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(A Descriptive Research of Students at English Education Department Year 2015 at
Muhammadiyah University of Makassar).



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NIM : 10535 5318 12
Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Judul Skripsi : The Students’ Perception towards the Effectiveness of Public
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Descriptive Research of students at English Education
Department Year 2015 at Muhammadiyah University of
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NIM : 10535 5318 12
Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Judul Skripsi : The Students’ Perception towards the Effectiveness of Public
Speaking Subject to Support their Speaking Skill. (A
Descriptive Research of students at English Education
Department Year 2015 at Muhammadiyah University of
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Makassar, Agustus 2016

Yang membuat perjanjian


First of all, praise to Allah SWT, who gives his blessing and grace so that

the researcher can accomplish this thesis.

The researcher would like to give her gratitude, respect, and appreciation to

the following people who have supported her and made this thesis possible:

1. The researcher’s beloved parents, for their love, support and prayers to the

researcher. “Ibu and Bapak thank you for loving me and being the greatest

parents ever.

2. The researcher also wants to express his gratitude and appreciation for his

beloved brother, and big family for their help and support.

3. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M., the Rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar for his academic advisor to the researcher during the

researcher’s study.

4. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for his motivation and

academic advisor to the researcher during the researcher’s study.

5. My high appreciation and great thankful are due to consultants Erwin Akib,

M.Pd., Ph.D and Muhammad Astrianto Setiadi, S.Pd., M.Pd, for their

guidance, encouragement, motivation and their patience from the beginning

until the end of writing this thesis.

6. The researcher also thanks to the Head of English Education Department,

Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd. for her academic advisor, also for all

lecturers and staffs of English Education Department for giving the knowledge

and guidance and help during the researcher’s study.

7. Thank you for my beloved organization ever, English Department Student

Association (EDSA) for being a great place ever to share, to get any

experiences and learning process about English and organization development.

8. Thanks to all of the members and part of Kerukunan Pelajar dan Mahasiswa

Ara Lembanna – Bulukumba (KEPMA), Ikatan Pelajar dan Mahasiswa

Bontobahari – Bulukumba (IPMAH), Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah

(IMM), Aliansi BEM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah Indonesia (BEM

PTMI), Aliansi BEM Nusantara – Sulawesi-Selatan (BEMNUS), BEM

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (BEM U), BEM Fakultas Keguruan dan

Ilmu Pendidikan (BEM FKIP) Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, for not

only being a team for even organization, but have been family and home for

any kinds of sharing, learning and togetherness.

9. Thank you for all the researcher’s friends at English Education Department,

My classmates GRENADE.

10. Thanks to all of my close friends that I could not mentioned their name one by

one, may Allah almighty bless us now and forever.

Makassar, August 2017



ADRIAN ADIWINATA, 2017. The Students’ Perception towards the

Effectiveness of Public Speaking Subject to Support their Speaking
Skill. A thesis of English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. Supervisor by
Erwin Akib, and Muhammad Astrianto Setiadi.
This study aimed to find out: (1) the students’ perceive about the
effectiveness of public speaking subject, (2) how can the public speaking
subject support their speaking skill.
The data collection was conducted from February to April 2017. The
data was collected from 39 students of English Education Department in
academic year 2016/2017 from BG.IVA class of Public Speaking Subject.
This study used qualitative research design in collecting data. The
instrument which was used to collect the data was interview. The interview
was distributed to 39 students of English Education Department in academic
year 2016/2017. The items of the interview were some questions as
qualitative interview.
Based on the findings, it finds that students gave the positive
perception toward the implementation of public speaking subject to measure
the effectiveness of public speaking subject to support their speaking skill.
Moreover, the students claimed that they have got many advantages during
the implementation of public speaking subject. This study also found out that
this strategy was needed to be improved by the lecturers in terms of giving
instruction, observing the class and evaluating the implementation of public
speaking subject.

Keywords: Perception, Speaking Skill, Public Speaking Subject.

COVER ......................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................... ii
COUNSELLING SHEET ............................................................................ iii
SURAT PERNYATAAN ............................................................................. v
SURAT PERJANJIAN ................................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................. x
A. Background ........................................................................................ 1
B. Problem Statement ............................................................................. 4
C. Objective of the Study........................................................................ 4
D. Significance of the Study ................................................................... 5
E. Scope of the Study ............................................................................. 6
A. Previous Related Research Findings .................................................. 7
B. Some Pertinent Ideas .......................................................................... 8
1. The Concept of Speaking ............................................................. 8
2. The Concept of Public Speaking .................................................. 15
3. The Concept of Perception ........................................................... 32
C. Conceptual Framework ...................................................................... 38
A. Research Design ................................................................................. 40
B. Population and Sample....................................................................... 40
C. Research Variables and Indicators ..................................................... 40
D. Instrument of the Research................................................................. 41
E. Procedure of Collecting Data ............................................................. 41
F. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................... 41

A. Data Description................................................................................. 42
B. Findings on Research Questions ........................................................ 43
C. Discussion .......................................................................................... 45
A. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 46
B. Suggestion .......................................................................................... 46




A. Background

In time of globalization, English has appeared to be a universal

language to link people from different background around the world. The main

purpose people learn English is to be able to communicate with each other

regardless of their first language. However, the use of English has become an

essential need not only for routine life, but also for official communication. As

English is seen as a strong communicative language, an excellent

communication skill in English is also a crucial factor when it comes to the

criteria for a job application (Abdullah, 2010: 1-2).

English has spread widely all over the world, first because of the

influence of the British Empire and, second due to the pre-eminence of North

American influence in the world. In Europe, English has advanced as an

international language especially after World War II, leaving behind

otherpreeminent languages such as French (Graddol, D. 1997: 4).

Speaking is one of the four language skills (reading, writing, listening

and speaking). It is the means through which learners can communicate with

others to achieve certain goals or to express their opinions, intentions, hopes

and viewpoints. In addition, people who know a language are referred to as

‘speakers’ of that language. Furthermore, in almost any setting, speaking is the


most 14 frequently used language skill. As Rivers (1981) argues, speaking is

used twice as much as reading and writing in our communication.

Speaking has usually been compared to writing, both being considered

"productive skills", as opposed to the "receptive skills" of reading and

listening. Speaking also is closely related to listening as two interrelated ways

of accomplishing communication. Every speaker is simultaneously a listener

and every listener is at least potentially a speaker (Oprandy, 1994: 153 & EL

Menoufy, 1997: 9).

There are many ways that can be done to support students’ speaking

skill. In this research, the researcher will focus on public speaking subject in

English Education Department Students, Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

Public speaking is having a speaker to stand before the audience to

deliver a speech in a structured manner, with the purpose of either persuade,

inform or entertain the audience. Public speaking is quite alike to presentation,

where the difference is the latter is usually meant for commercial or academic

environment. There are various purposes for a speaker to speak in front of the

public. It can be just to tell a story, to share an experience, to inform about a

message, or to motivate others to take an action. Public speaking skill can be

used for leadership, personal development, business, customer service, large

group communication, and mass communication too. For instance, the

audience emotions might even be stirred up, if the speaker is good in getting

into personal sharing and show sincerity in what he is delivering. With


confidence, a public speaker can use such skills to create an exciting

atmosphere among the audience. Thus, his overall speech effectiveness can be

increased. According to public speaking, public speaking is the activity of

speaking to a group of people.The speech should be in a structured and

deliberate manner, delivered with sincerity. Every public speaking speech

usually will have a function, it is whether intended to inform, influence or to

entertain the audience. At least, at the end of the speech, the audience should

be able to bring back a message that they can learn from the speech,

(Templeton & Fitzgerald, 1999: 1).

Public Speaking is the process or act of performing a presentation (a

speech) focused around an individual directly speaking to a live audience in a

structured, deliberate manner in order to inform, influence, or entertain them.

Public speaking is commonly understood as the formal, face-to-face talking of

a single person to a group of listeners. It is closely allied to "presenting",

although the latter is more often associated with commercial activity. Most of

the time, public speaking is to persuade the audience, (Shyam. S. Salim and

Irene Elizabeth Joy, 2016: 1).

Based on the explanation above, the researcher then thinks that it is an

important thing to know the students’ perception toward the effectiveness of

public speaking subject. Student perceptions are need to know on the basis that

the student as the object of the learning process. After knowing the perception

of students, hopefully, the appropriate adjustments can be made to the success

of the learning process in speaking subject as suggestion to the lecturer and


further information will be helpful in English Education Department of

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

B. Problem Statement

Through this research, the researcher has got some types of question

which related with the problem, there are:

1. How do the students’ of English Education Department, Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar perceive about the effectiveness of public speaking


2. How can the public speaking subject support the speaking skill of Englsih

Education Department Students’, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar?

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the problem statements above, the researcher intends to find

out some objectives;

1. To find out the students’ perception toward the effectiveness of public

speaking subject.

2. To find out how can the public speaking subject support their speaking


D. Significance of the Study

1. Significance for the Students

This research is expected to give opportunity to students in giving their

perception toward the effectiveness of public speaking subject, in terms of how

significance the public speaking subject can correct or support their speaking

skill, and also by this research the students can give their comment and

suggestion toward the effectiveness of public speaking subject.

2. Significance for the Lecturers

This research is expected to give information which providing students’

perception toward the effectiveness of public speaking subject in the learning

and teaching process in public speaking subject. The different perception from

students may reflect on the implementation process of receiving and delivering

public speaking during the process of learning. The diverse students’ response

may be beneficial for improvement of classroom instruction and classroom

activities and hopefully, lecturer could be also more aware to the students’ and

can minimize the problem which might arise during implementing public

speaking subject.

3. Significance for the next researchers

This research can be a refference for the the next researcher in term of

the effectiveness of public speaking subject and in conducting a further related


E. Scope of the Study

This research has been restricted in subject learned, the researcher has

only taken a place in public speaking subject and also it has been restricted

only in finding the studentss’ perception toward the effectiveness of public

speaking subject to support their speaking skill.

This research has been also further restricted by the participant. The

current participants that researcher has taken only the students of English

Education Department year 2016/2017 at Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar which have learned public speaking in their fourth semesters.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

There are some researchers which attempt to study the topic related to

the students’ perception toward the effectiveness of public speaking subject to

support their speaking skill.

Nasser Omer (2014) on the study entitles public speaking instruction;

the second question sought to find out the effect of PSI on reducing students’

communication apprehension. Findings support the effectiveness of public

speaking instruction in reducing students’ communication apprehension. The

results imply that students with very low CA are not afraid of expressing

themselves in meetings, group discussion, interpersonal and public settings

even they speak with strangers. However, students with high CA will attempt

to avoid as much as possible any sort of communication either with their peers

or teachers. Another interpretation of the results is that students cannot get rid

of their CA unless they get to know the guidelines and having an ample

practice of how to deliver a speech in English.

Xuying (2013) on his thesis entitle Peer Assessment of Perception and

Attitudes in Public Speaking English Classes found that participating students

hold positive attitudes toward the use of PA activities, but there remain some

problems or doubts, such as the percentage of peer assessment being counted

towards the total course grade, the validity and reliability of PA, and so on.


Certain solutions are discussed in this article. In the conclusion section, the

author proposes future study on whether PA exerts positive influences on

enhancing students’ competence in English public speaking.

Cheryl Watkins (2014) on his thesis entitles strategies for ESL students

in community colleges to develop their public speaking skills state that the

development of public speaking skills requires hard work and motivation on

the part of the ESL student. The handbook is not intended to replace the role

of the teacher as a facilitator in helping students develop skills needed to plan,

organize, research, and deliver an effective oral presentation. Students should

seek other resources within the community college and beyond.

The result of previous researches above can contribute as prior

information for the researcher to actually believe that there will be also

possibility to find and to know the students’ perception toward the

effectiveness of public speaking in public speaking subject of English

Education Department academic year 2016/2017 at Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. The Concept of Speaking

a. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is the process of communication to share the

information between the speaker and the listener. The information

sent by speaker should be clear so the listener can understand the


content of information. The statement is supported by some theories

below. Speaking is the same as oral interaction which are

conventional ways of speaking information, expressing our idea, and

thought have in our mind (Nunan, 1991: 40).

Winddowson (1985: 57) states that speaking is a means of

oral communication that gives information involves two elements,

namely the speaker who give the messages and the listener who

receive the message in the words. While Brown and Yule in Ahmad

Bashir (2011: 23) define that speaking is to express the needs,

request, information, service, etc.

From various definitions above, the writer concludes that

speaking is a way to express feelings, ideas and wishes to others by

using words in spoken context. Speaking is the most essential way in

which the speaker can express himself through a language.

b. Element of Speaking

Speaking covers two elements that cannot be separated one

another. They are accuracy which covers pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary, and fluency which covers effectiveness and accent.

1) Accuracy

Based on Oxford Dictionary (1991: 20), accuracy is

degree of being correct, while on Webster Dictionary (1996: 15),

accuracy is the quality of being accurate.Marcel (1976: 15) states

that, accuracy is a manner of people in using appropriate word


and pattern of sentences. In this case, accuracy divided into three;

they are pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

2) Pronunciation

Pronunciation is an act or result of producing the sound of

speech, including articulation, vowel information, accent and

inflection, often with reference to some standard of correctness or

acceptability (Webster, 1998:237).According to Harmer (1991:

11), pronunciation is how to say a word in which made of sound,

stress, and intonation. Pronunciation is an important element of

speaking. The lack of pronunciation proficiency will make the

listener cannot understand what the message of the speaker want

to deliver to.

3) Grammar

One factor in influencing the students’ speaking

proficiency is the functional grammar, the frequency of the

students’ activity is that the students’ sometimes want to speak

with other people but they have luck functional grammar. While

Webster (1996: 275) defines that grammar is branch of linguistics

study that deal with classes of words, their inflection or their

means of indicating relation to each other function and relation in

the sentences as employed according to established usage and that

is sometimes extended include related matter.


4) Vocabulary

According to Oxford Dictionary (2008: 495), vocabulary

is all the words that a person knows or uses or list of words with

their meaning, especially in a book for learning a foreign

language. Vocabulary is a very important language element to be

learned before doing speaking. It is impossible to do conversation

without mastering vocabulary. Meanwhile students sometimes get

trouble in memorizing vocabularies that they have known because

they lack of practicing and use them. Marcel in Suhaeni (2011:

18) states that, someone can be considered of having good

vocabulary use, when the vocabulary produced is wide (lack of

repetition) or appropriate with certain situation of dialogue or


5) Fluency

According to Marcel in Johan (2008: 11) defines that,

fluency is someone is way of speaking dealing with how to

produce words in certain period of tones without missing any

words on their speech. Fluency refers to how well the learners

communicate meaning rather than how many mistakes that they

make in grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. The continuity

and the smoothness of speaking to deliver the message are

emphasized. According to Random House Webster Collage


Dictionary (1997: 500), fluency refers to be able to speak or write

smoothly, easily, or readily to an easy flow.

6) Accent

Benny (2011: 2) states that, accent is actually made up of

so many different parts that all add up; stress, sentences

intonation, rhythm, the expression etc. Harmer (2001: 269-271),

proposes expressive devices in speaking. He then states that

native speakers change the pitch and stress of particular parts of

utterances, vary volume and speed. The use of these devices

contributes to the ability to convey meaning. These devices allow

extra expression of emotion and intensity.

c. Strategies for Developing Speaking

The students often think that the ability to speak a language is

the product of language learning, but speaking is also a crucial part

of the language learning process. Effective instructors teach the

students speaking strategies using minimal responses, recognizing

scripts, and using language to talk about language that they can use

to help themselves expand their knowledge of the language and their

confidence in using it. These instructors’ help the students learn

speak so that the students can use speaking to learn.


The instructor can use the effective strategy to teach speaking

as follows:

1) Using Minimal Responses

Language learners who lack of confidences in their

ability to participate successfully in oral interaction often listen

in silence while others do the talking. One way to encourage

such learners to begin to participate is to help them build up a

stock of minimal responses that they can use in different types of

exchanges. Such responses can be especially useful for

beginners. Minimal responses are predictable, often idiomatic

phrases that conversation participants use to indicate

understanding, agreement, doubt, and other responses to what

another speaker is saying. Having a stock of such responses

enables a learner to focus on what the other participant is saying,

without having to simultaneously plan a response.

2) Recognizing Scripts

Some communication situations are associated with a

predictable set of spoken exchanges – a script. Greetings,

apologies, compliments, invitations, and other functions that are

influenced by social and cultural norms often follow patterns or

scripts. So do the transactional exchanges involved in activities

such as obtaining information and making a purchase. In these

scripts, the relationship between speakers is turn and the one that

follows it can be anticipated. Instructors can help the students

develop speaking ability by making them aware of what they will

need to say in response. Through interactive activities,

instructors can give the students practice in managing and

varying the language that different scripts contain.

3) Using Language to Talk About Language

Language learners are often too embarrassed or shy to say

anything when they do not understand another speaker or when

they realize that a conversation partner has not understood them.

Instructor can help students overcome this reticence by assuring

them that misunderstanding and the need for clarification can

occur in any type of interaction, whatever the participants’

language skill levels. Instructors can also give students strategies

and phrases to use for clarification and comprehension check.

Encouraging the students to use clarification phrases is

class when misunderstanding occurs and by responding

positively when they do, instructors can create an authentic

practice environment within the classroom itself. As they

develop control of various clarification strategies, students will

gain confidence in their ability to manage the various

communication situations that they may encounter outside the


2. The Concept of Public Speaking

a. Introduction to Public Speaking

Public speaking is considered to be of paramount importance to

students. Those who equip themselves with effective speaking skills

are able to handle magnificently their interpersonal communication

problems during their working life. Students of today are leaders of

tomorrow. As future leaders they would find themselves in situation

where they would have to persuade theirsubordinates impressively

during their interpersonal communications. Generally, people judge

and assess a speaker by the way he or she speaks. The first impression

would usually be a lasting impression that would be registered in the

minds of the people who come into contact with the speaker. A good

public speaking skill would enhance employment opportunities and

marketability. As a consequence, there is an urgent need for students to

improve their public speaking skills, (Nasser Omer, 2014)

According to Whitworth and Cochran (1996), some level of

skills training is essential in reducing anxiety because it reduces the

ambiguity of the public speaking situation by providing knowledge

and techniques necessary for effective public speaking. Public

speaking has a significant effect on improving the oral expression

skills of students. It can be a dynamic argumentative activity. It is one

of the most promising tools to enhance academic achievement known

today (Warner, and Bruschke, 2001). Research-based data illustrate


that public speaking as an extra-curricular activity in schools improves

students’ performance at statistically significant levels on speaking

tests and increase the student's desire to become a learner (Warner, and

Bruschke, 2001). Therefore, underachieving students who were once

apprehensive of speaking in public become better academic performs.

The skills training approach is premised upon the notion that

those with high levels of communication apprehension are anxious due

to their lack of skill. Research has shown high speech anxiety is linked

to poor speech preparation practices (Ayers, 1996, Daly et al., 1995).

Allen et al. (1989:58) state that skills’ training assumes that some

people have skill deficiencies that must be corrected before they can

speak. It is presumed that when a person has acquired the knowledge

and techniques needed to speak effectively, his or her level of

communication apprehension decreases. Past research has shown that

skills training approach is effective in reducing communication

apprehension (Ady, 1987; Allen et al. 1989; Heuett et al. 2003;

Weissberg and Lamb, 1977; Whitworth end Cochran, 1996).

Specifically, the skills training approach involves training

participants how to communicate effectively through both verbal and

non-verbal channels, how to conduct research, how to organize

thoughts, how to outline ideas, and how to practice speeches (Allen et

al., 1989; Heuett et al., 2003; Whitworth and Cochran, 1996). In

addition to providing participants with skills and knowledge to speak


effectively, the skills training approach also incorporates discussions

on fears related to public speaking (Ady, 1987; Weissberg and Lamb,

1977). Correspondingly, basic public speaking course according to

Robinson (1997), is the ideal setting for the treatment of

communication apprehension. He considers it as an ideal setting

because it has a large enrollment which allows instructors to treat a

large number of students at a time, because those enrolled will

generally experience some form of communication apprehension and

they may be the first time they have been required to speak in public.

Generally speaking, public speaking needs three stages. Firstly,

any speaker needs to prepare a topic carefully. The selected topic

should be innovative and attract the other students. Secondly, the

speaker needs to elaborate the selected topic with a reasonable

structure, a clear and concise language and so on. Thirdly, the speaker

needs to answer the others’ question in a strong logic way. For the

speaker, the above three aspects are the challenges of knowledge,

logical thinking, and language skill. From the point of view of the

learning process, public speaking is a good way to train and improve

students’ language skills, (Nasser Omer, 2014).

Pearson et al. (2006) state that a student who has prior public

speaking training or who was involved in a speech and debate

organization will likely obtain a higher grade in the public speaking

course. Students seem to become more effective communicators with


training and practice. Garside (2002) commented about the importance

of students learning communication skills. He states that in order for

students to be successful not only in school and work, but in life, they

must possess oral communication skills. Many fields outside of

communication acknowledge the significance of proficient

communication skills as the society enters the information age.

b. Benefits of Public Speaking

According to the Association of American Colleges and

Universities, there are a core set of skills that are necessary both for a

globally engaged democracy and for a dynamic-innovation fueled

economy, (Rhodes, 2010, p. 10), in the category of intellectual and

practical skills.

Public speaking is listed as one of these core skills. This is not

particularly surprising given that communication skills are critical for

intellectual development, career trajectory, and civic engagement.

Public speaking is universally applicable to all types of majors and

occupations and is seen by U.S. employers as a critical employability

skill for job seekers (Rockler-Gladen, 2009; U.S. Department of

Labor, 2000). No matter what your ambitions and interests are,

developing speaking skills will benefit your personal, professional, and

public life.

1) Personal

People do not just give presentations on the job and in

classes. At times we are called upon to give speeches in our

personal lives. It may be for a special event, such as a toast at a

wedding. We may be asked to give a eulogy at a funeral for a

friend or loved one. As a part of volunteer work, one may have to

introduce a guest speaker at an event or present or accept an award

for service. Another great personal benefit of public speaking is

that it builds self-confidence. It is no surprise that speaking in

public is scary, but by engaging in the activity you will build self-

confidence through the experience.

2) Professional

Television announcers, teachers, lawyers, and entertainers

must be able to speak well, but most other professions require or at

the very least can benefit from the skills found in public speaking.

It is believed 70% of jobs today involve some form of

public speaking (Aras, 2012). With the recent economic shift from

manufacturing to service careers, the ability to communicate with

others has become crucial. Top CEO’s advice that great leaders

must be able to communicate ideas effectively, they must be able

to persuade, build support, negotiate and speak effectively in

public (Farrell, 2011).


3) Public

Learning about public speaking will allow you to

participate in democracy at it is most basic level. Public speaking is

important in creating and sustaining a society, which includes

informed, active participants. Even if you do not plan to run for

office, learning about public speaking helps you to listen more

carefully to and critically evaluate others speeches. Listening and

critical thinking allow you to understand public dilemmas, form an

opinion about them, and participate in resolving them. The

progress of the past century involving segregation, women is rights

and environmental protection are the result of people advancing

new ideas and speaking out to others to persuade them to adopt


c. Models of Communication

It should be clear by now that public speaking happens all

around us in many segments of our lives. However, to truly understand

what is happening within these presentations, we need to take a step

back and look at some of the key components of the communication


1) Linear Model of Communication

The first theoretical model of communication was proposed

in 1949 by Shannon and Weaver for Bell Laboratories (Shannon


and Weaver, 1949). This three-part model was intended to capture

the radio and television transmission process. However it was later

adapted to human communication and is now known as the linear

model of communication. The first part of the model is the sender,

and this is the person who is speaking. The second part of the

model is the channel, which is the apparatus for carrying the

message (i.e., the phone or T.V.). The third part of the model is the

receiver, and this is the person who picks up the message. In this

model, communication is seen as a one-way process of transmitting

a message from one person to another person.

If you think about situations when you communicate with

another person face-to-face or when you give a speech, you

probably realize that this model is inadequate – communication is

much more complicated than firing off a message to others.

2) Transactional Model of Communication

Models of communication have evolved significantly since

Shannon and Weaver, first proposed their well– known conceptual

model over sixty years ago. One of the most useful models for

understanding public speaking is Barnlund’s (2008) transactional

model of communication. In the transactional model,

communication is seen as an ongoing, circular process. We are

constantly affecting and are affected by those we communicate

with. The transactional model has a number of interdependent


processes and components, including the encoding and decoding

processes, the communicator, the message, the channel and noise.

Although not directly addressed in Barnlund’s (2008) original

transactional model, participants’ worldviews and the context also

play an important role in the communication process.

d. Elements of Public Speaking

1) Communication Process

a) Encoding

Refers to the process of taking an idea or mental image,

associating that image with words and then speak those words

in order to convey a message.

b) Decoding

The reverse process of listening to words thinking about them,

and turning those words into mental images.

2) Communicator

The term communicator refers to all of the people in the

interaction or speech setting. It is used instead of sender and

receiver, because when we are communicating with other people

we are not only sending a message, we are receiving messages

from others simultaneously.

3) Message

The message involves those verbal and nonverbal

behaviors, enacted by communicators that are interpreted with


meaning by others. The verbal portion of the message refers to the

words that we speak, while the nonverbal portion includes our tone

of voice and other non-vocal components such as personal

appearance, posture, gestures and body movements, eye behavior,

the way we use space, and even the way that we smell.

4) Channel

The channelis very simply the means through which the

message travels. In face-to-face communication the channel

involves all of our senses, so the channel is what we see, hear,

touch, smell and perhaps what we taste. Communicating with

someone online, the channel is the computer; when texting the

channel is the cell phone; and when watching a movie on cable,

the channel is the television.

5) Noise

Noise refers to anything that interferes with message

transmission or reception. There are several different types of

noise. The first type of noise is physiological noise, and this refers

to bodily processes and states that interfere with a message. For

instance, if a speaker has a headache or the flu, or if audience

members are hot or they are hungry, these conditions may interfere

with message accuracy. The second type of noise is psychological

noise. Psychological noise refers to mental states or emotional

states that impede message transmission or reception.


6) Worldview

In the majority of our interactions with others, we are

operating on automatic pilot. Although the encoding and decoding

process may appear to befairly straight forward, it is actually much

more complicated than it seems. The reason for this is because we

all have different worldviews. Worldview is the overall framework

through which an individual sees, thinks about, and interprets the

world and interacts with it. There are five core components to our


a) Epistemology, the way that we acquire knowledge and or what

counts as knowledge.

b) Ontology, speech writers should be careful not to presume that

audience members share the same beliefs. If a speaker claims

that illness can be aided with prayer, but several people in the

audience are atheists, at best the speaker has lost credibility and

at worst these audience members could be offended.

c) Axiology, one of the ways that you can tell what people value

is to ask them what their goals are, or to ask them what

qualities they look for in a life partner. Our values represent the

things that we hope for –they do not represent reality. Values

can have an impact on multiple levels of the public speaking

process, but in particular values impact speaker credibility and

effectiveness in persuasion.

d) Cosmology dictates our view of power relationships and may

involve our religious or spiritual beliefs. Controversial speech

topics like universal health care and the death penalty are often

related to this aspect of worldview as we must consider our

responsibilities to other human beings and our power to

influence them. Interestingly, cosmology would also play a role

in such logistical points as who is allowed to speak, the order

of speakers on a schedule.

e) Praxeology, may also have an impact on a speaker is preference

of delivery style, methods of arranging main points, and choice

of slideware.

e. Types of Speeches and Speaking Occasions

There are three general purposes for speaking in public. The

general purpose of a speech is usually determined by the occasion in

which the speech will be presented. The first general purpose is to

inform your audience. In an informative speech, the presenter will

share information about a particular person, place, object, process,

concept, or issue by defining, describing, or explaining. Occasions for

which an informative speech would be presented include a report

presented to coworkers, a teacher presenting information to his or her

class, and a training session for a job.

The second purpose for public speaking is to persuade. In a

persuasive speech, the presenter will attempt to reinforce or change


their audiences’ beliefs, attitudes, feelings, or values. Several

occasions where persuasion is used include a sales pitch to potential

customers, a politician is campaign speech, or a debate during a public


The last general purpose is to commemorate or entertain. These

types of speeches often strengthen the bonds between audience

members from recalling a shared experience or intend to amuse

audiences through humor, stories, or illustrations

f. Speaking Competencies

As Ayn Rand alludes to in her quote, a desire to succeed is the

first step in achieving this objective. Nevertheless, you cannot hit a

target unless you know what it is. Thus, the final portion of this

chapter is devoted to an overview of eleven speaking competencies

which we consider to be the standards for evaluating a variety of

presentations at every level of mastery. These are based on the Public

Speaking Competence Rubric [PSCR] (Schreiber, Paul & Shibley,


1) Useful Topic

The first speaking competency is to select a topic that is

appropriate to the audience and the occasion. An advanced speaker

selects a worthwhile topic that engages the audience. His topic also

presents the audience with new information that they did not know

before the speech. A beginning speaker selects a topic that lacks


originality or is out of date. His topic provides no new information

to the audience. An ineffective speaker may give a speech in which

a single topic cannot be deduced by the audience.

2) Engaging Introduction

To formulate an introduction that orients the audience to the topic

and the speaker is the second speaking competency. An advanced

speaker writes an introduction that contains an excellent attention-

getter. She firmly establishes her credibility. She provides a sound

orientation to the topic, states her thesis clearly, and previews her

points in a cogent and memorable way. For the beginning speaker,

her attention-getter is mundane and she somewhat develops her

credibility. Her thesis is awkwardly composed and she provides

little direction for the audience. The ineffective speaker has no

opening technique, no credibility statement and provides no

background on the topic. In addition she has no thesis statement

and no preview of her points.

3) Clear Organization

Competency three is to use an effective organizational pattern. An

advanced speaker is very well organized and delivers a speech with

clear main points. His points are mutually exclusive and directly

related to the thesis. Further, he employs effective transitions and

signposts to help the speech flow well. The beginning speaker has

main points that are somewhat organized, but the content of these

points may overlap. Transitions may also be present in his speech,

but they are not particularly effective. In the ineffective speaker is

speech, there is no clear organizational pattern, there are no

transitions, and it sounds as if the information is randomly


4) Well-Supported Ideas

Fourth on the list of speaking competencies is to locate, synthesize,

and employ compelling supporting materials. In the advanced

speaker is speech, her key points are well supported with a variety

of credible materials, and her sources provide excellent support for

her thesis. In addition, all of her sources are clearly cited. A

beginning speaker has points that are generally supported with a

fair mix of materials. Only some of her evidence supports her

thesis, and her source citations need to be clarified. An ineffective

speaker gives a speech with no supporting materials or no source


5) Closure in Conclusion

The fifth speaking competency is to develop a conclusion that

reinforces the thesis and provides psychological closure. The

advanced speaker provides a clear and memorable summary of his

points, and he refers back to the thesis or big picture. His speech

also ends with a strong clincher or call to action. A beginning

speaker provides some summary of his points, but there is no clear


reference back to his thesis. The closing technique of his speech

can also be strengthened. In an ineffective speaker is speech, there

is no conclusion. His speech ends abruptly and without closure.

6) Clear and Vivid Language

To demonstrate a careful choice of words is the sixth speaking

competency. An advanced speaker is language is exceptionally

clear, imaginative and vivid. Her language is also completely free

from bias, grammatical errors and inappropriate usage. The

beginning speaker selects language that is adequate to make her

point. She has some errors in grammar and occasionally uses slang,

jargon or awkward sentence structure. The ineffective speaker has

many errors in her grammar and syntax. She also mispronounces

words and extensively uses slang, jargon, and/or sexist or racist


7) Suitable Vocal Expression

Competency number seven is to effectively use vocal expression

and paralanguage to engage the audience. Excellent use of vocal

variation, intensity and pacing are characteristics of the advanced

speaker. His vocal expression is also natural and enthusiastic, and

he avoids fillers. Some vocal variation is evident in the beginning

speakers speech. He also enunciates clearly, speaks audibly, and

generally avoids fillers (e.g., “um,” “uh,” “like,” etc.). An

ineffective speaker is inaudible, enunciates poorly, and speaks in a


monotone voice. His speech also has poor pacing, and he distracts

listeners with fillers.

8) Corresponding Nonverbal

Eighth on the list of competencies is to demonstrate nonverbal

behavior that supports the verbal message.An advanced speaker

has posture, gestures, facial expression and eye contact that are

natural, well developed, and display high levels of poise and

confidence. Some reliance on notes is seen with the beginning

speaker, but she has adequate eye contact. She also generally

avoids distracting mannerisms. The ineffective speaker usually

looks down and avoids eye contact. She has nervous gestures and

other nonverbal behaviors that distract from or contradict the


9) Adapted to the Audience

The ninth speaking competency is to successfully adapt the

presentation to the audience. The advanced speaker shows how

information is important to audience members, and his speech is

tailored to their beliefs, values and attitudes. He may also make

allusions to culturally shared experiences. A beginning speaker

assumes but does not articulate the importance of the topic. His

presentation is minimally adapted to the audience, and some of the

ideas presented in the speech are removed from the audiences

frame of reference or experiences. An ineffective speakers speech


is contrary to the audiences beliefs, values and attitudes. His

message may be generic or canned and no attempt is made to

establish common ground.

10) Adept Use of Visual Aids

To skillfully make use of visual aids is the tenth competency.

Exceptional explanation and presentation of visual aids is

characteristic of the advanced speaker. Her speech has visuals that

provide powerful insight into the speech topic, and her visuals are

of high professional quality. The beginning speakers visual aids are

generally well developed and explained, although there may be

minor errors present in the visuals. An ineffective speaker uses

visual aids that distract from her speech. Her visuals may not be

relevant, or her visuals may be of poor professional quality.

11) Convincing Persuasion

The eleventh and final speaking competency is to construct an

effectual persuasive message with credible evidence and sound

reasoning. An advanced speaker articulates the problem and

solution in a clear, compelling manner. He supports his claims with

powerful and credible evidence while completely avoiding

reasoning fallacies. His speech also contains a memorable call to

action. In the beginning speaker is speech, the problem and

solution are evident, and most claims are supported with evidence.

He also has generally sound reasoning and a recognizable call to


action. For the ineffective speaker, the problem and/or solution are

not defined. His claims are not supported with evidence, his speech

contains poor reasoning, and there is no call to action.

Readers should note that the competencies listed above are not all

inclusive. Ultimately one must adjust, expand, and apply these

competencies as best fits the requirements of the speaking

situation. But they do provide a starting point for new or less

experienced speakers to begin to understand all of the interrelated

components of a speech.

3. The Concept of Perception

a. Definition of Perception

In the science of psychology, there are terms of processing the

information received from the observations, one of the term is perception.

Perception is a psychological function that starts from the sensation,

continued with the process of categorizing, classifying, interpreting and

linking multiple stimuli at once. Stimuli that have been received and are

grouped in such a way is then interpreted into an individual subjective

meaning (Ross& Calhoun, 1995).

According to Robbins (2003) perception is the process taken by

individuals to govern and to interpret perception of sensory to give

significance in their environment. Perception can be defined as people

recognition and interpretation of sensory information. Perception also

includes how people respond the information. People can think of


perception as a process where they take in sensory information from

environment and use the information in order to interact with the

environment. Perception allows people to take the sensory information in

and make it into something meaningful.

Sensation happens before brain interprets the received information

from the sensory organs. All creatures have sensory organs, for instance,

human. They have eyes, ears, skin, nose, and tongue to receive stimuli to

feel the sensation. If one of the sensory organs has limited function or even

worse, cannot work at all, the other sensory organs’ ability will increase

(Santrock, 2005).

The sensory organs which have the sensory receptor cells use to

detect the sensory message which often called as stimulus based on its

function. A stimulus refers to any aspects that can detect by the sensory

organs. For example, light can be detected by eyes, smell can be detected

by nose, sound can be detected by ears, taste can be detected by tongue

and heat can be detected by skin (Lahey, 2009).

After the sensory organ detected the stimuli, the transduction

process happens from the sensory organ to the brain. Brain will interpret,

organize and form the received stimuli to be the complete information

actively and creatively (Passer & Smith, 2001). It will find the meaningful

patterns of the sensory information. This process is known as perception.


b. Visual Perception Theory

In order to receive information from the environment we are

equipped with sense organs e.g. eye, ear, nose. Each sense organ is part of

a sensory system which receives sensory inputs and transmits sensory

information to the brain.

A particular problem for psychologists is to explain the process by

which the physical energy received by sense organs forms the basis of

perceptual experience. Sensory inputs are somehow converted into

perceptions of desks and computers, flowers and buildings, cars and

planes; into sights, sounds, smells, taste and touch experiences.

A major theoretical issue on which psychologists are divided is the

extent to which perception relies directly on the information present in the

stimulus. Some argue that perceptual processes are not direct, but depend

on the perceiver's expectations and previous knowledge as well as the

information available in the stimulus itself (Mc. Leoad, 2007).

This controversy is discussed with respect to Gibson (1966) who

has proposed a direct theory of perception which is a 'bottom-up' theory,

and Gregory (1970) who has proposed a constructivist (indirect) theory of

perception which is a 'top-down' theory.

Psychologists distinguish between two types of processes in

perception: bottom-up processing and top-down processing.

Bottom-up processing is also known as data-driven processing,

because perception begins with the stimulus itself. Processing is carried


out in one direction from the retina to the visual cortex, with each

successive stage in the visual pathway carrying out ever more complex

analysis of the input.

Top-down processing refers to the use of contextual information

in pattern recognition. For example, understanding difficult handwriting is

easier when reading complete sentences than when reading single and

isolated words. This is because the meaning of the surrounding words

provide a context to aid understanding.

Psychologist Richard Gregory argued that perception is a

constructive process which relies on top-down processing. For Gregory

(1970) perception is a hypothesis.

Gregory (1970) stated that perception involves making inferences

about what we see and trying to make a best guess. Prior knowledge and

past experience, he argued, are crucial in perception.When we look at

something, we develop a perceptual hypothesis, which is based on prior

knowledge. The hypotheses we develop are nearly always correct.

However, on rare occasions, perceptual hypotheses can be disconfirmed by

the data we perceive.

c. Indicators of Perception

According to Robbins (2003) there are two indicators af


1) Acceptance/ Reabsorption

The process of acceptance or reabsorption is indicator of

perception in physiology stage, it is about the function of the five

sense in grasping external stimulus.

2) Understanding/ Evaluation

The external stimulus that have been grasped will evaluate.

It is a subjective evaluation. It will be different perception of each

person in environment.

d. Changes of Perception

Perception is not something static, but can change. The first change

process affected by the psychological processes of the nervous system in

the human senses. If a stumulus not change, adaptation and habituation

that will occur affect response to a stimulus is increasingly weak.

Habituation tended phsycology from receptor that be less sensitive after

receiving a lot of stimulus. While adaptation is reduced concern if the

stimulus appeared many times. Stimuli that appear regularly are more

easily adapted than the appearance of irregular stimulus.

The second change is a psychological processes. The change in

psychology of perception, among others encountered in the formation and

change of attitudes. Attitude is a response. Attitude formation and change

in psychology is usually described as a learning process or as a process of

consciousness (cognition). In the learning process, the focus was on the


presence of external stimuli (stimulus), while in the process of cognition is

the main push or the will of the individual itself.

Something that is perceived by a person with another person can

differ in meaning. This is because what is around captured by the five

senses are not directly synonymous with reality. The understanding in

people who perceive objects and situations presented around them. Based

on the perception or giving meaning to what is captured by the five senses,

the person doing the activity or perform certain behaviors.

The purpose of perception has shifted meaning. As cited in Marr

(1982) beliefs that the purpose of perception is to define information from

outside world. Shifted purpose of perception comes from an evolutionary

perspective who stated that perception is the way for creatures to enhance

the chance of survival.

A creature has to able to feel and react spontaneously and

accurately. In fact, the way of creatures respond to the stimuli is different

and will interpret the stimuli into something meaningful to each creatures

based on their experiences. They will detect and give response if the

stimulus is “positive” or “negative”.

The “positive” or “negative” result will reflect on the

implementation of public speaking subject. The process starts with the

sensation, when their teacher gave the instruction.


C. Conceptual Framework





The conceptual framework gave information about teaching learning

process in public speaking subject andto know the students’ perceptiontowards the

effectiveness of public speaking subject was important.

It was also supported since the effectiveness of public speaking subject

had spread. The importance to know the students’ perception toward the

effectivenes of public speaking subject in this study was to get the authentic data

about students’ response and judgment about public speaking subject which the

students got on their works during the class activity in public speaking subject.

The students’ perception can be used as a turning point to reflect on the

process and the strategic of effectiveness the public speaking subject by the




A. Research Design

This research was a qualitative descriptive research due to the researcher want

to analyze about the students’ perception towards the effectiveness of public

speaking subject. The aim of choosing public speaking subject was to find out the

effectiveness of public speaking.

B. Population and Sample

This study was conducted at English Education Department of Makassar

Muhammadiyah University in academic year 2016/2017. The researcher took

Purposive sampling. The population was fourth semester students which consists

of one class and the samples were 39 students.

C. Research Variables and Indicators

The indicator of this research was the students’ perception toward the

effectiveness of public speaking subject to support students’ speaking skill.


D. Instrument of the Research

The instrument of this research was interview where the researcher recorded

the perception of students toward the effectiveness of public speaking subject in

the class room. The students were asked by the researcher to give feedback to the

teaching and learning process.

E. Procedure of Collecting Data

1. The researcher asked permission to the lecturer of the class.

2. The researcher observed the class as a sample of this research.

3. The researcher did interview to the students which has chosen their class as

a sample of this research.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing, the data collected through interview, the researcher used the

procedures as follow:

1. The researcher recorded the interview of the students.

2. The researcher listened the recording of the students.

3. The researcher transcript the students’ recording of interview into words.

4. The researcher determined the students’ perception toward the

effectiveness of public speaking subject by the result of the students’

recording of interview.


In this chapter, the results of the study are presented. The chapter is

divided into three main sections. The first section presents the data description,

followed by findings on each statement aspects to answer research questions about

the students’ perceptions toward the effectiveness of public speaking subject to

support their speaking skill, focusing on the strategies used by the lecturers.

A. Data Description

The data gained through qualitative interview. The participants of this

study were 39 English Education’s students from year 2016/2017 who were

chosen by using purposive sampling.

The students are 9 males and 30 females, In addition, those students

claimed that they have already taken the public speaking subject. It was indicated

by their answers of the questionnaire on number 1-5 about their opinion during

the process of teaching through public speaking subject. They stated that public

speaking subject was an interesting subject and it was very useful and helpful to

improve their speaking skill. Moreover, 24 students also agreed that public

speaking subject was very challenging and it motivated them to be more

confidence, thoughtful, and attentive in the classroom when they were doing

practices in every meeting. Therefore, 7 students agreed that public speaking


subject supported their speaking skill and gave them new experiences in learning


B. Findings on Research Questions

1. Students’ Perception as the feedback receiver in Public Speaking


The result of this aspect has aimed to answer the first research

question “How is the students’ of English Education Department,

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar perception in public speaking

subject? It consisted 5 questions which occurred in interview.

a. Question Number 1

The question number 1 was aimed to know the students’ opinion

about the public speaking subject: “Do you think public speaking is an

effective subject in improving your speaking skill?”

All the participants answered that public speaking subject is an

effective way to improve their speaking skill.

b. Question Number 2

The question number 2 was aimed to know the students’ opinion

about the public speaking subject to improve their confidence in

speaking skill; “Do you think public speaking subject helps in

improving your confidence during speaking practice? Why?”


They stated that public speaking subject helped them to improve their

confidence, so it can make somebody do what they want to do, what

they want to say etc.

c. Question number 3

The question number 3 was aimed to know the students’ opinion

about the public speaking subject to improve their fluency in speaking

skill; “Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your

fluency during speaking practice? Why?”

They stated that public speaking subject is an effective way to

improve their fluency because every students who talked, we can

know how to pronounce some words to pronounce by them.

d. Question Number 4

The question number 4 was aimed to know the students’ perception

about the most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject: “Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public

speaking subject applied during your speaking practice?”

All the participants answered that they gained much knowledge from

public speaking subject in applied during their speaking subject.

e. Question Number 5

The question number 5 was aimed to know the support of public

speaking subject; “How can the public speaking subject support your

speaking skill?”

23 students as participants stated that public speaking supported their

speaking skill because it gave many positive effects like, can make

them be confident, can give them many experience in practicing

speaking, can make their pronunciation improve and many more.

C. Discussion

As has been presented on findings, results in interview showed that

respondents had positive perception towards the implementation of public

speaking subject. It can be seen from the result of interview. Below are the detail

answers of the research question by answering the subsidiary research questions.

The answer from subsidiary research questions lead to answer the research


In question number 1, all of the students answered that public speaking

subject is an effective way to improve their speaking skill. It means that all of the

students agree that public speaking subject is an effective strategy to improve the

students speaking skill. The question number 2 stated that public speaking subject

helped them to improve their confidence, so it can be concluded that all of the

students agree that public speaking subject can help the students be confident in

practicing speaking. In question number 3, they stated that public speaking subject

is an effective way to improve their fluency because every students who talked,

we can know how to pronounce some words to pronounce by them. So it means

that all of the students agree that public speaking subject can help the students

fluently in practicing speaking. All the participants answered that they gained

much knowledge from public speaking subject in applied during their speaking

subject. In question number 4, all of the students answered that they gained much

knowledge from public speaking subject in applied during their speaking subject.

It can be concluded that they gained much knowledge after joining public

speaking subject in practicing speaking. In last question, 23 students as

participants stated that public speaking supported their speaking skill because it

gave many positive effects like, can make them be confident, can give them many

experience in practicing speaking, can make their pronunciation improve and

many more. But some of them stated that public speaking subject can make a few

students be afraid or fear to practicing English because they think that it is

difficult, it need a few minutes in giving or show their idea.




This chapter consists of two sections, the first section dealt with the

conclusion of findings of the research and the other one deal with suggestion.

A. Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion, it can be concluded that the

respondents of this study gave their positive perception toward the effectiveness

of public speaking subject.

The positive judgement from the respondents comes not only from the

students’ statement agreement and the aspects in the research interview but also

from the advantages which they got while the implementation of public speaking

subject to improve their speaking skill. They claimed that they have got many

benefits in public speaking subject to imprve their speaking skill in practicing


Nevertheless, students still need their lecturer during the process. Lecturer

was needed by the students in order to get some instruction, correction, motivation


B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the data analysis and conclusion, the researcher

suggestes as follows:

The lecturers need to decrease problem appears in implementing public

speaking subject in order to improve its benefits to improve students’ language

skill in term of practicing speaking and their performances in public speaking.

Another suggestion is the implementation not only can be used in public

speaking subject, therefore it can be as one of the strategy which can be

implemented toward others subjects of English Education Department to improve

their speaking skill.


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2013 WIETE. Peer Assessment of Perception and Attitudes in Public
Speaking English classes, Vol.11, No.4, 2013.

Instrument of Interview

Name :

Class :

Date of Interview :

No. Questions

1. Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

2. Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

3. Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

4. Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking subject

applied during your speaking practice?

5. How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?
Data of Interview


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes I think so, because the speaking subject motivate us to learn new

vocabularies and because of it we can speak better.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Of course, because to get the score we have to be able to speak in front if the

class and because of that we get used to speak publicly.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because in public speaking we learn to deliver our speech in clear way

so its easy to understand.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes, because we learn not only about vocabularies but also how to speak

grammatically also confidently.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The public speaking subject helps to improve my speaking skill through

improving my vocabularies and many aspect about speaking.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Sure, because it teach me to learn many words.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we have to talk in front of the class.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because knowing much vocabularies will make us speak fluently.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes of course.
A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : This subject help me to learn speak better with learning about many things

such as word, grammar and body language.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yeah its very effective because our lecturer told us that if we want to pass

the subject we have to be able to speak in public.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Of course, because every meeting we will talk in front of the class or have

discussion so it slowly become a habit.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Of course, its because we slowly learn new words.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Absolutely.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : It helps me so much because i learn to say something in front of the people

without being afraid of wrong.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes, why… I think because its very fun when learning speaking.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Sure, because it helps us to be brave when we are talking.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, I think i learn many words and the pronounciation so it helps my


A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : I think so.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : Public speaking subject support me to speak because I have learn how to

speak in front of my classmates so I don’t feel really shy anymore.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Of course… its so effective because it teach us so many things related to


A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because I talk to my classmates.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because talking to classmates makes me not feel shy slowly but sure.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Of course, we learn about so many things and it really help us when we talk

to other people.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The subject support me with trained me to speak fluently and confidently

like what you asked me before.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes, because I am happy to learn about it.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we talk to many people even we feel afraid to be wrong.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we learn about many kinds of words.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes it is.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The public speaking subject makes me learn about so many words and

structures so it really help me.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Sure, because its focusing on teach us how to speak in public.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : I think so because we are trained to speak in front of the class.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because every meeting we learn something new about vocabs and other.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : I believe so.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : It help me support my speaking skill by teach me how to be brave to stand

and speak in front of the people.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Definitely, because we learn to deliver our idea to the people.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Sure, because we have to talk in front of the class.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Sure sure… because we improve our vocab and fluency is the effect.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes, sure.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The public speaking subject helps to improve my speaking skill with talk in

front of the class and lecturer so it help me to speak to people outside the



A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Of course because its fun to learn.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Of course because to get the score we have to be able to speak in front if the


A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes because in public speaking we learn to deliver our speech.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The public speaking subject helps to improve my speaking skill through

improving my vocabularies.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Of course… it’s really effective because we learn to speak in front of our


A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we talk to each other or deliver speech.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because talking to classmates makes me not feel really shy like before.
A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Of course, we learn to talk to other people.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The subject support me with trained me to speak fluent with improving

vocab and strategies.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Definitely, because we learn to speak up without feeling scare to be wrong.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Sure, because lecturer tell us to talk in front of the class.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Sure sure… because we start to memorize many words.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Of course.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The public speaking subject help me to feel confident to talk with many



A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Definitely, because we learn to say something to our friends and other


A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Sure, because in the class we have to speak one by one in front.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because I study about new vocab and how to say it.
A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : With the subject I now know much vocab and slowly easy to speak english.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Right, its effective because i experience how to speak in public.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because it teach me how to be brave to speak.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we already experience few time speak in public so we less

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes, I think so.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : It help us to speak but most of the times I still feel afraid or saying the wrong

words or if I don’t know how to say it, it makes me feel shy.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes, In my opinion I am agree. We try to perform speech in front of the class

and it also helps us to perform outside the class.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes. Because we get used to speak during the class so we don’t feel shy or

afraid anymore.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes. We memorize words that helps us to speak fluently.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Of course.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : Public speaking subject makes me believe in my speaking ability and

increase my confidence.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : For sure, yes it’s effective. Because the subject is so useful.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes it is. We talk to our classmates and lecture so we slowly how to say

‘terbiasa’ do not feel so shy when speak.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes it is. We I personally can feel it, I talk faster than before.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Absolutely.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : I actually don’t really think so because i sometimes feel that my friends are

so good when they speak and it make me feel like shy because I am not as

good as them.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Of course, because it teach me to learn about words and sentences.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we have to talk in front of the class.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because knowing much vocabularies will make us speak better.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes of course.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : I learn to remember words and use it in my daily life.


A : Well, do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes, it’s positively. I get so many lesson and experience.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, of course. I start to speak confidently after learn it.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, definitely. I speak better eversince.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Sure.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : It support me but not that much because I still afraid at few times that people

will not understand what I say.


A : Well, do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes, definitely. I feel my speaking is little bit improved.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Sure. I feel not really shy since learn it.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, it’s positively. I feel my speak goes more fluent even just a little.
A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes, of course.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : It support my knowledge but not my confident. I am a shy person so its still

not easy to speak in front of people, I could a little bit, but its still scary for



A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Of course… my speaking skill increase slowly since the first time I learn it.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we talk to each other or communicate.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because usually I have to talk in front of the class.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Of course, we learn to talk to other people.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The subject not really support me because sometimes I still even feel so

afraid if the lecturer would call my name.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yeah its very effective because its forcing us to speak in front of many


A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Of course, because every meeting we will talk in front of the class or talk

about a topics.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Of course, it’s because we slowly learn vocabularies.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Absolutely.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : I don’t feel so comfort if the class start, its nice to see my friend talk but

when its come to me I feel so worry that I’ll say wrong and stupid words.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Of course because it’s very exciting.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Of course because it makes me feel so happy to speak my opinion.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes because now I know more new words.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The public speaking subject helps to increase my speaking skill through

improving my vocabulary mastery.


A : Well, do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes, definitely. I feel my speaking is little bit improved.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Sure. I feel not really shy since learn it.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, it’s positively. I feel my speak goes more fluent even just a little.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes, of course.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : I am still shy at times because I am so easily nervous and lost my words, I

think I still couldn’t get that habit off.


14. A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes, In my opinion I am agree. We try to perform speech in front of the class

and it also helps us to perform outside the class.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes. Because we get used to speak during the class so we don’t feel shy or

afraid anymore.
A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes. We memorize words that helps us to speak fluently.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Of course.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : Public speaking subject makes me little bit shaking and so nervous, I am just

so worry I don’t know why.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes, because I am so excited learn about it.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we talk to many people.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we learn about many kinds of words.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes it is.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The public speaking subject makes me learn about so many words but I am

forgetful person and I easily forget my words so I try harder than my friends.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Sure, because its forcing us to speak in public.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : I think so because we are trained to speak to all of my friends.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because every meeting we learn something new about sentence and


A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Positively.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : I feel shy most of the times but I am doing good, I think.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Of course, because it teach me to learn about words.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we have to talk in front of the class.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because knowing as much as vocabularies will make us speak better.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes of course.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : I hardly practice it publicly, it more difficult than in face to face

communication. Because public speaking it is so scary for me.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Of course… my speaking skill increase slowly since the first time I learn it.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we talk to each other or communicate.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because usually I have to talk in front of the class.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Of course, we learn to talk to other people.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The subject not really support me because sometimes I still even feel so

scared if the lecturer would ask me to stand in front and speak.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes, In my opinion I am agree. We try to perform speech in front of the class

and it also helps us to perform outside the class.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes. Because we get used to speak during the class so we don’t feel shy or

afraid anymore.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes. We memorize words that helps us to speak fluently.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Of course.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : Public speaking subject makes me confident to speak so it help mo so much.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Right, its effective because i experience how to speak in public.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because it teach me how to speak better.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because we already experience speak in public.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes, I think so.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : It help us to speak but most of the times I still feel afraid or saying the wrong

words or if I don’t know how to say it, it just makes me feel so afraid.


A : Do you think public speaking is an effective subject in improving your

speaking skill? Why?

B : Yes I think so, because the speaking subject motivate us to learn new

vocabularies and because of it we can speak better.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your confidence

during speaking practice? Why?

B : Of course, because to get the score we have to be able to speak in front if the

class and because of that we get used to speak publicly.

A : Do you think public speaking subject helps in improving your fluency during

your speaking practice? Why?

B : Yes, because in public speaking we learn to deliver our speech in clear way

so its easy to understand.

A : Do you think most of knowledge that you gained from public speaking

subject applied during your speaking practice?

B : Yes, because we learn not only about vocabularies but also how to speak

grammatically also confidently.

A : How can the public speaking subject support your speaking skill?

B : The public speaking subject helps to improve my speaking skill through

increase my vocabularies and many things about speaking.



The researcher, Adrian Adiwinata was born on May 02nd,

1993 in Ara (Bulukumba), South Celebes. He is the third

son of the marriage of Salamuddin and Rusia. He began his

study at SDN 164 Ara and graduated in 2005. Then he

continued at SMPN 2 Bontobahari and graduated in 2008.

Afterwards, he continued his study at SMKN 6 Perkapalan and graduated in 2011.

In year 2012, he was registered as a student of English Education Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar. During his study at university, he joined organization, namely English

Department Students Association (EDSA), Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM

FKIP), Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (BEM

UNISMUH MAKASSAR). Moreover, he is also being member at Ikatan

Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah of Makassar (IMM MAKASSAR), Koordinator Isu

at Aliansi Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah (BEM

PTMI). At the end of his study, he could finish his thesis by the title The Student’s

Perception towards The Effecctiveness of Public Speaking in Public Speaking

Subject. (A Qualitative Research of Students at English Education Department

Year 2014 at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar).

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