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TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022




Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Puji dan syukur kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT., atas berkat rahmatNya
Alhamdulillah Tim Penyusun “Paket Soal Latihan Ujian Sekolah” untuk kalangan
murid-murid SMP Islam Al Azhar 29 semarang telah menyelesaikan dan melaksanakan
tugasnya. Shalawat serta salam senantiasa tercurahkan ke pada beliau Nabi Agung
Muhammad SAW, keluarga dan para sahabatnya.

Tim Penyusun “Paket Soal Latihan Ujian Sekolah” telah berhasil menyusun
Paket soal tersebut. Semoga apa yang telah diperjuangkan oleh Tim penyusun tercatat
sebagai amal ibadah yang mulia di sisi Allh SWT. Amin...

Paket Soal ini disusun dan dikemas secara sistematis guna memudahkan murid
dalam penguasaan materi serta terdapat soal-soal latihan yang dapat membantu murid-
murid dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal Ujian Sekolah. Dengan terbitnya Paket Soal ini,
diharapkan murid-murid mendapatkan pengalaman dan penguasaan dalam menyeleaikan
soal-soal Ujian sekolah.

Dalam kesempatan ini, kami mengucapkan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga atas
terbitnya “Paket Soal Latihan Ujian Sekolah” ini kepada :

1. Kepala SMP Islam Al-Azhar 29 yang telah memberi arahan serta dukungan dan
motivasi dalam penyusunan dan penerbitan
2. Tim Penyusun “Paket Soal Latihan Ujian Sekolah” yang telah bekerja keras
dalam menyiapkan, merancang, dan mewujudkan Paket Soal ini

Kami menyadari bahwa Paket Soal ini masih banyak kekurangan dan kelemahan
pada beberapa hal. Oleh karena itu, kami sangat berharap masukan untuk penyempurnaan
Paket Soal ini secara keseluruhan. Kami sangat berharap masukan dan saran yang
membangun dan bermanfaat untuk penyempurnaan Paket Soal ini kedepannya.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Semarang, 28 Januari 2022

Tim Penyusun

A. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!
‫بسم هللا الر حمن الر حيم‬

Read the text to answer the following questions.

To Erick

Erick, are you free after school? If you are, would you join me to make some articles for
our school magazine? You may bring some glue and papers.

I’ll wait for you at 3 p.m in my home to go there together

1. Why does Roy write this message?
A. To ask Erick to go with him together after school
B. To remind Erick to make some articles for school magazine
C. To ask Erick to join and make some articles for school magazine
D. To tell Erick to bring some glue and papers and wait for him at school
2. What will Erick do after reading Roy’s massage?
A. Bring glue and papers and make articles in Roy’s home
B. Wait for Erick and make glue and papers at school
C. Go with Erick to buy some glue and papers at the shop
D. Prepare some things and then go to Roy’s home

Read the text to answer the following questions.

To: All the students of SMP Satria Muda

To face the National Sport Day on 9th, Sept 2017, our school will prepare the School Sport Team. For this
purpose, we are going to have class meeting to find our best athletes.for two days. It will start on 10th Sept
2017.Each class should prepare its team and attend the program. The sports being competed are
basketball, voley ball, badminton and table tennis. Registration will be with Mr. Agung

Thanks for your joining.

Yogyakarta, 27 August 2017

3. . What is the committee’s intention to write the text?

A. To attend the class meeting well
B. To prepare the School Sport Team
C. To compete some sports at school
D. To celebrate the National Sport Day

4. . When does the class meeting end?

A. 1st September 2017
B. 9th September 2017
C. 10th September 2017
D. 13th September 2017

5. For this purpose, we are going...(Line 2). The closest in meaning to the underlined
word is ….
A. job
B. aim
C. plan
D. program
6. “May you always be the best for the people around you”
The sentence indicates that Kanahaya hopes that the receiver will have …
A. Happy life
B. Glorious day
C. Many enemies
D. Meaningful life

7. From the text, we know that Yuri is characterized as ... person

Read the text to answer the following questions.
To: Ms. Celia

Please dismiss the students at 11 a.m. We are going to hold a Parent-

Teacher meeting at 1 p.m. Make sure all students have left by then. Thank
8. From the text, we know that the receiver is the sender’s …
A. Senior
B. Parents
C. Teacher
D. Subordinate
9. Where is the announcement taking place?
A. School
B. Hotel
C. House
D. market
10. What will Ms. Celia probably do after reading the message?
A. Left the school
B. Dismiss student
C. Reply the message
D. Hold parent-teacher meeting
11. The students must go home in the ...
A. Morning
B. Noon = 12.00
C. Afternoon
D. evening

To: All 3rd year students of Junior High School 1 Banjarmasin

There will be a holiday camp next month. All 3rd year students are encouraged to join
this camp, because it will help students to learn National Exam materials in a fun way.
The activity will take place at Banjarmasin camping site.

Interested students may contact Mr. Harun

12. To whom is the announcement written?
A. Mr. Harun
B. Senior students
C. Junior students
D. sophomore

13. Where will the students spend the night?
A. home
B. school
C. camping site
D. hotel
14. What is the announcement about?
A. A contest to celebrate the holiday
B. A new program held by OSIS
C. A holiday camp for 3rd year students
D. A competition to join camp
15. All 3rd year students are encouraged to join the camp because …
A. They will be trained for competition
B. They must attend a celebration
C. They are going to study in a new way
D. They can graduate faster through the program

Read the text and answer the question

The world at your fingertips

Alibaba Tours
Specialist for Korea and Southeast Asia
Offers unbeatable bargain!

Travel to Thailand
Book now! Limited seats only!

Travel highlights
• Thailand best beach tour
• Bangkok’s unique traditional dances
• Authentic local meals provided
• Five-star accommodation

For further info, visit

16. Who might be interested
Bookin thetoads?
now avoid holiday crowds
A. A selebgram
B. A Youtuber
C. A gamer
D. A traveller
17. Who puts up the advertisement?
A. A restaurant
B. A dance studio
C. A travel agent
D. A luxurious hotel
18. According to the text, which of these are not going to be provided?
A. Plane tickets
B. Deluxe accommodation
C. Delicious meal
D. Leisure tour
Read the text to answer the following questions.

Cordially invite you to

Save The Jenna’s baby shower party
February 8th, 2020


19. “Cordially invite you to …”

The underlined word means …
A. Request people to come
B. Command people to attend
C. Ask people to decline
D. Persuade people to buy
20. “Cordially invite you to…”
The underlined word refers to …
A. Receiver
B. Chabelita
C. Reader
D. Jenna’s friend
21. How should someone decline the invitation?
A. Do nothing
B. Call Chabelita
C. Text Jenna
D. Not saving the date

Read the text to answer the following questions.

Join us in a fantastic day of


Saturday, March 25th, 2019 at 7 p.m.

The Castle Room, HOME HOTEL

See you there

Twin’s birthday party of

Omar and Amir

22. “Join us in a fantastic day of”

The underlined word is similar with …
A. terrible
B. incredible
C. meaningful
D. invaluable
23. “Join us in a fantastic day of”
The underlined word refers to …
A. Fifi Viola
B. The receiver
C. Omar and Amir
D. Rainbow fountain

24. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To invite someone
B. To guide someone
C. To celebrate party
D. To acknowledge
25. Before coming to the party, you should …
A. Buy present
B. Do nothing
C. Write greeting card
D. Call Fifi Viola

26. What does tide mean?

A. the situation that change every now and then
B. something that rises and falls or rushes in a mass
C. the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day
D. a noticeable change in a situation or increase in a particular type of behavior
27. The warning tells us that it is … to swim
A. hazardous
B. stunning
C. challenging
D. marvelous
28. What may the reader do after reading the text?
A. Take precaution in action
B. Beware with the wave
C. Prepare extra clothes
D. Give prevention

The text is for no 38 – 40

Once upon a time,there was a small village in Baghdad.Its population was very small. In this
village everybody knew each other and knew every little or big problems that went on in the village. In
this small village there was a bakery that was popular for its delicious bread.
One day a poor old man was walking in the street passing the bakery and he stopped to smell
the scent of the bread which was spreading out of the bakery. Suddenly, the baker caught the old man
and shoutedat him demanding the price of bread’s scent. He almost drag him to the police.
A very famous wise man named Juhha heard the baker shouting. So he went to him and asked
about the problem. Juhha stood calmly listening the baker and he thought for a solution. After a few
minutes Juhha’s eyes glistened and an amused smile was on his face. He asked the baker,”How much
money do you want?”. The baker and the poor man were astonished, but the baker answered,”Three
dinars.” Juhha took the money out of his wallet and put it in his pocket and shook the money. “Did you
hear the sound of the money?”Juhha asked. “Yes, I did,” the baker replied,and with big smile Juhha said,
“Well then, this is the price of your bread’s scent.
29. Why was the baker angry with the poor man?
A. Juhha paid the bread.
B. Juhha came and saved the poor man.
C. The poor man was walking in the street.
30. The poor man smelt the scent of the bread What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. A poor man smelt the scent of the bread.
B. A wise man Juhha passed the bakery..
C. A popular bakery in a small village
D. Juhha saved the poor man.
31. What can we learn from the story above?
A. We must help poor people.
B. What you give is what you get
C. We should pay nothing for things we use
D. We must take the benefit of what we offer.

The Rise of Teotihuacán

The city of Teotihuacán, which lay about 50 kilometers northeast of modern-day Mexico
City, began its growth by 200 –100 B.C. At its height, between about A.D. 150 and 700, it
probably had a population of more than 125,000 people and covered at least 20 square
kilometers. It had over 2,000 apartment complexes, a great market, a large number of
industrial workshops, an administrative center, a number of massive religious edifices,
and a regular grid pattern of streets and buildings. Clearly, much planning and central
control were involved in the expansion and ordering of this great metropolis. Moreover,
the city had economic and perhaps religious contacts with most parts of Mesoamerica
(modern Central America and Mexico).

How did this tremendous development take place, and why did it happen in the
Teotihuacán Valley? Among the main factors are Teotihuacán's geographic location on a
natural trade route to the south and east of the Valley of Mexico, the obsidian1 resources
in the Teotihuacán Valley itself, and the valley's potential for extensive irrigation. The
exact role of other factors is much more difficult to pinpoint —for instance, Teotihuacán's
religious significance as a shrine, the historical situation in and around the Valley of
Mexico toward the end of the first millennium B.C., the ingenuity and foresightedness of
Teotihuacán's elite, and, finally, the impact of natural disasters, such as the volcanic
eruptions of the late first millennium B.C.

This last factor is at least circumstantially implicated in Teotihuacán's rise. Prior to 200
B.C., a number of relatively small centers coexisted in and near the Valley of Mexico.
Around this time, the largest of these centers, Cuicuilco, was seriously affected by a
volcanic eruption, with much of its agricultural land covered by lava. With Cuicuilco
eliminated as a potential rival, any one of a number of relatively modest towns might have
emerged as a leading economic and political power in Central Mexico. The archaeological
evidence clearly indicates, though, that Teotihuacán was the center that did arise as the
predominant force in the area by the first century A.D.

It seems likely that Teotihuacán's natural resources—along with the city elite's ability to
recognize their potential — gave the city a competitive edge over its neighbors. The
valley, like many other places in Mexican and Guatemalan highlands, was rich in obsidian.
The hard volcanic stone was a resource that had been in great demand for many years, at
least since the rise of the Olmecs (a people who flourished between 1200 and 400 B.C.),
and it apparently had a secure market. Moreover, recent research on obsidian tools found
at Olmec sites has shown that some of the obsidian obtained by the Olmecs originated
near Teotihuacán. Teotihuacán obsidian must have been recognized as a valuable
commodity for many centuries before the great city arose.
Long-distance trade in obsidian probably gave the elite residents of Teotihuacán access
to a wide variety of exotic goods, as well as a relatively prosperous life. Such success
may have attracted immigrants to Teotihuacán. In addition, Teotihuacán's elite may have
consciously attempted to attract new inhabitants. It is also probable that as early as 200
B.C. Teotihuacán may have achieved some religious significance and its shrine (or
shrines) may have served as an additional population magnet. Finally, the growing
population was probably fed by increasing the number and size of irrigated fields.

The picture of Teotihuacán that emerges is a classic picture of positive feedback among
obsidian mining and working, trade, population growth, irrigation, and religious
tourism. The thriving obsidian operation, for example, would necessitate more miners,
additional manufacturers of obsidian tools, and additional traders to carry the goods to
new markets. All this led to increased wealth, which in turn would attract more immigrants
to Teotihuacán. The growing power of the elite, who controlled the economy, would give
them the means to physically coerce people to move to Teotihuacán and serve as
additions to the labor force. More irrigation works would have to be built to feed the
growing population, and this resulted in more power and wealth for the elite.
obsidian: a type of volcanic glasslike rock used for manufacturing tools and ceremonial
Directions: Answer the questions.

32. In paragraph 1, each of the following is mentioned as a feature of the city of

Teotihuacán between A.D. 150 and 700 EXCEPT:
A. regularly arranged streets
B. B.several administrative centers spread across the city
C. C.many manufacturing workshops
D. D.apartment complexes
33. The word "ingenuity" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:



34. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 as a main factor in the
development of Teotihuacán?
A.The presence of obsidian in the Teotihuacán Valley

B.The potential for extensive irrigation of Teotihuacán Valley lands

C.A long period of volcanic inactivity in the Teotihuacán Valley

D.Teotihuacán's location on a natural trade route

35. What can be inferred from paragraph 3 about Cuicuilco prior to 200 B.C.?
A.It was a fairly small city until that date.

B.It was located outside the Valley of Mexico.

C.It emerged rapidly as an economical and political center.

D.Its economy relied heavily on agriculture.

36. Which of the following allowed Teotihuacán to have "a competitive edge over its
A.A well-exploited and readily available commodity

B.The presence of a highly stable elite class

C.Knowledge derived directly from the Olmecs about the art of toolmaking

D.Scarce natural resources in nearby areas such as those located in what are now the
Guatemalan and Mexican highlands

37. According to paragraph 4, what has recent research on obsidian tools found at
Olmecsites shown?
A.Obsidian's value was understood only when Teotihuacán became an important city.

B.The residents of Teotihuacán were sophisticated toolmakers.

C.The residents of Teotihuacán traded obsidian with the Olmecs as early as 400 B.C.

D.Some of the obsidian used by the Olmecs came from the area around Teotihuacán.

38. Select the TWO answer choices that are mentioned in paragraph 5 as being features
of Teotihuacán that may have attracted immigrants to the city. To receive credit,
you must select TWO answers.
A.The prosperity of the elite

B.Plenty of available housing

C.Opportunities for well-paid agricultural employment

D.The presence of one or more religious shrines

39. In paragraph 6, the author discusses "The thriving obsidian operation," in order to:
A.explain why manufacturing was the main industry of Teotihuacán

B.give an example of an industry that took very little time to develop in Teotihuacán

C.illustrate how several factors influenced each other to make Teotihuacán a powerful
and wealthy city

D.explain how a successful industry can be a source of wealth and a source of conflict at
the same time


The text is for question no 41 - 43

Six years ago, a Pan Am Boeing 737 crashed in North Dallas. Fortunately there were no casualities.
Everybody survived with some injuries. The ambulance came quickly. Many passangers had run
away from the plane to avoid further explotions. Some of the were traumatized.

The accident was caused by engine failure at 10.000 feet, urging the pilot to land the plane as
soon as possible. The nearest airport was 53 km away, too far for the plane to reach. The captain
and his co-pilot announcing the emergency landing to the passangers after they contacted the
ground to prepare emergency landing. Everybody was ready when the plane landed in a rice field.

40. What is pan am?
41. The first paragraph tells us about ...
42. Why did the pilot decide to do the emergency landing?
Dear Anindya,
This is important championship for you and you’ve been
through a lot to get to this stage.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
43. “May the odds be ever in your favor.” MEANS...
44. The purpose of the text is to ...

‫الحمد هلل رب العلمين‬



‫بسم هللا الر حمن الر حيم‬
The text is for question no. 1 – 5


We’re used to hearing about really expensive Hollywood movie. The 1997 Oscar-winner Titanic
cost $200 million to make and Spiderman 3, one of the most successful movies of 2007, had a
budget of more than $250 million.

To be successful, a film doesn’t need to be as expensive as the big Hollywood Blockbusters. An

example of this is the 2010 movie Monsters, which cost less than half million dollars to make.
Monsters is set in Mexico and is the story of two people trying to escape from aliens and get back
to the USA. The film won several awards and got very good reviews from many film critics – for
example, the website Moviefone put Monsters at number 3 in its list of the best sci-fi film for

The moviemaker of Monsters only took 3 weeks to film and the film crew was just seven people in
a van. Secondly, the director, Gareth Edwards, decided it to film it with digital video. The film
equipment cost only $15.000. there is also a fact that they used real location, not a studio. And
the cast of the film were Edwards himself and two friends of his.

Most importantly, Edwards did most of the production work himself. He spent eight months
editing Monsters and then five months creating special effect, he did it all at home on his
computer, using non professional software. The amazing thing is that the final film looks nearly as
professional as big fancy Hollywood productions.

1. How much older is Titanic than Spiderman-3?

A. 1997
B. 30 years
C. 10 years
D. old

2. How many films did Moviefone consider better than the monsters in 2010?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

3. What was the total cost of the production for Monsters?

A. $15.000
B. $ 500.000
C. More than $500.000
D. Fewer than $500.000
4. How many main actors are there in the Monsters?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

5. How long did Edward spend working on the film after filming?
A. 3 months
B. 5 months
C. 8 months
D. 13 months

Hi Mum,

I might not be at home before 6 this evening. Have seen an advert for a bike and would
like to check it out. In case I’m late, Ben has promised to do the shopping. Good to have
such a nice brother ☺ looking forward to the pizza tonight. I’ll be hungry as a wolf.

Love, Emily.

P.S.: You asked me to remind you it’s dad’s birthday on Tuesday. You ought to get him a
nice present this year ;)

6. What should Emily’s mom do?

A. Tell Ben to do shopping for the family
B. Warm up some food and buy a birthday present
C. Make sure Ben knows Emily will be late
D. Remind Emily about dad’s birthday

Hi, Emily
There was a phone call for you from someone called Lucas. He wanted to invite you
for a bike ride on Saturday. He says you can use his bike and he’ll borrow a friend’s.
Oh, la la la!

7. What’s the purpose of Ben’s note?

A. To inform Emily of what Lucas said
B. To find out why Lucas phoned
C. To borrow bike from Lucas
D. To mock Emily

Great trip yesterday. Here are some photos

of it. (1) Lucas and I getting ready for our
bike. Note the big rucksack – everything in
it for a wonderful picnic. (2) The picnic :
The trip was great, but the weather wasn’t
too exciting. Pity, we didn’t get to the top.
Had to turn back – fog and rain

8. On her Facebook page, Emily ...

A. has posted photos of their trip
B. gets people interested in riding
C. asks Lucas what he thinks of the photos
D. wants to say that she didn’t like the trip


9. The advert says the mountain bike

A. is almost new and in good condition
B. is not the right bike for girls
C. is in excellent condition but expensive
D. is cheaper than those in the market

From: Emily
To : Lucas
Have thought about it carefully. It’s a cool bike, but $400 is a lot more than what I
want to spend. Sorry!
Anyway, really nice to have met you. What you said about your bike tours sounded
lovely. You should give me a ring some time if you want to :) ;)
My phone: 543645756867

10. What should Lucas do?

A. Lower the price
B. Give Emily a call
C. Buy Emily a ring
D. Give the bike for free

Hi E,
Best Saturday for a long time. I never knew rain and fog can be so much fun. I’d
like to try again next Sunday. You’d better join me if you don’t want to break your
promise ;)
P.S. love the photo on FB
11. Lucas writes a message ...
A. to invite Emily to join him again on Sunday
B. to tell Emily that the weather is not good
C. to invite his friends on a bike ride

Communication Through History

Cave paintings are the oldest pictures. Some of them, for example the beautiful images in
the caves of Altamira in the north Spain, are almost 30.000 years old. Many of these
paintings show animals or hunting scenes. The images do not have written words. But when
we look at them, we get an idea of the emotions the people felt when drawing them. The
paintings tell stories of hopes and fears. They are an early form of communication
Sometime between 4000 and 3000 BCE, people in Egypt and Mesopotamia
developed the skill of writing. They engraved text on stone and tablets first.
But it was impossible to carry stones from place to place. The invention of

papyrus allowed documents to be moved easily. Writing on papyrus made it
easier to correct mistakes too. And do you know how they did that? When a
scribe – the person who wrote the documents – made a mistake; they licked
the ink on the papyrus before it got dry and made their corrections!
People made the first books from papyrus and from thin animal
skins. Paper was invented in China as early as 105 CE. The quality
of paper soon became very good. The world’s eldest known printed
book is from China too. It was published on May 11, 868 CE. In
Europe, books were written manually until the middle of the 15 th
century when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in
Germany. Since the time, almost 140 million books have been
published worldwide. For many people, on of the life’s greatest
pleasures is spending a few hours in a bookshop browsing through
the books.
Book will be around for many years, of course. But some people prefer reading e-
books. They are easier to take with you when you travel and you can download
them instantly from the internet. Now, you can buy your books whenever you
want without having to leave the comfort of your home.
12. Which sentence best describes papyrus?
A. People developed the skill of writing
B. It was impossible to carry stones from place to place.
C. The invention allowed documents to be moved easily.
D. When a scribe made a mistake, they licked the ink
13. Some people prefer reading e-books ... they are easier to take when you travel.
A. so
B. for
C. due to
D. because of
14. Which sentence best describe e-book?
A. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press.
B. 140 million books have been published worldwide
C. Book will be around for many years
D. You can download them instantly from the internet

8 steps to online securities

1. Never open an attachment if you don’t know where it’s coming from
2. Think twice before you (15) ... on instagram feed.
3. Don’t (16) ... photos of people onto social media sites without asking them
4. Becareful if you key in password in public space
5. Always (17) ... email that you don’t want other people to read
6. Don’t (18) ... apps from online stores you’ve never heard of
7. Check what program is before you (19) ... it into your computer
15. ...
A. Post
B. delete
C. Follow
D. unfollow
16. ...
A. write
B. update
C. install
D. upload

17. ...
A. Open
B. Read
C. Send
D. erase
18. ...
A. download
B. upload
C. run
D. click
19. ...
A. login
B. compose
C. uninstall
D. install
The text is for no 20 – 25
The (20) ... useful advice I ever got was from my grandfather. He said, “never take
(21) ... from anyone.” But I was only 15 and I didn’t know how good it was, so I
(22) ... his advice and let people give me advice about everything. I got advice on
what to wear and what to eat. My cousin advised me to save my money; friends
advised me to spend it. My mom advised me to marry young; my father advised
me (23) ... it. I got so much advice from so many people. I don’t know which
advice to (24) ... and which advice to ignore. My grandfather was right. Now I’ve
stopped (25) ... and life is much simpler.

20. ...
A. more
B. most
C. much
D. many
21. ...
A. advice
B. advise
C. advocate
D. avocado
22. ...
A. took
B. followed
C. ignored
D. chose
23. ...
A. for
B. against
C. or
D. believe
24. ...
A. get
B. offer
C. follow
D. report

25. ...
A. taking
B. giving
C. ignoring
D. amplifying
John Otway – Rock’s Greatest Failure
John Otway has been playing music and making records in the UK for more than
40 years. Over the years he has released more than ten albums. He has played
hundreds of concerts. He has written two autobiographies. He has worked with
some of the country’s best musician and he has even made a film about his life. But
despite all of this, most people have never heard of him.
John Otway released his first record in 1972, but it was the punk movement a few
years later that really gave him big chance. Otway wasn’t the greatest musician but
his songs were always fun, and his performances on stage were always entertaining
– there was a good chance he would fall off the stage at least once in each show.
The punk liked him and in 1977 he had a small hit when his single Really Free
made it to number 27 in the UK to 40 charts. Otway really enjoyed his success but
unfortunately, no more came. Not one of his records over the next 30 years was hit.
Although he never had much commercial success, Otway had a lot of very loyal
fans. When someone asked him what he would like for his 50 birthday, his reply
was :’A second hit..’ his fans went out and bought as many copies of the new single
Bunsen Burner as they could and in 2002, Otway finally saw his wish come true. In
a chart that featured international superstars like Pink, Will Young and Oasis,
Bunsen Burner made it to number 9. Many high street shops refused to sell the
record, saying that Otway was too old and unattractive for the teenage market.
Otway didn’t care. He celebrated his success with an appearance on TV’s biggest
music show Top of the Pops.
These days John Otway continues to play his music around the country, and there
are always plenty of people who are happy to go and watch his performance. He’s a
great example for anyone who loves making music. You don’t have to be young,
good looking (or even very talented) to enjoy long career in the music business.

26. Which sentence best describes John Otway’s popularity in the UK?
A. Many people do not know his name
B. Everyone knows his name
C. He was popular 30 years ago but he isn’t popular anymore
D. He’s quite popular with lot of old people
27. Which sentence best describes John Otway’s popularity as musician and performer?
A. He’s very talented songwriter and guitarist
B. He enjoys performing and making music
C. He’s punk
D. He’s good at writing hit singles
28. Otway had a lot of very loyal fans .... his low commercial success.
A. Although
B. Despite
C. Because
D. however

29. Why did some shops not sell Bunsen Burner?

A. Because they thought it was terrible
B. Because it wasn’t very big hit
C. Because John otway didn’t want them to have it
D. Because no one wants to buy it

30. What is the message of the text?
A. You don’t have to be young to be successful pop star
B. It’s important to be success
C. Do what you love doing
D. Musicians get better when they get old
31. John Otway is .... Pink and Oasis
A. the oldest
B. older than
C. as old as
D. the older
32. Many high street shops refused to sell the record .... they knew Bunsen Burner made it
to number 9 in the top chart.
A. Because
B. Although
C. Moreover
D. But also
33. Which of these things does John Otway have?
A. Musical talent
B. Good looks
C. Luck
D. Loyal fans

REPORTER : I’m here in Todmorden, or ‘Tod’, as the people here call it. What’s
happening here is amazing. But I want you to hear it from one of the
young people who live here. What’s your name?
SIMON : Simon.
REPORTER : And how old are you?
SIMON : 15.
REPORTER : Simon, tell our listeners please what’s so special about Tod.
SIMON : Incredible Edible.
REPORTER : And what’s Incredible Edible,
SIMON : Well, it’s the name of a project that we’re all involved in. Some people in
Tod had the idea some time ago that Todmorden should become the first
town in the country that’s self-sufficient in food. The idea was that all the
free spaces in the town should be used to grow vegetables. People liked the
idea, I guess, and started to plant vegetables. Where we had flowers
before, you know, now we’ve got vegetables and fruit trees, and every …
everybody can take what they want, and nobody has to pay for it.
REPORTER : Wow! Well, thanks for talking to us, Simon. That sounds wonderful.
(the reporter move to other place)
REPORTER : Excuse me, you’ve just taken some broccoli from this flower bed here
which is actually right next to the police station. And they aren’t arresting
you for doing that?
MAN : No, not at all. We don’t buy our vegetables from the supermarket, we get
them free.
REPORTER : That’s amazing! But who plants all those vegetables?
MAN : We all do, and that’s the idea. If we all work together, we do good things
for others, and others do good things for us.
REPORTER : What a brilliant idea! Enjoy your lunch!
MAN : Thank you.
REPORTER : And I’m now joined by the woman who started it all - Mary Clear. Mary,
I heard that you came up with this wonderful idea when you were drinking
coffee with a friend. Is that right?

MRS CLEAR : Yes, we were talking and found we were both pretty unhappy about the
state of things. There are so many negative things happening in the world
… so we thought, let’s just do something positive.
REPORTER : Wow. And how did people react?
MRS CLEAR : At our first public meeting 60 people showed up. And the reaction was

34. What’s the project ‘Incredible Edible’ all about?

A. Building project in Tod
B. Growing free food locally
C. Incredible food for tourist
D. Shops that sell organic veggies
35. Who takes part in the project?
A. Someone
B. No one
C. Everyone
D. something
36. Who had the idea?
A. People in Tod
B. Simon
C. Reporter
D. Mary Clear
37. How did they get the idea?
A. There were many negative things happen in the world and they want to do
something positive
B. The idea comes when they brew coffee in Mary’s friend’s house
C. The people are starving so they need to come up with the idea
D. The reporter and police started the project for people
38. What happen to the man taking broccoli from the police station?
A. He was arrested
B. Nothing
C. He asked for forgiveness
D. He asked for permission
39. Who is Simon to the reporter?
A. guest
C. interviewee
D. local guide
40. How did people react?
A. The idea was popular and the reaction was amazing
B. The idea is unpopular and the reaction was amazing
C. The people was amazing by the idea
D. The amazing idea make the crowd

Read the text and answer the question correctly.

Let’s say that you’re 14 years old, you feel strongly about something and you want to talk about it.
Perhaps you think that no one wants to hear what you have to say. Well, there are examples of young
people who have made adults world pay attention.
One example is Seven Cullis Suzuki from Canada. Many years ago, when she was very young, she
learned that the United Nations Assembly was going to meet in Brazil in 1992. Severn decided that she
wanted not only to go there but also to say something. She started to raise money for the trip and when
she was 12, she had enough for the 11.000 kilometre journey.

Severn was sure that she had something to say, and when she made
her five-minute speech to the UN assembly, she tried very hard to
make an impact. Severn stood up and talked to the assembly about
environmental issues like pollution and the hunting of animal to
extinction, but she also talked about the situation of children in many
parts of the world. Poor and starving in particular. She contrasted
them with children in richer countries who have more than they need
and throw things away. Severn didn’t pretend to have any answers
but her question is the challenge to the world’s leader – questions
about why adults who run the world don’t take more care of it and of
the people live in it.
Many people who heard her speech were crying at the end and the audience were giving a standing
ovation when she finished. So the lesson is that your age isn’t the important thing. Severn showed that
young people can make a difference, providing that they’re brave enough to believe in themselves. Who
knows? Perhaps, you could be another Severn/

41. Who is the girl in the photo?

42. Where is she from?

43. Where did she get money to travel to Brazil?
44. The topic she talked about were...
45. ........ Severn was young, she could make difference

‫الحمد هلل رب العلمين‬



‫بسم هللا الر حمن الر‬

The text is for no. 1 to no. 2
Dear Irma,

Mr. Sukarjo has given us a Biology project that should be finished in the next two weeks.
I feel disappointed when you always want to work with your new friend because I never get to
spend time with you. I hope we can work together for this project.
If it is OK with you, we may start doing the project tomorrow, then. Thanks and see you.

1. What is the writer’s intention to write the message?

GupitaA. He would like Irma to spend time with her.
B. He asks Mr. Sukarjo to get Irma in his group.
C. He asks Mr. Sukarjo to finish the work next week.
D. He would like Irma to have a group work with her.
2. What will the Irma and Gupita do if they agree to finish the project together?
A. They will begin the group work tomorrow.
B. They will start the group work next two weeks.
C. They will begin doing the project after they meet.
D. They will have the group work with Irma’s new friend.
The text is for no. 3 to no. 5

The 5th Annual Student Art Show
Over 1300 pieces of student art!

Music Performance at 6 – 9 p.m.!

One Night Only!

3. What is the purpose of the
Friday, March 3rd,text? 2017
A. To inform about students art show.
B. To celebrate the 5th school anniversary.
C. To announce about the music performance.
D. To promote the Creek Junior High School
4. How long will the event last?
A. Four hours.
B. Three hours.
C. Four and a half hours.
D. Three and a half hours.
5. “The 5th Annual Student Art Show “The underlined word has the similar
meaning to ....
A. every month
B. every week
C. every day
D. every year
Dear Hana,

As I have to accompany our supervisor, can you do a night shift this evening to replace me? If
you can, please call Terry (HR) on 55 5555 5555.
6. What is likely the receiver of the message?

A. A staff of a company.

B. A directur of a company.

C. The owner of a big company.

D. A customer of a big company.

7. What should Hana do after reading the message?

A. Call Terry if she can’t.

B. Contact Terry if she is willing to.
C. Accompany the supervisor and Arista.
D. Replace Arista to accompany the supervisor
8. “ As I have to accompany our supervisor...” What does the underlined word
refer to?

A. Hana’s.
B. Arista’s.
C. Hana’s and Arista’s.
D. The supervisor’s and Terry’s
The text is for no 9 - 11

Ladies and gentleman, your attention please!

The Coast Express from Los Angeles is now arriving on track 2.
Please meet passengers as they will be entering the station at door number nine.
Thank you.

9. Where this announcement would most likely be heard?

A. At a busway station.
B. At a railway station.
C. At a harbour.
D. At an airport.
10. What will people probably do after they hear the announcement?
A. Wait for passanger on track 2.
B. Enter door number 9.
C. Meet passangers.

D. Arrive on track 2.
11. ... the arrival of The Coast Express, passangers will enter the station soon.
A. due to
B. because
C. therefore
D. eventhough.

The text is for no. 12 - 13

A day filled with adventure and friendship

Along with the biggest chocolate cake you’ll ever see

Wait for you at

12. What will the invitee likely do after reading the
A. Inviting Sandra’s friends to celebrate her birthday party.
Birthday party
B. Asking to Sandrato celebrate her birthday party.
C. Attending Sandra’s birthdayOnparty.
Wednesday March22ndat 4 p.m.
D. Celebrating Sandra’s birthday.
Have a ton of fun and celebrate with her
13. The text is written to…. At Sandra’s house
A. share information about her invitation
Jln. Kedung Batu Barat / 6
B. askSandra to come to her birthday party
C. inform Sandra’s friends to have fun on her birthday
D. invite Sandra’s friends to come to her birthday party

The text is for no. 14 - 16

14. The text is written in order to….

A. invite the buyers.
B. retell to the buyers.
C. share the promo code.
D. persuade people to buyshoes.
15. What should we do if we want to get one FREE?
A. Bring the coupon and come to the shoes store on Monday and Wednesday.
B. Come to the shoes store and bring the coupon everyday.
C. Come to the shoes store and get one free.
D. Come to the shoes store every day.

16. “Buy one get of equal or less price FREE”What is the closest meaning of the
underlined word?
A. Taller.
B. Lower.
C. Fewer.
D. Higher.

The text is for questions 17 to 19.


We offer special courses with special discounts.

Courses offered include:

*Microsoft Office *Adobe Photoshop

*Corel Draw *Macro Media Flash

17. The text above is addressed to ....
*Page Maker
A. all of the readers
B. These
all of the courses are held once a week for two months.
C. all people
Each who is expert
course in computerThe first 50 registrants will
costs Rp150,000.
D. people who wants to be skillful in computer
get10% discount.
18. What does the advertisement focus on?
A. Computer Course.
B. Expert Computer Course.
C. Special Computer Course.
D. Special discount on computer course
19. The closestmeaning of the word “held” is....
A. carried away
B. carried out
C. ran away
D. ran out

The text is for questions 20 to 22.


Serving size 1 Can

Amount Per Serving

Calories 150

%Daily Value*

Total Fat 0g 0%

Sodium 30mg 1%

Total carbohydrate 14%

Sugar 41g

Protein 0g
*Percent daily values are based on a 2,000
calorie diet



20. What is the adventage of reading the label above?

A. We can buy the product easily.

B. The writer will give the readers information.
C. We know the content of the product in detail.
D. The readers can get some benefits from the product.

21. How many substances does the product contain?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
22. “Nutrition Fact”. The underlined word means ….

A. something real
B. clear thing
C. good thing
D. content

The text is for no. 23 to no. 24

To: My beloved nephew, Setya
G.Congratulations on your graduation from the Junior High School. I wish you all the best pursuing your ambition to study in the best Senior High School in town. May your
I.dreams come true!
Your uncle,

23. The purpose of the text is ….

A. to tell about Setya’s success

B. to describe Setya’s graduation

C. to congratulate Setya’s ambition

D. to congratulate Setya’s graduation

24. From the text we know that …

A. Setya studies in the best school in town

B. Sandhy’s goal is to keep studying to be succesful

C. Sandhy hopes that Setya can study at the best school

D. Setya and Sandhy have graduated from Junior High School

25. “My beloved nephew, Setya,” The word “nephew” means …

A. a son of your uncle or aunt

B. a son of your brother or sister
C. a daughter of your uncle or aunt
D. a daughter of your brother or sister
This text is for no. 26 to no. 29

26. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform the readers about stone.

B. To retell the journey of the writer.
C. To persuade the readers to visit it.
D. To describe the Gyza Pyramids.
27. What caused the pyramid shrink?
A. The landslide happened in Sahara Desert.
B. The extreme climate of Sahara Desert.
C. Low temperature on Egypt.
D. The height of the pyramid.
28. What will the readers likely do after reading the text?
A. Lift the stone blocks.
B. See the burial of Pharaohs.
C. Force their friends to visit Egypt.
D. Plan to have a trip to the northern Egypt.
29. “An amazing feat of engineering that it remained the tallest structure. “ (Second
The word it refers to ….

A. The stone block

B. The pyramid
C. The height
D. The feet

The text is for 30 – 33

30. What does the text mostly talk about?

A. The writer’s life in Cleveland.
B. The writer’s nice holiday in Cleveland.
C. A famous district in Los Angeles, California.
D. Some famous tourism spots in New York city.
31. What places did the writer visit before he visited the Statue of Liberty?
A. Cleveland.
B. Manhattan.
C. Hollywood.
D. New York City.
32. Based on the text, we can infer that ....
A. The writer watched basketball matches in Cleveland.
B. The last place the writer visited is California.
C. The writer stayed 2 days in The United State.
D. The writer didn’t want to visit US again.
33. “That was very amazing.” The word ‘amazing’ is closest in meaning to....
A. disguising
B. disgusting

C. surprising
D. wondering

The text is for no. 34 to no. 36


• First, make sure that your printer is hooked up properly before using it.
• Second, open up a “.doc” file of the page that you need to print.
• Third, when you are ready to print go up to “File” and “Print Setup”. You can choose how you
want to set up your print.
• Finally, if it is set up the way you like, you can just click on the printer icon on the tool bar or
go to “File” then “Print.”

Source: Summarized from

34. What should you do if you want to set up your print?

A. Going up to “Print Setup”.
B. Hooking up the printer.
C. Going up to “File”.
D. Choosing “Print”.

35. What is the last thing to do before completing the printing process?
A. Go to “File” then “Print.”
B. Choose how we want to set up the print.
C. Ensure that the print is set up the way we want.
D. Ensure that the printer is hooked up properly before using it.
36. The word “hook up” in the first step means....
A. to manage the printer
B. to switch on the printer
C. to check the printer cable
D. to plug the printer cable into a socket

The text is for no. 38 to no. 40
Maura, who was assumed as the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia, had many
suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just three sheiks. The three
sheiks were equally young and handsome. They were also rich and strong. It was very hard to
decide who would be the best of them.

One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of three sheiks. As they were
about to have dinner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her some leftover
food. The second sheik gave her unappetizing camel tail. The third sheik, who was called
Hasan,offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left
the sheiks’ camp.

The following day, the queen invited the three sheiks to have dinner at her palace. She
ordered her servant to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before. Hasan,
who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two sheiks could not share it
with him.

This sheik Hasan’s act finally convinced queen Maura that he was the man for her. “Without
question, Hasan is the most generous of you” she announced her choice to the three sheiks, “So it
is Hasan I will marry.”

37. The text tells us about....

A. the wicked and disguised queen
B. the young and handsome three sheiks
C. the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia
D. the smart effort of Queen Maura in selecting her spouse

38. What happened after Hasan refusing the dinner served by the servant?
A. The other two sheiks could not share it with him.
B. The other two sheiks shared the dinner with him.
C. Maura did not want to announce her choice to the three sheiks.
D. Maura realized Hasan’s generosity and wanted to be his spouse.
39. The main idea of the third paragraph is….
A. Maura ordered her servant to give food to her guests
B. the guests refused to eat the food that Maura served to them
C. the queen invited the three sheiks to have dinner at her palace
D. Hasan received a plate of delicious meat and enjoy all the food
40. What is the moral of the story above?
A. A woman will always love a rich man to be her husband.
B. Someone who is kind and generous will be loved by people.
C. It is important for us to share our food to all people we know.
D. A queen always thinks about good attitude instead of wealth.

Answer the question correctly.

The text is for number 41-42

Thunder Lightning is a sudden, shocked, and very fast electric force between the cloud and ground, or
between clouds. The speed of thunder can be several miles long. It is so hot, with average
temperatures of 34,000 ° Celsius, that cause surrounding air suddenly expanding with a loud explosion
and sounds. This is why sometimes we can hear thunder. The most dangerous type of cloud caused by
lightening is called cumulonimbus.

When the cloud rises high enough, the moisture freezes and creates crystal ices and snowflakes. It
began to fall, pushing the rain on the way down. This is more humid, rainy air, and it is the friction
between those who generate static electricity. When the cloud is fully charged with electricity, it will
burst as a flash of lightning. So lightning suddenly appears before the rain and the sounds are very
41. The text above mainly talks about ….

42. When does a thunder lightning flash happen?

The text is for number 48-50

A. Bear and The Two Friends

Once twoB.friends were walking through the forest. They knew that anything dangerous can
happen toC.them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would
remain united in any case of danger.
Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching them. One of the friends at once climbed a
nearby tree. But the other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common
sense, he lay down on the ground breathless, pretending to be a dead man.
The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the
place. Because the bears do not touch the dead creatures.Now the friend on the tree came
down and asked his friend on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear tell you into your
ears?” The other friend replied, “The bear advised me not to believe a false friend.”

43. What does the writer write the text for?

44. After reading the text we can conclude that the two friends and the bear are ……
45. “Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears?” The word ‘you’ refers to....


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