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Tugas Diet Dasar

Formula Komersial

Oleh :

Suci Utari (092113954)

Gizi II B

Dosen Pembimbing : Hasnelli DCN, MKes


1. PEPTISOL 185 gr dus Vanila/Coklat

Kandungan Per 100g protein 22.2 g, fat 4.6 g, carbohydrate 66.7 g, vit & minerals.Energi:397 kkal Indikasi Makanan enteral berprotein tinggi Dosis Aturan pakai:63 g tiap kali penyajian, dilarutkan dlm 200 ml air hangat utk menghasilkan 250 kkal, berikan 6xsehari

2. NEPHRISOL 185 gr dus Chocolate dan Vanila

Kandungan Per 100 g Total amino acid 3.75 g.fat 6.2 g,carbohydrat 85 g,vit & minerals.Energi:410 kkal Indikasi Makanan enteral rendah protein & tinggi kalon utk ggn ginjal Dosis Aturan pakai:61 g tiap penyajian,dilarutkan dlm 200 mL air hangat utk menghasilkan 250 kkal,dikominasi dg protein non selekse utk memenuhi kebutuhan protein sebanyak 0.35-0.6 g/kgBB.


Kandungan Per 100 g Protein 11.1 g, fat 5.4 g, carbohydrate 76.2 g, vit, minerals. Energi:398 kkal Indikasi Mereclakan inflamasi & gatal ad dermatosis yg memben respon thd kortikosteroid Efek Samping Rasa terbakar, gatal, atrofi kulit, rosasea, rasa tersengat, furunkulosis Perhatian Hindari kontalk dg mata. Hamil & laktasi. Analk <2 thn. Pasien yg menggunakan krim Dermovel pd area kulit yg luas atau ditutup rapat dg perban atau kasa hrs dilakulkan monitor fungsi aksis HPA scr periodik. Dosis Oleskan tipis-tipis pd area yg sakit 1 x/hr

4. DIABETASOL 185 GRAM dus Vanila/Moka/Coklat

Kandungan Per 100 g Protein 15 g, fat 11.5 g, carbohydrate 64.5 g, lactose 4 g, dietary fiber 3.33 g, vit & minerals. Energi: 421.67 kkal Indikasi Makanan enteral untuk penderita DM.

Kontra Indikasi Pasien dengan hiperfenilalanine dan feilketonurea saperti yang terkandung dalam asparta. Malabsorbsi. Dosis Aturan Pakai: 60 g dilarutkan dalam 200 ml ait hangat untuk menghasilkan 250 kkal, berikan

5. HEPATOSOL 185 Gram dus Coklat/Vanila/Moka

Kandungan per 100g Protein & BCAA 15.12 g,BCAA : leusin 2.78 g,isoleucin 1.67 g ,fat 3.9 g,mct 3.6 g,carbohydrate 72.15g,dietary fiber 3.33g ,vit & mineral.Energi 390 kkal. Indikasi makanan enternal utk pasien insufisien hepar,dg atau tanpa encefalopati, dilengkapi BCAA,MCT &laktulosa Dosis Pembuatan 60g dilarutkan dlm 200ml air hangat utk 234kkal, diberikan 6x sehari.

6. Previt Fresh

Kandungan Sejak lama bekatul dikenal sebagai makan yang mengandung multi vitamin, mineral dan serat pangan yang tinggi, serta asam pangamat (Vitamin B15). Indikasi Dapat membantu penyembuhan beberapa penyakit seperti: asma, penyakit jantung, tekanan darah tinggi, kadar kolesterol tinggi, kencing manis, gondok, kegemukan, sembelit, memperbaiki fungsi hati dan kista ovarium. Cara Penyajian Campur 1-2 sendok makan penuh Previt Fresh dengan 1 gelas air panas (air termos atau dispenser, lebih-kurang 200 cc). Aduk hingga merata. Agar lebih enak, dapat ditambahkan gula merah, gula putih, gula obat (bagi penderita DM), susu, cokelat, santan kelapa, sup, dan lain-lain. Dapat juga dicampurkan ke dalam bubur kacang hijau atau havermut


Khasiat: Menambah Daya Ingat, Menguatkan Tulang, Bebas Kolesterol, Melindungi Jantung, Menghasilkan Tenaga, Menstabilkan Gula Darah, Mengurangi Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Melancarkan Metabolisme, Menguatkan Sitem Imun Dihasilkan dari kacang kedelai berkualitas yang ditanam khusus secara organik di tanah hitam yang subur tanpa pupuk kimia, pestisida, jauh dari polusi dan pencemaran serta rekayasa genetik di Heilongjiang, China. Serbuk kacang kedelai Melilea diproses

menggunakan mesin berteknologi tinggi serta melewati tahapan yang sangat ketat sehingga tidak dapat dilakukan di rumah atau Home Industri. Keunggulan

Tidak mengandung Kolesterol Mengandung protein 11 kali dari susu sapi, 3 kali dari telur, 1,5 kali dari keju Merupakan protein nabati Mengandung kalsium 3 kali lebih tinggi dari susu sapi dan sangat efektif mencegah rapuh tulang Untuk anak-anak dan bayi normal serta yang mengidap alergi susu sapi Banyak mengandung Isoflavone Mengandung Phytestrogen asli Mengandung Lecithin Mengandung Saponin

Cara Konsumsi Gabungan Produk 1. Tuang air dingin 300 - 350 ml ke dalam shaker, Jangan gunakan air panas. 2. Masukan beberapa sendok takar apple orchard atau susu kedelai, tutup lalu kocok sampai merata 3. Masukan kembali 1-2 sendok takar Greenfield Organic ke dalam shaker, tutup, lalu kocok kembali beberapa kali, setelah itu segera diminum sampai habis, 1/2 jam kemudian minum air putih kembali


ENSURE PLUS nutritional shakes provide concentrated calories and protein to help patients gain or maintain healthy weight. ENSURE PLUS can benefit patients who have malnutrition, are at nutritional risk, or are experiencing involuntary weight loss. For oral use. For interim sole-source feeding. Use under medical supervision.

Features High in calories (1.5 Cal/mL) and excellent source of protein (13 g/serving) Immune Balance, a unique blend of prebiotic fiber to help promote digestive tract health and antioxidants* to support the immune system

Excellent source (650 mg/8 fl oz) of plant-based omega-3 fatty acid ALA (40% of 1.6 g DV) to support heart health Excellent source of 24 essential vitamins and minerals. Good source of fiber (3 g scFOS/serving) to help maintain regularity Kosher. Halal. Gluten-free. Suitable for lactose intolerance. Ready-to-drink bottles


Not for IV use. Not for patients with galactosemia.

9. Juven

Therapeutic nutrition drink mix with a unique blend of Revigor, arginine and glutamine JUVEN is a targeted therapeutic nutrition drink mix that has been clinically shown to support tissue repair,1 and to help build and maintain lean body mass (LBM).2 Two packets per day are recommended to: 2,3 o Support LBM in patients with certain illness-related weight loss. 1 o Support tissue repair. Administer orally or as a modular via feeding tube o Use as part of a complete, balanced diet. o Not for parenteral use. Use under medical supervision.
1 2

Williams JZ, et al. Ann Surg 2002;3:369-375. May PE, et al. Am J Surg 2002;183:471-479. 3 Clark RH, et al. JPEN 2000;24:133-139. Features Revigor (CaHMB, calcium -hydroxy--methylbutyrate) a metabolite of leucine that regulates protein metabolism in muscle cells.4 5 Arginine a conditionally essential amino acid that is a precursor of nitric 6,7 oxide which supports vasodilation. 5 Glutamine a conditionally essential amino acid that plays a role in collagen 1,5 8 production and supports nitrogen metabolism.

Revigor helps produce new tissue by slowing muscle breakdown and enhancing protein synthesis.4 Arginine is an amino acid that supports blood flow and is a building block for proteins which can contribute to healing.6,7 Mixes easily into water or juice. Kosher. Halal.


Not for sole-source nutrition.

1 4

Williams JZ, et al. Ann Surg 2002;3:369-375. Wilson GJ, et al. Nutr Metab (Lond.) 2008;5:1. 5 Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC. 2005:593, 594. 6 Stechmiller JK, et al. Nutr Clin Pract. 2005;20:52-61. 7 Preli RB, et al. Atheroschlerosis. 2002;162:1-15. 8 Molnar JA, ed. Nutrition and Wound Healing. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2007

10. PediaSure Peptide 1.0 Cal

Peptide-Based Nutrition for Children PediaSure Peptide 1.0 Cal is a nutritionally complete, peptide-based formula for the nutritional needs of children ages 1-13 years with malabsorption, maldigestion, and other GI conditions. For oral or tube feeding. For supplemental or sole-source nutrition. Use under medical supervision. Features Nutrient blend designed to help support tolerance and absorption: o Hydrolyzed whey-dominant protein. * o Nutraflora scFOS prebiotic. o Structured lipids. Nutrition to help support: o Absorption. o Tolerance. o Growth and development.

Meets or exceeds 100% of the DRIs for protein and 25 essential vitamins and minerals for children 1 to 8 years of age in 1000 mL (1000 Cal); for children 9 to 13 years of age in 1500 mL (1500 Cal). Only peptide-based pediatric product with Kosher status. Halal. Gluten-free. Suitable for lactose intolerance. Not intended for infants under 1 year of age unless specified by a physician.

Feeding sets are for single-patient use only. Use clean technique to avoid set and/or product contamination. Precautions

Not for children with galactosemia. Not for IV use

11. Suplena with Carb Steady

For People With Chronic Kidney Disease SUPLENA with Carb Steady is therapeutic nutrition specifically designed for chronic kidney disease (stages 3 & 4). For tube or oral feeding. For supplemental or sole-source nutrition. Use under medical supervision. Features Therapeutic nutrition that can help people with chronic kidney disease (stages 3 and 4) maintain their nutritional status while adhering to their renal diets. Has Carb Steady carbohydrate blend designed to help manage blood glucose response. High in calories 1.8 Cal/mL. Low in protein (10% of total calories). Low in phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sodium. A good source of fiber, including prebiotics. Kosher. Halal. Gluten-free. Low-residue.

Suitable for lactose intolerance.


Not for patients with galactosemia. Not for IV use.

12. Vital AF 1.2 Cal

Therapeutic Elemental Nutrition to Help Manage Inflammation and Symptoms of GI Intolerance VITAL AF 1.2 CAL is Advanced Formula therapeutic elemental nutrition with ingredients to help manage inflammation and symptoms of GI intolerance. For tube or oral feeding. For supplemental or sole-source nutrition. Use under medical supervision. Features Designed to promote tolerance: o Hydrolyzed peptide-based protein system. 1,2 1 o MCT/fish oil structured lipid, a well-tolerated and absorbed next generation fat to promote absorption of fatty acids. * o 1.2 g of NutraFlora scFOS /8 fl oz (5.1 g/L). scFOS are prebiotic fibers that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon. EPA (2.7 g/L) and DHA (1.1 g/L) from fish oil (10.8 g/L) to help modulate inflammation and support immune function.3,4 75 g/L protein to meet the increased protein needs of stressed patients (>1.2 g/kg) and support healing.5 1013 IU/L vitamin D to help meet the increased vitamin D needs of critically ill patients.6,7 Elevated antioxidants vitamins C and E to help reduce free radical damage. Meets or exceeds 100% of the RDI for protein and 24 essential vitamins and minerals in 1422 Cal (1185 mL). Gluten-free. Low-residue. Suitable for lactose intolerance. Feeding sets are for single-patient use only. Use clean technique to avoid set and/or product contamination. Precautions

Not for patients with galactosemia. Not for IV use.

* 1

NutraFlora and scFOS are not registered trademarks of Abbott Laboratories. Kenler AS, et al. Ann Surg 1996;223:316-333. 2 McKenna MC, et al. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1985;4:45-51. 3 Calder PC. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2008;79:101-108. 4 Calder PC. Clin Nutr. 2010;29:5-12. 5 McClave SA, et al. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2009;33(3):277-316. 6 Lee P, et al. Intensive Care Med 2009;35 (12):2028-2032. 7 Lee P, et al N Engl J Med 2009;360(18):1912-1914.

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