenty four
liters and get one point two grams per liter which is of course 0.001 too bad okay you could do similar
calculations for the that was the air for the methane and for the carbon dioxide and see how close they
come to our densities we get from the molar masses there okay so what what this really involve it
involves extending the idea of density from just solids and liquids to gases as well and that's valuable
there's lots of demonstrations I like to do during the year that depend on them that matter saying that
gases have densities too and it involves a rather simple piece of equipment just make a class set of these
and they last forever you do need a pre sensitive balance you could see how we're really needing it to
the to get even two sig figs and our density there you need to have a Billy Graham balance question that
you could ask students as a good follow up to this to really see if they understand what's going on
there's a problem if an evacuated flask in other words a flask with a vacuum in it is weighed on a balance
and then filled with a low-density gas like helium and weight again with a balloon will the flask way more
last the same now they're thinking helium that lifts things up it'll weigh less they haven't really picked up
on the idea of that their answer of course itu akan lebih beratnya helium memiliki massa seperti gas
lainnya semuanya harus lebih berat dari ruang hampa karena ruang hampa tidak ada apa-apa jadi
demonstrasi kecil yang bagus tentang bagaimana menentukan kepadatan gas menggunakan jarum
suntik dan keseimbangan miligram terima kasih

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