Anda di halaman 1dari 3


1. What is the meaning of “Present Tense” used your own words to explain it ?
2. Give the time signal of “Present Tense” !
3. What is the formula from “Present Tense” & Mention them in two types ?
4. What subject we used in Verb if we used “s” & “es” ?
5. What subject must we used in “is, am, are” & “do, does” ?
6. Where do we put “ to be” if we used interrogative !
7. Mention what inside the “Conjunctions” !
8. Give 5 examples from “Conjunctions” as you know !

Make (+), (-), (?) in this below sentences !!

9. Saya adalah seorang teknisi.
10. Saya dan kakak saya memakai baju baru setiap Natal.

1. What part of the “Independent Clause” ?

2. Can you tell me the meaning of “ A Dependent Clause “ used your own words !
3. When we buy his birthday cake, we have to make sure it’s lemon.
From the above sentences,, how many clause sentences inside & describe them !
4. What is the meaning about “ A Subordinating Conjunction” ?
5. Give 2 examples used “Complex Sentences” !
6. Mention the type of “Modal Verbs” !
7. Give the “Modal Verbs “ (to be ) from each of the type !
8. Give 5 examples form “Modal Verbs “ !
9. What is the meaning of “Gerunds” & when we used “Gerunds” ?
10. What kinds of Gerund & give the examples 2 from each of that kinds ?

1. What is the meaning of “Clause” ?

2. Givethe types of “ Subordinate Clauses “ !
3. What is the meaning of “Noun Clause” ?
4. Tell me “ A Noun Clause” usually begins with words !
5. What do you know the “ Function of Noun Clause “ ?
6. What is the meaning of “Embedded Questions” ?
7. Tell me the condition from three types of “If Clause” !
8. Give me the form from the number 7 in complete !
9. Give at least 5 “Tense Changes in Reported Speech” !
10. What is “ An Adjective Clause” & give the types of “ An Adjective Clause” ?

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