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AAbiy cv. BINA PUSTAKA + Euis Ida Farida + Rudi Trisno + Esih Kurnaesih FUN WITH ENGLISH Competency Een Learning for Elementary Students Fun with English Competency Based Learning for Elementary Students Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KDT) Fun with English 4 untuk Sekolah Dasar kelas IViOleh: Euis Ida Farida, Rudi Trisno, Esin KurnaesihvEditor: Yayar ‘Sosseno. ~-Cet. Vill--Bogor: Bina Pustaka, 2021. 6 jlid; 17,6 x 25m, vvi-+ 130 him ISBN: 978 - 979 - 096 - 052 - 0 (no. jl. lengkap) ISBN: 978 - 979 - 093 - 053 - 7 (jl. 1) ISBN: 978 - 979 - 093 - 054 - 4 (i 2) ISBN: 978 - 979 - 098 - 055 - 1 (i. 3) ISBN: 978 - 979 - 093 - 056 - 8 Ui. 4) ISBN: 978 - 979 - 093 - 057 - 5 (i. 5) ISBN: 978 - 979 - 093 - 058 -2 (i. 6) 4. Fun with English WL Buku pelajaran 1, Bina Pustaka 2. Soeseno, Yayan Penuls 2 Evis ida Farida Rudi Trisno Esih Kurnaesin : Yayan Soeseno 2 Aji Sulistio 2 Verawati + Cotakan ke-1, Maret 2007 Cotakan ke-2, Januari 2010 Getakan ke-3, Maret 2015 : Gotakan ke-4, Mei 2016 Cotakan ko-5, Maret 2018 (Edisi Revisi) Getakan ke-6, September 2019 Cotakan ke-7, Juli 2020 Cetakan ke-8, Agustus 2021 Cetakan ke-9, Februari 2022 Penortit : CVBINA PUSTAKA Jin. M. Nasir No. 5A Bendungan Cilodong, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16474 i {Hakala ain Sug UndangUrdin,Disrrgmengulp stu nempstaryak sebgian aoa + ttt tein tertulls dar! penerbit. Kate ‘Pengantar Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan YME, atas selesainya penulisan buku Fun with English, penunjang pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini dengan baik. Buku ini disusun untuk membantu kegiatan belajar mengajar pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah dasar. Melalui buku ini kalian akan diajak mempelajari bahasa Inggris secara komunikatif dan interaktif melalui berbagai aktivitas mendengarkan, membaca, berbicara, dan menulis. Belajar bahasa Inggris dengan buku ini akan sangat menyenangkan, karena dipadukan dengan gambar-gambar yang menarik serta berbagai bentuk permainan (games). Materi pada buku ini dikembangkan berdasarkan standar isi dan standar kompetensi 2006. Penyajiannya menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana, agar mudah untuk dipaharzii. |kutilah setiap pembelajaran pada buku ini. Jika kalian mendapat kesulitan, bertanyalah pada Bapak/Ibu Guru di sekolah atau pada orang tua di rumah. Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna. Untuk itu, segala bentuk kritik dan saran kami nantikan demi perbaikan di masa yang akan datang. Terima kasih kami sampaikan kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu dalam penyusunan buku ini. Akhir kata, selamat belajar semoga kalian menjadi anak yang pandai. Penulis Halaman Kata Pengantai Daftar Isi .. Unit 1 My Friend and | Introduction A. Look, listen, and repeat 2 B. Let's practice .. 2 4 4 A Look, listen, and repeat 6 B. Let's practice .. 7 C. Readtoudly 8 D. Exercise .. 8 E. Vocabulary . 10 Unit 2 Thank You, Sir A. Look; listen, and repeat 12 B. Let's practice . 12 C. Read loudly 13 D. Exercise 13 E. Game... 14 F Vocabulary .. 15 Unit 3 He is My Teacher A. Look, listen, and repeat 18 B. Let's practice .. 19 C. Read loudly 20 D. Exercise ... 20 lam Sorry A. Let's practice .. 21 B. Readloudly 22 C. Exercise... 22 D. Dothe puzzle . 23 E. Vocabulary... 24 Unit 4 Linda’s Family A. Look, listen, and repeat 26 27 a 27 Prohibition A. Look, listen, and repeat 28 B. Let'spractice in pairs... 28 Cc. Do the instructions below D. Exercise . E. Vocabulary Unit 5 Good Afternoon, Chiko A. Look, listen, and repeat B. Let's practice in pairs C. Match and read loud D. Exercise .. E. Let'ssing F Vocabulary Unit 6 Your Pen is Good A. Look, listen, and repeat B. Let's practice . C. Read loudly D. Dothe instructions below .. E. Read and do these activities in pairs F Exercise. G@ Vocabulary Review Unit 1-6... Unit 7 it Have Two Sisters Look, listen, and repeat Bb Let's practice C. Read loudly D. Let's do this E. Exercise... F. Vocabulary . Unit 8 1 Have Eight Rabbits A. Look, listen, and repeat B. Let's practice .. . Match and read loudly D. Draw and color your pet like this on your drawing book E. Exercise... Domestic Animals . Let's practice .. Complete and read loudly pmm Dom> Look, listen, and repeat Draw a domestic animal like this, book Exercise .. Game .. Vocabulary SRRLBR BANS SBQ LVg2s Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Review Unit 7 - 12... Daftar Pustaka Lampiran .. May | Borrow Your Umbrella? A. Look, listen, and repeat .. B. Let's practice C. Read loudly D. Exercise E. Vocabulary This is My Uniform A. Look, listen, and repeat B. Let's practice ... C. Match and read loudly D. Exercise —. Game F. Vocabulary What is in Your Bedroom? Look, listen, and repea’ . Do the dialogues Read loudly .. . Practice in pairs Exercise Vocabulary the Zoo Look, listen, and repeat . Let's practice oe Read loudly and complete the table. Do the dialogue with your friend Draw the animals like this on you Exercise “ZTONMSOOD>S NmooMy Unit 1 My Friend and | Kompetensi Dasar 1. Merespon dengan melakukan tindakan sesuai instruksi secara berterima dalam konteks kelas. 2. Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengenalkan diri, memberi salanvsapaan. 3. Membaca nyaring dengan melafalkan alfabet dan ucapan yang tepat yang melibatkan kata, frasa dan kalimat sangat sederhana. 4, Mengeja ujaran bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima dengan tanda baca yang benar yang mefibatkan kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana. Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mampu: . Melalui demonstrasi peserta dicik dapat merespon perkenalan . Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan salam/sapaan . Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat memperkenalkan teman/saudara |. Melalui contoh guru peserta digik dapat membaca nyaring kata bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dengan tepat 5. Melalui contoh guru peserta di sederhana dengan tepat 6. Melalui latinan peserta didik dapat menyalin kalimat tentang perkenalan dengan tepat ik dapat mengeja kalimat bahasa Inggris sangat To Teacher Study the expressions below: 1. Introduce the students the new sentences. 2. Let the student to read and repeat the new sentences lot 3. Ask the students to practice the communicative express) + Hi, my name is 3 ‘+ What's your name? Nice to meet you. ‘+ Where do you live? I live in Jakarta, Where does * Where do they live? They live at Jalan .... numt sere 2 Fun with English 4 Introduction GY Look, 1. Hello, 1am Chiko. 1am an Elementary School student. lam in grade four. lam ten years old. This is Andi. He is my classmate. Thank you. Hi, my name is Anita Rahmawati. lam an Elementary School student. lam in grade four. | am nine years old. They are Chiko and Andi. They are my classmates. Thank you. My name is Mr. Arif. What is your name? My Friend and | 3 My name is Rina. lam nine years old. How old are you? ‘My name is Andi. What is your name?, Fun with English 4 1, Rina Andi Maya 2. Andi Chiko : Dika : Hi, Andi. : Hello, Maya. : Nice to meet you, too. : Hi, Chiko. This is my sister, Maya. She is eleven years old. 1am Andi. Nice to meet you. This is my brother, Dika. Hello, Dika, 1am Chiko. Nice to meet you. : Nice to meet you, too. a Exerci 1 Introduce yourself. Hi, my name is... tam an Elementary School... Lam in grade . Thank .... 4. Introduce your sister or brother. Hi, my names .... This is my sister. Her name is .... She is ... years old. Hello, my name is .... This is my brother. His name is .... He is ....years old. My Friend and | Mi. Fill in the blanks. 4, What is your name? 2, Anita : Nice to meet you, Jono. Jono Anita. 4. Sheis my friend.” Her name is Anita. 2b 3 ings my sister. jet, name is Ayu. y 4. ng is my teacher. Ry) Ai§ name is Mr. Ari. | Be: She 5. | "is my teacher. “fame Is Mrs, Marina. rd Fun with English 4 V. Spell and write the words. 1. Friend 2. Name 3. Sister 4. Brother 5. Teacher — F-R-I-E-N-D ef -ar-ai-i-en-di + Bae +» EGahbere + + Where Do You Live? eB L001 live In Bogor. live in Jakarta. Ilive in Medan. a y OH gf My Friend and ! 2. Ilive on Jalan Kenanga. . Ilive on Jalan Merak. 3 five at Jalan Mawar Ilive at Jalan Merpati Nomor 12 Bogor. Nomor 13 Jakarta. 1. Desi: Where do you live, Chiko? Chiko: Hive In Bogor. 2. Anita; Where does Chiko live, Desi? Desi: She lives in Bogor. 3.. Maya: Where do you live, Andi? Andi: I live on Jalan Jambu. 4. Linda : Where do you live, Bayu? Bayu_ : | live at Jalan Salak 15 Bogor. 8 Fun with English 4 C,; Read loudly Hi, lam Chiko. Hello, Iam Andi. Hi, lam Bayu. Ilive on Jalan Jambu, live at Jalan Jambu I live in Bogor. Bogor. 5, Bogor. 2. They are Chiko, Andi, and Bayu. ‘They live in Bogor. al Exercise 1 Complete the dialogues with in, on, or at. : Where do you live? : [live in Bandung. : Where does she live? : She lives ... Jakarta. : Where does he live? : He lives ... Jalan Mawar. : Where do you live? : Ilive... Jalan Meranti 16. : Where does Mr. Harun live? : He lives ... Jalan Manggis 17 Medan. » POPOPOPrPOYPO My Friend and | W. Match them and read loudly. Where do you live? Live in Bandung. ve 2.) You WE de 7% Your friend: live on Jalan Merpati Jakarta. You wikre does Cant (ive Your friend : She lives on Jalan Maran Palembang, 4. You ? lnbed oes ondi UVe Your friend : He lives in Semarang. 5. You LR et 0 toy ive Your friend : | live at Jalan Durian 14. 10 eB Vocabuiz at = fe =di brother = Prather! = saudara laki-laki classmate = /klzas'meit/ = teman sekelas elementary school = /element(e)rie skuw/ = sekolah dasar eleven = /leven/ = sebelas four = Hows! = empat grade = /greid/ = tingkat, kelas her name = her neim/ = Namanya (perem- puan) his name = fiz neim/ = namanya (laki- laki) in = fiw = pada, dalam live = hiv’ = tinggal Fun with Engiish 4 mr. = /mister/ = tuan, bapak mrs. = /mizez/ = nyonya, ibu my name = /mai neim/ = namaku nice to meet you = /nais tuw miet yuw/ = senang berjumpa denganmu nine = Mnair’ = sembilan old = /owld/ = umur, tua on = hn =di sister = Fsister/ = saudara perem- puan teacher = /tiecr/ ten too where year Thank You, Sir KompetensiDasar 1. Merespon dengan metakukan tindakan sesuat instruksi secara berterima dalam konteks kelas. 2. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/member' jasa secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta bantuan. 3, Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan thank you dan please. 4, Membaca nyaring dengan melafatkan alfabet dan ucapan yang tepat yang melibatkan kata, frasa dan kalimat sangat sederhana. 5. Menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima seperti pesan tertulis. Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mampu: Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat melakukan perintah guru dengan tindakan. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat bercakap-cakap untuk meminta bantuan. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan terima kasih. Melalui contoh guru peserta didik dapat membaca nyaring ujaran tentang meminta bantuan dengan tepat. 5. Melaluilatinan peserta didik dapat menyalin ujaran tentang meminta bantuan dengan tepat. SeNe To Teacher Study the expressions below: 1. Introduce the students to the new sentences. 2. Ask the students to read and repeat the new sentences Ig 3. Ask the students to practice the communicative expres; * Can you help me to clean your class, please? Yes, Sir, ‘Thankyou ‘You are welcome Az Fun With English 4 ‘Can you clean the blackboard, please? 1 1. Teacher : Can you help me to open the door, please? Anita: Yes, Sir. ‘Teacher : Thank you, Nita. Anita : You are welcome. 2. ‘Teacher : Can you help me to clean your class, please? Students : Yes, Ma'am. Teacher : Thank you. ‘Students: You are welcome. Thank You. Sir 13 3. Teacher : Can you help me to move the table, please? Students : Yes, Sir. Teacher : Thankyou. Students : You are welcome. 4. Teacher : Andi, can you help me to draw a circle, please? Andi : Yes, Ma'am. Teacher ; Thankyou. Andi : You're welcome. 5. Teacher : Can you help me to read the sentence, please? Linda : Yes, Sir. Teacher : Thankyou. Linda —: You're welcome. a Read loudly.) In the Classroom It is Monday. We are in the classroom. Mr. Arif, our English teacher comes. Mr.Arif : Good moming, boys and girls! Students : Good morning, Sir! Mr. Arif, : How are you today? Students : We are fine, Sir. Thank you. Mr.Arif —; Andi, can you help me to collect your homework? Andi : Yes, Sir. Mr.Arf ; Thank you, Andi : You're'welcome. Gl Exercise 1 Listen and do the instructions below. Can you help me to close the window, please? ‘Can you help me to open the door, please? Can you help me to wrap my book, please? Can you help me to sweep the floor, please? Can you help me to clean the blackboard, please? PReNa Da Fun With English 4 i. Complete these dialogues. 1. Teacher : Can you help me to close the door, please? ‘Students Yes, Sir. Teacher ‘Students : You are welcome. 2. Teacher : ... the window, please? Tika Yes, Ma'am. Teacher Tika : You are welcome. 3. Mrs. Marina : ... the floor, please? Andi Yes, Madam. ‘Mrs. Marina 7 Andi : You are welcome. Wi Arrange these words. 4. class - your - please? - clean Clean your class, please? 2. your - open - please? - book 3. the- open - please? - window loor - sweep - please? - the 5. the - please? - read - book 6. off - please - fan - can - to - help -turn - you - the - me - fan - please? 7. help - me - you - to - the put - picture - can - here - please? wi Ga ee What things in the class begin with "B"? 1. _ Do this game in group of four! 2. Each group try to find and write things in the classroom begin with B letter as much as possible. 3. The group with the most word is the winner. Thank You. Sir 2 Vocabt as much as begin, begun blackboard boy clean close collect come come in front do door fine floor game gin 18: = /eez mac eaz/ mult, "dimutai, diawali = Iblaek'bowrd/ = anak laki-laki = membersihkan = fklowz/ = menutup = knlekt/ = mengumpulkan = (kan. = datang, tiba = /kamin fran) = maju ke depan = /duw/ = kerjakan, mengerjakan dow! = masing-masing = /ingglisy/ = bahasa Inggris = faind/ = menemukan = Kain’ = baik-baik saja = Mlowr! = lantai = /geim/ = permainan = /gor = anak perempuan, gadis good moming = /gud moming/ = selamat pagl homework how are you letter madam most on Monday open our Possible read sentence study teacher thank you today we winner word write yes, Sir you are welcome Fun With English 4 Phowm'werk/ pekerjaan rumah {naw ar yuw/ apa kabarmu? fletar/ pada hari Senin Powper/ membuka fawel milik kita mempelajari Ptiecer! guru itheengk yuw/ terima kasih itedie/ hari ini Mie/ kita, kami . Pwiner! pemenang werd/ kata Trait menulis lyes ser! ya, Pak /yuw ar ‘welkem/ terima kasih kembali Kompetensi Dasar 1. Merespon instruksi sederhana secara verbal dalam konteks Kelas. 2. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi maat. 3. Membaca nyating dengan melafalkan alfabet dan ucapan yang tepat yang mefibatkan kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana. Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertulis sangat sederhana. Mengeja ujaran bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima dengan tanda baca yang benar yang melibatkan kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana. oe Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mampu: 1. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat merespon instruksi sangal sederhana dengan verbal. 2. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat meminta maf. 3. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat memberi maat. 4. Melalui contoh guru peserta didik dapat membaca nyaring ujaran bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dengan tepat. 5. Melalui atihan peserta didik dapat mengeja ujaran tentang meminta dan memberi mat. To Teacher Study the expressions below: 1. Introduce the students to the school personnel. 2. Ask the students to read and repeat the new words loudly. 3. Ask the students to practice the communicative expressions. + lama student, + He is my teacher * Lamsory + That'salright 18 Fun with English 4 Mr. Hasan is a headmaster. Mrs. Amalia is a headmistress. | lf. | Mr. Yoga is a teacher. Linda is a student, 18 Miss. Lina is a clerk. Mr. Edlis a school guards? He is My Teacher 3. Q : Whatis Mr. Yoga? A : Heis a teacher. 4. Q : Whatis Linda? A : She is a student. 5. Q : What is Miss. Lina? A : Sheis a clerk. 6. Q : What is Mr. Edi? A: He is a school guard. ®p. Fun with Engish 4 ,G@ Read loudly’ Hi, | am Chiko. 1am a student. Mr. Yoga is my teacher. Mr. Hasan is my headmaster. Mr. Edi is my school guard. a | Exercise Complete this. As Headmaster Y ‘ ¢ | School ‘ ‘ Personnels | { ‘ 1 . is my headmaster/headmistress. is my teacher. is my teacher, is my school guard. He is My Teacher 2 lam Sorry : 1, Iwan comes late to school. c y | (71am sory, Sin” Sy j | 5 Tcome late. 7 | I 1 i I 1 j 1 1 1 4 1 ! | | I That's alright. i i Next time, get up earlier! | i | 1 | t J ae ee ae et re ee 2. pr rr te ee eee | am sorry, | am using it. bee ee es 22 Fun with English 4 3. Anita lost Dani's pencil. c 1am sorry, Dani, Jost your pencil. nai | i 1 1 1 1 | 1 | I 1 I [ | 1 1. Iwan comes late to school. He says : "lam sorry, | come late.” 2. Chiko cannot lend Andi her pen. She says : "lam sorry, | am using it.” 3. Anita lost Dani's pencil. She says : "Iam sorry, | lost your pencil.” 4 Complete these. 4. Iwan: Lamsorry, Sir. 1 come late. Teacher : That's alright. 2. Andi : May | borrow your rubber, Linda? Linda =: lam...,| amusing it. Andi : It doesn’t matter. 3. Anita: | am sorry, Chiko. | lost your ruler. Chiko: ... mind. He is My Teacher i Arrange these words. 4. am - it- using - am - 1-1 - sorry, Jam sorry, | am using it. 2. come-I-late 3. doesn't - matter - it 4. book - | - I'm - your - sorry, - lost 5. alright - that's PLE LO Across 1. ... leads the school 5. Teacher writes on the .. 8. ... keeps the schoo! 9. Laman elementary .... 10. She is an... 12. We play in the .... 13. The ... is on the wall 2. To clean the dustis .... 3... is for writing on the black- board 4, We put our books on the 6. Teacher puts book in the 7. We throw waste paper into 11. We sit on .... 24 Fron sath Enghshy «GB Vocabulary borrow 'barow/ meminjam but fonw tetapi clerk Tklerk/ pegawai tata usaha come kam datang, tiba getup {get apf bangun headmaster Thed'meester/ kepala sekolah (pria) headmistress Phed'mistras/ it doesn't matter fate fost may never mind ay teacher that's alright student use want what is Mr. why ...’ 2 Veneer kepala sekolah (wanita) At 'dazent ‘meeter/ tak apa-apa_ eit! menghilangkan /meil boleh, bolehkah never maind/ tak apa-apa, jangan dipikirkan /seil mengatakan Ptiecer! Uru heets of rait/ tak apa-apa /stuwdent! murid, siswa /yuws/ Menggunakan ‘wont! ingin Spwat iz ‘mister! apakah pak ...? /hwail mengapa ...? Unit 4 Linda’s Family Kompetensi Dasar 1, Merespon dengan melakukan tindakan sesual instruksi secara berterima dalam konteks kelas. 2. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta /memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur metarang. 3. Membaca nyaring dengan melafalkan alfabet dan ucapan yang tepat yang mefibatkan kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana, 4 Memahami dan menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima. Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mampu: Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat melakukan perintah guru dengan tindakan. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat meminta kejelasan tentang anggota keluarga. ‘Melalui demonstrasi peserta cicik dapat merespon tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana. ‘Melalui contoh guru peserta didik dapat membaca nyaring kalimat bahasa Inggris dengan tepat. Melalui latinan peserta dicik dapat melengkapi tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dengan tepat. ROMS a To Teacher Study the expressions below: 1. Introduce the students to the members of family. 2. Ask the students to read and repeat the new sentences loyally. 3. Ask the students to practice the communicative expressig + Is Mr. Danu Linda's father? * Yes, he is. * Don'topen the door! * Don'tgoout! 26 Fun with English 4 Ag Look, listen, and te; a. Linda's family tree: Mr. Basti Mrs. Marina Linda Deni b. fam Linda. Mr. Yusuf is my grandfather. Mrs. Ani is my grandmother. Mr. Danu is my father. Mrs. Asih is my mother. Deni is my brother. Mr. Basri is my uncle. Mrs. Marlina is my aunt. Budi and Sinta are my cousins. Linda's Family 2, BJ Let’s practice a. Chiko; Is Mr. Danu Linda's father? Anita: Yes, he is. b. Chiko: Is Mrs, Ani Linda's aunt? Anita: No, she isn't. She is Linda's grandmother. c. Chiko: Is Mr. Basri Linda's uncle? Anita: Yes, he is. d. Chiko: Is Sinta Linda's cousin? Anita: Yes, she is. e. Chiko: Is Mrs. Asih Linda's grandmother? Anita: No, she isn't. She is Linda’s mother. eGji Exercise! Read the text. Linda’s Family Linda is my friend. She lives with her family. Her brother is Deni. Her father is Mr. Danu. Mrs. Asih is her mother. Mr. Basri and Mrs. Marlina are her uncle and aunt. Budi and Sinta are her cousins. They are a happy family, because they love each other. i. Complete this. Linda’s Family Linda is my .... She lives with her .... Her ... is Deni. Mr. Danu is her ... and Mrs. Asi is her .... Her ... is Mr. Basri. Mrs. Marlina is her .... Her ... are Budi and Sinta. Mi, Fill in the blanks. 1. Anita : Is Mr. Yusuf Linda’s grandfather? Andi : Yes, he is. 2. Anita : Is Mrs. Ani Linda’s mother? Andi No, She is Linda’s .... = Fun with English 4 3. Anita : Is Mrs, Marlina Linda’s aunt? Andi 4. Anita + Is Mr. Basri Linda's father? Andi No, Hes Linda's 5. Anita: Are Budi and Sinta Linda's cousins? Andi . Prohibition a Look, listen;al Don't open the door! Don’t close the door! Don't close the window! Don’t open the window! Don't sit here! Don't go out! Don't close your book! Don’t open your book! GB Let's practic 1. Andi : Don't close the door! Budi : Okay. Thank you. Budi : You're welcome. Don't open the window! Linda : O.K. Anita : Thanks. Linda : That's alright. Linda's Family 29 3. Chiko : Don't close the door! Andi Chiko Andi 4. Rina: Don’t open the window! Budi Rina Budi e@ Dotheinstrue 1. Don't close the door! 2. Don't open the window! 3. Don'topen your book! 4, Don't go out! 5. Don't sit there! 6. Don't turn off the lamp! 7. Don't close the window 8. Don't write with pencil! 9. Don't open dictionary! 40. Don't write with pen! a Exercise Complete these sentences 4. You don't want Ana to go out. You say: Don't go out, Anna! 2. Mother doesn’t want Linda to close the door. She says: .... 3. Aunt Marlina doesn't want Deni to close the window. ‘She says: 30 You don’t want Sinta to sit there. You say: .... Father doesn't want Budi to open the window. Father says: .. aunt brother close cousin go out. grandfather grandmother happy family wuennuo bibi Porather/ saudara laki-laki fklows/ menutup, tutuplah kaze saudara sepupu /deunt tidak, jangan_ ‘dowr! pintu father! yah /gow awt/ keluar fgreend'father/ kakek Pgraend'mather/ nenek /hzepie ‘tzamelie/ keluarga bahagia fove each other mother of course open please sit there that’s all right that's ok uncle window Fun with English 4 = /aviec'ather/ = saling mencintai = /mathar/ ibu Ipliez/ tolong, silahkan sit theer/ duduk di sana Unit 5 Good Afternoon, Chiko Kompetensi Dasar 1. Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi satam/sapaan. 2. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/member informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengajak. 3. Membaca nyaring dengan melafalkan alfabet dan ucapan yang tepat yang melibatkan: kata, frasa, kalimat bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana. 4, Menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima, Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mampu: Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat merespon ungkapan sedethana secara verbal. Melalui demonstrasi peserta dicik dapat mengungkapkan salam. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat menjawab salam. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat menyampaikan ajakan. Melalui contoh guru peserta didik dapat membaca nyaring frasa dan kalimat bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dengan tepat. Melalui tatihan peserta didik dapat menyalin frasa dan kalimat bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dengan tepat. Feeps 2 To Teacher Study the expressions below: 1. Introduce the students to the greeting expressions. 2. Ask the students to read and repeat the new expressions. 3. Ask the students to practice the communicative expressiéng * Good morning, boys and girls. * Good afternoon, Chiko * Let’s go to school 32 Ere peah A, Look, listen, and repeat 1. In the morning at the classroom Good morning, boys and girls! \ How are you today? Good morning, Sir! a . We are fine, thank you, a 4 2. After schooi in the afternoon =: X 1 “Good afternoon, Chiko! Let's go home! __ Good Afternoon, Chiko 3. At home in the afternoon Good afternoon, Good afternoon, Chiko! Mother! ce 4, Atthe living room in the evening BS. 5 Fun with English 4 In the bedroom ‘Good night, Chiko. Have a nice dream! ‘Ana and Rina are in the way to school. Ana Rina Ana Rina Ana Rina Ana : Good morning, Rina! : Good moming, Ana! : How are you? : Lam very well. Thank you. And you? : Lam very well, too. + Let’s go to school together! + Okay. Good Afternoon, Chiko Good morning. Let’s go to school! Good afternoon. Let's go home! ee Cee eee Good evening. Let's study together! Good night. Let's go to bed! Complete these dialogues. Ayu: Good morning, Chiko! Chiko: Good morning, Ayul . go to school! Chiko : Okay. Rudi: ..., Rinal Rina Good afternoon, Rudi! Rudi go home! Rina: Yes. wll we ls Seen Fun with English 4 Linda : Good evening, Deni! Deni Linda. Linda : ... watch television! Deni: Okay. Nani: ...Mom. Mom: ... Nani .. have breaksfast. Arrange these words into a good sentence. morning - Sir - good Good morning, Sir. mother - afternoon - good father - evening - good night - good - Chiko the lesson - let's - begin go - together - let's - home study - together - let's television - let's - watch lunch - let's - have 10. canteen - to - go - let's - the Good Afternoon, Chiko Gf Let’s sing Good Morning 5 1.6 | 1 Good morning, Good 5 1.3 | 6 Good morning, How 5 1.6 | 14 Good morning, 4 4.3 | 2 How are you to a Vocabulary. after school fine ‘good afternoon good evening good morning good night how are you? fetter skuwl/ setelah sekolah faint baik-baik saja = /gud ‘zefternuwn/ = selamat siang (gud ‘ievning/ selamat sore/petang = apa kabarmu? 5 3 morning 1 7 | are you 5 3 Tes day. Good —moming 7 38 in the classroom in the living room lesson let's begin let’s go home let's go to school let's go to bed let’s study let’s watch TV today together now uu wud wa wong Fun with English 4 Jin thie ‘klees'tum/ di dalam kelas fin thie living rum di ruang keluarga flesor/ pelajaran ets bi'gin! mati kita mulai fets gow howm/ mari kita pulang Nets gow tuw skuwl/ mari kita pergi ke sekolah Nets gow tuw bed/ mari kita tidur Aets 'stadie/ mari kita belajar Aets wac tivie/ mari kita menonton TV ita'dei/ hari ini /te'gether! bersama-sama Pen is Good Your Kompetens! Dasar 1. Merespon dengan tindakan sesuai instruksi secara berterima dalam konteks kelas. 2. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi jasa/barang secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta/memberi barang. 8. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberiinformasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: berterima kasih dan memuji. 4. Membaca nyaring dengan melafalkan alfabet dan ucapan yang tepat yang metibatkan kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana. 5. Memahamni kalimat dan pesan tertulis sangat sederhana. 6. Menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana. Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mampu: Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat merespon instruksi dengan tindakan. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat melakukan percakapan tentang meminta/ memberi barang secara berpasangan. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat memberi pujian. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan terima kasih. ‘Melaluilatinan peserta cidk dapat melengkapi teks deskriptif bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana, Melalui latihan peserta didik dapat menuliskan jawaban pertanyaan tentang isi bacaan dengan tepat. To Teacher Study the expressions: 1. Ask the students to read and repeat the new sentences lougly. 2. Ask the students to practice the communicative expressi a. Is this your pencil case, Linda? b. Yes, it is./ No, it isn't. c, Your pencil case is good. d, Here you are. e, Thankyou, po pase 2 40 Fun with Engjish 4 ‘Ag Look, listen, and repeat... =i) —_— —_——_—— This is my rubber. This is my pencil. This is my pen. This is my schoolbag. This is my book. This is my dictionary. This is my ruler. - so This is my drawing book. This is my pencil case. Your Pen is Good ak 2 Let’s p Really? Thanks.“ Do you like it? 42 Fun wilh English 4 G8 Read loudly " My Schoolbag This is my schoolbag. There are books, a drawing book, a dictionary, a ruler, and a pencil case in it. There are a rubber, a pen, and a pencil in my pencil case. @ Do the instructions below Show me your pen! Show me your pencil Show me your pencil case! Show me your ruler! Show me your dictionary! ‘Show me your drawing book! eases ‘Sure, which one do you want, Chiko? Your Pen is Good a 7 \ ES tise we are welcot 43 You are welcome. bee aa Fun with English 4 1 Complete these. 1. Andi: Isityour bag, Rina? Rina: Yes, itis. Andi: Your bag is good. Rina: Thank you. 2. Chiko; Isityour..., Yuda? siaoomeee Yuda : Yes, itis. Chiko: Your book is... Yuda : Thank you. 3. Ana; Your... is good, Nina. Nina. : ... you. . 4. Rina: Is this your pen, Andi? Andi: Yes, this is. Rina Andi 5. Linda : Your drawing book is good, Sinta. Sinta : your Pen is Good 48 w. Match them! 1. Doyou have some pencils, Lisa? [e] a. |want the blue pen 2. Mayllask one? b. Thanks 3. Which one do you want? ¢. You're welcome 4, Here you are. LC d, Sure 5. Thank you. [| e. Yes, 1 do. MW. Read this text caretully. Yuda’s Schoolbag This is Yuda’s ge There are a 3 . @ E> and oo in it, There are a => —_. a Zs a a the pencil case. WV. Fill in the blanks. Yuda’s Schoolbag This is Yuda's schoolbag. There are a and a... in the pencil case. ., and ... in it. There are, Answer these. 1. What are there in Yuda's schoolbag? There are a book, a and... 2. What are there in Yuda’s panel ‘case? There AFe ay ory sony AND on Fun with English 4 bag book dictionary drawing book good pen pencil pencil case really read rubber ruler schoolbag hots me there are .... use want your pen buku Fdiksye'nerie/ kamus /drowing buk/ buku gambar Igud/ baik, bagus /pen/ pulpen /pensel pensil Ipensal keis/ tempat pensil frieti sungguh tried/ membaca Ptaber/ karet penghapus pensil Pruwler! penggaris Iskuwlbeeg/ tas sekolah Isyow mi/ tunjukkan padaku itheer ar/ ada .... Jyaws/ memakai/menggunakan wont! ingin /yur pen/ pulpenmu 48 Choose a, b, c, or d in front of the correct answer. Hello, this is Anita. is my classmate. He She 1 You : What is your ...? : My name is Linda. old . name . friend . classmate This is Andi. He is in grade four. He is ten ... ofd. a. years b. months c. weeks d. days It is hot in the classroom. Teacher : Can you help me to ... the fan. Students : Yes, Sir. a. open b. close ¢. turn on d._ turn off Chiko is a... a. headmaster b. headmistress c. teacher d. student Dono comes late. He says | am... | come late. student pao oP >Oee ge: sorry late live in Bandung. What When Where Why Be eR >OBO oD Fun with Engtish 4 feview Unit 1-6 a 8. I live ... Jalan Kenanga. ; a. in b. on c. at d. for 9. Teacher ; Can you help me to ... the door, please? Student : Yes, Ma'am. a. close b. open c. clean d. sweep 10. Mother : Good afternoon, Chiko. Chiko Mother. a. Good morning b. Good afternoon c. Good evening d. Good night Fill in the blanks. Hello, my ... is Susi. 2. Maya : Nice to meet you, Anna. Anna : ... to meet you, too. 3. Linda : Hello, | am Linda. This is my brother, Arif. ... is eleven years old. 4. Canyou help me to ... the ..., please? 5. Canyouhelpmeto...the..., please? 6 Susan : I'm sorry. | ost your pen. Ani : Never... 0 Fun with English 4 7. Ilive ... Jalan Melati Nomor 17. 8. Where does she live? She ... in Bogor. 9. Deni is Linda’s brother. Linda is Deni's .. 10. Desi : Your pen is good, Rina, Rina : ... you. ii, Atrange these sentences. 1, in-four-we - grade - are 2. is - my - Mr. Arif - teacher 3. at-live- Jalan Melati 15-1 4, my~Mr. Basri - uncle - is 5. is-pen- your - good JV. Complete the dialogues below. 1. Dinda : You have some pencils, Bayu. May | ask one? Bayu : Of course, 2. Andre: ... |ask your ruler, Rina? Rina: Sure, here your are. 3. Andi : lamsorry.|came late. Dian: its... 4, Dita: lamsony. I don’t bring your book. Keke : Never... 5. Saiful: .... Host your pencil. Lei + It's alright. Kompetensl Dasar : 1. Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana secara verbal. Menirukan ujaran dalam ungkapan sangat sederhana secara berterima. }. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/member informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur meminta kejelasan. Membaca nyaring dengan ucapan yang tepat dan berterima yang melibatkan: kata, frasa, kalimat sangat sederhana. . Mengeja ujaran bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dengan benar yang melibatkan: kata, frasa, kalimat,dan teks sangat sederhana. Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mamp1 |. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat memperkenalkan saudara. . Metalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat meminta kejelasan tentang jumlah saudara. 3. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat menirukan ungkapan untuk menjawab sapaan. . Melalui contoh guru peserta didik dapat membaca nyaring kata bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dengan tepat. . Melalui latinan peserta didik dapat mengeja tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dengan tepat. To Teacher Study the expressions below: . Let the students to read and repeat the new expressions loudly. . Ask the students to practice the communicative expressions: * Do you have any brother? * Do you have any sister? = It's nice to meet you. ~ Nice to meet you, too. + Yes, 1 do/No, t don't. How many brothers/sisters do you have? Two sisters, Pardon? + cthave two sisters. seen eee e eee cee e nes ae, en oop Aone ba &: Fun with English « A Look, listen, and repeat Hello, | am Rina. | live with my family. Mr. Harun and Mrs. Harun are my parents. Ihave a brother. His name is Anton. | have two sisters. Their names are Rini and Rika love them very much. Hi, Chiko. | want you to meet my sister. Her name is Rini_ J Have Two Sisters 53 Do you have any sisters, Rina? ‘How many sisters doyouhave? J 54 Fun with English 4 (© How many brothers \.-doyou mx have one brother. } ) * xs Giana an) oh Read Hello, | am Rina. Hi, friends. | want you to meet my sister. | want you to meet my brother. Her name is Fini. His name is Anton. | Have Two Sisters, 55; 2 Let’s: Chiko wants you to introduce your sister or brother to her, Let's do that. 1. Hi, Chiko. tam... I want you to meet my .... Her name is 2. Hello, Chiko. lam... 1 Fillin the blanks. 1. Hi, friends, | want you to meet my brother. His name is Bayu. 2. Hello, friends. lam Rika. This is my ... +» name is Rini. 56 math # 3. Hi, 1am Rini. This is my .... .. name is Anton. 4. Hi, friend. I want you to meet my .... .» Name is Rita. 5. Hi, fam Sandra. This is my .... -. Name is Andi. 6. Budi : How many sisters do you have, Bety? Bety : Three. Budi: Pardon? Bety _: Ihave... sisters. 7. Saskia : How many brothers do you have, Bella? Bella wo. Saskia Bella F I Have Two Sisters 8. Indra: How many cousins do you have, Sabrina? Sabrina: Five. Indra ? Sabrina i, Complete the text. (based on Rina’s family) Hello, | am Rina. | ive with my ... . Mr. and Mrs. Harun are my Thave a... . His... is Anton. | have two ... . They are... and... 1... them very much. i Now put your family’s picture below and then complete the sentences! Hello, | am .... Hive with my . Mr. ... and Mrs. ... are my parents. Ihave ... brother. (i have ... brothers) His name is ... (Their names are ... and ...) | have ... sister (I have ... sisters) Her name is ... (Their names are ... and ...) | love my family very much. 58 F.., Vocabulary do you have .. how many ... it's nice to meet you it's nice to see you meet pardon parents them too very much who Fun with Eaghst = /duw yuw heev/ = apakah kamu mempunyai . naw menie/ berapa ...? Tits nais tuw miet yuw/ senang berjumpa denganmu its nais tuw sie yuw/ senang bertemu denganmu Imiet/ bertemu, berjumpa, berkenalan Pparden/ maaf Spearents/ orangtua ithem/ mereka (sebagai objek) Auw/ juga /verie mac/ sangat J/puw/ siapa | Have Eight Rabbits Kompetensi Dasar 1. Merespon dengan melakukan tindakan sesuai dengan instruksi secara berterima dalam konteks kelas dan dalam berbagai permainan. 2, Menirukan ujaran dasar sangat sederhana secara berterima. 3. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan 4, tindak tutur: menyangkal dan meminta kejelasan. . Membaca nyaring dangan ucapan yang tepat dan berterima yang melibatkan: kata, frasa, kalimat yang sangat sederhana. 5. Menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima. Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mampu: 1. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengucapkan kembali ungkapan sangat sederhana dengan tepat. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat menanyakan jumiah. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan kalimat sangkalan. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat menyebutkan jumlah. Melalui contoh guru peserta didik dapat membaca nyaring frasa bahasa Inggris Sederhana dengan tepat. Melalui latihan peserta didik dapat menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris tentang meminta member informasi sangat sedethana dengan tepat. To Teacher Study the expressions below: 1. Introduce the students to the names of pets. 2. Let the students to repeat and read the new words loudly. 3. Ask the students to practice the communicative expressions: + Howmany hens are there? There are ten hens. + How many rabbits are there? ‘There are eleven rabbits. ‘© What are those animals? ‘Those are cocks and hens. + Isita duck? No, it isnt tis a goose. 2 saep Fun sath Engst 4 60 Ag Look, listen, and repeat or | | itis an iguana. Itis a dog. Itis a horse. —, a ft | |< Itis a cat. itis a bird. Itis a fish. we Itis a goldfish. It is a cock. It is a monkey. Be Let’s practice ME ide 2 | There are nine fishes. 62 lany rabbits ‘There are eleven re? rabbits. 9 ¥ 64 Fun with English 4 Rg Draw and color your pet like this on your drawing | Qh TO | «BJ Exercise L Look at the pictures and read Joudly. like the rabbits, because they are funny. lieed the rabbits everyday. Hello, | am Chiko. | e or I have eight rabbits. | oe oe e | J Have Eight Rabbits Hello, | am Andi. I have two horses. The horses are strong. Ifeed the horses everyday. Hi, lam Linda. I have five birds. | like the birds, because they are beautiful. | feed the birds everyday. Hi, Lam Anita, | have two cats. I like the cats, because they are funny. I feed the cats everyday. i. Complete these. 1. Chiko has eight rabbits. 2. Andi has ... horses. 3. Linda has ... birds. 4. Anita has ... cats. 66 rte Banghin WW, Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. eet allel, ‘I, > : How many birds are there? : There are six birds. +. are there? : There are ... rabbits. : are there? : There are ... horses. 2... are there? : There are ... dogs. 1. are there? : There are ... goats. 2 PO >O FO FO FO | Have Eight Rabbits Domestic Animals Aa Look, listen, andr Ahorse Asheep Agoose Ahen Adtick Aturkey Aplgeon a8 Fun with Engin 4 Bj Let’s practice Linda : What are those animals? Anita : Those are a cock and a hen. Maya : Isitaduck, Bayu? Bayu : No, itisn't. Itis a goose. Are they goats, 4. | Have Eight Rabois 60 ve ee eb SE wee eee em eee sen eee eo 1 ? 1 € What animals that?» < That is a horse. > ' an aan aa i TT i t i { 1 1 1 1 ! ! } 1 } ' | t f 1 I 1 1 1 1 i 1 Men a The animal is a cow. Does it produce some Yes, it does. A cow produces some milk. poet nn en ey 70 Fun with English Complete and-read loudly « Itis a big animal. A It is big and strong. aay Itis a buffalo, The animal is big. It produces some milk, ltisa., The animal has two wings, but it cannot fly It produces eggs. ltisa.... — The animal has two wings. It can swim on the water. lisa... a | Have Eight Rabbits nm The animal has four legs. it can run fast. Itisa.... sae — Be Draw a domestic animal like this, then color it on your drawing book “ : re Eg Exercise 1 Complete them. 1. Q: Isitacow? A : No, itisn’t. It is a buffalo, 2. Q: Isitahen? 3. Q: Isitagoat? 4. Q: Isthisa buffalo? Fun wath English 4 Fr I Have Eight Rabbits 6 Q: Isitacock? A: 7. Q: Isitaduck? A: 8. Q: Isita turkey? A: ne Re. Fun with English 4 w. Match them, then fill in the blanks. A cow produces some milk and meat. A buffalo produces . A goat produces .. A duck produces Ahen produces REFERS Arrange these words into a good sentence. two - has - wings - a cock. A cock has two wings. Nn legs - a buffalo - four - has. 3. milk - produces - a cow - some 4. on- swim - a duck - the - water - can 5. can - run - a horse - fast I Have Eight Rabbits => F. Game 4 Do this game in pairs! Animal Labels. “s witg? This is an animal. fs it wild? THe al fs Digs Produce some milk? What is it? No. cow Yes. Itis a COW! That's right! Gj Vocabulary beautiful é cock = i MRa. =: -bagus, indah, cantik = ayam jantan because = foikaz/ cow = ikaw! “3 = térena = ‘sapi big = hig, dog =-/ddg/ = besar = bird = foerd/ domestic animal= ‘/de'mestik 'zanemel/ = burung =: binatang temak buffalo =-/bafelow/ duck = /dat. . but 4 eight = cat = egg ® eleven every day fast feed fifteen fly for us four funny goat goldfish goose hen horse how many like meat milk nine Wlevan! sebelas Fev(a)rie dei setiap hari Heesv cepat Aied/ memberi makan /fiftien/ lima belas kambing /'gowld'fisy/ ikan mas koki /guws/ ayam betina fnorsi kuda /naw 'menie/ berapa Naik menyukai Amie daging Arnilky susu Inaird sembilan pet pigeon produce six sixteen sheep strong swim ten thirteen those three turkey twelve twenty two water wing Fun with English 4 = /pev binatang peliharaan I’pijer’ merpati I'prowduws/ menghasilkan feant berlari fseven! tujuh dsiks/ enam /'siks'tien/ enam belas /syiep/ domba Jstrong/ kuat ‘swim! berenang hen! sepuluh Athar'tien! tiga belas {thowz/ itu (jamak) Abrie/ tiga Starkie/ ‘kalkun /twelv/ ~dua belas twentie/ dua puluh Ttaw/ dua Pwater! air ‘wing! sayap Kompetensi Dasar 3 1. Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak + tutur memberi contoh. : 2. Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang metibatkan tindak tutur meminta izin dan memberi izin. 3. Membaca nyaring dengan ucapan yang tepat dan berterima yang melibatkan: kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana. 4. Mengeja ujaran bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dengan tepat dan berterima dengan tanda baca yang benar yang melibatkan kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sedethana. Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mampu: geene 2 Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat memberi Melalui contoh guru peserta didik dapat membaca nyaring ujaran bahasa inggris sangat sederhana dengan tepat. Melalui iatinan peserta didik dapat mengeja ujaran tentang meminta atau memberi . Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengucapkan kembali frasa dengan tepat. in. dengan tepat To Teacher Study the expressions below: 1. Let the students to repeat and read the new sentences. 2. Ask the students to practice the communicative expressions: Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat meminta izin. : What does she/he have in her/his ...? Sheihe has ..., ... and May l use your telephone? Yes, of course May use your... May I borrow your...? How do you turn on the fan’ EE Fun with English 4 This is a vase. This is a painting. This is a television. This is a radio. im a ee ‘This is @ carpet. This is a dining table. This is a refrigerator. This is a lamp. This is an umbrella. This is a fan. May | Borrow Your Umbrella? This is a telephone. This is a mirror. —_ | It | 1 = " | | ~ This is a dipper. This is a towel. This'is atoothbiush. a Let’sp Mufti is in Andis house. Itis hot, Andi. Yes, of course. ae. Fun with English 4 Monika is in Linda's house. May | use your telephone, Yes, of course. Linda? Andhara is in Danu's house. May I sit here, Danu? Yes, please. May | Bortow Your Umbrella? a> Sonya wants to go home, but it rains. She wants to borrow Danu’s umbrella. ooo { May | borrow you Yes, of course.) \._umbrella, Danu? — “ a D Let's practice! 1 It's easy. Like this. How do you turn on the fan? eo Fun with English 4 2 ——. It's easy. Like this. How do you turn off the radio? Hello, | am Linda. | have a sofa, a television, a painting, and a lamp in my living room. ‘May | Borrow Your Umbrella? > Hello, | am Andi. | have a bed, a clock, a fan, a lamp, + and a mirror in my bedroom. You : What does Linda have in her living room? Your friend : She has a sofa, a television, a painting, and a lamp. You : What does Andi have in his bedroom? Your friend : He has a bed, a clock, a lamp, a fan, and a mirror. GB Exer L Read the text and write the words. 1. There are a sofa, a television, a vase, and a painting in my living room. Fun with English 4 2, There are a dining table, a refrigerator, plates, and glasses in my dining room. 3. There are abed, a pillow, a mirror, alamp, and a clock in my bedroom. 4. There are a dipper, a soap, a toothbrush, and a towel in my bathroom. Fill in the blanks. 1. May luse your telephone? Yes, please. May | Borrow Your Umbrella? 2. May!Isiton the ...? Yes, of course. 3. May! turnon the... ? Yes, you may. 4. Maylturnon the ...? Yes, please. 5, Maylsitonthe...? Yes, of course. ie. Fun with English 4 Complete these. 1. You are in your friend’s house. You want to use her/his phone. You say: May f use your telephone? 2. You want to borrow your friend's umbrella. You say: .... 3. You want to turn on your friend's TV. You say: .... 4. You want to turn off your friend’s radio. You say: .... 5. You want to read your friend’s book. You say: .... #1. Tall the things in your living room, bedroom, bathroom, and dining room. a. This is my living room. There are ... My family and | always watch tv in this room. b. This is my bedroom. Here, Ihave... Tove my bedroom. My bathroom is small but it is clean d. This is my dining room. There are ... My family and | always eat together in this room. e. This is my kitchen. There are ... May | Borrow Your Umbrella? IES RE NE SORE EA a es bathroom = = /beeth'rum = /kamar mandi bed = /bed/ =. tempat tidur bedroom = /bed'rum/ = kamar tidur borrow = [barow/ = meminjam but = fav = tetapi carpet = Pkarpal/ = karpet clock = Mlak/ = jamdinding dining room = /dainingrum/ = Tuang makan diningtable . = /dainingtebel’ = meja makan dipper = /dipar/ = gayung easy = Fiezie/ = mudah fan = Keen/ = Kipas angin gohome = -/gow howm/ * = pulang he has... = Ihie heaz/ = dia mempunyai ... house = /haws/ = rumah how = /hawl = bagaimana lamp = Nesmp/ : =: lampu like this = Aaik this! = seperti ini sige: may |... my living room ‘of course please radio rain refrigerator sofa telephone television toothbrush towel umbrella use vase want what does he have .:.? write your telephone 2 Fun with English 4 = /meiai/ bolehkah saya ... Imail ruang keluarga saya. Inf kowrs/ tentu saja Ipliez/ silakan [reidieow! radio freind hujan rifrijetreiter/ kulkas: sowtol sofa [telefown/ telepon Stele'vizyer/ televisi Ptuwth'brasy/ sikat gigi ftawal handuk /am'brela/ payung /yuws/ menggunakan Neis/ vas bunga. won ingin = /hwat daz hie heew/ apa yang dimilikinya? rait! menulis, tulislah /yur telefown = teleponmu Kompetensi Dasar 1. Merespon dengan melakukan tindakan sesuai instruksi secara berterima dalam konteks kelas dan dalam berbagai permainan. 2. Menirukan ucapan dalam ungkapan sangat sederhana secara berterima. 3. Bercakap-cakap untuk merinta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur menyetujui, tidak menyetujui dan meminta kejelasan. 4. Membaca nyaring dengan ucapan yang tepat dan berterima yang melibatkan: kata, rasa, kalimat sangat sederhana. Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik mampu: 1. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat melakukan perintah dengan tindakan dalam sebuah permainan. 2. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengucapkan kembali ungkapan sangat sederhana dengan tepat. 3. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan persetujuan. 4. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan ketidaksetujuan. 5. Melalui pengamatan gambar peserta didik dapat meminta kejelasan tentang warna seragam sekolah, 6. Melalui contoh guru peserta didik dapat membaca nyaring frasa bahasa Inggris « ‘sederhana dengan tepat. : To Teacher : Study the expressions below: : . Ask the students to repeat and read the new sentences loudly. 2 Ask he students to practice the communicati + What coloris your schoo! uniform? My school uniform is white and red. What color is Junior High Schoo! uniform? The Junior High Schoo! uniform is while and blue, Hi, Dina. That shirt is blue, isn't i? ‘i No way. It isn't blue. It is white, s Be Fant tle engl 4 Bh L005, 1 Hi, lam Andi. | am an Elementary School student | wear my school uniform | wear a white shirt, red shorts, a red tie, a badge, a black belt, white socks, and black shoes. Hello, lam Anita. | am an Elementary School student. | wear my school uniform. | wear a white shirt, a red skirt, a red tie, a black belt, a badge, white socks, and black shoes. ‘She is Julia. Julia is a Junior High School student. ‘She wears her school uniform. She wears a blue hat, a white shirt, a blue skirt, and a blue tie. This is My Uniform He is Dino. He is a Junior High School student. He wears his school uniform. He wears a blue hat, a white shirt, blue shorts, and a blue tie. 2 What colour is your 4 school uniform, Andi?_,.” My school uniform is white and red. Fun with English 4 What colour is your school uniform, Julia? Myacheol unitormile» white and blue. ) Itis blue. Let’s practice. This is My Uniform 3. Hi, Julia. Do you wear a blue skirt? Noway. ~~ ‘Andi wears black shoes. ee Fun with English 4 1. Julia is a Junior High School student. ‘She wears white and blue uniform. 2. Dino is a Junior High School student. He wears white and blue uniform. 3. Andi is an Elementary Schoo! student. He wears white and red uniform. 4. Anita is an Elementary School student. ‘She wears white and red uniform. This Is My Uniform L Colour thase and fill In the blanks. -. School student. 4 ~=Complete these. 1. Q: What colour is this shirt? A : This shirt Is white. is skirt is blue. 3 Qs ..? A : This tie is red. M >Oo Q: A we? : These socks are white. a? : These shoes are black. Complete the answers. > 0 > D> wD > > : Linda is an Elementary School student. What color is her uniform? : Her uniform is white and red. : Budi is an Elementary School student. What color is his tie? : His tie is . : Sarah is a Junior High School student. What color is her uniform? : Her uniform is ... and .... : Maya is an Elementary School student. What color is her skirt? : Her skirt is .... : Deni is a Junior High School student. What color is his shorts? : His shorts is .... Fun with English 4 6 This is My Uniform ‘ 6. Anita i That shirt is white isn’t it? Bayu | 7. Nina i This tie is blue, isn't it? ee, 8. Susi z That skirt is white, isn’t it? Yudi ie 9. Linda : My hat is black isn’t it? Mona vt ! 10. Maya i Your skirt is blue, isn’t it? Mila one | a Game, Do this game with your friends. 1. Prepare some pictures of school uniform (hat, shir, tie, skirt, shoes and, shocks, shorts. 2. One of you choose one picture then the other student mention. 3. Show the picture you choose, let the other students say right or wrong. ie. a Vocabulary: ate get sae HO badge belt black blue elementary school hat junior high schoo! red shit, shoes shorts sock student tie uniform wear what color ...? white Ce Fun with English 4 i C8 sab ke SCH MY IE bet Joelt/ ikat pinggang Polesk'/ hitam foluw/ biru Pele'ment (2) rie skuwl/ sekolah dasar heal topi Fjuwayer hai skuwl/ sekolah menengah pertama fredl. merah Isyerv kemeja Isyuws/ sepatu /syert/ celana pendek dsakd kaos kaki Pstuwdent/:.?°. pelajar, murid, siswa faifdasi fyuwneferm/. pakaian seragam weer! memakai, mengenakan Phwat ‘kaler/ apa.wama....? fwalt/ putih What is in Your Bedroom? Kompetensi Dasar 1. Menirukan ujaran dalam ungkapan sangat sederhana secara berterima. 2. Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu dan memberi aba-aba. 3, Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi jasa yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta /memberi bantuan. 4. Membaca nyaring dengan ucapan yang tepat dan berterima yang melibatkan: kata, + trasa, kalimat sangat sederhana. 4 Tujuan Pembelajaran : Peserta didik mampu: : 1. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengucapkan kembali ungkapan sangat ° sederhana dengan tepat. : Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu. 5 Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat memberi aba-aba/instruksi sangat sederhana. Melalui pengamatan gambar peserta didik menyebutkan benda-benda dikamartidur, * Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat meminta bantuan. Melatui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat menyetujui sebuah permintaan. Melalui contoh guru peserta didik dapat membaca nyaring frasa bahasa Inggris sanget sederhana dengan tepal. . 8. Melalui latihan peserta didik dapat menyalin ujaran tentang meminta bantuan. NPFEEN To Teacher Study the expressions below: 1. Introduce the students to the things in the bedroom 2. Ask the students to read and repeat the new words/sente 3. Ask the students to practice the communicative expressig What is this? This is a bed ‘Show me, how do you sweep the floor? It's easy. Do it ike this way. Would you please turf Yes, of course, Ok, certainly. Itis abed. Itis a pillow. ‘The bed: is brown The pillow is blue Itis'a blanket. ‘Tha blanket is green Itis‘a clock. The clock is black \ cs Ttis.a- mirror. It isa comb. ~The mirror is white ‘The comb is pink Fun wath English 4 v itis a bolster. The bolster is blue itis a bedcover, The bedcover is gray Itis a lamp. The lamp is yellow ence 1 | _ Itis a carpet. The carpet is red What is in Your Bedroom? > 1B 0° the euaionee” Linda: What are these? y Nita: These are a pillow and a bolster. » Linda : What colour are the pillow and the bolster? Nita: They are blue. Andi: What are those? Maya : Those are a mirror and a comb. Andi: What colour is the comb? Maya: Itispink. Sinta : What is this? Bayu : This is a bed. What colour is the bed? It is brown. Danu : Whatis that? Desi: Thatis a lamp. Danu : What colour is the lamp? Desi: Itis gray. tea Fun with Engiish 4 Sarah : What is it? Mila; It is a wardrobe. Sarah : What colour is the wardobe? Mil : Itis brown. z aaa ! — ny ( { (Moule you please turn oi Yes, ofcourse. | {\___ the lamp, Linda? 1 oo a po 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ' 1 { 1 1 | 1 ! 1 1 1 ! 1 ' i ' 1 & a Would you close the wardrobe, Rina? ‘What is in Your Bedroom? Would you please open the window? OK. certainly. This is Anita's bedroom. There are a pillow, a bolster, and a blanket on the bed. There is a clock on the wall. There is a lamp on the table. There are also a wardrobe and a mirror in her bedroom. Anita's bedroom is clean, because she cleans it everyday. 1be.. Fun with English 2B Practice inpairs Linda and Anita are in Anita's bedroom. This is my bedroom. I sweep the floor everyday. i aa es ‘Show me how you sweep the floor! LO) The table is clean, too. low do you clean the table, Anita? ‘Show me, how do you clean it? ‘What is in Your Bedroom? ah Exerci L Match the words with the pictures, then read loudly. a blue pillow ~ \ . green blanket y blue bolster a 4 i 106 nq dM Fill In the blanks with ‘on’ or ‘in’. 1, There is a clock on the wall. 2. There is a comb ... the desk. 3. There are clothes ... the wardrobe. ! i 4. There is a carpet ... the floor. | | What is in Your Bedroom’ 107 There are a bed, a wardrobe, and a mirror... in my bedroom, Complete these. Mother wants Linda to open the window. Mother says: Would you please open the window, Linda? Nita wants Rina to turn off the lamp. Nita says: Father wants Andi to clean the bedroom, Father says: Rina wants her sister to turn on the fan. She says: You want your brother to close the door. You say: Complete and do the dialogue. You : Would you please turn on the TV? Your friend : OK, certainly You Would you please turn off the fan? Your friend You Would you please open the door? Your friend : .... 108 F. Vocabulary also bed bedcover bedroom blanket bolster carpet clock comb in tamp mattress mirror folsow/ tempat tidur bed 'kvar/ sprei fed ‘rum/ kamar tidur blaengkity selimut /bowlster/ guling = /carpat/ mirat/ cermin of course on picture pillow say these those turn off tum on wardrobe word would you ...? convene nnnee eee Fans wath Eaugioh € fot kowrs/ tentu saja fon! pada, di atas Ppikcer! gambar Fpilow/ bantal isei/ berkata Mtheiz/ ini Gamak) Ithows/ itu ((amak) Stem ‘ot mematikan tern ‘on’ menyatakan /'word'rowb/ lemari pakaian /ward/ kata wud yuw/ sudikah kamu ...? Unit 12 At the Zoo Kompetens Dasar ‘Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana secara verbal. : 2 Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan: excuse me dan thank you, 8. Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertulis sangat sederhana. ‘4. Mengeja vjaran bahasa inggris sangal sederhana secara tepat dan berterima dengan? tanda baca yang benar yang melibatkan: kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana. * Tujuan Pembelajaran : Peserta didik mampu: : 1. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat mengucapkan kembali kata bahasa Inggris * dengan tepat. 2. Melalui demonstrasi peserta didik dapat menanyakan nama binatang. : 3. Melalui pengamatan gambar peserta didik dapat member informasitentang binatang. 4. Melalui membaca pemahaman peserta didik penuliskan jawaban singkat tentang isi + bacaan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana. : 5. Melalui latihan peserta didik dapat menuliskan kembali ujaran bahasa Inggris sangat * sederhanadenganbenar, : To teacher: : Study the expressions below: : 1. introduce the students to the names of animals at the zoo. 2. Ask the students to read and repeat the new sentences loudly. 3. Ask the students to practice the communicative expressions: + What animal is that, Chiko? That is an elephant. * Excuse me, Sir. What are those ar * They are camels. * Thank you, Sir. You're welcome. 110 ean ca ctsh 4 Ag Look, listen, and repeat We often find the following animals at the zoo: emt baie Wal Pale, Monkey Crocodile en A Ste a a ee fe in esse Re 83 Let’s practice What is that? errr rrr Fur vat. Luise a 2 Those are tigers. (7 Wirat animals are, (those, Andi? * sta Atthe Zoo 143 7 Is ita deer, Linda? r : i i f 14 Fa sath Engiss Cj Read loudly and complete the table At the Zoo On Sunday, Chiko, Andi, and Anita go to Ragunan Zoo. They want to see animals. There are tigers, lions, bears, snakes, and crocodiles at the zoo. They are wild animals. There are also deers, giraffes, monkeys, zebras, and kangaroos at the z00. They are tame animals. Animals at the Zoo No. Wild Animals Tame Animals 1. Tiger Zebra 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. - Tigeris a wild animal. - Zebra is a tame animal, ‘tthe Zoo .Q} Do the dialogue wi Andi is in the zoo. Andi looks at some animals, but he doesn't know the name of the animals. Excuse me, Sir. What are those animals? sere ‘They are camels. ae ee 5 Excuse me, Miss. That is a bear. What is that animal? p a \ 148 Fun with English 4 &,: Draw the animal like this on your drawing book Ej Exercise 1 Fillin the blanks with is or are. 1. QQ: What animal is that? A : Thatis a snake. 5. Althe Zoo 2. Q: What... it, Santi? A : Itis a crocodile. 3. Q: What animals ... those ? A: Those are frogs. 4. Q: What... they? A: They ate tigers. Q : What... that, Linda? A : Thatis a giraffe. 18 Fun with Engish 4 Match and write. a ' Read and answer. Going to a Zoo Chiko and her friends go to a 200. They want to see animals there. There are tigers, lions, giraffes, bears, and snakes at the zoo. There are also elephants, zebras, kangaroos, monkeys, and birds at the zoo. Questions: 1, Where do Chiko and her friends go? They goto... 2. What do they want to see at the 200? They want to see .... 3. Are there any lions at the z00? Yes, ... 4. Are there any birds at the zoo? Alihe Zw 19 I, Arrange these words. 1. eats - leaves - giratfe - A. Agiraffe eats leaves. 2. snake - frog- eats -A-a. 3. is-Alion- wild - a - animal. 4. animal -a - is - tame - Adeer. 5. can - animals - We - the zoo - at - see. & Let’ssing. oe) ys Happy Birthday 5165 1/7 . 4 birthday to you —_ 5 | 6 5 2[a .] go- ing to the z00 s5ls5 3 117 6 | can see deer and elephants 4.4 ]3 4 2 1 | There're fun - ny mon -keys, too em 420 Hg Game Do this game in pairs. 1. Two students come in front of the class. bun with boglish 4 2. Astudents make the moving of an animal. (Example a frog —» by jumping) 3. The other students guess the name of animal. at, —= a | i | i { i 5 Le J Ag Vocabulary also = leaves = hievz/ = juga = daun, dedaunan bear fozer! lion = /laion/ beruang = singa crocodile I'krakedail/ monkey = /mangkie/ = monyet deer see = /sie/ = melihat eat = snake = /snaik/ - = ular elephant tame = hein = jinak frog frog, trag/ tiger = Maiger! katak = harimau giraffe /je'reet/ wild = Mwaild/ buas, liar going zebra fziebra/ = zebra kangaroo = /keengge'ruw/ = kangguru Review Unit 7-12 ee. Fue wah Engish 4 L Choose a, b, c, or d in front of the correct answer. 1. Hi, friend. t want you to meet my brother. +» name is Andika. a. My b. Your c. His d. Her 2. Ihave two... a. brother b. brothers c. sister d. friend 3. Ihave... fishes. a. seven b. eight c. nine d. ten 4. They are two..... a, hens b. cocks c. ducks d. gooses 5. May luse your... a. telephone b. umbrella = @. pencil 6 e Review Unit 7 - 12 6. There are a dipper, a tootbrush, a toothpaste, and a soap in my .... a. living room b. bedroom ¢. bathroom d. dining room 7. What colour is your uniform? Itis white and... a. red b. white c. blue d. grey 8. The animal is big. It produces some milk for us. ltisa.... a. cow b. buffalo c. elephant d. horse 9. The animals produce eggs. They are .... a. hen and duck b. goat and sheep ¢. elephant and horse d. cow and buffalo 10. I have pillows and bolsters in my .... a. living room b. bedroom c. bathroom d. dining room : 4 Fillin the blanks. 1. What is that? That is a .... 124 9 Fun with English 4 a a a How many hens are there? There are ... hens. a a a Indra; ... borrow your umbrella, Bayu? Bayu : Yes, you may. Look at the family tree! Mr. Burhan x Andi Mira Bayu Mira is Andi's .... Jenny is a junior high school student. Her uniform is white and What animal is that? Thatis a .... - |e Is it an elephant? 1am sleeping ... the bed. 10. Tigerisa ... animal, Review Unit 7 - 12 125. 10. Fill in the blanks with the correct word! 4 Chiko and Andi are Elementary School students. They wear... and ... uniforms. Julia and Dino are Junior High School students. They wear .... and ... uniforms. The students go to school wear ... shoes. The students go to school wear .... tsleep on my... Andi goes to schoo! wears .. My bedroom is clean, because I... it every day. Anita. : May I borrow your pen? Iiham : Yes, here you are Anita: Thanks Wham : You're... Student : | am ..., Sir. | come late. Teacher : That's ok. Sit down, please! Hi, Friends. This is my sister -« Name is Sinta. Es. Fun with English 4 WV. Give the answer for the following problems. 1, Mother wants Rina to close the door. Mother says .... 2. Arrange these words into a good sentence! have - pigeons - five -| 3. Complete this dialogue! Nina: What are there in your livingroom? Anna: Thereare...,..., and.... 4, Chiko: How many rabbits are there? Linda : There are .... ‘ 5. Complete the dialogue! Andi: There are wild animals at the zoo. What are they? Anita : Theyare..,...,and.... Dattar Pustaka NR Boy, F., Madrie Guera, 1996, Reading For Beginner, Dionece Printing, Manila. Dinas Pendidikan Dasar DKI Jakarta, 1994, Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris Muatan Lok:1!. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, BSNP, 2006, Kurikulum Standar Isi dan Kompete: si. KepMenDikNas no. 22/2006. Echols, M., John, and Hassan Shadily, 1997, An Indonesian English Dictionary, Gramedia; Jakarta. . Helen, Mc., Grand and Toni Nobl, 1996, Different Kids Same Classroom, Longman, Australia, Hornby, AS., 1989, Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary, Oxtord Univ., Press, Great Britain. The Scorpion and The Frog. [On Line]. Tersedia :http:/ scorpion,htm! [25 November 2009] Wendy, A., Scott and Lisbeth, H., Ytreberg, 2004, Teaching English to Children. Longman. Press, New York. 428 Fun with English 4 Lampiran One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river. The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back. ‘Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream. “Hellooo Mr. Frog!” called the scorpion across the water, "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?” "Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do | know that if I try to help you, you won't try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly. Lampiran 129 "Because," the scorpion replied, "If | try to kill you, then | would die too, for you see I cannot swim!” ’ Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked. "What about when | get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!" "This is true.” agreed the scorpion, "But then | wouldn't be able to get to the other side of the river!” “Alright then ... how do | know you won't just wait till we get to the other side and THEN kill me?” said the frog. “Ahh ...,” crooned the scorpion, "Because you see, once you've taken me to the other side of this river, | will be so grateful for your help, that it would hardly be fair to reward you with death, now would it?!” So the frog agreed to make the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud to pick up his passenger. The scorpion crawled ‘onto the frog’s back, his sharp claws prickling into the frog’s soft hide, and the frog slid into the river. The muddy water swirled around them, but the frog stayed near the sur- face so the scorpion would not drown. He kicked strongly through the first half of the stream, his flippers paddling wildly against the current. Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in has back and, out of the comer of his eye, saw the scorpion remove his stinger from the frog's back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs. "You fool!" croaked the frog, "Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?” The scorpion shrugged, and did a little jig on the drownings frog's back. "1 could not help myself. It is my nature.” Then they both sank into the muddy waters of the swiftly flowing river. ‘Source: hitp// him. Vocabulary claws = /kKles/kuku frog = Hreg/katak numbness = /namnes/kematian rasa river = /river/sungai scorpion = /'skerpieen/kalajengking

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