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8. Tugas dikumpul paling lambat 20 januari 2011. Dikumpul di P2SK (cari
aja kak juanda)
Pembagian Topik Buat kelas Reguler
1-12 : Cognitive Therapy
13-24 : Supportive psychotherapy
25-35 : Psychoanalitic Psychotherapy
36-46 : Electroconvulsive Therapy
47-57 : Mental aspect in pregnancy
58-68 : Cultural bound mental disorder
69-79 : Malingering and munchausen`s syndrome
80-92 : Violence in mental disorder
93-103 : Non-PPDGJ-III/ DSM IV types oI personality
104-117 : Behavior Therapy 21 Januari 2011

Malingering is not considered a mental illness. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IJ- TR), malingering receives a V
code as one oI the other conditions that may be a Iocus oI clinical attention. The DSM-IJ-TR
describes malingering as Iollows:
The essential Ieature oI Malingering is the intentional production oI Ialse or grossly
exaggerated physical or psychological symptoms, motivated by external incentives such as
avoiding military duty, avoiding work, obtaining Iinancial compensation, evading criminal
prosecution, or obtaining drugs.

Amerlcan sychlaLrlc AssoclaLlon uloqoostlc ooJ 5totlstlcol Mooool of Meotol ulsotJets loottb
Jltloo 1ext kevlsloo (u5Mlv1k) WashlngLon uC Amerlcan sychlaLrlc ress lnc 2000683

The term 'malingering may be Iamiliar to those who have heard oI military
recruits or those charged with or convicted oI a crime who have sought to evade
their responsibilities through disease Iorgery. Malingering appears to be plied
by men more than women. It is understandable, albeit illegal, that those not
wishing to serve in the military or in prison might manipulate their way out by
pretending to be physically or emotionally sick or by inIlicting selI-injury.
Others do so to accrue disability payments or opioid medications. However,
patients with Iactitious disorder and Munchausen syndrome simulate disease
when the payoII Ior appearing sick is not obvious. Despite their theatrical
charades, Ior instance, it is oIten impossible not to have some sympathy Ior
these patients when their childhood backgrounds have been harshiI not
overtly abusive, then emotionally neglectIul. They have oIten learned that
whatever nurturance they could receive would have to come Irom doctors,
nurses, or other caregivers only when they appearor areill. These patients`
genuine emotional pain must be acknowledged and dealt with beIore their
Irantic attempts to alleviate it can be halted. However, diIIicult childhoods have
many diIIerent outcomes, including complete normality. The matrix oI Iactors
leading to macabre outcomes remains concealed in all-too-many cases.
There are unpublished Iindings that medications such as serotonin reuptake
inhibitors and low-dose antipsychotic medications have helped a Iew aIIlicted
individuals. However, there are no medications that have proved consistently
eIIective in treating medical deception and its sometimes deadly consequences.
For this reason, supplemented by patients` hesitance to come Iorward and
comply with drug-study protocols, pharmaceutical companieswhose
checkbooks are wide open when it comes to researching other mental disorders
or paying Ior junkets to tout their products in lush resort settingsdisregard
these patients, their Iamilies, and those doctors eager to help. In a vicious cycle,
the lack oI Iunding Ior research ensures that medication and other therapeutic
options remain undiscovered, except perhaps by chance. This orphan has had
little chance oI ever Iinding a home due to lack oI awareness or to derision and
short-sightedness despite the billions oI dollars the U.S. economy alone loses
each year due to UMCs.

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