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Warning is a type of short functional text which contains information in the form of warnings
or directions that are shown to many people and is usually related to things that are quite
dangerous. Warning is usually placed in strategic places to make it easier and attract the attention
of the reader.

Warning adalah salah satu jenis short functional text yang berisi informasi berupa peringatan
atau arahan yang ditunjukkan kepada orang banyak dan biasanya berhubungan dengan hal yang
cukup berbahaya. Warning biasanya diletakkan di tempat-tempat strategis guna memudahkan
dan menarik perhatian pembaca.

2. Caution is a type of short functional text that is almost the same as / similar to a warning,
which both contains short and simple information aimed at people to avoid danger or risk.
However, the warning level of caution is lower than that of a warning. Cautions can also be in
the form of signs so that they are easy to understand and are usually placed in certain strategic

Caution adalah salah satu jenis short functional text yang hampir sama/ mirip dengan warning,
yaitu sama-sama berisi informasi singkat dan sederhana yang ditujukan kepada orang untuk
menghindari bahaya atau risiko. Akan tetapi, peringatan pada caution tingkatnya lebih rendah
jika dibandingkan dengan warning. Caution juga bisa berbentuk rambu-rambu agar dapat mudah
dipahami dan biasanya diletakkan di tempat-tempat tertentu yang strategis.
Warning adalah salah satu jenis short functional text yang berisi informasi berupa peringatan
atau arahan yang ditunjukkan kepada orang banyak dan biasanya berhubungan dengan hal yang
cukup berbahaya. Warning biasanya diletakkan di tempat-tempat strategis guna memudahkan
dan menarik perhatian pembaca.

3. Announcement text or announcement text is a statement text or official writing that informs
the general public about something or information. The several types of announcement text

missing person announcements

news of weddings, birthdays, inaugurations and births
announcement of the winner of a competition
job vacancy
activity / event reports
notices / appeals from the government, etc.

Announcement text atau teks pengumuman ialah teks pernyataan atau tulisan resmi yang
memberitahukan kepada khalayak umum tentang suatu hal atau informasi. Adapun beberapa
jenis teks pengumuman meliputi:

 pengumuman orang hilang

 berita Duka
 berita pernikahan, ulang tahun, peresmian dan kelahiran
 pengumuman pemenang suatu kompetisi
 lowongan pekerjaan
 iklan
 laporan kegiatan /acara
 pemberitahuan/ himbauan dari pemerintah, dll.

4. Short message in Indonesian means "short message", which is a short text sent to tell someone
about something or important news, as well as to ask someone to do something (to inform
someone about something or ask someone to do something).

Short message dalam bahasa Indonesia bermakna “pesan singkat”, yang merupakan teks pendek
yang dikirim untuk memberitahu seseorang tentang hal atau berita yang penting, juga untuk
menyuruh melakukan sesuatu (to inform someone about something or ask someone to do
5. A label (description) is important information or information attached to the packaging of
various kinds of products, for example, food wrappers, drink bottles, medicine wrappers and
others. On the product label, there is usually a sentence indicating the superiority of the product,
instructions for use, dosage, nutritional content, product composition, production date and
expiration date. Thus, potential customers who want to take advantage of these products receive
detailed and accurate information.

Label (Keterangann) merupakan informasi atau keterangan penting yang ditempelkan pada
kemasan berbagai macam produk misalnya, bungkus makanan, botol minuman, bungkus obat-
obatan dan lain-lain. Di label produk biasanya terdapat kalimat yang menunjukkan keunggulan
produk, petunjuk penggunaan, takaran, kandungan gizi, komposisi produk, tanggal produksi
serta tanggal kadaluwarsa. Dengan demikian, calon konsumen yang ingin memanfaatkan produk
tersebut mendapat informasi secara detail dan akurat.
6. Greeting cards are short text messages consisting of prayers and wishes. Greeting cards are
usually sent to someone who is celebrating an event or is experiencing an event / event.

For example, you can send a greeting card to someone who has a birthday, is married,
graduated from school, won a competition, is sick, or is grieving.

kartu ucapan atau Greeting card adalah teks singkat berupa pesan yang terdiri dari doa dan
harapan. Greeting card biasanya dikirimkan kepada seseorang yang sedang merayakan sebuah
acara atau sedang mengalami suatu kejadian/peristiwa.

Contohnya, kalian dapat mengirimkan kartu ucapan kepada seseorang yang sedang berulang
tahun, menikah, lulus sekolah, memenangkan kompetisi, sakit, maupun berduka.
7. Invitation is a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere.
Invitation (invitation) is a request either in the form of words or in writing to someone to do
something or go somewhere.

Invitation is a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere.

Invitation (undagan) merupakan suatu permintaan baik berupa ucapan atau tertulis kepada
seseorang untuk melakukan Sesutu atau pergi ke suatu tempat.

Johnny Depp is an actor, musician and also a producer

He was born on June 9, 1963 in Owensboro, Kentucky, U.S. He started his career on movie in
1984. His first movie is A Nightmare on Elm Street. Before he became a famous actor, Depp was
a musician. The first genre he played was rock music. He is good in playing guitar and writing
songs. A long his life, he wrote so many songs for bands, solo vocalist and for Sweeney Todd
movie (description).

The Fox and The Grapes

One afternoon there was a fox that was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes
hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox. Taking a
few steps backward, the fox jumped but unfortunately he missed the hanging grapes. Again the
fox took a few paces backward, ran, and tried to reach them but he still failed.

Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,” and
proceeded to walk away.

Moral Value: it’s easy to despise what you cannot have.


How to Make Coffee

What you’ll need to brew coffee in a pot:

It doesn’t take much to brew perfect coffee; as a matter of fact, it only takes three things:

1. Filtered water: the fewer impurities in the water, the less competition for the true flavor
of the coffee.
2. Correct proportions: regardless of machine-type, use two tablespoons of grounds per
eight ounces of water, and then adjust to your taste from there.
3. The right grind: it differs by machine, but generally the more time coffee grounds spend
in contact with water, the courser the grind–and vice versa. Learn more about how to
grind coffee beans to match the kind of coffee you’re making.

Basic steps to make perfect coffee:

Here are the basic steps to make coffee—assuming you’re not making it with an automatic
coffee machine:

1. Line the basket of your coffee maker with a filter. Grind coffee beans to medium or
medium-fine grind size. Bring filtered water to a boil, then let it sit for a minute.
2. Pour enough water into the filter to wet it completely, and let it drain into your cup or
coffee pot. Discard the water.
3. Measure the ground coffee into the wet filter. Pour in enough water to wet the ground
beans and drain into your cup or coffee pot, then pour in the rest of the water,
4. If you thrill to the chill, maybe iced coffee is your jam.


On April 15, 1912, Titanic, one of the British largest and luxurious liners,
sank into the North Atlantic Ocean which about 400 miles south of
Newfoundland, Canada.


That giant ship which carried 2,200 passengers and crews had struck an
iceberg. Two and a half hour later the ship sank into the deep North Atlantic
Ocean at 2:20 a.m.

From that tragedy, more than 1,500 people went down in the sinking ship.
Some of them froze to death in the icy North Atlantic water and around 700
people (high class woman and children) survived.

Unfortunately that giant luxurious ship was not equipped with much more
lifeboats and good emergency procedures so that the victims of that tragedy
were more than the half passengers and crews.


That tragedy became popular again some years later after James Cameron
directed a movie entitled Titanic in 1997.

The movie that was inspired by the tragedy of the sinking titanic was a
fiction story about the members of different social class who meet in that
ship and fallen in love. It was the best movie at that year and still
remembered by a lot of people around the world until now.


The koala is an Australian tree-dwelling marsupial mammal that has large hairy ears, thick gray
fur, sharp claws for climbing, and no tail and feeds on eucalyptus leaves.

They sleep for up to 19 hours a day and there are only 2,000 to 8,000 of these incredibly cute
animals remaining.

The koala has a body length of 60–85 cm and weighs 4–15 kg. It’s feather’s colour ranges from
silver grey to chocolate brown.

Koalas have thick, soft fur. Their ears have long, white hairs on the tips. They have a large, dark,
leathery nose and beady eyes. They have a small mouth that can open very wide.

They have two thumbs on their front paws and sharp curved claws on all of their toes. The
second and third toes on the hind foot are joined together and have rough pads.

They are used for grooming and climbing. The Koala can run as fast as a rabbit.

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