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What can we do for people exposed to multiple traumatic events during the coronavirus pandemic?

Penanganan kesehatan mental perlu dilakukan selama pandemi covid-19

Karena masyarakat dihadapkan dengan bencana lain, misal banjir di jakarta.

Sampai tanggal 27 februari 2020 sudah ada 852 publikasi akademik mengenai covid-19 tetapi sedikit
yang mengambil fokus pada penanganan trauma akibat bencana lain yang terjadi bersamaan.


1. Melakukan pelatihan dan edukasi kesehatan pada seluruh lapisan masyarakat

2. Secara aktif berkoordinasi dengan stakeholders dan jaringan sosial untuk mendukung
penguatan dan identifikasi kondisi mental masyarakat
3. Mengurangi stigma dan marjinalisasi melalui sosial media

Wei Shi dan Brian J Hall, “What can we do for people exposed to multiple traumatic events during
the coronavirus pandemic?". Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 51 (2020) 102065, hal. 1-2.

Characterizing the Propagation of Situational Information in Social Media During COVID-19 Epidemic:
A Case Study on Weibo

Celotehan masyarakat mengenai situasi pandemi melalui media sosial tidak selalu bermuatan
negatif. Setidaknya, Pemerintah dapat mengambil keuntungan dengan mengetahui apa saja yang
menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat. Serta bagaimana kebiasaan yang dilakukan masyarakat dalam
beradaptasi. Hal ini penting karena dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam perumusan kebijakan pasca

Lifang Li dkk, “Characterizing the Propagation of Situational Information in Social Media During
SYSTEMS. Vol. 7, No. 2, April 2020, hal. 556-562.

China adopts non-contact free consultation to help the public cope with the psychological pressure
caused by new coronavirus pneumonia

Pemerintah bersama pemerintah daerah mengadakan layanan kesehatan mental dengan

disesuaikan pada karakteristik wilayah masing-masing.

Hal ini dipicu oleh tekanan batin bertubi-tubi yang diterima oleh masyarakat akibat pandemi,
misalnya was-was, depresi dan rasa ingin marah yang berlebih.

Zhaokui Dan, “China adopts non-contact free consultation to help the public cope with the
psychological pressure caused by new coronavirus pneumonia”. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 52
(2020) 102093, hal. 1.
COVID-19 and mental health: A review of the existing literature

3.5. Therapeutic interventions and strategies

Five papers (correspondence, n = 2; commentary, n = 3) have directly addressed the use of specific
strategies to deliver mental health care to persons affected by the COVID-19 epidemic (Duan and
Zhu, 2020; Liu et al., 2020a; Xiao, 2020; Zhou et al., 2020; Yao et al., 2020b). In addition, a paper
from India has discussed the importance of psychiatrists during the COVID-19 pandemic in general
terms. This paper identified six important roles for the psychiatrist: a) education of R.P. Rajkumar
Asian Journal of Psychiatry 52 (2020) 102066 3 the public about the common psychological effects of
a pandemic, b) motivating the public to adopt strategies for disease prevention and health
promotion, c) integrating their services with available health care, d) teaching problem-solving
strategies to cope with the current crisis, e) empowering patients with COVID-19 and their
caregivers, and f) provision of mental health care to healthcare workers (Banerjee, 2020)

Terutama bagi masyarakat kelas ekonomi bawah

Ravi Philip Rajkumar, “COVID-19 and mental health: A review of the existing literature”. Asian
Journal of Psychiatry. 52 (2020) 102066, hal. 1-5.

Understanding COVID-19 and some Effective Means for Combating it!

Anderson et al. describe that a crucial matter for epidemiologists is assisting policy makers on
making a choice for the main objectives of mitigation; such as, “minimizing morbidity and associated
mortality, avoiding an epidemic peak that overwhelms health‐care services … and flattening the
epidemic curve to wait for vaccine development and manufacture on scale and antiviral drug
therapies.” The authors state that such mitigation objectives are, however, hard to attain by the
same interventions; accordingly, choices must be made about priorities [27]. Figure 5 illustrates the
concept of Flattening the Epidemic Curve.

In April 2017, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published an article by Quall et al.
about the community mitigation guidelines to prevent pandemic influenza [28]. The authors state
that “When a novel influenza A virus with pandemic potential emerges, nonpharmaceutical
interventions (NPIs) often are the most readily available interventions to help slow transmission of
the virus in communities, which is especially important before a pandemic vaccine becomes widely
available. NPIs, also known as community mitigation measures, are actions that persons and
communities can take to help slow the spread of respiratory virus infections, including seasonal and
pandemic influenza viruses” [28].  

Ziad o. Abu Faraj, “Understanding COVID-19 and some Effective Means for Combating it!” diakses
abu‐faraj pada ! Mei 2020, 2020.
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