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Wedding Video Documentary

Dara & Rahadian, 12 November 2023

• Estimation duration :-/+ 5-10 minutes
• Mood : Warmth, emotion (heartwarming / touching)
• Goals : Will evoke the feeling of love, joy and a deep connection between the couple and and their loved ones,
creating a lasting memory to cherish.
• Platform : Youtube / Instagram reels
• Format : Documentary (interview & wedding’s beauty shots)

“In the presence of love, we find the strength to start anew, embracing
the legacy of those we've lost and the promise of a future filled with
adventure, health, and enduring love.”
Treatment Reference
Interview session : low light, shadow
Mood : Intimate
Treatment Reference
Beauty shot : candid of emotions; happiness, touched
Treatment Reference
Beauty shot : preparation, any social activities, details of rings, dress, etc
Template Color/ Color Mood
What you guys need to know (maybe) hahaha

1. Kami (InsyaAllah) menikah pada tanggal 12 November 2023, dimana pada tanggal 12 November 1961 merupakan hari lahir
dari Almarhumah Ibunda Mempelai Wanita, (Alm. Indah Setiawati)
2. Kedua orang tua dari mempelai Wanita sudah tidak ada. Ibunda meninggal pada tanggal 14 Juli 2021, dan Ayahanda
meninggal pada tanggal 7 Juli 2023.
3. Mempelai pria (Rahadian) tidak sempat kenal dengan sang Ibunda, namun sudah kenal dengan Ayahanda, dan saat Ayahanda
sakit, kami sempat merawatnya berdua, karena Almarhum sempat bertahan untuk melawan sakitnya selama 1 tahun, kami
sudah izin ke Almarhum untuk menikah di akhir tahun 2022. Almarhum memberikan restunya, dan hanya berpesan boleh
menikah tapi jangan meninggalkan Almarhum (maksudnya, Almarhum minta untuk kami menunggu hingga Almarhum sehat
4. Mempelai Wanita sudah memiliki 1 anak laki-laki (Giandra), saat ini usianya 3,5 tahun. Keluarga mempelai pria menerima
dengan tangan terbuka mengenai kondisi ini, dan selama ini Mempelai Wanita memiliki kedekatan luar biasa dengan calon
Ibu Mertua.
5. Rahadian dan Giandra (anak mempelai Wanita) ulang tahun pada tanggal yang sama yaitu 22 April. (22 April 1993 & 22 April
6. Mempelai Wanita semenjak kuliah di Bandung, memiliki kedekatan yang sangat erat dengan tantenya (adik bungsu dari sang
ibu), Namanya Ibu Fitri. Ibu Fitri sebelumnya memiliki 2 orang kakak perempuan, namun pada tahun 2021 beliau kehilangan
kedua kakaknya pada akhir bulan Juni dan (ibunda mempelai Wanita) di bulan juli.

Jika nanti ada hal-hal lainnya yang mungkin dapat mendukung mood/emotion dalam pembuatan video ini, akan kami update
kembali. Hehe.
Old picture of Alm. Bapak Trivia Iswandrio dan Almh. Ibu Indah Setiawati
Shotlist Reference.

Part 1 – Introduction
• Establish the wedding venue with wide shots. (for Akad ceremony)
• Show exterior and interior shots. (but don’t show the logo of Dapoer Oemoem infront of their restaurant)
• Include a brief glimpse of the groom getting ready for the interview.

Opening question for the groom ;

”Mas Rahadian, as you stand here today ready to marry Dara, can you share what it is about her that makes you feel that she is
the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, and what are your hopes and dreams for your life together as husband and

Notes ; please make the question more casual, lol. Its okay to include the voice of the interviewer.
Shotlist Reference.

Part 1 – Introduction
• Show the bride getting ready. Make up shots. Etc.
• Focus on close-ups of wedding attire and accessories.
• Capture the anticipation and excitement.

(Voice over from the groom’s answer)

• the bride getting ready for the interview.

“Together, you've embarked on this beautiful journey of love. Can you each share a moment or quality in your partner that makes
you feel truly blessed to have them by your side as you start this new chapter together?”

• Shots of the groom getting dressed. (details), etc.

Shotlist Reference.

Part 1 – Introduction
Ibu Tri Jumawati – Groom’s Mother

“As the groom's mother, you've watched him grow into the man he is today. Is there a special memory or piece of advice you've
given him that you believe has prepared him for this moment? How do you feel seeing him embark on this new chapter of his life
as a husband?”

During the groom's mother's interview, we could capture a close-up shot of her holding a cherished photo of her son, (perhaps
from his childhood or a significant moment in his life). To visually enhance her emotional reflection on the groom's journey and
her pride in his marriage.
Insert Groom’s shots.

Second Question:
”You've come to know and love the bride as a part of your family. Can you share a moment or quality in the bride that has touched
your heart and made you feel grateful to welcome her into your family? How does it feel to see her become an integral part of
your son's life?"
Shotlist Reference.

Part 2 – Akad Ceremony

(Intro : voice over from the groom’s mother answer)

• Record key moments (Akad)

• Glimpse of Akad Ceremony. (with actual sound) Mempelai Wanita minta izin (sebelum di meja akad), etc.

(Cut to : Bride’s Aunt)

Ibu Fitri Damayanti (Adik Bungsu Almh. Ibunda Dara)

“As the bride's aunt, you've played a significant role in her life, offering love and support. Could you share a memory or piece of
wisdom you've passed on to her that you believe will continue to guide her in her journey as a wife? How does it feel to witness
this important moment in her life?”

Advice :
Shots of candid emotional moments (tears of joy and heartfelt hugs between Aunt and the bride)

“As the bride's aunt and someone who was close to her late mother, you have a unique perspective on the bride's life. Can you
describe how you see her mother's influence in the person she has become today? How do you think her mother would feel, seeing
her daughter on this special day, and what words of love and wisdom do you believe she would share with her?"
Shotlist Reference.

Part 2 – Akad Ceremony

(Cut to : Bride’s Aunt)

Ibu Fitri Damayanti (Adik Bungsu Almh. Ibunda Dara)

“What message or piece of advice do you have for Mas Rahadian as he becomes a part of our family today? How do you envision
their journey together, and what do you wish for their future as a married couple?”

Part 3 – Reception
• Include shots of bride and groom, (and guests) enjoying themselves.

Cut to : The Bride

“Today, as you celebrate your wedding, it's also a day that holds the memory of your dear mother's birthday. We know that your
parents hold a special place in your heart, and while they can't be here with us physically today, is there a memory or lesson
they've left you that you carry with you into this new chapter of your life? How do you feel their presence on this important day?”

(Insert any shots)

Shotlist Reference.

Part 3 – Reception

Cut to : The Groom

"Today, as you celebrate the beginning of your life together, it's also a day that carries the memory of the bride's beloved mother's
birthday. Can you share your thoughts and feelings about this unique aspect of your wedding day? Additionally, if you could
convey a message or wish to the bride's late mother or father on this special occasion, what would it be?"

The Groom.
"As you enter into this marriage with Dara, who carries the memory of her beloved parents in her heart, What promise or
commitment would you like to make to her parents, knowing how much they meant to her?”

(Insert any shots)

The Bride.
"As you embark on this journey of marriage, what are your hopes and wishes for your life together with your groom? And, in a
special way, what wishes or messages do you have for your beloved mother and father on this important day, knowing they’re
watching over you?"

(Insert any shots)

Shotlist Reference.

Part 3 – Reception

Cut to : The Groom’s Mother

Ibu Tri Jumawati

"As we conclude this day, we can't help but remember and honor the memory of Almh. Ibu Indah Setiawati and Alm. Bapak Trivia
Iswandrio, who are dearly missed on this occasion. Ibu Tri, can you share your thoughts on how their legacy will continue to shape
the love between Mas Rahadian and Mbak Dara? Additionally, what hopes and advice do you have for the newlyweds as they
carry forward their love story, enriched by the spirit of those who came before them?"

The Aunt’s Bride

Ibu Fitri Damayanti

"As we conclude this beautiful day, we're reminded of the love and presence of Ibu Indah Setiawati and Bapak Trivia Iswandrio,
who are dearly missed but forever in our hearts. Ibu Fitri, what are your heartfelt wishes for the newlyweds as they embark on this
journey together? Lastly, if you could convey a message to your beloved sister and brother-in-law today, what would you want to
express to them on this significant day?”

(insert any shots from the reception, everyone enjoying themselves.)

Shotlist Reference.

Part 4 – Family and Friends

Insert a quick interview from closest friends. (Kami akan memberikan list nama untuk teman-teman kami, maksimal 3 interview
dari masing-masing pihak)
Casual interview, on the venue.

• The Bride’s Friends

“As someone who knows Dara so well, can you share a special aspect of her personality that you believe makes her an
extraordinary person and partner?”

“What wishes do you have for Mas Rahadian as he becomes a part of your friend's life and family? What message of welcome or
advice would you like to share with him as they embark on this exciting journey together?"

• The Groom’s Friends

“As someone who knows Rahadian so well, can you share a special aspect of his personality that you believe makes him an
extraordinary person and partner?”

“What wishes do you have for Dara as he becomes a part of your friend's life and family? What message of welcome or advice
would you like to share with her as they embark on this exciting journey together?"
Shotlist Reference.

Part 4 – Family and Friends

Insert a quick interview from sister/brother from the newlyweds.

Casual interview, on the venue.

"As Rahadian/Dara brother’s/sister's, you share a unique bond with them. What hopes and wishes do you have for your
[Brother/Sister] and their spouse as they begin this new chapter together? How do you envision their future, and what message of
love and support would you like to convey to them on this special day?”

Insert any shots that includes them.

Part 5 – Closing and Farewell

Cut to:
Final question for The Bride and Groom

"As you look ahead to the years to come in your marriage, what are your deepest wishes and hopes for your life together? And, if
you could speak directly to your future selves as you watch this video years from now, what message or advice would you want to
impart to remind yourselves of the love and commitment you're celebrating today?"
To make you feel closer to us.

First dating around December 2021.

3 months later, Mas Rahadian was convinced to marry Dara.

That was the first time Mas Rahadian felt confident about marrying a woman.

Mas Rahadian langsung menceritakan niatan ini ke Ibunya.

29 January 2023, Alm. Trivia Iswandrio 62th birthday.
First time meeting Ibu Tri, 16 September 2022.
Alm. Bapak Trivia dirawat di RSPAD pertama kali pada tanggal 27 September 2022. Saat itu hanya serangan
stroke, kemudian Alm. Dapat pulang ke rumah seminggu kemudian.
Dan pada bulan November 2022, Alm. Kembali dirawat di RSPAD, karena penyakitnya menjadi komplikasi
maka Alm. harus dirujuk ke ICU sampai dengan bulan Januari 2023 awal. Selama itu, Mempelai Wanita yang
ikut tinggal di RSPAD menemani Almarhum. Dan setelah itu dirawat di rumah.
Bride’s Uncle and Aunt. (Ibu Fitri & Suami ; Hikmat Ginanjar) First time meeting Groom’s Family visited Bride’s house in Jakarta, 4 Maret 2023.
Family Meet Up,
4th March 2023.
Bride’s house, Jakarta.

Ibu Tri dan Ibu Fitri sudah pernah bertemu saat

Almarhum Bapak Trivia baru keluar dari RSPAD.
Pertemuan saat itu sekitar bulan Januari di
Apartment Fraser Menteng.

Saat itu juga pertama kali Ibu Tri bertemu dan

berkenalan dengan Almarhum Bapak Trivia, dan
menyampaikan niat baik dari Rahadian, jika
kami sudah menuju ke jenjang serius.
Last picture taken together. Goofy fam.

Father’s Birthday, 29 January 2021.

Make up belang ala mempelai Wanita (haha)
Almh. Ibunda memakai sorban Ayah sebagai kerudung (karena mau

Mom and Dad with their favorite Grandson.

"In the tapestry of life, true love weaves threads that even
death cannot unravel. Their souls, once entwined, continue
their journey together, not far apart, but forever bound by an
eternal love that transcends time and space."

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