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Nama : Putri Vidya Maulina

Nim : 08031381924066

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Asisten : Tiara Nabila

Kelas :B

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu/17 November 2021




Putri Vidya Maulina
NIM 08031381924066

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Tiara Nabilla Tiara Nabila

NIM. 08031381823059 NIM. 08031381823059



II. NAMA PERCOBAAN : Uji Tembaga (Cu) Secara Spektrofotometri
Serapan Serapan Atom (SSA)
3.1 Mempelajari cara penentuan nilai absorbansi tembaga (Cu) secara
spektrofotometri serapan atom (SSA).
Metode AAS merupakan metode yang tepat untuk pengukuran kadar logam.
Kelebihan metode ini yaitu sensitif, akurat, analisisnya teliti dan cepat,
pengerjaannya relatif sederhana dan tidak perlu dilakukan pemisahan unsur logam
dalam pelaksanaannya. destruksi basah menggunakan zat pengoksidasi berupa
HNO3, HNO3/H2SO4. Perlakukan ini bertujuan untuk memutuskan ikatan antara
logam dengan senyawa organik yang terikat dengannya. Metode ini digunakan
karena pengerjaannya lebih sederhana, oksidasi terjadi secara kontinyu dan cepat
serta unsur-unsur yang diperoleh mudah larut sehingga dapat ditentukan dengan
metode analisa tertentu. Metode destruksi basah dilakukan dengan bantuan panas
yang bertujuan untuk mempercepat proses oksidasi atau perombakan
senyawasenyawa organik [6]. Selama proses destruksi berlangsung, terjadi
pemutusan ikatan antara antara logam dengan senyawa organik yang ditandai
dengan terbentuknya warna cokelat kemerah-merahan yang merupakan gas NO2
(Rahmawati dkk, 2015).
AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) adalah teknik yang paling banyak
digunakan untuk penentuan logam dalam bahan biologis. Penentuan AAS
biasanya dilakukan oleh FAAS saat konsentrasi cukup tinggi, atau dengan tungku
grafit AAS (GFAAS) saat konsentrasinya rendah. Logam yang dianggap paling
menarik untuk uji coba kolaboratif ini adalah logam beracun Pb dan Cd, untuk
yang banyak negara, namun selain logam tersebut, logam lain yang sering
digunakan adalah logam esensial Zn, Cu, dan Fe (Jorhem, 2000).as
5.1 Alat
a. Batang pengaduk
b. Corong pendek
c. Gelas beker
d. Kertas saring 0,45 um
e. Labu ukur 100 mL
f. Pipet tetes
g. Pipet volum
h. Seperangkat alat AAS
5.2 Bahan
a. Air keran
b. Aqua DM
c. HNO3 pekat
d. Larutan induk Cu 1000 ppm
6.1 Pembuatan Larutan Pengencer

500 mL aqua DM
- dimasukkan kedalam gelas piala
- ditambahkan asam nitrat pekat sampai pH 2

Larutan Pengencer

6.2 Pembuatan Larutan Baku/ Standar Logam Tembaga 100 mg/ L

10 mL Larutan induk Cu 1000 ppm

- dimasukkan kedalam labu ukur 100 mL

- ditambahkan aqua DM sampai tanda batas
- dihomogenkan

Larutan Baku Cu 100 mg/L

6.3 Pembuatan Lautan Baku/ Standar Logam Tembaga 100 mg/ L

Larutan Baku Logam Tembaga 100 mg/L

- dibuat deret larutan kerja dengan konsentrasi
0,5; 1; 2; 3; 4
- dimasukkan kedalam labu ukur 100 mL

Larutan Kerja Logam Tembaga

6.4 Pembuatan LarutaUji/ Sampel

50 mL air keran
- dimasukkan kedalam gelas piala 100 mL
- ditambahkan beberapa tetes asam nitrat pekat
- disaring dengan kertas saring 0,45 um
Larutan Uji

6.5 Penentuan Konsentrasi

Larutan Uji
- diukur absorbansi atom Cu dengan lampu
katoda Cu pada panjang gelombang 324 nm
- dibuat kurva kalibrasi
- dihitung konsentrasi Cu
Konsentrasi Cu

Jorhem, L. 2000. Determination of Metals in Foods by Atomic Absorption

Spectrometry after Dry Ashing: NMKL1 Collaborative Study. Journal Of
AOAC International. 83(5): 1205.
Rahmawati, E., Dewi, D. C., dan Fauziyah, B. 2015. Analisis Kadar Logam
Tembaga (Cu) Pada Permen Secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom
(SSA). Jurnal Farma Sains. 1(1): 11-12.

Eny Rahmawati1, Diana Candra Dewi1, Begum Fauziyah2

Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang, Malang Indonesia
Jurusan Farmasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang, Malang Indonesia


Permen yang dijual di pasaran diduga mengandung sejumlah logam berat misalnya
logam tembaga. Dalam penelitian ini, sampel permen didestruksi dengan HNO3,
HNO3/H2SO4 (3:1) dan HNO3/H2SO4/H2O2 (6:2:1) untuk mengetahui zat pengoksidasi terbaik
logam tembaga pada permen. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran kadar logam tembaga
dengan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA). Hasil analisis uji one way anove dengan uji
F menunjukkan bahwa zat pengoksidasi terbaik logam tembaga dalam sampel permen
adalah HNO3/H2SO4. Sementara itu, perolehan kadar logam tembaga pada permen dengan
label A, B, C, D, dan E berturut-turut sebesar 1,72 mg/Kg; 1,69 mg/Kg; 1,57 mg/Kg;
1,71mg/Kg; dan 1,69 mg/Kg. Dengan demikian, kadar logam tembaga pada permen yang
dijual di pasaran masih berada dalam batas aman konsumsi yang ditetapkan oleh SNI.

Kata Kunci: permen, destruksi basah, oksidator, waktu stabilitas, Spektrofotometri Serapan
Atom (SSA)

PENDAHULUAN Sampel permen dipreparasi dengan

destruksi basah menggunakan zat
Permen adalah salah satu jenis pengoksidasi HNO3, HNO3/H2SO4 (3:1) dan
makanan yang disukai oleh semua kalangan HNO3/H2SO4/H2O2 (6:3:1) [4]. Kristianingrum
baik anak-anak maupun orang dewasa. (2012) mengatakan bahwa untuk
Permen yang diperjualbelikan di pasaran mendapatkan kadar logam yang maksimal,
diindikasikan mengandung logam berat pemilihan jenis asam pengoksidasi terbaik
seperti tembaga. Di Nigeria, kadar logam sangat penting [5].
tembaga pada permen dan cokelat import di Metode SSA merupakan metode yang
Nigeria berkisar dari 3,0 – 4,2 mg/g (Ochu, tepat untuk pengukuran kadar logam.
2012). Sementara itu, di Turki, kadar logam Kelebihan metode ini yaitu sensitif, akurat,
tembaga pada chewing gums dan permen analisisnya teliti dan cepat, pengerjaannya
berkisar dari 0,219 – 2,455 μg/g (Duran, relatif sederhana dan tidak perlu dilakukan
2009). Sedangkan kadar logam tembaga pemisahan unsur logam dalam
yang dijual disekitaran Sekolah Dasar di pelaksanaannya.
Korea Selatan sebesar 0,7 mg/Kg (Ki-Choel,
Kandungan tembaga pada permen Alat dan Bahan
bersumber dari bahan baku berupa gula dan Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian
air. Kadar logam tembaga pada gula pasir ini adalah seperangkat instrumen
sebesar 0,9375 mg/Kg [1]. Sedangkan Spektrometer Serapan Atom (SSA) merek
kandungan logam tembaga pada air sebesar Varian spectra AA 240, peralatan gelas
0,01 mg/L [2]. Darmono [3] juga laboratorium, neraca analitik merk Kern, hot
menyebutkan bahwa proses pembuatan plate dan magnetic stirrer.
permen menggunakan alat-alat industri yang Bahan yang digunakan dalam
terbuat dari logam juga berkontribusi penelitian ini adalah larutan standar
terhadap terjadinya migrasi logam ke dalam Cu(NO3)2 E Merck, HNO3 p.a, H2SO4 p.a,
bahan pangan. H2O2p.a, dan aquadestila.
Jurnal Farma Sains Vol. 1 (1) Juli 2015 11
Prosedur Penentuan Kadar Logam Tembaga Pada
Pemilihan Sampel Permen dengan Zat pengoksidasi Terbaik
Lima sampel permen dengan merek Preparasi sampel untuk penelitian ini diambil
berbeda di beli di supermarket yang berbeda sebanyak 1 gram masing-masing sampel (A,
di Kota Malang. Masing-masing produk B, C, D dan E) kemudian ditambahkan zat
memiliki kode produksi dan masa kadaluarsa pengoksidasi terbaik. Sampel dipanaskan di
yang sama. atas hot plate pada suhu 100 ºC selama 3
jam sampai larutan berwarna jernih. Larutan
Pengaturan Alat Spektroskopi Serapan hasil destruksi didinginkan dan dimasukkan
Atom Logam Tembaga ke dalam labu ukur 50 mL lalu
Pengaturan alat Spektroskopi Serapan Atom ditandabataskan dengan HNO3 0,5 M.
varian Spectra AS 240 meliputi panjang Larutan disaring dengan kertas Whatmann
gelombang 324,8 nm, laju alir asetilen pada 42 dan diukur absorbansinya pada panjang
2,0 L/menit, laju udara pada 10,0 L/menit, gelombang 324,8 nm dan dilakukan 3 kali
lebar celah menggunakan variasi 0,5 nm dan pengulangan.
1,0 nm, kuat arus HCl 10,0 μA, tinggi burner
2,0 mm. Tabel 1 Variasi zat pengoksidasi
Pembuatan Kurva Baku Tembaga BeratSam
Zatpengoksidasi me
pel (gr)
Dibuat sederetan larutan standar Cu 0,00 (mL)
mg/L, 0,02 mg/L, 0,04 mg/L, 0,06 mg/L, 0,08 1 LarutanHNO3 30
mg/L dan 0,1 mg/L dengan pengencer HNO3
0,5 M ke dalam labu ukur 50 mL lalu LarutanHNO3/H2SO43:1
1 30
diencerkan sampai tanda batas. Larutan (22,5 ml/ 7,5 mL)
standar dianalisis dengan Spektrofotometer
Serapan Atom (SSA) merk Varian Spectra LarutanHNO3/H2SO4/H2
AA 240 pada kondisi optimum sehingga 1 O26:2:1 (20 mL/ 6,7 mL/ 30
diperoleh data absorbansi. 3,3 mL)

Penentuan Zat pengoksidasi Terbaik

Kadar Tembaga Pada Permen HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN
Menggunakan Destruksi Basah Sampel permen dipreparasi dengan
Sebanyak 1 gram sampel permen destruksi basah menggunakan zat
yang telah dihaluskan ditimbang pengoksidasi berupa HNO3, HNO3/H2SO4
menggunakan neraca analitik. Sampel (3:1) dan HNO3/H2SO4/H2O2 (6:2:1).
diletakkan ke dalam beaker glass 100 mL Perlakukan ini bertujuan untuk memutuskan
untuk dilakukan destruksi basah ikatan antara logam dengan senyawa organik
menggunakan larutan HNO3 p.a sebanyak 30 yang terikat dengannya. Metode ini
mL dan zat pengoksidasi yang lain digunakan karena pengerjaannya lebih
ditambahkan ke dalam beaker glass. Lalu sederhana, oksidasi terjadi secara kontinyu
dipanaskan di atas hot plate pada suhu 100 dan cepat serta unsur-unsur yang diperoleh
ºC selama 3 jam sampai larutan berwarna mudah larut sehingga dapat ditentukan
jernih. Apabila larutan masih berwarna keruh dengan metode analisa tertentu. Metode
maka ditambahkan HNO3 p.a dan zat destruksi basah dilakukan dengan bantuan
pengoksidasi yang lain (sesuai dengan tabel panas yang bertujuan untuk mempercepat
3.1) sebanyak 30 mL. Larutan hasil destruksi proses oksidasi atau perombakan senyawa-
didinginkan dan dimasukkan ke dalam labu senyawa organik [6]. Selama proses
ukur 10 mL lalu ditandabataskan dengan destruksi berlangsung, terjadi pemutusan
HNO3 0,5 M. Larutan sampel yang dihasilkan ikatan antara antara logam dengan senyawa
disaring dengan kertas Whatmann 42 dan organik yang ditandai dengan terbentuknya
diukur absorbansinya pada panjang warna cokelat kemerah-merahan yang
gelombang 324,8 nm. Pengukuran dilakukan merupakan gas NO2. Proses tersebut
sebanyak 3 kali ulangan. digambarkan dengan reaksi berikut:

Jurnal Farma Sains Vol. 1 (1) Juli 2015 12



Determination of Metals in Foods by Atomic Absorption

Spectrometry after Dry Ashing: NMKL Collaborative Study
National Food Administration, Chemistry Division 2, Box 622, S-751 26 Uppsala, Sweden

Collaborators: G. Afthan; G. Cumont; H.P. Dypdahl; K. Gadd; G.N. Havre; K. Julshamn; K. Kåverud; B. Lind;
J. Loimaranta; M. Merseburg; A. Olsson; S. Piepponen; B. Sundström; B.J. Uppstad; T. Waaler; L. Winnerstam

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A method for determination of lead, cadmium, zinc, 0.51–45 mg /kg, and from 11 to 14% for iron con-
copper, and iron in foods by atomic absorption centrations of 4–216 mg/kg.
spectrometry (AAS) after dry ashing at 450°C was
collaboratively studied in 16 laboratories. The
study was preceded by a practice round of famil-
ost of the collaboratively studied and approved
iarization samples and another round in which so-
lutions were distributed and the metals were deter-
mined directly by AAS. The study included
5 different foods (liver paste, apple sauce, minced
M methods available today for trace element determi-
nations are very specific and apply only to one or
2 elements, usually in a very specific matrix. Only a few meth-
fish, wheat bran, and milk powder) and 2 simulated ods exist that are approved for simultaneous determination of
diets. A single analysis was carried out with each more than one element in more general types of food ma-
sample. Suitable sample combinations were used trixes (1). For many elements commonly determined, there
as split-level combinations for determination of the are no approved methods at all.
repeatability standard deviation. The reproducibility Most types of samples require a procedure to get the sam-
relative standard deviation for each of the ele- ple into solution before analysis by atomic absorption spec-
ments ranged from 20 to 50% for lead concentra- trometry (AAS). The 2 most commonly used techniques to ac-
tions of 0.040–0.25 mg/kg, from 12 to 352% for cad- complish this are dry ashing at a defined temperature and wet
mium concentrations of 0.001–0.51 mg/kg, from digestion with mineral acid. Over the years, several investiga-
4 to 8% for zinc concentrations of 0.7–38 mg/kg, tors have pointed out the possible loss of analyte during dry
from 7 to 45% for copper concentrations of ashing. Gorsuch (2, 3) showed that certain metals could be
lost through volatilization or retention on silica crucible walls
when metallic standard solutions were added to the samples,
Submitted for publication December 1999.
or when metallic standard solutions were ashed with certain
The recommendation was approved by the Methods Committee on chlorides. Losses of Cd in specific sample tissues were re-
Residues and Related Topics, and was adopted by the Official Methods Board ported by Feinberg and Ducauze (4) and by Slabyj et al. (5). In
of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. See “Official Methods Board Actions,”
(1999) Inside Laboratory Management, November/December issue.
the first case, however, the samples were ashed at 750EC, with
This method was accepted as an official NMKL method at the 44th H2SO4 as an ashing aid. In the second case, the indications that
Annual Meeting of the Nordic Committee on Food Analysis, August 29–31, dry ashing contributed to the poor results were not substanti-
1990, Gentotle, Denmark.
This method and the results of the collaborative trial (carried out
ated. Koirtyohann and Hopkins (6) showed that no losses of
in1989) were published in 1993 (J. AOAC Int. 76, 798–813). The results of Cd, Zn, or Fe through volatilization occurred when tissues
the collaborative trial have now been recalculated in accordance with the were ashed at temperatures of <600EC. Loss by retention on
guidelines of AOAC INTERNATIONAL published in 1995 (J. AOAC Int.
78, 143A–160A). However, it was not possible to comply with every aspect
crucible walls at an ashing temperature of 500EC was ob-
of the AOAC requirements. The test materials contained only one “natural” served for Zn in porcelain crucibles. In platinum or silica cru-
split level (samples with a similar or identical matrix and similar cibles, only insignificant retention was observed at an ashing
concentrations) and no double blinds. Other split levels, for calculating Sr,
were made by combining samples with similar concentrations. Where
temperature of 500EC. Using radioactive isotopes in biologi-
applicable, the results obtained by flame atomic absorption spectrometry cal materials, van Raaphorst et al. (7) demonstrated that no
(AAS) and graphite furnace AAS were separated. In instances in which the losses of Cd occurred by volatilization or retention at an
flame AAS results for metals were very few, they were simply removed.
The text, in both the method and the evaluation was slightly updated,
ashing temperature of 450EC. The papers cited above present
without introducing anything that would change the method or the outcome strong indications that the method for dry ashing at a maxi-
of the evaluation, and some parts were deleted because they were no longer mum temperature of 450EC presented here yields results free
considered valid.
Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (Secretariat General c/o National
from losses by volatilization or retention. This method has
Veterinary Institute, Department of Food and Feed Hygiene, PO Box 8156, been used for many years; moreover, numerous recovery stud-
Dep. N-0033 Oslo, Norway). ies and frequent use of certified reference materials (CRMs)

have given no indication of systematic losses. Ashing aids and In an attempt to elucidate the contribution by the determi-
modification of the sample matrix during ashing have often nation step to the total variance in the results, a number of pre-
been used to eliminate potential losses and/or to speed up the pared solutions were sent to the participants and analyzed di-
ashing procedure. This always increases the risk of contami- rectly by AAS before the start of the collaborative trial. The
nation, however, and results in poorer detection limits. results of this pretrial are discussed in the Discussion section.
Dry ashing is generally rather time consuming; it usually The dry ashing method described here was based on the
takes a day or more before a result can be obtained, although method of Dalton and Malanoski (8), used with a modified
very little attention from the analyst is necessary. Contamina- pre-ashing apparatus from the method of Thiers (9).
tion can sometimes be a problem, however, because the sam- This trial was finished in 1989, and the method was ap-
ples are exposed to ambient air for long periods of time. One proved by the NMKL in 1990 (10).
advantage of dry ashing is that the resulting ash can be dis-
solved in a small amount of diluent. This provides much better 999.11 Determination of Lead, Cadmium, Copper,

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detection limits than wet digestion, especially when dry Iron, and Zinc in Foods—Atomic Absorption
ashing is used with flame AAS (FAAS). Spectrophotometry after Dry Ashing
Wet digestion methods are generally rapid; an analysis
may be finished within several hours, and the methods are not First Action 1999
as sensitive to contamination, especially when closed decom-
position vessels are used. The disadvantages of wet digestion [Applicable to the determination of lead, cadmium, zinc,
are that only fairly small samples can be used and also that the copper, and iron in food by dry ashing and flame atomic ab-
solutions normally have to be strongly diluted before the anal- sorption spectrometry (GFAAS), flame and graphite furnace
ysis. This results in rather poor detection limits, especially procedures. See Table 999.11A for the results of the
when FAAS is used. interlaboratory study supporting the acceptance of the
The 2 decomposition techniques should, therefore, be con- method.]
sidered complementary because both have advantages as well Caution: Always gently add acid to water.
as drawbacks. The selection of the technique should be based Avoid environmental contamination by Pb. Store quartz
on individual laboratory requirements. crucibles in 20% HNO3 and rinse with deionized water before
AAS is now probably the most widely used technique for use. When necessary, crucibles may be boiled with 20%
determination of metals in biological materials. AAS determi- HNO3 before use. Heat platinum crucibles until red hot and
nations are usually made by FAAS when the concentrations boil with 50% (v/v) HCl prior to use.
are high enough, or by graphite furnace AAS (GFAAS) when Ash products with a high fat content (≥40%), e.g., marga-
the concentrations are low. It is probably not meaningful to try rine or lard, with great care to avoid self-ignition. Pre-ash such
to define exactly when to use FAAS or GFAAS. Both tech- products according to D(c)(2), even if a programmable fur-
niques should basically give the same result as long as the nace is used.
flame results are above the detection limit. In practice, FAAS A. Principle
should be selected instead of GFAAS whenever possible, be-
cause it is less time consuming and also less sensitive to inter- Test portions are dried and then ashed at 450°C under a
ference (e.g., background absorption). gradual increase (≤50°C/h) in temperature. 6M HCl (1 + 1) is
The metals that were considered to be of greatest interest added, and the solution is evaporated to dryness. The residue
for this collaborative trial were the toxic metals Pb and Cd, for is dissolved in 0.1M HNO3, and the analytes are determined
which many countries have established legal limits and for by flame and graphite procedures.
which low detection limits are of interest. Also of interest
B. Apparatus
were the essential metals Zn, Cu, and Fe, for which there are
recommendations regarding a safe and adequate daily intake. (a) Atomic absorption spectrophotometer.—With an
In 1986, 3 methods suggested by a working group within air–acetylene burner or nitrous oxide–acetylene burner for
the NMKL were subjected to a pretrial in which the partici- flame and a graphite furnace for electrothermal determina-
pants were free to choose which method to use. The methods tions, with appropriate background (nonatomic) correction
were (1) wet digestion with HNO3 in an open vessel; (2) wet (see Table 999.11B).
digestion with H2SO4/HNO3, followed by extraction with am- See Table 999.11C for example of instrumental parameters
monium-pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate/methyl isobutyl ketone for graphite furnace AAS. (The parameters listed are for a
(APDC/MIBK); and (3) dry ashing at 450EC, according to the Perkin Elmer HGA-500 instrument. For other instruments, the
method described here. Of the responding laboratories, parameters may have to be changed. Suitable parameters are
15 used method 3, 5 used method 2, and 2 used method 1. The usually given in the manual provided with the instrument.)
results by all 3 methods were similar, and the reproducibility (b) Hollow cathode, or electrodeless discharge lamps for
between the laboratories was encouraging for further work. all elements determined.
But because the interest was focused on the dry ashing (c) Furnace.—Programmable, or muffle furnace with
method, that method was selected to be collaboratively tried, thermostat maintaining 450 ± 25°C. If muffle furnace is used,
and work on the 2 wet digestion methods was terminated. a separate pre-ashing device is required. See (d)–(h).

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