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Nama : Elisabeth Wakinam Da Marlis

Nim : 050327728
Prodi : Ilmu Hukum
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris

1. Bacalah percakapan di bawah ini. / Please read the conversation below.

A: I would like to make an appointment for a project meeting.

B: I will be available on Monday or Tuesday. Which day would you prefer?

A: I would like to meet on Monday.

B: Could you bring me the outline of the project when you come?

A: Yes, I can bring the outline when I come to the meeting.

Pertanyaan / Questions

A. Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut./ Identify
what style of language used in the conversation. (10 pts)
B. Apa alasan Anda untuk jawaban A?/ What is the reason for your answer in question A?
(10 pts)

C. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. / Identify the topic of the conversation. (5 pts)

Jawab :
A. Ragam bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa formal / The variety of language used is
formal language
B. Alasan saya menjawab A karena karakteristik topiik yang dibicarakan dan situasi dalam
percakapan merupakan percakapan dunia bisnis perkantoran dan dalam pemilihan kata
,tata bahasa serta nada bicara yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut merupakan ciri
khas dari bahasa formal. / The reason I answered A is because the characteristics of the
topic discussed and the situations in the conversation are conversations in the office
business world and the choice of words, grammar and tone used in the conversation are
typical of formal language.
C. Percakapan diatas anatara 2 orang , mereka berbicara soal membuat perjanjian waktu
untuk bertemu dan sepakat bertemu di hari senin untuk memlihat garis besar proyek
mereka / The conversation above was between two people, they talked about making an
appointment to meet and agreed to meet on Monday to see the outline of their project.

2. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini. / Please look at the picture below. (50 pts)

Anggaplah gambar tersebut adalah tempat kerja Anda. Tulislah sebuah paragraf deskripsi singkat
dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai tempat kerja tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 150-250 kata. /
Imagine it is a picture of your office. Write a descriptive paragraph about the place in 150-250

Gunakan poin-poin berikut sebagai acuan Anda dalam menulis: / Use these points as your
guidelines when writing:
 Kalimat utama / pengantar / introduction
 Lokasi kantor / location of the office
 Hal menarik yang ada di ruang kerja / interesting features of the office
 Perasaan atau kesan Anda terhadap ruang kerja / what you feel about the office

Jawab :
Gambar diatas adalah ruang kerja saya. Sangat bersih dan rapih bukan ?
Tempat kerja saya terletak di tengah kota kupang di Jl. eltari kupang
Didalam ruang kerja saya ada computer dan buku-buku saya, disudut ruangan ada sebuah rak
kecil yang terta rapih da nada 2 pot bunga disana, yang saya letakkan untuk memperindah ruang
kerja saya. Ada 1 buah meja dan 1 unit computer yang saya gunakan untuk bekerja, ada 1 kursi
yang sangat nyaman untuk diduduki, saya sangat suka dengan kursi ini, kursi ini selalu membuat
saya nyaman dalam bekerja. Bukan hanya kursi yang membuat saya nyaman tapi semua barang
yang berada di ruangan ini membuat terciptanya suasana yang nyaman saat saya bekerja./
The picture above is my workspace. Very clean and tidy, right?
My workplace is located in the center of Kupang city on Jl. Eltari Kupang
In my work space there is a computer and my books, in the corner of the room there is a small
shelf neatly arranged and there are 2 flower pots there, which I placed to beautify my work
space. There is 1 table and 1 computer unit that I use for work, there is 1 chair which is very
comfortable to sit on, I really like this chair, this chair always makes me comfortable when
working. It's not just the chair that makes me comfortable, but all the items in this room create a
comfortable atmosphere when I work.

Perhatikan memo bawah ini. / Please read the memo below.

To: All Employees

From: Daniel Livingstone, director of personnel

Date: October 10, 2022

Subject: November Growth Initiative: Punctuality

This is a reminder that next month's growth initiative is clocking in on time.

The company values your time, and we ask that you value ours, too. Beginning on the first of the
month, we plan to tracking start times throughout the month. The department with the most on-
time employees can receive a half-day of paid time off to use this year.

Remember that your success fuels ours.

Thank you for your great work,

Daniel Livingstone

Pertanyaan / Questions

Please identify:
a. the sender of the memo, (5 pts)
b. for whom the memo is for (5 pts)
c. What the memo is about? (10 pts)
d. Who will get the benefit of a half-day of paid time off? (5 pts)

Answer :
a. Memo sender daniel livingstone, director of personnel
b. The memo is intended for all employees
c. Memo contains November Growth Initiative Timeliness
d. People who get paid half-day rest are the most punctual employees

Fakultas : FKIP Sumber Soal

Jurusan : Mata Kuliah Umum
Kode MK & Nomor
Kode/Nama : MKWI4201 / Bahasa Inggris / 3
Nomor Modul KB
Mata Kuliah SKS
Penulis : Istyasmi Suminar, S.Pd., M.A. Modul 3 KB 1
Penelaah : Vica Ananta Kusuma, S.Pd., M.A. /
Soal/Institusi Universitas Terbuka
Tahun Penulisan : 2022
Butir Soal No. : 4
Skor Maks : 30

Capaian Pembelajaran: Mahasiswa dapat menulis email informal sederhana secara akurat,
jelas, wajar, dan benar.
Indikator: Jika diberikan deskripsi suatu situasi, mahasiswa dapat menulis email/balasan email
dalam bahasa Inggris sebanyak 50-100 kata.

Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti kompetisi My City Got Talent tetapi tidak dapat menemukan
informasi di mana formulir bisa diunduh. Tulislah sebuah email berdasarkan situasi tersebut
sebanyak 50-100 kata yang berisi:

 Salutation
 Pembuka
 Isi
 Penutup

You are interested in applying for the My City Got Talent competition but you could not find the
information about where you can download the forms. Write an email based on that situation in
50-100 words by including:
 Salutation
 Introduction/Opening
 Content / body email
 Closing / Sign off

From : Elis (
To : Clara (
Subjek: My Bestie
Hello Clara
How are you ? I hope you’re well
I want to take part in the competition, but I can't find any information to download the form. I've
tried searching but haven't found it, can you help me find it? Or have you got the information?
If so, can you share with me? hmmmmm of course you will share because you are a good boy.
OK Clara
If there is an answer, please inform me
Thank you darling

Love Elis

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