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Jl.Sekuta No. 9 Sanur Telp ( 0361 ) 271162



Kelas : II (Dua)
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis ,25 Mei 2023 Waktu : 09:30-11:00 Wita

Petunjuk Umum :

1. Tulislah identitas dan nama muatan/mata pelajaran pada lembar jawaban yang telah

2. Tuliskan semua jawaban di lembar jawaban!

3. Bacalah setiap butir soal dengan baik sebelum dijawab!

4. Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal yang dianggap mudah!

5. Tanyakan kepada pengawas apabila ada soal yang kurang jelas!

6. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum lembar soal dan lembar jawaban diserahkan kepada

------- SELAMAT BEKERJA -------

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (a), (b), or (c)!

(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda (X) pada huruf(a),(b),atau (c)!)

1. I have breakfast in the …..

a. garage b. bedroom c. dining room

2. My mother cooks in the ….

a. living room

b. classroom

c. kitchen
3. I take a … for drinking water.
a. plate
b. glass
c. Sspoon
4. What is this? This is an ….
a. juice
b. tea
c. ice cream
5. What is this? This is a ….
a. bread
b. rice
c. pizza
6. A: What is your favorite food?
B : My favorite food is ……
a. pizza
b. bread
c. rice

7. Arrange these letters into a good word.

S – U - O – P = ……
a. soup
b. suop
c. supo
8. This animal has four legs. The color is white and black. It produces milk and meat.
What animal is it?
a. cow
b. cat
c. elephant

9. Look at the picture!

The rabbit is eating ….
a. banana
b. carrot
c. leaves
10. A : What is your favorite drink?
B : My favorite drink is ……….
a. Orange juice
b. Tea
c. Milk

11. This is a …….

a. Cat
b. Elephant
c. Tiger
12. Twelve in Indonesia is
a. Sebelas
b. Sepuluh
c. Dua belas
13. Andi : Hey! Good morning!
Ita : … , Andi!
a. Good afternoon
b. Good morning
c. Good night
14. Fahri wants to go sleep. Fahri’s mother says …
a. Good morning
b. Good afternoon
c. Good night
15. Tiga, lima, dan empat dalam bahasa inggris adalah…

a. three, five and four

b. two, six and seven
c. five, nine and four

16. AYAH dalam bahasa Inggris adalah….

a. Uncle
b. Father
c. Brother

17. What animal is it? …

a. It is a fish
b. It is a girrafe
c. It is a cat
18. What animal is it? …
a. It is a kangaroo
b. It is a lamb
c. It is a horse
19. This is my ...
a. Ballpoint
b. Pencil
c. Eraser
20. Elephant is ...
a. Small
b. Big
c. Very small
II. Answer these questions with the correct answer! (Jawablah pertanyaan –
pertanyaan berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!) Beri tanda bulat pada jawaban yang

1. Mitha drink a … (Milk / Tea )

2. The monkey eats … (Banana / Grape)

3. How many lion Lidya see in the zoo? … (Two lions / Four lions )
4. Ibu bahasa inggrisnya … ( Grandfather / Mother )
5. Ubahlah pegurangan ini kedalam bahasa inggris 10 – 7 = 3 ( Ten minus five equals
two / Ten minus seven equals three )
6. The colour of indonesia flag are … ( Black and white / Red and White )

7. We need … to bring our school books ( Bag / Shoes )

8. Monyet in English is .... (Bird / Monkey)
9. one plus three is ... ( Five / Four )
10. Apel in englis is … ( Apple / Water melon )

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