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Nb: Do this assignment on a piece of paper, and send the answer to your teacher through, with or
using pictures or photograph to teacher’s WA. You may use hand book or any source you have
to answer the questions. It’s for X MM.

1) Use all verbs below in making good sentences about Simple Present Tense in Positive,
Negative and Introgative sentences. Make 3 sentences for each verb, (+), ( - ), (?).
a. Wash
b. Learn
c. Play
2) Use all verbs below in making good sentences about Pesent Continuous Tense in
Positive, Negative and Introgative sentences. Make 3 sentences for each verb, (+), ( - ),
a. Cook
b. Study
c. Watch
3) Change all sentences below into good English Language.
a. Ayah sedang memotong rumput di halaman sekarang.
b. Ibu pergi ke pasar tradisional untuk berbelanja setiap hari minggu.
c. Adik tidak pergi ke sekolah setiap hari minggu.



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