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Suka duka freelancer


Sekitar 4 tahunan lalu, saya memutuskan resign dari pekerjaan

tetap saya demi menjadi full-time freelancer.

Alhamdulilah sampai sekarang saya masih survive dan bisa

dibilang saya tidak pernah menyesali keputusan saya untuk

Selama 4 tahun ini juga, saya hanya bekerja dari rumah. Jarak
antara meja kerja dan kasur saya hanya 5 langkah jalan kaki.

Banyak sekali suka dan duka selama menjalani kehidupan

sebagai full-time freelancer dan bekerja dari rumah.
Jika saya rangkum, ada dua hal suka dan duka yang paling

berasa. Mari kita mulai dari dukanya dulu..

Duka :

Tidak memiliki teman kantor

Menjadi freelancer dan bekerja dari rumah berarti anda bekerja
sendirian. Tidak akan ada teman kantor yang diajak ngobrol atau
sekedar bercanda.

Kadang saya merasa butuh teman sekedar ngobrol saat stuck

dengan pekerjaan. Jika sedang dilanda “demam kesepian”
(hehe), opsinya adalah ambil laptop dan pergi ke cafe atau co-
working space.

Sering dikira pengangguran

Indonesia dikenal dengan orangnya yang ramah-ramah. Maka
jangan heran kalau tetangga anda ikut mengurusi dan pengen tau
apa pekerjaan anda.

Sebagai freelancer yang bekerja dari rumah, mungkin tetangga

anda akan berpikir kalau anda pengangguran.

Sedangkan sukanya adalah..

Suka :

Jam kerja bebas

Salah satu alasan saya memutuskan resign dari kantor adalah saya
tidak suka dengan ritme jam kerja kantoran. Berangkat pagi, pulang
sore, setiap hari, bagi saya itu sangat membosankan.

Menjadi full-time freelancer berarti saya bebas mengatur jam kerja

saya. Ketika bangun pagi dan sedang ingin bekerja, anda tinggal
lompat dari kasur untuk menghidupkan komputer.

Tapi ketika sedang ingin bermalas-malasa, anda hanya perlu

menarik selimut dan tidur kembali.Tidak ada yang bisa
mengalahkan kepuasan memiliki kebebasan waktu.

Lebih dekat dengan keluarga

Keluarga adalah element terpenting dalam hidup. Keuntungan
bekerja dari rumah adalah anda lebih dekat dengan keluarga.

Tidak ada lagi waktu yang terbuang untuk macet-macetan dijalan

membuat waktu saya lebih efisien.
Akhir kata..

Semua pekerjaan memiliki plus minus masing-masing.

Apapun pekerjaan anda sekarang, selama anda menikmati dan
menyukainya, kerjakan dan selalu lakukan yang terbaik, ya ^_^

Semoga bermanfaat.

Yoko Bomb

Freelance expert & founder
hayacademy. net
Get in touch

Instagram : @yokobomber
Email : Join Group
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YANGBISAANDACOBA : The most popular freelance job site on the

Internet today, birthed from the merger of oDesk and Elance.
When you first start out, they take a 20% cut of your earnings, but
this reduces as you build more experience.

2. : Here you can offer just about any kind of

freelance service at a starting rate of $5 per project. Don’t let
that put you off, you can easily earn hundreds a day if you set
up the right kind of gig.

3. : On Freelancer you can apply for freelance

jobs and make submissions to design contests. It’s a relatively new
platform on the market but already has a huge base of customers
and clients.

4. : A job board for all sorts of freelance

services, including customer service, programming and more.
The only rule for posting jobs on the site is that no office is

5. : Originally designed for freelance needs

in the UK, PeoplePerHour is still dominated by these businesses
and freelancers. However there are job opportunities from around
the world for freelancers everywhere.
6. : If Upwork’s service fees make you squirm,
Guru is a more reasonable option. More than a million
freelancers use this platform to find fixed price and hourly

7. : A curated marketplace of freelance opportunities in

a variety of fields. It’s an invite-only platform, and you’ll have to
provide work examples to be considered for admission.

8. : A platform that connects businesses with a

network of freelancers and influencers who review their needs
and refer them to different freelancers who might be right for the

9. Matchist : A platform where anyone can submit a project idea

they want to bring to life. Matchist will assign a project manager
and then match them with “experts” to make it happen. Become
one of their experts and start benefitting from the job opportunities!

10. Mechanical Turk : Run by Amazon, it’s a platform

linking businesses and developers with an on-demand
workforce to complete their projects. Join up, and you can
make money working on HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks).

11. : A platform offering a searchable database of

more than 80,000 jobs in companies around the world.

12. : A social network designed just for

freelancers. You set up your profile, set your rates and apply for
job postings on the sites. Clients can also give you “kudos” points
that appear on your profile.

13. : Offers a database of searchable remote

and telecommute jobs in business, accounting, web
development, human resources, customer service, engineering,
and more.
14. : A hand-selected database of online
elecommute jobs from more than 2,500 vetted companies. The
website updates with more than 450 new jobs every day.

15. : A platform that helps people find work-

from-home jobs and earn extra cash. It hosts a job board with over
100,000 positions listed so far.

16. : Working Nomads offers a curated

list of job openings delivered right to your inbox. It’s catered to
people who want the freedom to work anywhere in the world.

17. : Offers a job board of freelance positions in

marketing, sales, engineering, human resources, and a few
other areas.

18. : FlexJobs is all about finding you flexible,

telecommute jobs. All positions are hand-screened and legitimate
by their guarantee!

19. : On Crowdsite, employers post a 140-

character shout describing their freelance needs. You can be
considered for the job by responding to the tweet-like post.

20. : YunoJuno is another great platform that

helps connect businesses with top freelancers. It also offers
features to support contracts and invoices.

21. : Become a Just Answer expert and start

answering people’s questions on a freelance basis. Topics include
mechanics, electrical engineering, computers, education, and
22. : An online community helping businesses
find local or remote professionals to help with their marketing,
content creation, designs and more.

23. MeFi Jobs : MeFi is all about location. You can search for jobs
posted by other members and see how far they are from you,
based on your latitude and longitude.

24. : A community of creative, digital, marketing and

technical professionals from around the world that you can be a
part of. As a team member, you can help fill gaps in digital and
marketing staff for various companies in their network.

25. : A job board for all sorts of positions, from

marketing to design, administration and more. With a free trial, you
can build a creative portfolio and find jobs.

26. iFreelance : iFreelance is another platform for many different

kinds of freelancers, including writers, coders, and marketers. As
far as I know, it’s also the only platform out there that lets you keep
100% of your earnings!

27. : Damongo calls itself the #1 website for micro

jobs online! A lot like Fiverr, you can get paid for completing a
wide variety of simple tasks related to graphic design, business,
music, audio, and more.
Do you have a teachable skill? Chances are there’s someone out
there who needs your tutoring services.

Whether it be a high school subject, a language, or just about

anything else, there are platforms out there that make it easy to
teach online. Here are a few to check out in your freelance job

28. : is the Internet’s #1 tutoring site,

delivering more than 15 million tutoring sessions so far. Become a
tutor on the site and you can start coaching people through all
sorts of subjects.

29. Chegg Tutors : This platform offers flexible tutoring

opportunities starting at $20/hour. According to their site, top
tutors can earn as much as $1,000/month. The more you build your
reputation, the more you can earn.

30. TutorVista : TutorVista is another popular tutoring site with

more than 10 million live sessions served. You can work
through monthly packages with your students or by an hourly


Want to become one of the top freelance writers online? There are
plenty of job opportunities out there waiting to get you a byline and
more exposure. Here are some job sites just for freelance writers:
31. : A place to find writing gigs
online. It can be blogging, writing research reports, creating
feature articles for magazines, and more.

32. DailyPosts : DailyPosts is a freelance writing agency that uses

a virtual office to manage production. Become one of their top
writers to find freelance writing gigs from around the world.

33. : This platform is designed just

for Canada, but as long as you can write using Canadian
English spelling, you’re golden!

34. : Founded way back in 2005, Textbroker is a

platform that connects businesses with professional writers.
Become one of their authors to start earning money through their
prestige and network of clients.

35. : Journalism Jobs is an online

database of open positions and freelance opportunities in print,
broadcast, and digital media. Many of the jobs listed are full-time
and location- based though.

36. : MediaBistro is another great job board

that writers, editors, and other media professionals can use to
connect with magazines and trade publications in their industry.
The site features thousands of telecommute jobs writers can
apply for.

37. The Shelf : If you’re a blogger and freelance writer, The

Shelf is a good opportunity for you. On the platform, you can
connect with other businesses and become an influencer to
help them reach the right audience.

38. Problogger Jobs : Problogger Jobs is a job board for open

writing positions as a blogger. You can find regular postings in
all sorts of blogging niches.

Tech workers are probably the most in-demand in the world.

Businesses struggle to find contract workers who can help them
with their technology needs, while hiring a full-time employee just
isn’t in the cards. Luckily, there are plenty of sites out there
designed to help tech contractors like you find companies you can

39. : PowertoFly is an online community charged

with connecting women tech workers to their dream jobs, whether
they be in office, flexible, or remote.

40. : Authentic Jobs calls itself the leading

job board for designers, hackers, and creative pros. Some of the
positions available are in-house full time, but remote freelance
opportunities also come up.

41. : Stack Overflow is one of the most

popular job boards for employers to find tech freelancers. Some
of the jobs listed are location-based, but you can also search for
remote positions.

42. : Sologig is a searchable database of

engineering and IT jobs. You can search for positions based on
keywords or location. There are many remote options available.

42. : Dice is an online search platform for tech jobs. You
can easily search based on job title or keywords and location to find
the perfect tech position for you.

43. : Gigster connects companies and

entrepreneurs with developers, designers and project managers
to help them with their projects. Become one of their vetted
developers and you might get opportunities to work with tech titans.
44. : FreelancerMap can help you find
freelance, contract positions in the IT industry from around
the world.

45. Joomlancers: Joomlancers is a job board for freelance

projects related to Joomla, Drupal, OScommerce, Vbulletin,
WordPress, Magento and more. Some are simple gigs that take
only a little time to complete and some are quite complex.

46. Hirable: Hirable connects businesses with freelance

developers for short or long term freelance projects. You’ll need to
be pre- screened before Hirable can start connecting you with
potential clients.

47. A platform for developers and designers to meet

up with companies who need freelance work done. Big name
companies like Amazon, Zappos, and LonelyPlanet have
found freelancers through this site.

48. Smashing Magazine: The Smashing Magazine job board is

another great place where freelance developers and designers
can find job opportunities.

49. WordPress Jobs: This is the official WordPress job

board where freelancers can find jobs in theme
development, plugin development, site optimization, and

50. WPHired: This is another platform focused on helping you find

freelance jobs related to WordPress needs, including design,
plugin development, theme development and more. Occasionally
blogging and site management job opportunities are posted as
Situs Freelance Indonesia :




Anda Mendapat DISKON 50

Ecourse Kelas Freelance : Step by step belajar menjadi

freelancer sukses.

Klaim disini :
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Instagram : @yokobomber
Email : Join Group
Telegram :
Web :

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