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Private Function KeKata(Nomor)

TrjKata = Array("", "satu", "dua", "tiga", "empat", "lima", "enam",

"tujuh", "delapan", "sembilan")
KeKata = TrjKata(Nomor)
End Function

Private Function KeKata(Nomor)

TrjKata = Array("", "satu", "dua", "tiga", "empat", "lima", "enam",
"tujuh", "delapan", "sembilan")
KeKata = TrjKata(Nomor)
End Function

Public Function CharTanggal(Tgl As Date) As String

Dim numMo, numYrs, numDay As Integer
Dim charMo, charYrs, charDay, charTgl
AngkaKata = Array("", "satu", "dua", "tiga", "empat", "lima", "enam",
"tujuh", "delapan", "sembilan")
'KTahun = AngkaKata(No)

numDay = Weekday(Tgl)
Select Case numDay
Case 1:
charDay = "minggu"
Case 2:
charDay = "senin"
Case 3:
charDay = "selasa"
Case 4:
charDay = "rabu"
Case 5:
charDay = "kamis"
Case 6:
charDay = "jumat"
Case 7:
charDay = "sabtu"
End Select

numTanggal = Day(Tgl)
tgl1 = Left(Right(numTanggal, 1), 1)
tgl2 = Left(Right(numTanggal, 2), 1)

If Len(numTanggal) = 1 Then
charTgl = KeKata(numTanggal)
End If
If Len(numTanggal) > 1 Then
If tgl1 = 0 And tgl2 = 1 Then
charTgl = "Sepuluh"
ElseIf tgl1 = 1 And tgl2 = 1 Then
charTgl = " Sebelas"
ElseIf tgl1 > 1 And tgl2 = 1 Then
charTgl = KeKata(tgl1) & " belas"
charTgl = KeKata(tgl2) & " puluh " & KeKata(tgl1)
End If
End If

numMo = Month(Tgl)
Select Case numMo
Case 1:
charMo = "Januari"
Case 2:
charMo = "Februari"
Case 3:
charMo = "Maret"
Case 4:
charMo = "April"
Case 5:
charMo = "Mei"
Case 6:
charMo = "Juni"
Case 7:
charMo = "Juli"
Case 8:
charMo = "Agustus"
Case 9:
charMo = "September"
Case 10:
charMo = "Oktober"
Case 11:
charMo = "Nopember"
Case 12:
charMo = "Desember"

End Select
numYrs = Year(Tgl)
No1 = Left(Right(numYrs, 1), 1)
No2 = Left(Right(numYrs, 2), 1)
No3 = Left(Right(numYrs, 3), 1)
No4 = Left(Right(numYrs, 4), 1)

If Len(numYrs) >= 1 Then
If Len(numYrs) = 1 And No1 = 1 Then
Nomor1 = "satu"
ElseIf Len(numYrs) = 1 And No1 = 0 Then
Nomor1 = "Nol"
ElseIf No2 = "1" Then
If No1 = "1" Then
Nomor1 = "sebelas"
ElseIf No1 = "0" Then
Nomor1 = "sepuluh"
Nomor1 = KeKata(No1) & " belas"
End If

Nomor1 = KeKata(No1)
End If
Nomor1 = ""
End If

If Len(numYrs) >= 2 Then
If No2 = 1 Or No2 = "0" Then
Nomor2 = ""
Nomor2 = KeKata(No2) & " puluh "
End If
Nomor2 = ""
End If
If Len(numYrs) >= 3 Then
If No3 = "1" Then
Nomor3 = "seratus "
ElseIf No3 = "0" Then
Nomor3 = ""
Nomor3 = KeKata(No3) & " ratus "
End If
Nomor3 = ""
End If

If Len(numYrs) >= 4 Then

If No6 = "0" And No5 = "0" And No4 = "0" Then
Nomor4 = ""
ElseIf (No4 = "1" And Len(numYrs) = 4) Or (No6 = "0" And No5 = "0"
And No4 = "1") Then
Nomor4 = "seribu "
ElseIf No5 = "1" Then
If No4 = "1" Then
Nomor4 = "sebelas ribu "
ElseIf No4 = "0" Then
Nomor4 = "sepuluh ribu "
Nomor4 = KeKata(No4) & " belas ribu "
End If

Nomor4 = KeKata(No4) & " ribu "
End If
Nomor4 = ""
End If

charYrs = Trim(Nomor4 & Nomor3 & Nomor2 & Nomor1)

CharTanggal = charDay & " tanggal " & charTgl & " bulan " & charMo & "
tahun " & charYrs

End Function

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