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Paket Soal BISA Academy

Nama Paket Soal : Untuk Pembahasan

Materi : SPMB Tugas Belajar 2022
Target Kelas : Umum
Jumlah Soal : 170


A. Sapi
B. Anoa
C. Angora
D. Unta
E. Lembu


A. Jagung
B. Padi
C. Kurma
D. Pisang
E. Sagu


A. Analisa
B. Hutang
C. Berlagu
D. Azas
E. Cendikiawan


A. Off Day
B. Seragam
C. Gaji
D. Kerja
E. Lembur


A. Janbir 1/72
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B. Enpan
C. Dabai
D. Pemga
E. Ories

6. Tomat, Cabai Rawit,

Jeruk Nipis, Belimbing Sayur

A. Masakan
B. Buah
C. Bumbu Dapur
D. Vitamin C
E. Tanaman

7. Gelas, Piring, Mangkok,


A. Penampung
B. Alat Makan
C. Kaca
D. Dapur
E. Sendok

8. Bahagia, Sedih, Marah,


A. Perasaan
B. Hati
C. Kondisi
D. Emosi
E. Jiwa

9. Galau, Bimbang, Gelisah,


A. Bingung
B. Perasaan
C. Pikiran
D. Karakter
E. Sifat

10. Kemeja, Kaos, Blus, Gamis

A. Jaket
B. Bahan
C. Pakaian
D. Atasan
E. Jenis 2/72
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11. Galeri : Pelukis : Lukisan =

A. Penerbit : Pengarang :
B. Pameran : Arca : Lelang
C. Pengrajin : Pasar :
D. Prosedur : Artis :
E. Stage : Penari : Kostum

12. Makanan : Lapar : Kenyang =

A. Pulsa : Handphone : SMS

B. Lampu : Gelap : Terang
C. Matahari : Terang :
D. Malam : Dingin : Tidur
E. Bumi : Bulat : Bundar


A. Telur :
B. Minyak
: Ons
C. Kecepatan
: Meter
D. Obat :
E. Butir :


A. Pedagogi
: Sekolah
B. Statistika
: Data
C. Astronomi
: Tata Surya
D. Patologi
: Pengobatan
E. Antropologi
: Fosil

15. Meteorologi : Patologi : Astronomi


A. Angkasa : Tubuh : Laut

B. Komet : Bulan : Bumi
C. Planet : Bintang : Udara
D. Matahari : Tata Surya :
E. Cuaca : Penyakit :

16. Kuda : ….. = Burung : ….. 3/72
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A. Pacuan : Sarang
B. Jalan : Dahan
C. Istal : Sangkar
D. Hutan : Rumah
E. Kandang : Sarang

17. Piano : Organ = .... : ....

A. Panci :
B. Senar :
C. Nada :
D. Drum :
E. Kunci :

18. Indonesia : Belanda

A. India :
B. Brunei
: Timor Leste
C. Singapur
: Cina
D. Australia
: Korea
E. Malaysia
: Inggris

19. Semua anggota paduan suara dipanggil untuk menghadap kepala sekolah.
Sebagian siswa kelas 12
adalah anggota paduan suara

A. Sebagian siswa kelas 12 dipanggil untuk

menghadap kepala sekolah
B. Seluruh siswa kelas 12 dipanggil kepala sekolah
C. Ada anggota paduan suara siswa kelas 12
D. Siswa kelas 12 dipanggil untuk menghadap kepala
E. Semua siswa yang menghadap kepala sekolah adalah
anggota paduan suara

20. Tidak ada penduduk terkena DBD atau

pengasapan harus dilakukan.
harus dilakukan di seluruh kompleks

A. Tidak ada penduduk

terkena DBD di seluruh kompleks
B. Pengasapan perlu
dilakukan atau seluruh penduduk terkena DBD
C. Pengasapan tidak perlu
dilakukan dan penduduk terkena DBD
D. Seluruh penduduk terkena
DBD di sebagian kompleks
E. Ada penduduk terkena DBD
di seluruh kompleks

21. Semua polisi pandai menembak dan

tangkas. Andi tidak tangkas, tapi pandai

A. Andi seorang polisi yang

pandai menembak
B. Andi seorang polisi yang
tidak tangkas 4/72
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C. Andi seorang polisi

karena dia pandai menembak walaupun tidak tangkas
D. Andi bukan seorang
polisi yang tangkas
E. Andi bukan seorang
polisi meskipun pandai menembak

22. Bebrapa jus rasanya pahit. Semua

jus menyehatkan badan.

A. Ada jus
yang pahit tapi dapat menyehatkan badan
B. Semua
jus rasanya pahit tapi menyehatkan badan.
C. jus adalah
minuman yang enak.
D. jus
yang menyehatkan badan, rasanya pasti pahit.
E. Tidak
dapat ditarik kesimulan.

23. Lima orang mengantri membeli tiket

kereta yaitu A, B, C, D, dan E dengan
ketentuan sebagai berikut :
berada didepan B
berada tepat di antara A dan B
berada pada antrian terakhir
Pernyataan yang pasti benar

A. C
berada tepat diantara B dan D
B. B
berada diurutan ke empat dari depan
C. A
berada diurutan kedua dari depan
D. D
berada pada urutan terakhir
E. D
berada pada urutan pertama

24. Tiga orang sekawan yaitu ayu, beni,

cece memiliki tingi badan yang berbeda.
Hobi mereka bertiga diurutkan dari hobi
yang paing tinggi adalah catur,
memasak dan melukis. Diketahui juga bahwa ayu
lebih tinggi dari cece, dan
hobi beni adalh melukis
Pernyataan yang benar adalah

A. hobi ayu adalah melukis.

B. beni
lebih tinggi dari cece
C. hobi
cece adalah memasak
D. yang
paling tinggi Beni
E. ayu
lebih pendek dari beni

25. Ani, Brian, Cia, Desi, dan Enji

mengikuti ujian fisika dengan hasil sebagai
cia lebih tinggi dari ani, dan dua kali dari brian
nilai ani dan brian sama dengan nilai desi
ani lebih tinggi daripada nilai enji, namun hanya sepertiga nilai desi
Nilai A
ujungnya bilangan 1
Jika semua nilai siwa berupa bilangan
bulat maka yang nilainya pasti genap
adalah... 5/72
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A. ani dan
B. brian
dan cia
C. cia dan
D. dea dan
E. ani dan

26. Semua penyanyi adalah artis.

Sementara penyanyi adalah bintang film,

A. Semua
penyanyi adalah bintang film
B. Semua bintang
film adalah penyanyi
C. Sementara
penyanyi juga bintang film
D. Sementara
film adalah artis
E. Sementara
bintang film adalah artis.

27. Ada 5 mahasiswa A, B, C, D, dan E

yang mengikuti seminar akan duduk
sederet. A dan C berasal dari fakultas yang
sama. B dan D juga berasal dari
fakultas yang sama. Jika mahasiwa yang berasal
dari fakultas yang sama tidak
boleh duduk bersebelahan, maka urutan duduk yang
sesuai adalah, kecuali

A. D,C,A,E,B
B. A,C,E,D,B
C. A,B,C,D,E
D. E,C,D,A,B
E. A,D,E,B,C

28. Keluarga Syahrini mempunyai 5

orang anak. Syahrini lahir sebelum
lahir sesudah Yessy, tetapi sebelum Ayong. Yessy lahir seudah Zein.
Vio lahir
sesudah Ayong. Pernyataan yang benar adalah...

A. Wanda
lebih tua dari Zein
B. Yessy
paling tua
C. Zein
paling tua
D. Vio
paling tua
E. Yessy
lebih muda dari Ayong.

29. Setiap A selalu B. Sebagian C

adalah A. Semua C adalah B.

A. Setiap
A dan B adalah C
B. setiap
A dan C adalah B
C. semua C
adalah A
D. Semua B
adalah C
E. Tidak dapat ditarik
kesimpulan. 6/72
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30. Jika semua orang membawa telepon

pintar, maka dipasar jaringan internet
Tidak dipasang jaringan

A. Jaringan internet
nirkabel tidak pasang
B. Ada orang membawa
telepon pintar
C. Setiap orang tidak
membawa telepon pintar
D. Jaringan internet
nirkabel tidak dipasang atau tidak ada telepon pintar
E. Jaringan internet
nirkabel tidak dipasang dan tidak ada telepon pintar

Ketika Pemerintah memutuskan untuk menaikkan harga elpiji dan juga bensin pertamax, Kita
masih bisa memahami alasan bahwa kenaikan itu harus dilakukan karena komoditas itu lebih
banyak dipergunakan masyarakat kelas atas. Namun ketika pemerintah menaikkan harga pupuk
ZA dan SP-36, pantas kita bertanya apakah alasannya juga karena komoditas itu dipergunakan
masyarakat kelas atas? Terus terang kita bertanya-tanya, ke mana sebetulnya arah keberpihakan
pemerintah ini. Kita paham bahwa keuangan negara ini sangat terbatas dan tidak mungkin lagi
untuk memberikan subsidi. Tetapi, apakah benar apabila kita kemudian sama sekali tidak
mengenal subsidi lagi.

Pupuk jenis SP-36 dan ZA umumnya banyak dipakai oleh petani tebu dan hortikultura. Mereka
umumnya bukanlah petani besar, tetapi petani gurem. Luas lahan yang mereka miliki sangatlah
kecil sehingga mereka umumnya tergabung dalam Asosiasi Petani Tebu Rakyat Indonesia.

Ada dua hal yang membuat petani akan merasa diperlakukan tidak adil. Pertama, kenaikan
dilakukan mulai 1 Januari jauh dari masa panen tiba. Artinya, petani harus keluar modal yang lebih
banyak terlebih dahulu sebelum memetik hasilnya. Itu sama saja dengan kita meminta petani
untuk memberikan subsidi kepada konsumen. Belum lagi tidak adanya jaminan bahwa pemerintah
akan menetapkan harga dasar baru yang akan mengompensasi kerugian yang harus dihadapi
petani. Sepanjang kondisinya seperti itu berlangsung, tidak usah heran apabila petani seumur-
umur akan menjadi kelompok yang tertinggal karena nilai tukar mereka akan terus menurun.

Kedua adalah ketidakmampuan pemerintah untuk memberlakukan perdagangan yang adil (fair
trade). Bukan sekali-dua kali terjadi penyelundupan gula. Dengan harga jual yang disubsidi
ditambah lagi dengan tidak membayar bea masuk, jelas tidak mungkin sampai kapan pun produk
petani kita akan mampu bersaing dengan produk impor.

Sumber: Tajuk Rencana, Kompas 6 Januari 2005

31. Judul yang tepat untuk bacaan di atas adalah?

A. Dampak Kenaikan Harga Pupuk terhadap Petani

B. Komitmen Pemerintah terhadap Nasib Petani
C. Rencana Kenaikan Harga Pupuk
D. Perlunya Perlindungan terhadap Petani
E. Pengahapusan Subsidi untuk Petani 7/72
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Ketika Pemerintah memutuskan untuk menaikkan harga elpiji dan juga bensin pertamax, Kita
masih bisa memahami alasan bahwa kenaikan itu harus dilakukan karena komoditas itu lebih
banyak dipergunakan masyarakat kelas atas. Namun ketika pemerintah menaikkan harga pupuk
ZA dan SP-36, pantas kita bertanya apakah alasannya juga karena komoditas itu dipergunakan
masyarakat kelas atas? Terus terang kita bertanya-tanya, ke mana sebetulnya arah keberpihakan
pemerintah ini. Kita paham bahwa keuangan negara ini sangat terbatas dan tidak mungkin lagi
untuk memberikan subsidi. Tetapi, apakah benar apabila kita kemudian sama sekali tidak
mengenal subsidi lagi.

Pupuk jenis SP-36 dan ZA umumnya banyak dipakai oleh petani tebu dan hortikultura. Mereka
umumnya bukanlah petani besar, tetapi petani gurem. Luas lahan yang mereka miliki sangatlah
kecil sehingga mereka umumnya tergabung dalam Asosiasi Petani Tebu Rakyat Indonesia.

Ada dua hal yang membuat petani akan merasa diperlakukan tidak adil. Pertama, kenaikan
dilakukan mulai 1 Januari jauh dari masa panen tiba. Artinya, petani harus keluar modal yang lebih
banyak terlebih dahulu sebelum memetik hasilnya. Itu sama saja dengan kita meminta petani
untuk memberikan subsidi kepada konsumen. Belum lagi tidak adanya jaminan bahwa pemerintah
akan menetapkan harga dasar baru yang akan mengompensasi kerugian yang harus dihadapi
petani. Sepanjang kondisinya seperti itu berlangsung, tidak usah heran apabila petani seumur-
umur akan menjadi kelompok yang tertinggal karena nilai tukar mereka akan terus menurun.

Kedua adalah ketidakmampuan pemerintah untuk memberlakukan perdagangan yang adil (fair
trade). Bukan sekali-dua kali terjadi penyelundupan gula. Dengan harga jual yang disubsidi
ditambah lagi dengan tidak membayar bea masuk, jelas tidak mungkin sampai kapan pun produk
petani kita akan mampu bersaing dengan produk impor.

Sumber: Tajuk Rencana, Kompas 6 Januari 2005

32. Kata seumur-umur artinya adalah?

A. Masih belum berpengalaman

B. Sampai kiamat
C. Selamanya
D. Sebaya
E. Seumur hidup

Ketika Pemerintah memutuskan untuk menaikkan harga elpiji dan juga bensin pertamax, Kita
masih bisa memahami alasan bahwa kenaikan itu harus dilakukan karena komoditas itu lebih
banyak dipergunakan masyarakat kelas atas. Namun ketika pemerintah menaikkan harga pupuk
ZA dan SP-36, pantas kita bertanya apakah alasannya juga karena komoditas itu dipergunakan
masyarakat kelas atas? Terus terang kita bertanya-tanya, ke mana sebetulnya arah keberpihakan
pemerintah ini. Kita paham bahwa keuangan negara ini sangat terbatas dan tidak mungkin lagi
untuk memberikan subsidi. Tetapi, apakah benar apabila kita kemudian sama sekali tidak
mengenal subsidi lagi.

Pupuk jenis SP-36 dan ZA umumnya banyak dipakai oleh petani tebu dan hortikultura. Mereka
umumnya bukanlah petani besar, tetapi petani gurem. Luas lahan yang mereka miliki sangatlah
kecil sehingga mereka umumnya tergabung dalam Asosiasi Petani Tebu Rakyat Indonesia.

Ada dua hal yang membuat petani akan merasa diperlakukan tidak adil. Pertama, kenaikan
dilakukan mulai 1 Januari jauh dari masa panen tiba. Artinya, petani harus keluar modal yang lebih
banyak terlebih dahulu sebelum memetik hasilnya. Itu sama saja dengan kita meminta petani 8/72
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untuk memberikan subsidi kepada konsumen. Belum lagi tidak adanya jaminan bahwa pemerintah
akan menetapkan harga dasar baru yang akan mengompensasi kerugian yang harus dihadapi
petani. Sepanjang kondisinya seperti itu berlangsung, tidak usah heran apabila petani seumur-
umur akan menjadi kelompok yang tertinggal karena nilai tukar mereka akan terus menurun.

Kedua adalah ketidakmampuan pemerintah untuk memberlakukan perdagangan yang adil (fair
trade). Bukan sekali-dua kali terjadi penyelundupan gula. Dengan harga jual yang disubsidi
ditambah lagi dengan tidak membayar bea masuk, jelas tidak mungkin sampai kapan pun produk
petani kita akan mampu bersaing dengan produk impor.

Sumber: Tajuk Rencana, Kompas 6 Januari 2005

33. Petani gurem lawan katanya adalah?

A. Peladang berpindah
B. Tuan tanah
C. Petani yang memiliki lahan sangat luas
D. Petani yang tidak punya kebun, tapi punya sawah
E. Petani yang tidak punya sawah, tapi punya kebun

Ketika Pemerintah memutuskan untuk menaikkan harga elpiji dan juga bensin pertamax, Kita
masih bisa memahami alasan bahwa kenaikan itu harus dilakukan karena komoditas itu lebih
banyak dipergunakan masyarakat kelas atas. Namun ketika pemerintah menaikkan harga pupuk
ZA dan SP-36, pantas kita bertanya apakah alasannya juga karena komoditas itu dipergunakan
masyarakat kelas atas? Terus terang kita bertanya-tanya, ke mana sebetulnya arah keberpihakan
pemerintah ini. Kita paham bahwa keuangan negara ini sangat terbatas dan tidak mungkin lagi
untuk memberikan subsidi. Tetapi, apakah benar apabila kita kemudian sama sekali tidak
mengenal subsidi lagi.

Pupuk jenis SP-36 dan ZA umumnya banyak dipakai oleh petani tebu dan hortikultura. Mereka
umumnya bukanlah petani besar, tetapi petani gurem. Luas lahan yang mereka miliki sangatlah
kecil sehingga mereka umumnya tergabung dalam Asosiasi Petani Tebu Rakyat Indonesia.

Ada dua hal yang membuat petani akan merasa diperlakukan tidak adil. Pertama, kenaikan
dilakukan mulai 1 Januari jauh dari masa panen tiba. Artinya, petani harus keluar modal yang lebih
banyak terlebih dahulu sebelum memetik hasilnya. Itu sama saja dengan kita meminta petani
untuk memberikan subsidi kepada konsumen. Belum lagi tidak adanya jaminan bahwa pemerintah
akan menetapkan harga dasar baru yang akan mengompensasi kerugian yang harus dihadapi
petani. Sepanjang kondisinya seperti itu berlangsung, tidak usah heran apabila petani seumur-
umur akan menjadi kelompok yang tertinggal karena nilai tukar mereka akan terus menurun.

Kedua adalah ketidakmampuan pemerintah untuk memberlakukan perdagangan yang adil (fair
trade). Bukan sekali-dua kali terjadi penyelundupan gula. Dengan harga jual yang disubsidi
ditambah lagi dengan tidak membayar bea masuk, jelas tidak mungkin sampai kapan pun produk
petani kita akan mampu bersaing dengan produk impor.

Sumber: Tajuk Rencana, Kompas 6 Januari 2005

34. Sesuai dengan bacaan, produk petani (tebu) kita tidak mampu bersaing
dengan produk impor karena alasan-alasan di bawah ini kecuali .... 9/72
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A. Produk impor tidak membayar bea masuk

B. Produk impor dijual dengan subsidi
C. Sering terjadi penyelundupan gula
D. Pabrik gula beroperasi secara tidak efisien
E. Pemerintah tidak mampu memberlakukan perdagangan
yang adil

Ketika Pemerintah memutuskan untuk menaikkan harga elpiji dan juga bensin pertamax, Kita
masih bisa memahami alasan bahwa kenaikan itu harus dilakukan karena komoditas itu lebih
banyak dipergunakan masyarakat kelas atas. Namun ketika pemerintah menaikkan harga pupuk
ZA dan SP-36, pantas kita bertanya apakah alasannya juga karena komoditas itu dipergunakan
masyarakat kelas atas? Terus terang kita bertanya-tanya, ke mana sebetulnya arah keberpihakan
pemerintah ini. Kita paham bahwa keuangan negara ini sangat terbatas dan tidak mungkin lagi
untuk memberikan subsidi. Tetapi, apakah benar apabila kita kemudian sama sekali tidak
mengenal subsidi lagi.

Pupuk jenis SP-36 dan ZA umumnya banyak dipakai oleh petani tebu dan hortikultura. Mereka
umumnya bukanlah petani besar, tetapi petani gurem. Luas lahan yang mereka miliki sangatlah
kecil sehingga mereka umumnya tergabung dalam Asosiasi Petani Tebu Rakyat Indonesia.

Ada dua hal yang membuat petani akan merasa diperlakukan tidak adil. Pertama, kenaikan
dilakukan mulai 1 Januari jauh dari masa panen tiba. Artinya, petani harus keluar modal yang lebih
banyak terlebih dahulu sebelum memetik hasilnya. Itu sama saja dengan kita meminta petani
untuk memberikan subsidi kepada konsumen. Belum lagi tidak adanya jaminan bahwa pemerintah
akan menetapkan harga dasar baru yang akan mengompensasi kerugian yang harus dihadapi
petani. Sepanjang kondisinya seperti itu berlangsung, tidak usah heran apabila petani seumur-
umur akan menjadi kelompok yang tertinggal karena nilai tukar mereka akan terus menurun.

Kedua adalah ketidakmampuan pemerintah untuk memberlakukan perdagangan yang adil (fair
trade). Bukan sekali-dua kali terjadi penyelundupan gula. Dengan harga jual yang disubsidi
ditambah lagi dengan tidak membayar bea masuk, jelas tidak mungkin sampai kapan pun produk
petani kita akan mampu bersaing dengan produk impor.

Sumber: Tajuk Rencana, Kompas 6 Januari 2005

35. Pernyataan di bawah ini yang tidak benar adalah adalah ....

Kenaikan harga pupuk harus dilakukan karena

komoditas itu lebih banyak dipergunakan
masyarakat kelas atas
B. Pupuk jenis SP-36 dan ZA umumnya banyak dipakai
oleh petani tebu dan hortikultura.
C. Mereka umumnya tergabung dalam Asosiasi Petani
Tebu Rakyat Indonesia.
D. Mereka umumnya bukanlah petani besar, tetapi
petani gurem.
E. Luasan lahan yang mereka miliki sangatlah kecil

Teks 2

Berdasarkan perhatiannya terhadap orang dan perhatiannya terhadap kinerja, Sethia dan Glinow
(dalam Collins dan Mc Laughlin, 1996: 760-762) membedakan adanya empat macam budaya
organisasi, yaitu: (a) apathetic culture; (b) caring culture; (c) exacting culture; dan integrative
culture. 10/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

Dalam tipe apathetic culture, perhatian anggota organisasi terhadap hubungan antarmanusia
maupun perhatian terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan tugas, dua-duanya rendah. Di sini penghargaan
diberikan terutama berdasarkan permainan politik dan pemanipulasian orang-orang lain.
Sedangkan budaya organisasi caring culture dicirikan oleh rendahnya perhatian terhadap kinerja
dan tingginya perhatian terhadap hubungan antarmanusia. Penghargaan lebih didasarkan atas
kepaduan tim dan harmoni, dan bukan didasarkan atas kinerja pelaksanaan tugas. Sementara itu
ciri utama tipe exacting culture adalah bahwa perhatian terhadap orang sangat rendah, tetapi
perhatian terhadap kinerja sangat tinggi. Di sini secara ekonomis, penghargaan sangat
memuaskan, tetapi hukuman atas kegagalan yang dilakukan juga sangat berat. Dengan demikian
tingkat keamanan pekerjaan menjadi sangat rendah. Yang terakhir, dalam organisasi yang
memiliki budaya integratif maka perhatian terhadap orang maupun perhatian terhadap kinerja
keduanya sangat tinggi.

Apabila organisasi-organisasi public di Indonesia dianalisis dengan menggunakan empat tipe

budaya tersebut diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar organisasi publik memiliki
budaya organisasi yang bertipe caring. Organisasi-organisasi publik di Indonesia biasanya
memiliki perhatian yang sangat rendah terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan tugas, tetapi memiliki
perhatian yang sangat tinggi terhadap hubungan antarmanusia. Hal ini nampak dari ciri-ciri birokrat
sebagai berikut: (a) lebih mementingkan kepentingan pimpinan ketimbang kepentingan klien atau
pengguna jasa; (b) lebih merasa sebagai abdi negara daripada abdi masyarakat; (c)
meminimalkan risiko dengan cara menghindari inisiatif; (d) menghindari tanggung jawab; (e)
menolak tantangan; dan (f ) tidak suka berkreasi dan berinovasi dalam melaksanakan tugas-
tugasnya. Budaya caring ini tidak cocok dalam pemberian pelayanan yang berkualitas kepada
masyarakat. Dengan demikian harus diadopsi budaya organisasi baru yang lebih sesuai dan
kondusif dengan manajemen pelayanan publik. Budaya organisasi seperti ini disebut kultur kinerja
(Ivancevich, Lorenzi, Skinner & Cmsby 1997 : 460)

Sumber: Dikutip dengan perubahan seperlunya dari Ratminto & Winarsih (2005); Manajemen

36. Makna kata yang identik dengan kata “publik” dalam kata “manajemen
layanan publik” adalah ....

A. Rombongan
B. Orang banyak
C. Umum
D. Warganegara
E. Negara

Teks 2

Berdasarkan perhatiannya terhadap orang dan perhatiannya terhadap kinerja, Sethia dan Glinow
(dalam Collins dan Mc Laughlin, 1996: 760-762) membedakan adanya empat macam budaya
organisasi, yaitu: (a) apathetic culture; (b) caring culture; (c) exacting culture; dan integrative

Dalam tipe apathetic culture, perhatian anggota organisasi terhadap hubungan antarmanusia
maupun perhatian terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan tugas, dua-duanya rendah. Di sini penghargaan
diberikan terutama berdasarkan permainan politik dan pemanipulasian orang-orang lain.
Sedangkan budaya organisasi caring culture dicirikan oleh rendahnya perhatian terhadap kinerja
dan tingginya perhatian terhadap hubungan antarmanusia. Penghargaan lebih didasarkan atas
kepaduan tim dan harmoni, dan bukan didasarkan atas kinerja pelaksanaan tugas. Sementara itu
ciri utama tipe exacting culture adalah bahwa perhatian terhadap orang sangat rendah, tetapi
perhatian terhadap kinerja sangat tinggi. Di sini secara ekonomis, penghargaan sangat 11/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

memuaskan, tetapi hukuman atas kegagalan yang dilakukan juga sangat berat. Dengan demikian
tingkat keamanan pekerjaan menjadi sangat rendah. Yang terakhir, dalam organisasi yang
memiliki budaya integratif maka perhatian terhadap orang maupun perhatian terhadap kinerja
keduanya sangat tinggi.

Apabila organisasi-organisasi public di Indonesia dianalisis dengan menggunakan empat tipe

budaya tersebut diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar organisasi publik memiliki
budaya organisasi yang bertipe caring. Organisasi-organisasi publik di Indonesia biasanya
memiliki perhatian yang sangat rendah terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan tugas, tetapi memiliki
perhatian yang sangat tinggi terhadap hubungan antarmanusia. Hal ini nampak dari ciri-ciri birokrat
sebagai berikut: (a) lebih mementingkan kepentingan pimpinan ketimbang kepentingan klien atau
pengguna jasa; (b) lebih merasa sebagai abdi negara daripada abdi masyarakat; (c)
meminimalkan risiko dengan cara menghindari inisiatif; (d) menghindari tanggung jawab; (e)
menolak tantangan; dan (f ) tidak suka berkreasi dan berinovasi dalam melaksanakan tugas-
tugasnya. Budaya caring ini tidak cocok dalam pemberian pelayanan yang berkualitas kepada
masyarakat. Dengan demikian harus diadopsi budaya organisasi baru yang lebih sesuai dan
kondusif dengan manajemen pelayanan publik. Budaya organisasi seperti ini disebut kultur kinerja
(Ivancevich, Lorenzi, Skinner & Cmsby 1997 : 460)

Sumber: Dikutip dengan perubahan seperlunya dari Ratminto & Winarsih (2005); Manajemen

37. Menurut penulis buku tersebut di atas, sebagian besar organisasi

publik di In-
donesia memiliki budaya caring, hal ini dicirikan dengan hal-hal
di bawah ini
kecuali ....

A. Menolak tantangan
B. Menghindari tanggung jawab
C. Tidak suka berkreasi
D. Tidak suka berinovasi
E. Mementingkan kepentingan klien

Teks 2

Berdasarkan perhatiannya terhadap orang dan perhatiannya terhadap kinerja, Sethia dan Glinow
(dalam Collins dan Mc Laughlin, 1996: 760-762) membedakan adanya empat macam budaya
organisasi, yaitu: (a) apathetic culture; (b) caring culture; (c) exacting culture; dan integrative

Dalam tipe apathetic culture, perhatian anggota organisasi terhadap hubungan antarmanusia
maupun perhatian terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan tugas, dua-duanya rendah. Di sini penghargaan
diberikan terutama berdasarkan permainan politik dan pemanipulasian orang-orang lain.
Sedangkan budaya organisasi caring culture dicirikan oleh rendahnya perhatian terhadap kinerja
dan tingginya perhatian terhadap hubungan antarmanusia. Penghargaan lebih didasarkan atas
kepaduan tim dan harmoni, dan bukan didasarkan atas kinerja pelaksanaan tugas. Sementara itu
ciri utama tipe exacting culture adalah bahwa perhatian terhadap orang sangat rendah, tetapi
perhatian terhadap kinerja sangat tinggi. Di sini secara ekonomis, penghargaan sangat
memuaskan, tetapi hukuman atas kegagalan yang dilakukan juga sangat berat. Dengan demikian
tingkat keamanan pekerjaan menjadi sangat rendah. Yang terakhir, dalam organisasi yang
memiliki budaya integratif maka perhatian terhadap orang maupun perhatian terhadap kinerja
keduanya sangat tinggi.

Apabila organisasi-organisasi public di Indonesia dianalisis dengan menggunakan empat tipe

budaya tersebut diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar organisasi publik memiliki 12/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

budaya organisasi yang bertipe caring. Organisasi-organisasi publik di Indonesia biasanya

memiliki perhatian yang sangat rendah terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan tugas, tetapi memiliki
perhatian yang sangat tinggi terhadap hubungan antarmanusia. Hal ini nampak dari ciri-ciri birokrat
sebagai berikut: (a) lebih mementingkan kepentingan pimpinan ketimbang kepentingan klien atau
pengguna jasa; (b) lebih merasa sebagai abdi negara daripada abdi masyarakat; (c)
meminimalkan risiko dengan cara menghindari inisiatif; (d) menghindari tanggung jawab; (e)
menolak tantangan; dan (f ) tidak suka berkreasi dan berinovasi dalam melaksanakan tugas-
tugasnya. Budaya caring ini tidak cocok dalam pemberian pelayanan yang berkualitas kepada
masyarakat. Dengan demikian harus diadopsi budaya organisasi baru yang lebih sesuai dan
kondusif dengan manajemen pelayanan publik. Budaya organisasi seperti ini disebut kultur kinerja
(Ivancevich, Lorenzi, Skinner & Cmsby 1997 : 460)

Sumber: Dikutip dengan perubahan seperlunya dari Ratminto & Winarsih (2005); Manajemen

38. Pernyataan tentang apathetic culture di bawah ini yang tidak benar
adalah .....

A. Perhatian anggota organisasi ter- hadap hubungan

antarmanusia rendah
B. Perhatian anggota organisasi terhadap kinerja
pelaksanaan tugas rendah
C. Penghargaan diberikan terutama berdasarkan
permainan politik
D. Penghargaan diberikan teruta- ma berdasarkan
pemanipulasian orang-orang lain
E. Penghargaan diberikan terutama berdasarkan
intuisi pimpinan

Teks 2

Berdasarkan perhatiannya terhadap orang dan perhatiannya terhadap kinerja, Sethia dan Glinow
(dalam Collins dan Mc Laughlin, 1996: 760-762) membedakan adanya empat macam budaya
organisasi, yaitu: (a) apathetic culture; (b) caring culture; (c) exacting culture; dan integrative

Dalam tipe apathetic culture, perhatian anggota organisasi terhadap hubungan antarmanusia
maupun perhatian terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan tugas, dua-duanya rendah. Di sini penghargaan
diberikan terutama berdasarkan permainan politik dan pemanipulasian orang-orang lain.
Sedangkan budaya organisasi caring culture dicirikan oleh rendahnya perhatian terhadap kinerja
dan tingginya perhatian terhadap hubungan antarmanusia. Penghargaan lebih didasarkan atas
kepaduan tim dan harmoni, dan bukan didasarkan atas kinerja pelaksanaan tugas. Sementara itu
ciri utama tipe exacting culture adalah bahwa perhatian terhadap orang sangat rendah, tetapi
perhatian terhadap kinerja sangat tinggi. Di sini secara ekonomis, penghargaan sangat
memuaskan, tetapi hukuman atas kegagalan yang dilakukan juga sangat berat. Dengan demikian
tingkat keamanan pekerjaan menjadi sangat rendah. Yang terakhir, dalam organisasi yang
memiliki budaya integratif maka perhatian terhadap orang maupun perhatian terhadap kinerja
keduanya sangat tinggi.

Apabila organisasi-organisasi public di Indonesia dianalisis dengan menggunakan empat tipe

budaya tersebut diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar organisasi publik memiliki
budaya organisasi yang bertipe caring. Organisasi-organisasi publik di Indonesia biasanya
memiliki perhatian yang sangat rendah terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan tugas, tetapi memiliki
perhatian yang sangat tinggi terhadap hubungan antarmanusia. Hal ini nampak dari ciri-ciri birokrat
sebagai berikut: (a) lebih mementingkan kepentingan pimpinan ketimbang kepentingan klien atau
pengguna jasa; (b) lebih merasa sebagai abdi negara daripada abdi masyarakat; (c)
meminimalkan risiko dengan cara menghindari inisiatif; (d) menghindari tanggung jawab; (e)
menolak tantangan; dan (f ) tidak suka berkreasi dan berinovasi dalam melaksanakan tugas-
tugasnya. Budaya caring ini tidak cocok dalam pemberian pelayanan yang berkualitas kepada
masyarakat. Dengan demikian harus diadopsi budaya organisasi baru yang lebih sesuai dan 13/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

kondusif dengan manajemen pelayanan publik. Budaya organisasi seperti ini disebut kultur kinerja
(Ivancevich, Lorenzi, Skinner & Cmsby 1997 : 460)

Sumber: Dikutip dengan perubahan seperlunya dari Ratminto & Winarsih (2005); Manajemen

39. Pernyataan tentang caring culture di bawah ini yang tidak benar
adalah .....

A. Perhatian anggota organisasi ter- hadap hubungan

antarmanusia tinggi
B. Perhatian anggota organisasi ter- hadap kinerja
pelaksanaan tugas rendah
C. Penghargaan diberikan terutama berdasarkan
kinerja pelaksanaan tugas
D. Penghargaan diberikan terutama berdasarkan
kepaduan tim
E. Penghargaan diberikan terutama berdasarkan

Teks 2

Berdasarkan perhatiannya terhadap orang dan perhatiannya terhadap kinerja, Sethia dan Glinow
(dalam Collins dan Mc Laughlin, 1996: 760-762) membedakan adanya empat macam budaya
organisasi, yaitu: (a) apathetic culture; (b) caring culture; (c) exacting culture; dan integrative

Dalam tipe apathetic culture, perhatian anggota organisasi terhadap hubungan antarmanusia
maupun perhatian terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan tugas, dua-duanya rendah. Di sini penghargaan
diberikan terutama berdasarkan permainan politik dan pemanipulasian orang-orang lain.
Sedangkan budaya organisasi caring culture dicirikan oleh rendahnya perhatian terhadap kinerja
dan tingginya perhatian terhadap hubungan antarmanusia. Penghargaan lebih didasarkan atas
kepaduan tim dan harmoni, dan bukan didasarkan atas kinerja pelaksanaan tugas. Sementara itu
ciri utama tipe exacting culture adalah bahwa perhatian terhadap orang sangat rendah, tetapi
perhatian terhadap kinerja sangat tinggi. Di sini secara ekonomis, penghargaan sangat
memuaskan, tetapi hukuman atas kegagalan yang dilakukan juga sangat berat. Dengan demikian
tingkat keamanan pekerjaan menjadi sangat rendah. Yang terakhir, dalam organisasi yang
memiliki budaya integratif maka perhatian terhadap orang maupun perhatian terhadap kinerja
keduanya sangat tinggi.

Apabila organisasi-organisasi public di Indonesia dianalisis dengan menggunakan empat tipe

budaya tersebut diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar organisasi publik memiliki
budaya organisasi yang bertipe caring. Organisasi-organisasi publik di Indonesia biasanya
memiliki perhatian yang sangat rendah terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan tugas, tetapi memiliki
perhatian yang sangat tinggi terhadap hubungan antarmanusia. Hal ini nampak dari ciri-ciri birokrat
sebagai berikut: (a) lebih mementingkan kepentingan pimpinan ketimbang kepentingan klien atau
pengguna jasa; (b) lebih merasa sebagai abdi negara daripada abdi masyarakat; (c)
meminimalkan risiko dengan cara menghindari inisiatif; (d) menghindari tanggung jawab; (e)
menolak tantangan; dan (f ) tidak suka berkreasi dan berinovasi dalam melaksanakan tugas-
tugasnya. Budaya caring ini tidak cocok dalam pemberian pelayanan yang berkualitas kepada
masyarakat. Dengan demikian harus diadopsi budaya organisasi baru yang lebih sesuai dan
kondusif dengan manajemen pelayanan publik. Budaya organisasi seperti ini disebut kultur kinerja
(Ivancevich, Lorenzi, Skinner & Cmsby 1997 : 460)

Sumber: Dikutip dengan perubahan seperlunya dari Ratminto & Winarsih (2005); Manajemen

40. Makna kata “diadopsi” dalam paragraf di atas adalah… 14/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

A. Diterima dan dikembangkan

B. Diambil anak
C. Dipungut anak
D. Kecanduan
E. Kultur kinerja

41. Jika x adalah  luas segitiga

siku-siku dimana sisi siku-sikunya adalah p cm dan
2p cm, dan y adalah luas
persegi dengan sisi p cm, maka ...

A. x  >
B. x < 
C. x=y
D. 2x = y
E. Hubungannya
tidak dapat ditentukan

42. Jika p = maka ...

A. p <
B. p >
C. p=q
D. 2p = 2q
E. 3p = 3q

43. Bila x adalah 23% dari 143 dan y

adalah 143% dari 23, maka ...

A. x  >
B. x <
C. x=y
D. 2x + 1
= y
E. hubungannya
tidak dapat ditentukan

44. Jika a + b = 14 dan ab = 13,


A. a =  b
B. a >
C. a <
D. ab >
E. a + b
> 1

45. Jika p > 0, dan q < 0, x = , dan y = ( , maka ...

A. x >
B. x <
y 15/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

C. x=y
D. 2x = 2y
E. 3x = 3x

46. Jika  x  adalah  panjang  sisi 

miring dari  sebuah  segitiga siku- siku yang
panjang  sisi siku-sikunya 3 cm
dan 4 cm  dan y adalah  panjang rusuk dari 
sebuah  kubus yang  memiliki volume
125 cm, maka

A. x >
B. x <
C. x=y
D. hubungannya 
tidak dapat ditentukan
E. 2x= 3y

47. Jarak kota A dan B 250 km.sebuah

bus berangkat dari kota A pukul 16.35 wib.
Di perjalanan bus beristirahat
selama 30 menit. Bus tersebut melaju dengan
kecepatan rata- rata 50km/jam, maka
bus tersebut akan tiba di kota B pukul...

A. 21.00
B. 21.05
C. 21.10
D. 22.00
E. 22.05

48. Dalam kantong I terdapat 6 kelereng

merah dan 4 kelereng putih. Dalam
kantong II terdapat 3 kelereng merah dan 5
kelereng hitam. Dari setiap
kantong diambil satu kelereng secara acak. Peluang
terambilnya kelereng
putih dari kantong I dan kelereng hitam dari kantong II


49. Wandi menabung di bank sebesar Rp.

2000.000,00 dengan suku bunga
tunggal 6% pertahun. Pada saat diambil uang wandi
menjadi 2.080.000,00.
Lama wandi menabung adalah... bulan

A. 10
B. 9
C. 8
D. 7
E. 6 16/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

50. Jika tabung X jari-jarinya setengah

dari tabung Y dan tingginya tiga kali dari
tabung Y, perbandingan volume tabung
X dan Y adalah...

A. 5:6
B. 4:5
C. 3:2
D. 3:4
E. 1:2

51. Tangki bahan bakar sebuah mobil

berisi 20 liter bensin. Dengan kecepatan
60km/ jam melaju dari kota A ke kota B
selama x jam ( tersisa 2 liter bensin).
Jika dengan mobil, rute, dan kecepatan
yang sama, tetapi diisi bensin 40 liter,
waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melaju
dari kota A ke kota B adalah... jam

A. 2x
B. x/2
C. x
D. 1/2x
E. 1/4x

52. Jika panjang persegi panjang

dinaikkan sebesar 24% dari panjang semula,
sementara lebarnya tetap, maka luas
persegi panjang tersebut menjadi...

A. 76%
dari luas semula
B. 104%
dari luas semula
C. 124%
dari luas semula
D. 125%
dari luas semula
E. 140%
dari luas semula

53. 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, ... , ...

A. 9, 11
B. 10,12
C. 11, 15
D. 12.15
E. 13, 11

54. C, F, L, ...

A. W
B. M
C. X
D. Y
E. Q 17/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

55. 15, 8, 45, 64, 75, 512, ...

A. 105
B. 120
C. 125
D. 138
E. 100

56. Selisih uang Umji dan Yerin adalah

Rp. 40.000. jika Umji memberikan 1/9
uangnya kepada Yerin. Maka jumlah uang
mereka menjadi sama banyak.
Jumlah uang Yerin adalah Rp ...

A. 100.000
B. 140.000
C. 156.000
D. 170.000
E. 195.000

57. Jika 4 ekor kuda dapat menghabiskan

9 kg rumput, berapa kg rumput yang
dapat dihabiskan oleh 3 ekor kuda?

A. 12
B. 10
C. 8
D. 7
E. 6

58. Jika  = x -5 dan 3  dengan a adalah bilangan negatif, maka...

A. x>y
B. x<y
C. x=y
D. x= 2y
E. Hubungannya tidak dapat

59. Jika x = 3 - 1 dan y = 5 maka...

A. x>y
B. x<y
C. x=y
D. x = 2y
E. Hubungannya tidak dapat
ditentukan. 18/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

60. 10, 12, 14, 14, 18, ..., 22, 18

A. 16
B. 18
C. 20
D. 22
E. 24

61. ..., ..., 4, 8, 6, 6, 8, 4

A. 2, 4
B. 2, 6
C. 2. 8
D. 2, 10
E. 4, 8

62. 4, 4, 4, 7, 5, 4, 5, 8, 6, 4, …, …

A. 5 dan 9
B. 6 dan 9
C. 6 dan 8
D. 6 dan 6
E. 6 dan 5

63. B, B, E, C, H, D, ..., ....

A. K, L
B. E,L
C. K,E
D. D, K
E. L,K

64. B, C, D. P, C, D, E, Q. D, E, F, R,
…, …, …, …,

A. F, G, H, S
B. E, F, G, S
C. F, G, H, T
D. E, F, G, T
E. F, G, J, O

65. C, F, E, H, G, J, I, L, …, …, 19/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

A. M, N
B. K, N
C. L, M
D. P, K
E. J, N

66. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 10, 14, 13, 18,

…, …,

A. 17, 20
B. 16, 22
C. 20, 24
D. 19, 22
E. 16, 24

67. …., 106, 144, 171, 187, ….,

A. 45 dan 190
B. 123 dan 18
C. 44 dan 112
D. 57 dan 192
E. 55 dan 192

68. 2, 10, 4, 11, 7, 15, 12, 24, …, …,

A. 18, 38
B. 16, 48
C. 20, 63
D. 12, 81
E. 19, 40

69. 10, 21, 43, 87, 8, 15, 29, ….

A. 54
B. 57
C. 58
D. 64
E. 67

70. -3, …, -1, -9, -8, -5, …., -32, -25

A. -2 dan -28
B. -2 dan -27
C. -4 dan -28
D. -4 dan -27 20/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

E. -5 dan -30

71. Jumlah 5 bilangan berurutan adalah

105. Jumlah dua bilangan pertamanya
adalah ….

A. 19
B. 21
C. 39
D. 41
E. 43

72. Sepuluh tahun yang lalu, selisih

umur Yeni dan Ayahnya adalah 32 tahun. Jika
umur mereka 5 tahun yang akan
datang adalah 88 tahun, maka umur Yeni
sekarang adalah

A. 24
B. 23
C. 22
D. 21
E. 20

73. Banyak siswa kelas 7 ada 40 orang,

setiap siswa memilih dua jenis pelajaran
yang mereka sukai. Diketahui ada 29
siswa yang menyukai pelajaran
Matematika dan 34 siswa menyukai pelajaran Bahasa
Indonesia. Sementara
siswa yang tidak menyukai kedua pelajaran tersebut ada 5
orang. Banyaknya
siswa yang menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dan Matematika

A. 23.
B. 25
C. 28
D. 30
E. 32

74. 2 buah dadu dilempar bersamaan.

Berapakah peluang munculnya mata dadu
yang pertama 2 dan mata dadu kedua 6

A. 1/3
B. 1/6
C. 1/12
D. 1/24
E. 1/36

Diketahui 21/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

A. 1/9b.      2/9
C. 2/3
D. 1/3
E. 1

Jika  adalah...

A. 3
B. 8
C. 18
D. 36
E. 48

77. Jika 2p +3q = 9/4 maka 24p +36 q


A. 4
B. 9
C. 12
D. 27
E. 40

78. Sebuah drum berbentuk tabung dengan

panjang jari-jari 70 cm dan tinggi 100
cm penuh berisi minyak tanah. Minyak
tanah tersebut akan dituang ke dalam
tabung-tabung kecil dengan panjang jari-jari
35 cm dan tinggi 50 cm. Banyak
tabung kecil yang diperlukan adalah...

A. 16
B. 10
C. 9
D. 8
E. 5

79. Ayah akan membuat taman berbentuk

lingkaran dengan jari-jari 35m.
Disekeliling taman akan ditanami pohon cemara
dengan jarak 1m. Jika satu
pohon memerlukan biaya Rp25.000, maka seluruh biaya
penanaman pohon
cemara adalah...

A. Rp6.000.000
B. Rp 5.950.000
C. Rp 5.900.000
D. Rp 5.750.000
E. Rp 5.500.000

80. Sebuah foto berukuran tinggi 30 cm

dan lebar 20 cm ditempel pada sebuah 22/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

karton. Jika di sebelah kiri, kanan, atas foto

ada lebih bingkai yang jaraknya 2
cm. Jika foto dan karton sebangun, sisa
karton di bawah foto adalah...

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 8  








A. 23/72
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84. 24/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print










D. 25/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print











C. 26/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print










A. 27/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print











91. 28/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print










D. 29/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print











C. 30/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print










A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E

97. 31/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E


A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E


A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E

100. 32/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E







102. 33/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print






103. 34/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print










D. 35/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print









A. 36/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print








C. 37/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print









109. 38/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print








B. 39/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print







C. 40/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print








E. 41/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print







114. 42/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print





E. 43/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print




C. 44/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print





B. 45/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print





A. 46/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print








C. 47/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print








E. 48/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print








121. No sooner ... the train

station, than she changed her mind to go by bus.

A. Has she
B. She had
C. She
D. Had she
reached 49/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

122. By the time we get to the

railway station, the car express...

A. Has
B. Will
have left
C. Will be
D. Would
have left

123. Neither Yossy nor her

sisters ... a consent form for tommorrow’s field trip.

A. Need
B. Needs
C. Is
D. Had

124. Lalisa is ... the

possibility of opening a drugstore in Medan.

A. Looking
B. Looking
C. Looking
D. Looking

125. … between java and papua , Bali is

the good island

A. Locating
B. Located
C. Has
D. Having

126. ... 363 miles between the

cities of Albany and Buffalo in New York State, The
Erick Canal helped link the
Atlantic Ocean with the Great Lakes.

A. Extending
B. Extends
C. The
extension of
D. The

127. If the advertising

department quickly realized, the product ... A new slogan

A. Will
B. Will
have had
C. Would
D. Had

128. I would rather ... home

alone than play  with you 50/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

A. Stay
B. Staying
C. Stayed
D. Being

129. Nowadays people prefer

living small apartment than a house because they are
more ...

A. Economicaly
B. Economical
C. Economic
D. Economize

130. You will get a good grade

on the exam provided ...

A. Studying
B. To
C. Studies
D. You

131. His flight from seoul to

jakarta was delayed ... the heavy fog.

A. Despite
B. Although
C. Because
D. Because

132. There are two type of

people, one is introverted and ...

A. The
othe are not
B. The other
is not
C. Another
is  extroverted
D. Not

133. It was necessary that the

patient ... the pills before eating.

A. Takes
B. Take
C. Taking
D. Taken

134. My sister were getting the

food ...  when we came home yesterday. 51/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

A. Cook
B. Cooked
C. Is cooked
D. To be cooked

135. Sammy was considering ... a

new laptop until the prices went up.

A. Buying
B. Bought
C. To buy
D. Buy


A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D


A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D


A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D


A. A 52/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

B. B
C. C
D. D


A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Although stage plays have been set to music since the ancient Greeks, when the dramas of
Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the
beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry
IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Perí
produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
“opera” is borrowed.

For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form
de-emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under
the guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were
nothing more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and
duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters
express their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music
whose purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices
which may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative. 

141. This passage is a summary of ….

A. opera in Italy
B. the Camerata
C. the development of opera
D. Euridice.

Although stage plays have been set to music since the ancient Greeks, when the dramas of
Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the 53/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry
IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Perí
produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
“opera” is borrowed.

For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form
de-emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under
the guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were
nothing more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and
duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters
express their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music
whose purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices
which may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative. 

142. According to this passage, when did modern opera


A. in the time of the ancient Greeks.

B. At the beginning of the sixteenth century
C. in the Fifteenth century
D. at the beginning of the seventeenth century.

Although stage plays have been set to music since the ancient Greeks, when the dramas of
Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the
beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry
IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Perí
produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
“opera” is borrowed.

For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form
de-emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under
the guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were
nothing more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and
duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters
express their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music
whose purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices
which may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative. 54/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

143. The word “it” in line 3 refers to

A. Opera
B. Date
C. Era
D. music

Although stage plays have been set to music since the ancient Greeks, when the dramas of
Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the
beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry
IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Perí
produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
“opera” is borrowed.

For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form
de-emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under
the guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were
nothing more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and
duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters
express their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music
whose purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices
which may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative. 

144. According to the author, what did Jacopo Perí


A. Greek tragedy
B. The opera Maria de Medici
C. The first opera
D. The opera The Camerata

Although stage plays have been set to music since the ancient Greeks, when the dramas of
Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the
beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry
IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Perí
produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
“opera” is borrowed. 55/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form
de-emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under
the guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were
nothing more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and
duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters
express their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music
whose purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices
which may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative. 

145. The author suggests that Euridice was


A. in France
B. without much success.
C. originally by Sophocles and Aeschylus
D. for the wedding of King Henry IV

Although stage plays have been set to music since the ancient Greeks, when the dramas of
Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the
beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry
IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Perí
produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
“opera” is borrowed.

For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form
de-emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under
the guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were
nothing more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and
duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters
express their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music
whose purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices
which may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative. 

146. What was the Camerata?

A. A group of Greek musicians

B. Musicians who developed a new musical drama
based upon Greek drama.
C. A style of music not known in Italy.
D. The name given to the court of King Henry IV. 56/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

Although stage plays have been set to music since the ancient Greeks, when the dramas of
Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the
beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry
IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Perí
produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
“opera” is borrowed.

For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form
de-emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under
the guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were
nothing more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and
duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters
express their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music
whose purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices
which may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative. 

147. The word “revive” in line 7 could best be

replaced by

A. Appreciate
B. Resume
C. Modify
D. investigate

Although stage plays have been set to music since the ancient Greeks, when the dramas of
Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the
beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry
IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Perí
produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
“opera” is borrowed.

For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form
de-emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under
the guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were
nothing more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and
duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters
express their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music 57/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

whose purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices
which may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative. 

148. The word “plots” in line 8 is closest in meaning


A. Locations
B. instruments
C. stories
D. inspiration

Although stage plays have been set to music since the ancient Greeks, when the dramas of
Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the
beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry
IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Perí
produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
“opera” is borrowed.

For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form
de-emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under
the guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were
nothing more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and
duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters
express their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music
whose purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices
which may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative. 

149. From what did the term “opera” derive?

A. Greek and Roman history and mythology.

B. Non-Italian composers
C. The Italian phrase the means “musical works”
D. The idea of composer Jacopo Peri.

Although stage plays have been set to music since the ancient Greeks, when the dramas of
Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the
beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry
IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Perí
produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of 58/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music. They
called their compositions opera in musica or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word
“opera” is borrowed.

For several years, the center of opera was Florence, but gradually, during the baroque period, it
spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and performed in Europe,
especially in England, France, and Germany. But, for many years, the Italian opera was considered
the ideal, and many non-Italian composers continued to use Italian librettos. The European form
de-emphasized the dramatic aspect. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under
the guise of opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were
nothing more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice. Complicated arias, recitatives, and
duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters
express their thoughts and feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo, is a recitation set to music
whose purpose is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices
which may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative. 

150. Which of the following is an example of a solo?

A. A recitative
B. a duet
C. An opera
D. A lyre

Text 2

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt stream of
solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.

A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and
dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.

Sunspot range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without
instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand

Sunspot have been observed in arrangement of one to more than one hundred spot, but they tend
to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size.

Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several
models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. 

151. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?

A. to propose  a theory to explain sunspots.

B. To describe the nature of sunspots 59/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

C. To compare the umbra and the penumbra in

D. To argue for the existence of magnetic fields in

Text 2

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt stream of
solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.

A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and
dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.

Sunspot range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without
instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand

Sunspot have been observed in arrangement of one to more than one hundred spot, but they tend
to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size.

Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several
models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. 

152. The word “controversial” in line 1 is closest in meaning to

A. widely accepted
B. just introduced
C. open to debate
D. very complicated

Text 2

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt stream of
solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.

A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and
dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.

Sunspot range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without
instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand
years. 60/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

Sunspot have been observed in arrangement of one to more than one hundred spot, but they tend
to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size.

Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several
models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. 

153. Solar particles are hurled into space


A. undetermined caused
B. small rivers on the surface of the sun
C. disturbances of wind
D. changes in the earth’s atmosphere.

Text 2

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt stream of
solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.

A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and
dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.

Sunspot range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without
instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand

Sunspot have been observed in arrangement of one to more than one hundred spot, but they tend
to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size.

Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several
models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. 

154. The word “particles” in line 2 refers to

A. gas explosion in the atmosphere

B. liquid streams from the sun
C. light rays from the sun
D. small pieces of matter from the sun.

Text 2 61/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt stream of
solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.

A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and
dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.

Sunspot range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without
instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand

Sunspot have been observed in arrangement of one to more than one hundred spot, but they tend
to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size.

Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several
models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. 

155. How can we describe matter from the sun that enters the earth’s

A. very small
B. very hot
C. very bright
D. very hard

Text 2

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt stream of
solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.

A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and
dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.

Sunspot range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without
instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand

Sunspot have been observed in arrangement of one to more than one hundred spot, but they tend
to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size.

Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several
models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. 62/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

156. The sunspot theory is

A. not considered very important

B. subject to disagreement
C. widely accepted
D. relatively new

Text 2

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt stream of
solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.

A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and
dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.

Sunspot range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without
instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand

Sunspot have been observed in arrangement of one to more than one hundred spot, but they tend
to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size.

Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several
models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. 

157. The word “they” in line 12 refers to

A. Structures
B. Spots
C. Miles
D. granules

Text 2

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt stream of
solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.

A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and
dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K. 63/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

Sunspot range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without
instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand

Sunspot have been observed in arrangement of one to more than one hundred spot, but they tend
to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size.

Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several
models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. 

158. The word “consequently” in line 12 could best be replaced by

A. as a result
B. nevertheless
C. without doubt
D. in this way.

Text 2

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt stream of
solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.

A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and
dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.

Sunspot range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without
instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand

Sunspot have been observed in arrangement of one to more than one hundred spot, but they tend
to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size.

Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several
models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. 

159. In which configuration do sunspots usually occur?

A. in one spot of varying size      .

B. in a configuration of two spots
C. in arrangement of one hundred or more spot
D. In groups of several thousand spots. 64/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

Text 2

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt stream of
solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.

A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and
dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.

Sunspot range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without
instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand

Sunspot have been observed in arrangement of one to more than one hundred spot, but they tend
to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size.

Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several
models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the
north and south poles of the sun. 

160. How are sunspots explained?

A. Sunspots appear to be related to magnetic fields

on the earth.
B. Sunspots may be related to magnetic fields that
follow longitudinal lines on the sun.
C. sunspots are explained by storm that occur on
the earth.
D. Sunspots have no theory or model to explain

As Philadelp hia grew from a small town into a city in the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, it
became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland.
Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or
more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct
sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period
until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on
Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.
Along with market days, the institution of twiceyearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after
similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of
bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings
from Germantown, for example, were popular items.

Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail
merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs
and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the
merchants’ side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export
merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to
appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods. 65/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

One of the reasons Philadelphia’s merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding
area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business,
after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but
citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and
council and the meetings of the courts of justice.

161. What does

the passage mainly discuss?

A. Philadelphia’s agriculture importance

B. Philadelphia’s development as a marketing center
C. The sale of imported goods in Philadelphia
D. The administration of the city of Philadelphia

As Philadelp hia grew from a small town into a city in the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, it
became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland.
Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or
more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct
sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period
until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on
Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.
Along with market days, the institution of twiceyearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after
similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of
bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings
from Germantown, for example, were popular items.

Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail
merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs
and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the
merchants’ side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export
merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to
appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods.

One of the reasons Philadelphia’s merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding
area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business,
after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but
citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and
council and the meetings of the courts of justice.

162. It can be
inferred from the passage that new markets opened in Philadelphia

A. they provided more modem facilities than older

B. the High Street Market was forced to close
C. existing markets were unable to serve the
growing population
D. farmers wanted markets that were closer to the

As Philadelp hia grew from a small town into a city in the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, it
became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland.
Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or
more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct 66/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period
until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on
Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.
Along with market days, the institution of twiceyearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after
similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of
bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings
from Germantown, for example, were popular items.

Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail
merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs
and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the
merchants’ side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export
merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to
appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods.

One of the reasons Philadelphia’s merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding
area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business,
after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but
citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and
council and the meetings of the courts of justice.

163. The word

“hinterland “ in line 3 is closest in meaning to

A. tradition
B. association
C. produce
D. region

As Philadelp hia grew from a small town into a city in the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, it
became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland.
Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or
more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct
sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period
until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on
Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.
Along with market days, the institution of twiceyearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after
similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of
bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings
from Germantown, for example, were popular items.

Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail
merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs
and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the
merchants’ side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export
merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to
appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods.

One of the reasons Philadelphia’s merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding
area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business,
after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but
citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and
council and the meetings of the courts of justice. 67/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

164. The word

“it” in line 6 refers to

A. the crowded city

B. a radius
C. the High Street Market
D. the period

As Philadelp hia grew from a small town into a city in the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, it
became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland.
Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or
more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct
sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period
until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on
Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.
Along with market days, the institution of twiceyearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after
similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of
bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings
from Germantown, for example, were popular items.

Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail
merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs
and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the
merchants’ side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export
merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to
appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods.

One of the reasons Philadelphia’s merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding
area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business,
after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but
citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and
council and the meetings of the courts of justice.

165. The word

“persisted” in line 9 is closest in meaning to

A. returned
B. started
C. declined
D. continued

As Philadelp hia grew from a small town into a city in the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, it
became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland.
Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or
more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct
sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period
until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on
Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.
Along with market days, the institution of twiceyearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after
similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of
bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings
from Germantown, for example, were popular items. 68/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail
merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs
and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the
merchants’ side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export
merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to
appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods.

One of the reasons Philadelphia’s merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding
area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business,
after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but
citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and
council and the meetings of the courts of justice.

166. According
to the passage, fairs in Philadelphia were held

A. on the same day as market says

B. as often as possible
C. a couple of times a year
D. whenever the government allowed it

As Philadelp hia grew from a small town into a city in the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, it
became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland.
Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or
more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct
sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period
until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on
Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.
Along with market days, the institution of twiceyearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after
similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of
bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings
from Germantown, for example, were popular items.

Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail
merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs
and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the
merchants’ side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export
merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to
appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods.

One of the reasons Philadelphia’s merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding
area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business,
after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but
citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and
council and the meetings of the courts of justice.

167. It can be
inferred that the author mentions “Linens and stockings” in line 12 to
show that
they were items that

A. retail merchants were not willing to sell

B. were not available in the stores in Philadelphia
C. were more popular in Germantown man in
D. could easily be transported 69/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

As Philadelp hia grew from a small town into a city in the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, it
became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland.
Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or
more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct
sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period
until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on
Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.
Along with market days, the institution of twiceyearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after
similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of
bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings
from Germantown, for example, were popular items.

Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail
merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs
and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the
merchants’ side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export
merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to
appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods.

One of the reasons Philadelphia’s merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding
area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business,
after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but
citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and
council and the meetings of the courts of justice.

168. The word

“eradicate” in line 16 is closest in meaning to

A. eliminate
B. exploit
C. organize
D. operate

As Philadelp hia grew from a small town into a city in the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, it
became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland.
Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or
more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct
sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period
until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on
Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.
Along with market days, the institution of twiceyearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after
similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of
bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings
from Germantown, for example, were popular items.

Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail
merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs
and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the
merchants’ side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export
merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to
appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods. 70/72
1/15/22, 5:17 PM Print

One of the reasons Philadelphia’s merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding
area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business,
after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but
citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and
council and the meetings of the courts of justice.

169. What does

the author mean by stating in line 17 that “economic development
was on the
merchants’ side”?

A. Merchants had a strong impact on economic

B. Economic forces allowed merchants to prosper.
C. Merchants had to work together to achieve
economic independence
D. Specialty shops near large markets were more
likely to be economically successful.

As Philadelp hia grew from a small town into a city in the fi rst half of the eighteenth century, it
became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland.
Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as fanners from within a radius of 24 or
more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct
sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period
until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on
Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.
Along with market days, the institution of twiceyearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after
similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of
bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings
from Germantown, for example, were popular items.

Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail
merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs
and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the
merchants’ side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export
merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to
appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods.

One of the reasons Philadelphia’s merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding
area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business,
after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but
citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and
council and the meetings of the courts of justice.

170. The word

“undergoing” in line 22 is closest in meaning to

A. requesting
B. experiencing
C. repeating
D. including

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