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Pengertian :
Sampel :
Sebagian dari bahan atau produk yang akan
Bagian populasi yang dipilih dengan prosedur tertentu
sehingga diharapkan dapat mewakili populasinya
Pengambilan Sampel :
Suatu prosedur yang ditetapkan untuk mengambil
sebagian dari suatu zat, bahan, matriks atau produk
yang disediakan untuk pengujian sampel yang
representatif dari keseluruhan atau sebagian sesuai
persyaratan dengan spesifikasi yang tepat

• Pengukuran kadang merusak bahan uji
• Efisiensi biaya
• Efisiensi waktu
• Pengukuran akurat jika sampling
dilakukan orang terlatih

1. Sample design must result in a truly representative
2. Sample design must be such which results in a small
sampling error.
3. Sample design must be viable in the context of funds
available for the research study.
4. Sample design must be such so that systematic bias
can be controlled in a better way.
5. Sample should be such that the results of the sample
study can be applied, in general, forthe universe with a
reasonable level of confidence.

Untuk mencapai keterwakilan
/representative populasi

• Sampling dilakukan secara acak/random

Types of sampling error
Bias (systematic) error
•Contoh jika kita ingin mengukur respon efek samping obat berupa tekanan
darah tinggi, kita berasumsi bahwa jika orang diberhentikan obat akan timbul
hipertensi dengan tidak mempertimbangkan orang yang tidak dapat
dipengaruhi (tidak semua orang memiliki respon yang sama)
•A consistent form of mis-estimation of the mean. Either most such samples
would over-estimate the value or most would under-estimate it.
•If we were to repeat the same sampling procedure several times, we could
pretty much guarantee that we would make an error in the same direction every
•Bias arises from flaws in our experimental design.
•We can remove the bias by improving our experimental design (always
assuming that we recognize the error of our ways!).

Types of sampling error
Random error
•Contoh jika kita akan menguji obat antidiabetik oral tipe II di seluruh
indonesia, kemudian kita mengambil sampel secara acak dari setiap rumah
sakit, maka akan ada pasen yang memberikan respon waktu paruh rata-rata
yang besar dan kecil. Rataan yang diperoleh tidak nyata untuk suatu populasi
•There is no longer any way that we could predict whether error would take the
form of over- or under-estimation. Indeed, if we carried out such a survey
repeatedly, we would probably suffer very similar numbers of over- and under-
•The characteristics of random error are:
•1. Over- and under-estimation are equally likely.
•2. Even the best designed experiments are subject to random error.
•3. It is impossible get rid of random error.

What factors control the extent of random
sampling error?
• Sample size
Table 4.1 Erythromycin contents (mg) for two random samples of tablets
(both from an Alpha machine)
Sample 1 (n = 3) Sample 2 (n = 12)
246 258
253 249
270** 258
258 9
Rata-rata 256,33 252,25
What factors control the extent of random
sampling error?
• Variability within the data
Erythromycin contents (mg) for two random samples of tablets (one from an
Alpha and the other from a Bravo machine)
Alpha Bravo
252 254
240 246
243 247
243 251
250 254
242 247
257 251
253 250
251 242
246 250
235 247
256 248
Rata-rata (SD) 247,33 (6,38) 248,92 (3,45)
Estimating likely sampling error – the
SEM (standar error of mean)
•The purpose of the SEM is to provide an
estimate of the likely sampling error that
should be anticipated, given the size of the
sample and the variability among the data
being sampled

The technical definition of SEM

We can indicate the variability among these sample estimates in the

usual way –we quote their SD. This SD among a large number of hypothetical
sample means is then given the special name of the standard error of the mean

Teknik sampling
& Acak Sampel Selektif Sampel komposit

Probabilitas Non-Probabilitas Ruahan (Bulk)

Convenience Statik
Acak sederhana

Judgement Dinamik
Acak berstrata

Acak sistematik

Snow ball
(Cluster) 14
• Non-random samples:
• Convenience sample
• Judgement sample
• Quota sample
• Snow ball

Non random sampling disebut juga Non-probability sampling yang

merupakan prosedur pengambilan sampel yang tidak mengusahakan
dasar perkiraan probabilitas bahwa setiap populasi berada atau
terwakili dalam sampel

Non-random samples
Convenience sample
• The researcher decides to interview colleagues or
take sample which close to him as well as to be
easy to be reach.
• This might be termed haphazard or accidental
• The ability to generalise from this type of sample
is not the goal, and, as with other sampling
procedures, the researcher has to be aware of
bias which could enter to the inside.
Non-random samples
Purposive (judgement dan qoute)
Sesuai dengan namanya “purposive”, sampel diambil dengan maksud
atau tujuan tertentu. Seseorang atau sesuatu diambil sebagai sampel
karena peneliti menganggap bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu tersebut
memiliki informasi yang diperlukan bagi penelitiannya
•Judgement sample
Sampel dipilih berdasarkan penilaian peneliti bahwa dia adalah pihak
yang paling baik untuk dijadikan sampel penelitiannya.. Misalnya untuk
memperoleh data tentang bagaimana satu proses produksi
direncanakan oleh suatu perusahaan, maka manajer produksi
merupakan orang yang terbaik untuk bisa memberikan informasi. Jadi,
judment sampling umumnya memilih sesuatu atau seseorang menjadi
sampel karena mereka mempunyai “information rich”.

Non-random samples
Quota Sampling
• Teknik sampel ini adalah bentuk dari sampel
distratifikasikan secara proposional, namun tidak dipilih
secara acak melainkan secara kebetulan saja.
• Misalnya, di sebuah kantor terdapat pegawai laki-laki 60%
dan perempuan 40% . Jika seorang peneliti ingin
mewawancari 30 orang pegawai dari kedua jenis kelamin
tadi maka dia harus mengambil sampel pegawai laki-laki
sebanyak 18 orang sedangkan pegawai perempuan 12
orang. Sekali lagi, teknik pengambilan ketiga puluh sampel
tadi tidak dilakukan secara acak, melainkan secara
kebetulan saja.
Snowball Sampling – Sampel Bola Salju
• Cara ini banyak dipakai ketika peneliti tidak banyak tahu
tentang populasi penelitiannya. Dia hanya tahu satu atau
dua orang yang berdasarkan penilaiannya bisa dijadikan
sampel. Karena peneliti menginginkan lebih banyak lagi,
lalu dia minta kepada sampel pertama untuk
menunjukan orang lain yang kira-kira bisa dijadikan
sampel. Hal ini bisa dilakukan pada pencandu narkotik,
para gay, atau kelompok-kelompok sosial lain yang
eksklusif (tertutup)

Random samples
• It gives each element in the population an equal
probability of getting into the sample; and all choices
are independent of one another.
• It gives each possible sample combination an equal
probability of being chosen.

Simple random sampling (diundi atau menggunakan
bilangan acak)
•We can define a simple random sample (or simply a random sample)
from a finite population as a sample which is chosen in such a way that
each of the NCn possible samples has the same probability, 1/NCn, of
being selected.
•To make it more clear we take a certain finite population consisting of
six elements (say a, b, c, d, e, f ) i.e., N = 6. Suppose that we want to
take a sample of size n = 3 from it. Then there are 6C3 = 20 possible
distinct samples of the required size, and they consist of the elements
abc, abd, abe, abf, acd, ace, acf, ade, adf, aef, bcd, bce, bcf, bde, bdf,
bef, cde, cdf, cef, and def. If we choose one of these samples in such a
way that each has the probability 1/20 of being chosen, we will then call
this a random sample.
Systematic random sampling (every nth item)
• The most practical way of sampling is to select every ith
item on a list. Sampling of this type is known as
systematic sampling. An element of randomness is
introduced into this kind of sampling by using random
numbers to pick up the unit with which to start. For
instance, if a 4 per cent sample is desired, the first item
would be selected randomly from the first twenty-five and
thereafter every 25th item would automatically be
included in the sample.

Stratified random sampling
• If Pi represents the proportion of population included in
stratum i, and n represents the total sample size, the number
of elements selected from stratum i is n . Pi.

• To illustrate it, let us suppose that we want a sample of size n

= 30 to be drawn from a population of size N = 8000 which is
divided into three strata of size N1 = 4000, N2 = 2400 and N3
= 1600.
For strata with N1 = 4000, we have P1 = 4000/8000
and hence n1 = n . P1 = 30 (4000/8000) = 15
Similarly, for strata with n2 = 2400, we have
n2 = n . P2 = 30 (2400/8000) = 9, and
for strata with N3 = 1600, we have
n3 = n . P3 = 30 (1600/8000) = 6.
Perhitungan melibatkan standar
n.N i i
ni 
N1 1  N 2 2  ....  N k k
N1 = 5000, N2 = 2000 and N3 = 3000. dan standard deviasi untuk
masing-masing strata adalah σ1=15, σ2=18 dan σ3=5.

Jika sampel yang akan diambil adalah 84 (n) maka jumlah sampel
dari n1 adalah 50, n2 adalah 24 dan n3 adalah 10

Cluster sampling
• Teknik ini biasa juga diterjemahkan dengan cara pengambilan sampel berdasarkan
• Berbeda dengan teknik pengambilan sampel acak yang distratifikasikan, di mana
setiap unsur dalam satu stratum memiliki karakteristik yang homogen (stratum A : laki-
laki semua, stratum B : perempuan semua),
• Dalam sistem ini, setiap gugus boleh mengandung unsur yang karakteristiknya
berbeda-beda atau heterogen. Misalnya, dalam satu organisasi terdapat 100
departemen. Dalam setiap departemen terdapat banyak pegawai dengan karakteristik
berbeda pula. Beda jenis kelaminnya, beda tingkat pendidikannya, beda tingkat
pendapatnya, beda tingat manajerialnnya, dan perbedaan-perbedaan lainnya. Jika
peneliti bermaksud mengetahui tingkat penerimaan para pegawai terhadap suatu
strategi yang segera diterapkan perusahaan, maka peneliti dapat menggunakan
cluster sampling untuk mencegah terpilihnya sampel hanya dari satu atau dua
departemen saja. Prosedur :
– Susun sampling frame berdasarkan gugus – Dalam kasus di atas, elemennya ada
100 departemen.
– Tentukan berapa gugus yang akan diambil sebagai sampel
– Pilih gugus sebagai sampel dengan cara acak
– Teliti setiap pegawai yang ada dalam gugus sample 25
Perbandingan cara sampling
Probability (Random) Non-Probability (Non-
Sampling Random) Sampling

Allows use of statistics, tests Exploratory research,

hypotheses generates hypotheses

Can estimate population Population parameters are

parameters not of interest
Eliminates bias Adequacy of the sample
can't be known
Must have random selection Cheaper, easier, quicker to
of units carry out
• Nature of universe (Universe may be either homogenous or
heterogenous in nature. If the items of the universe are homogenous, a
small sample can serve the purpose)

• Number of classes proposed

• Nature of study (If items are to be intensively and continuously

studied, the sample should be small. For a general survey the size of the
sample should be large, but a small sample is considered appropriate in
Technical surveys)

• Type of sampling (Sampling technique plays an important part
in determining the size of the sample. A small random sample is apt to be
much superior to a larger but badly selected Sample)

• Standard of accuracy and acceptable

confidence level (If the standard of acuracy or the level of
precision is to be kept high, we shall require relatively larger sample. For
doubling the accuracy for a fixed significance level, the sample size has to
be increased fourfold)

• Availability of finance


 z   z  
2 2

 2

N  ukuran _ sampel
z  satuan _ simpangan _ baku _ dari _ Tabel _ Luas _ Kurva _ Normal
z   satuan _ simpangan _ baku _ dari _ Tabel _ Luas _ Kurva _ Normal
  simpangan _ baku
  besar _ selisih _ rataan _ yang _ ditetapkan

Biasanya peneliti menyukai untuk memperkirakan rata rata dari semesta

sebesar berkisar pada ± 3 dari rata rata dengan derajat kepercayaan 95
%. 29
a. Sample size when estimating a mean

X z
X = sample mean;
z = the value of the standard variate at a given confidence level (to be
read from the table giving the areas under normal curve as shown
in appendix) and it is 1.96 for a 95% confidence level;
n = size of the sample;
σp = standard deviation of the popultion (to be estimated from past
experience or on the basis of a trial sample). Suppose, we have σp
= 4.8. for our purpose.

If the difference between estimated value and mean or the acceptable

error is to be kept with in ±3 of the sample mean with 95% confidence,
then we can express the acceptable error, ‘e’ as equal to
ez z 2 2

n n 2
(1.96) 2 (4.8) 2 4.8
n 3  1.96
(3) 2 n

n  10 31
Untuk sampel yang jumlahnya
populasinya diketahui
n= z 2 N σ2 p
(N-1)e2 + z2 N σ2p

N = size of population
n = size of sample
e = acceptable error (the precision)
σp = standard deviation of population
z = standard variate at a given confidence level.

Contoh soal
Tentukan ukuran sampel untuk memperkirakan berat nyata wadah
sereal untuk ukuran sampel semesta (universe) N = 5000 dengan data
sebagai berikut

Variansi berat = 4 ons dengan dasar rekaman yang lalu, perkiraan yang
diperbolehkan berada pada 0,8 ons dengan tingkat kepercayaan 99%.

Akankah ada perubahan dalam ukuran sampel jika kita mengasumsikan

populasi terbatas di atas dan hitung pula populasi tidak terbatas

Solution: In the given problem we have the following:

N = 5000;
σp = 2 ons (since the variance of weight = 4 ounces);
e = 0,8 ons (since the estimate should be within 0.8 ounces of the
true average (weight);
z = 2,57 (as per the table of area under normal curve for the given
confidence level of 99%).
z 2 2
z2 N σ2p
n 2
(N-1)e2 + z2 N σ2p
• Hasil sama (41) karena deviasi sudah diketahui
• Jika deviasi sampel tidak diketahui biasanya
didasarkan pada rentang data terbesar dan terkecil

6σ = the given range, or σ = the given range/6

If the range happens to be, say Rs 12, then

σ = 12/6 = 2.
b. Sample size when estimating a percentage or proportion

Since the confidence interval for universe proportion, p is given by

p  z.

p = sample proportion, q = 1 – p;
z = the value of the standard variate at a given confidence level and to be
worked out from table showing area under Normal Curve;
n = size of sample.

Jadi p.q
e  z.
n 35
z . p.q
n 2
Rumus di atas untuk populasi tidak terbatas tetapi untuk populasi terbatas
maka persamaan menjadi

z . p.q.N
n 2
e ( N  1)  z . p.q

What should be the size of the sample if a simple random sample from a
population of 4000 items is to be drawn to estimate the per cent defective within 2
per cent of the true value with 95.5 per cent probability? What would be the size of
the sample if the population is assumed to be infinite in the given case?

N = 4000;
e = 0,02 (since the estimate should be within 2% of true value);
z = 2,005 (as per table of area under normal curve for the given
confidence level of 95.5%).

n terbatas = 188 dan n tidak terbatas = 197


Suppose a certain hotel management is interested in determining the

percentage of the hotel’s guests who stay for more than 3 days. The
reservation manager wants to be 95 per cent confident that the percentage
has been estimated to be within ± 3% of the true value. What is the most
conservative sample size needed for this problem

Population is infinite;
e = 0,03 (since the estimate should be within 3% of the true value);
z = 1.96 (as per table of area under normal curve for the given
confidence level of 95%).

n = 1067
Nilai p biasanya = 0,5, dengan anggapan peluang 50%
Universe/Population: the term ‘Universe’refers to the total of the items or
units in any field of inquiry, whereas the term ‘population’ refers to the total of
items about which information is desired. The population or universe can be
finite or infinite

Sampling frame: The elementary units or the group or cluster of such units
may form the basis of sampling process in which case they are called as
sampling units. A list containing all such sampling units is known as sampling
frame. Thus sampling frame consists of a list of items from which the sample is
to be drawn.

Sampling design: A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample

from the sampling frame

Statisitc(s) and parameter(s): A statistic is a characteristic of a
sample, whereas a parameter is a characteristic of a population.

Sampling error: Sample surveys do imply the study of a small portion of

the population and as such there would naturally be a certain amount of
inaccuracy in the information collected

Precision: Precision is the range within which the population average (or other
parameter) will lie in accordance with the reliability specified in the confidence
level as a percentage of the estimate ± or as a numerical quantity

Confidence level and significance level: The confidence level or

reliability is the expected percentage of times that the actual value will fall
within the stated precision limits. We can always remember that if the
confidence level is 95%, then the significance level will be (100 – 95) i.e.,
5%; if the confidence level is 99%, the significance level is (100 – 99) i.e.,
1%, and so on

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