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An B 8 tahun datang ke RS Bayukarta dengan
keluhan nyeri kepala disertai demam tinggi.Hasil
anamnesa didapatkan bahwa klien sering berkeringat
pada malam hari, lemas, mudah sakit terutama pilek,
mudah pendarahan terutama di gusi. Dari
pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan RR 20x/menit, S
38,7oC , N 82 x/menit, TD 120/90 mmHg, leukosit
25.000 sel/tetes darah, klien tampak lemas dan
pucat, bibir kering dan sianosis, CRT 3 detik.


Nama :An.B Nama :Tn. R

Usia : 8 tahun Usia : 45 tahun
Jenis Kelamin : Laki- laki Jenis Kelamin : Laki- laki
Pendidikan anak : SD Agama : Islam
Suku/Bangsa : Sunda/ Indonesia
Agama : Islam
Pendidikan : SMA
Suku/Bangsa : Sunda/ Indonesia Pekerjaan : Sopir
Pekerjaan : Pelajar Alamat : Purwasari, Karawang Barat
Alamat : Purwasari, Karawang Barat Sumber daya : BPJS
 Keluhan Utama: Ibu klien mengatakan klien mengeluh nyeri kepala disertai demam
 Alasan Pasien Masuk Rumah Sakit: Ibu klien mengatakan klien nyeri kepala disertai
demam tinggi ,sering berkeringat pada malam hari, lemas, mudah sakit terutama pilek,
dan mudah pendarahan terutama di gusi
 Riwayat penyakit sekarang: Klien diantar oleh orang tuanya ke RS dengan keluhan
nyeri kepala disertai demam tinggi,sering berkeringat pada malam hari, lemas, mudah
sakit terutama pilek, mudah pendarahan terutama di gusi, TD 120/90 mmHg , N 82
x/menit, , RR 20x/menit, S 38,7oC, leukosit 25.000 sel/tetes darah, klien tampak
lemas dan pucat, bibir kering dan sianosis, CRT 3 detik. Kemudian klien di rawat inap
di Bangsal Dahlia
 Riwayat penyakit dahulu: Ibu klien mengatakan bahwa klien pernah mengalami demam
ringan dan mual muntah namun tidak pernah dibawa ke RS
 Riwayat penyakit keluarga: Ibu klien mengatakan bahwa keluarga klien tidak ada yang
memiliki penyakit menurun ataupun menular
 Riwayat alergi: Klien tidak memiliki riwayat alergi makanan,suhu,maupun obat
 Riwayat Prenatal, Intranatal, dan Postnatal
 Prenatal : Selama kehamilan ibu melakukan pemeriksaan ke bidan lebih dari 5 kali,
imunisasi TT, tidak memiliki riwayat penyakit. 
 Intranatal : An.T lahir ditolong oleh bidan, spontan, langsung menangis, berat badan
lahir 3300 gr, panjang badan 49 cm, umur kehamilan 9 bulan 8 hari.
 Postnatal : Bayi di asuh oleh kedua orang tua, di berikan ASI eksklusif, mulai umur 7 bulan

 Riwayat Tumbuh Kembang a. Pertumbuhan Fisik

1) BB lahir : 3,3 Kg
2) BB sekarang : 25 Kg
3) TB lahir : 49 Cm
4) TB sekarang : 125 cm
5) Lingkar lengan atas lahir : 11 Cm
6) Lingkar lengan atas sekarang : 15 Cm
7) Lingkar kepala lahir : 30 Cm
8) Lingkar kepala sekarang : 45 Cm
Pengkajian fokus


1. Kesadaran : Composmentis
2. Keadaan umum : Lemas dan pucat, bibir kering dan
  sianosis, akral dingin dan sianosis
3. Tanda-tanda vital : TD : 120/90 mmHg
    N : 82x/menit
    RR : 20x/menit
    S : 38,7oC
4. Kepala : Normal,tidak ada lesi
5. Mata : Konjungtiva pucat, kornea jernih,sklera
  tidak ikterik    
6. Hidung : terdapat sedikit sekret ,tidak ada
  pembesaran polip    
7. Mulut : mukosa bibir kering dan sianosis
8. Telinga : pendengaran normal
9. Leher : tidak ada pembesaran kelenjar tiroid
10. Dada : Simetris
11. Jantung : I : Normal,tidak ada pembesaran jantung
    P : Ictus cordis tampak pada intecosta 5
    P : Pekak
    A : Normal,tidak ada suara tambahan
12. Abdomen : I : Abdomen bersih tidak ada lesi
    A : Bising usus 20x/menit
    P : Tidak ada nyeri tekan
    P : Tympani
13. Genetalia : Bersih, tidak ditemukan haemorrhoid
Hasil Laboratorium pada 10 Agustus 2017/No.RM 1356

Pemeriksaan Hasil Satuan Nilai Normal

Hemoglobin 7,3 gr/dl L : 14-18

      P : 12-16

Leukosit 25000 /mm3 5000-10000

Hematokrit 25 /vol % L : 40-48

      P : 37-43

Trombosit 100.000 /mm3 150000-450000

Infus RL 20 tpm
Transfusi Trombosit
Analgesik (asetaminofen)
Data Subjektif Data Objektif
1. Ibu klien mengatakan klien mengeluhnyeri kepala 1. Klien tampak menangis kesakitan
2. Ibu klien mengatakan klien sering mengalami 2. P : Leukimia
perdarahan pada gusi Q : Seperti ditusuk-tusuk
3. Ibu klien mengatakan klien sering berkeringat pada R : Kepala
malam hari, lemas, mudah sakit terutama pilek S : Skala 5
T: hilang timbul
3. Klien terlihat perdarahan pada gusi klien
4. Klien tampak pucat
5. Hb : 7,3 gr/dl
6. Trombosit : 100000/mm33
7. mukosa bibir kering dan sianosis
8. akral dingin dan sianosis
Table of Contents

01 02
Our Center Key Numbers
Here you could describe the Here you could describe the
topic of the section topic of the section

03 04
Patient Care Key Accomplishments
Here you could describe the Here you could describe the
topic of the section topic of the section
Our Philosophy

Mission Vision
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and Venus has a beautiful name and is the
the smallest one in the Solar System—it’s second planet from the Sun. It’s terribly
only a bit larger than our Moon. The planet’s hot—even hotter than Mercury—and its
name has nothing to do with the liquid metal, atmosphere is extremely poisonous. It’s
since it was named after the Roman the second-brightest natural object in
messenger god, Mercury the night sky after the Moon
Our Center
Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet
from the Sun. It’s terribly hot—even hotter than
Mercury—and its atmosphere is extremely poisonous.
It’s the second-brightest natural object in the night
sky after the Moon
Key Numbers

5,000 50,000 20,000

This is the number This is the number This is the number

of transplants of total visitors we of patients we had
performed so far had last month last month
Our Graphics

Mercury is the closest planet to

the Sun

Despite being red, Mars is

actually a cold place

Venus has a beautiful name,

but it’s terribly hot

If you want to modify this graph, click on it, follow the link,
change the data and replace it
Our Growth

Venus has a beautiful name, but

it’s terribly hot

Mercury is the smallest planet in

our Solar System

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our

Solar System
A Brief Story
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and
the smallest one in the Solar System—it’s
only a bit larger than our Moon. The planet’s
name has nothing to do with the liquid metal,
since it was named after the Roman
messenger god, Mercury
Milestones Reached

2001 - 2003 2007 - 2012 2013 - 2019

Saturn is composed of Despite being red, Mars Mercury is the closest
hydrogen and helium is a cold place planet to the Sun

2003 - 2007 2012 - 2013

Neptune is the farthest Venus has a beautiful
planet from the Sun name, but it’s hot
Our Process

Saturn is composed of
01. hydrogen and helium

Venus has a beautiful

02. name, but it’s hot

Despite being red, Mars

03. is a cold place

Neptune is the farthest

04. planet from the Sun
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one in the
Solar System—it’s only a bit larger
than our Moon. The planet’s name
has nothing to do with the liquid
metal, since it was named after the
Roman messenger god
Areas We Cover

Jupiter Sun
Jupiter is the biggest planet The Sun is the star at the
in our Solar System center of our Solar System

Mars Venus
Despite being red, Mars is Venus has a beautiful name,
actually a cold place but it’s terribly hot
Saturn is composed mostly of
hydrogen and helium

Despite being red, Mars is

actually a cold place

Jupiter is the biggest planet in

our Solar System

Venus has a beautiful name, but

it’s terribly hot
Key Accomplishments

Year Area Accomplishment

Saturn is composed mostly of

2001 Saturn
hydrogen and helium

2009 Venus Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot

Despite being red, Mars is actually a

2018 Mars
cold place

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our

2019 Jupiter
Solar System
Patient Satisfaction


Factor 1 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and

the smallest one in the Solar System—it’s
Factor 2 only a bit larger than our Moon. The planet’s
Factor 3 name has nothing to do with the liquid metal,
since it was named after the Roman
Factor 4 messenger god, Mercury

If you want to modify this graph, click on it,

follow the link, change the data and replace it

Jupiter Neptune
Jupiter is the Neptune is the
biggest planet in farthest planet
our Solar System from the Sun

Mars Venus
Despite being red, Venus has a
Mars is actually a beautiful name,
cold place but it’s terribly hot
Quality Improvement Measures

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful name, Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun but it’s very hot is a cold place

Saturn Jupiter Neptune

Yes, this is the ringed one. It’s the biggest planet in our It’s the farthest planet from
It’s a gas giant Solar System the Sun

Jenna Doe, 6 Helena Patterson, 7

“Neptune is the fourth-largest “Despite being red, Mars is
planet by diameter in our Solar actually a cold place. It’s full of
System” iron oxide dust”

John James, 8 Cindy Tubbs, 9

“Mercury is the closest planet “Saturn is the ringed one. It’s a
to the Sun and the smallest one gas giant, composed mostly of
in our Solar System” hydrogen and helium”

2015 2019 2012

Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name, Saturn is composed mostly
to the Sun but it’s very hot of hydrogen and helium
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You can replace the image on the screen
with your own work. Just delete this one,
add yours and send it to the back
You can replace the image on the screen
with your own work. Just delete this one,
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Our Team

Here you can talk a
bit about this person
Here you can talk a
bit about this person

Here you can talk a
bit about this person
Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik.

Please keep this slide for attribution.

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