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12/02/24, 13.



Kelas - Rombel : VIII - 8A
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP KASIH ANUGERAH

Soal Pilihan Ganda

1. Sleeping at class……..

A. Are not allowed

B. Is forbidden
C. Are banned
D. Are prohibited
E. 0

2. What is V2 of "Bring"?

A. Bought
B. Brought
C. Bough
D. Bounce
E. 0

3. Eating and Drinking in the class…….

A. Is not allowed
B. Is banned
C. Is Forbidden
D. Are Prohibited
E. 0

4. What is V2 of "Buy"?

A. Bought
B. Bough
C. Brought
D. Bounce
E. 0

5. Please…….smoking

A. Do not
B. Doesn’t
C. No one
D. No
E. 0 1/6
12/02/24, 13.43 SMP KASIH ANUGERAH-CBT | Bank Soal

6. Please……..Littering

A. Do not
B. No
C. Doesn’t
D. Isnt
E. 0

7. What is V2 of "Tear"?

A. Torn
B. Tored
C. Teared
D. Tore
E. 0

8. what is V2 of "Begin"?

A. Begun
B. Begin
C. Began
D. Begen
E. 0

9. What is V2 of teach?

A. Teached
B. Tought
C. Tough
D. Through
E. 0

10. What is V2 of "Drive"?

A. Driven
B. Drived
C. Droved
D. Drove
E. 0

11. She is the … woman I’ve ever met.

A. Badest
B. Wors
C. Worst
D. Worse
E. 0

12. For the engagement, she wants the … ring on the world. 2/6
12/02/24, 13.43 SMP KASIH ANUGERAH-CBT | Bank Soal

A. Expensive
B. Expensiver
C. Most expensive
D. More expensive
E. 0

13. Wow, Your current boyfriend is … than Rury.

A. Wise
B. Wiser
C. Wisest
D. More Wiser
E. 0

14. I don’t like math, I think it’s the … subject for every student.

A. Hard
B. Hardest
C. Harder
D. More Hard
E. 0

15. My new homework is … than the old one.

A. Easy
B. Easier
C. Easiest
D. More Easy
E. 0

16. “Antonia is ___ English in our school library right now.” Which option is the correct answer to
fill in the sentence above?
A. Study
B. Studies
C. Studying
D. Is studying
E. 0

17. “Lilac and George are playing with kites in the city park ____.” Which of the following choices
is the correct adverb of time for the sentence?
A. At the moment
B. Ereyesterday
C. The other day
D. Overmorrow
E. 0

18. “Taylor and Austin ___ designing next month’s magazine cover because our editor wants the
draft tonight.” Which option is the correct answer to fill in the sentence above?
A. Are 3/6
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B. Is
C. Was
D. Were
E. 0

19. Which of the following choices is the false adverb of time for the present continuous tense?

A. At the moment
B. Now
C. Currently
D. Ereyesterday
E. 0

20. ……...listening to What I am talking about?

A. Is you
B. Do you
C. Are you
D. Have you
E. 0

21. Why is your dog always ………

A. Was chasing
B. Is chasing
C. Chasing
D. Chases
E. 0

22. …….something that I can help you with?

A. Are
B. Is there
C. Is not
D. Are not
E. 0

23. ……..your parents working now?

A. Are
B. Is
C. Is Working
D. Are you
E. 0

24. The children…….working in such a very young age

A. Are
B. Is
C. Not
D. Is not 4/6
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E. 0

25. Working here……..really enjoyed and comfortable

A. Is
B. Are
C. Not
D. Are you
E. 0

26. I’m so impressed, your masterpiece is … than mine.

A. Good
B. Better
C. Best
D. More good
E. 0

27. Which one is the … between My bag or yours ?

A. heavy
B. heavier
C. heaviest
D. more heavy
E. 0

28. Who is the … student in your school ?

A. Tall
B. Tallest
C. Taller
D. The most Tallest
E. 0

29. Let me tell you that I got the … than other students

A. Easy
B. Easier
C. Easiest
D. Most Easy
E. 0

35. I’m so jealous of you, you got the … score of match. It was so close for me.

A. Good
B. Better
C. Godest
D. Best
E. 0 5/6
12/02/24, 13.43 SMP KASIH ANUGERAH-CBT | Bank Soal

Soal Essay : Isilah dengan jawaban yang benar!

30. Please make your own prohibition on the train by including these poins "Weapons,Smelly
Items and pets" (One prohibition for each of them)

31. What is the meaning of "Present Continuous Tense" and please add its formula ?

32. What is the meaning of "Simple psat Tense"?

33. Please write down a sentence by combining "Comperative degree plus Superlative degree"

34. What is the difference between "Superlative Degree" and "Comperative Degree"? 6/6

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