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1. Constutional Law Number 23 Year 1992 about Health

Hukum ini mengatur masalah kesehatan secara umum. ketentuan-ketentuan
yang mencakup kesehatan masyarakat, tindakan medik , gizi, keamanan
makanan dan minuman, sarana kesehatan, obat-obatan dan hak maupun
kewajiban berkenaan dengan kesehatan dijelaskan di dalam pasal-pasalnya.
Tujuan diberlakukannya undang2 ini :
-untuk menjamin kesehatan masyarakat dengan memperhatikan barang dan jasa
yang akan dikonsumsi
-meningkatkan gizi, memberantas penyakit dan pemulihan kesehatan melalui
upaya2 yang dilakukan praktisi kesehatan
-memprioritaskan keselamatan masyarakat sebagai konsumen jasa kesehatan
dengan pengamanan zat adiktif, sediaan farmasi dan alat kesehatan
-mewujudkan derajat kesehatan optimal bagi masyarakat dengan upaya
kesehatan yang berkesinambungan
-mengatur tindakan medik yang diberikan pada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan
-memfasilitasi pengaturan peningkatan kesehatan keluarga, fisik, jiwa,
lingkungan tempat tinggal dan lingkungan kerja.

2. Constitutional Law Number 36 Year 2009 about Health

Peraturan disini intinya juga mengatur mengatur tentang hal-hal kesehatan
seperti yang diatur di UU no 23 tahun 1992, namun UU ini isinya lebih spesifik,
peraturannya lebih jelas dan lengkap. peraturan-peraturan dalam UU no 23
tahun 1992 tetap berlaku asalkan tidak bertentangan dengan hukum dan
peraturan baru yang ada di UU no 36 tahun 2009, jadi bisa dibilang UU ini adalah
revisi dari UU no 23 tahun 1992. namun setelah UU ini berlaku UU no 23 tahun
1992 tidak berlaku lagi.

3. Constitutional Law Number 8 Year 1999 about concerning Consumer Protection

Hukum ini mengatur tentang jaminan adanya kepastian hukum untuk memberi
perlindungan kepada konsumen. hak-hak yang dimiliki konsumen seperti hak
kenyamanan, jaminan, keluhan, perlindungan, edukasi dan lainnya diatur disini.
sebagai nurse-pun kita dituntut untuk menghormati hak-hak pasien yang
notabene adalah konsumen jasa kita. pelayanan kesehatan bagi klien harus kita
lakukan dengan benar, jujur dan non-diskriminatif serta mengoptimalkannya
dengan menaati aturan yang berlaku dari UU ini.

4. Constitutional Law Number 44 Year 2009 bout The Hospital

Disini diatur tentang segala urusan yang berkenaan dan dilangsungkan di rumah
sakit karena RS merupakan sarana kesehatan yang ditujukan bagi masyarakat
dan pelayanannya harus tetap mengedepankan keselamatan dan hak-hak
mereka sebagai klien. Hal-hal yang diatur:
-peran dan fungsi RS bagi masyarakat
-tanggung jawab pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah tentang penyelenggaraan
-persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi untuk pendirian RS
-persyaratan bangunan,prasarana, health practitoner, peralatan dan
-jenis dan klasifikasi RS berdasarkan jenis pelayanan dan pengelolaannya.
-perizinan RS
-hak dan kewajiban RS dan pasien
-tanggung jawab hukum, pelaporan, pembiayaan dan pengawasan RS

5. Government Regulation Number 10 Year 1966 on Compulsory Kept Medical

Peraturan disini menjelaskan tentang hal yang harus dilakukan oleh setiap
tenaga kesehatan yaitu melindungi kerahasiaan dan perlindungan privasi klien
agar tidak tersebar. dalam prakteknya , di Indonesia sering kali peraturan ini
diabaikan seperti misalnya saat pergantian shift dari perawat satu ke yang
lainnya. walaupun sebenarnya yang harus dipindahtangankan adalah tindakan
medis pasien tapi informasi dan data kesehatan pribadi pasienpun akhirnya akan
ikut berpindah , padahal peraturan mengatur bahwa hal itu tidak boleh

6. Government Regulation Number 32 Year 1996 about Health Manpower

Menurut peraturan ini Tenaga kesehatan adalah setiap orang yang mengabdikan
diri dalam bidang kesehatan serta memiliki pengetahuan dan atau keterampilan
melalui pendidikan di bidang kesehatan yang untuk jenis tertentu memerlukan
kewenangan untuk melakukan upaya kesehatan.
hal yang diatur mengenai tenaga kesehatan adalah:
-jenis tenaga kesehatan dilihat dari spesialisasi yang dimilikinya.

-tenaga kesehatan harus memiliki pengetahuan tentang dunia kesehatan,

pelatihan di bidang kesehatan,ijazah kelulusan dan lisensi ijin praktek dari
-setiap tenaga kesehatan memiliki standar profesi dan perlindungan hukum di
tiap-tiap bidangnya.
-tenaga kesehatan berkewajiban menjaga hak pasien dan menjalani
pekerjaannya sesuai standar profesi
-tenaga kesehatan mendapat pembinaan dan pengawasan dari kementerian

7. Regulation of the Minister of Health R.I. No. 585/Men.Kes/Per/IX/1989 About

Medical Informed Consent
dijelaskan bahwa informed consent adalah persetujuan yang diberikan oleh
pasien atau keluarganya atas dasar penjelasan mengenai tindakan medis yang
akan dilakukan terhadap pasien tersebut.

8. Regulation of the Minister of Health R.I. No. 269/Men.Kes/Per/III/2008 About

Medical Records
dijelaskan bahwa rekam medis adalah berkas yang berisikan catatan dan
dokumen tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaan, pengobatan, tindakan dan
pelayanan lain yang telah diberikan kepada pasien.
peraturan ini mengatur:
-jenis dan isi rekam medis yang harus dibuat secara tertulis, lengkap dan jelas
maupun tertulis.
-pembuatan rekam medis ini harus segera dan dilengkapi setelah pasien
menerima pelayanan.
-penyimpanan kerahasiaan, pemakaian dan manfaat rekam medis pasien dalam
keadaan tertentu.
-jangka waktu penyimpanan rekam medis
-rekam medis yang dibuat perawat harus sesuai dengan pelayanan keperawatan
dan pengkajiannya

9. Kepmenkes RI no.1239 of 2001 regarding Registration and Nursing Practice

disini dijelaskan tentang hal-hal yang harus diketahui perawat untuk kelancaran
praktek profesinya, yaitu:

-perawat harus memiliki SIP (surat izin perawat) sebagai bukti pemberian
kewenangan bagi perawat itu untuk bertugas
-untuk mendapatkan SIP perawat harus mengajukan permohonan dan
kelengkapan registrasi
-SIP berjangka waktu 5 tahun dan bila masa berlakunya habis perawat dapat
-Surat Izin kerja dan SIPP didapat setelah seorang perawat memiliki SIP
-sanksi akan dikenakan bagi perawat yang melakukan pelanggaran dan izinnya
akan dicabut

1. professional Responsibility
The registered nurse is personally responsible and accountable for ensuring that
nursing practice and conduct meet the standards of the profession and
2. Knowledge-based practice
The registered nurse continually strives to acquire knowledge and skills to
competent, evidence-based nursing practice.
3. Ethical Practice
The registered nurse complies with the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) Code
Ethics for Registered Nurses (2002) (see Appendix 1).
4. Provision of service to the public
The registered nurse provides nursing service in collaboration with the client,
others and other health professionals.

In Indo:
1. Ilmu keperawatan

Perawat profesional melaksanakan prakteknya didasarkan pada ilmu

keperawatan dan
materi yang relevan dengan keperawatan yang berasal dari ilmu-ilmu lain dan
humaniora,serta secara terus-menerus mengembangkan diri sepanjang
2. Akontabilitas profesional
perawat profesional menjalankan fungsi independen dan interdependen serta
dapat memenuhi persyaratan etis dan legal dalam menjalankan praktek
3. Pengkajian
Perawat profesional melalui konsultasi dengan klien mengumpulkan data tentang
kesehatan klien secara sistematis untuk pemeriksaan awal,pengkajian yang
terusmenerus dan pengkajian yang lebih rinci untuk hal-hal tertentu dalam rangka
menentukan satu atau lebih diagnosa keperawatan.
4. Perencanaan
Perawat profesional melalui konsultasi dengan klien mengindentifikasi
prioritas,waktu pencapaian,dan strategi/intervensi dari standar rencana
yang bersifat individual sehingga dapat mencapai hasil akhir yang paling
dicapai untuk setiap klien.
Membuat pertimbangan dalam memodifikasi tahap implementasi untuk
dengan situasi klien.
6. Evaluasi
Perawat profesional berkonsultasi dengan klien secara sistematika mengevaluasi
sejauhmana hasil yang diharapkan telah dicapai.

Nursing Council: dedicated to providing leadership, guidance and education to
nursing staff by setting standards to assure the delivery of the highest quality
healthcare and seeking to meet the evolving needs of the Communities.
a. To develop organization wide programs, policies and procedures that describe
how populations receiving nursing care are assessed, evaluated, and cared for.
b. To participate with the governing body, management, Medical Staff and clinical
leaders in the organization's decision making processes.
c. To implement an effective, ongoing program to measure, assess and improve
the quality of nursing care delivered.
Indonesia tidak memiliki council karena belum ada persetujuan dari pemerintah,
namun perawat indo tergabung di dalam sebuah kolegium yang bernama PPNI
Nursing Collegium: badan yang terbentuk untuk menampung perawat dengan
spesialisasi yang dimilikinya. misalnya perawat yang memiliki spesialisasi di
bedah membentuk sebuah kolegium bagi perawat dengan spesialisasi yang
namun disini kasus PPNI berbeda karena kolegium tersebut berdiri bagi semua
perawat Indonesia yang belum mempunyai council sebagai tempat

Indonesia tidak memiliki nursing law karena memang belum disahkannya RUU
keperawatan. RUU yang telah diperjuangkan sejak lama diombang-ambingkan
oleh permainan politik dari pemerintah karena lemahnya para aktifis di dewan
dan eksekutif. belum lagi karena tidak adanya council bagi keperawatan RUU
tersebut sulit sekali untuk diterima. Adanya UU Nakes semakin memberatkan
ketidak-berhasilan RUU keperawatan karena pemerintah menganggap semua
yang dibutuhkan perawat ada di dalam UU tersebut. selain itu kurangnya
persatuan dari pihak-pihak yang berhubungan dengan keperawatan sendiri
terjadi karena adanya rasa kesenjangan antara perawat dengan jenjang profesi
yang berbeda.

a. Solusi pelayanan keperawatan, menata lingkungan kerja yang positif dan
sistem rekruitmen dan retensi perawat yang rasional

b. Solusi pendidikan, manajemen perubahan jangka panjang dan pendek yang

terkelola baik, membangun komunitas perawat profesional dan ilmuan
pengembang disiplin ilmu keperawatan. memfasilitasi sistem dikti keperawatan,
menghasilkan pengembangan body of language dan temuan ilmiah . bekerja
sama optimal antara institusi pendidikan dan pelayanan dalam koordinasi yang
c. Solusi Kebijakan/regulasi, menerbitkan UU keperawatan yang mengatur
tentang fungsi Konsil Keperawatan dan perangkatnya dalam melindungi
masyarakat dan komunitas keperawatan.
d. Solusi Globalisasi, mempengaruhi tiap sistem, oleh karena itu perlu reformasi
sistem pelayanan kesehatan secara global, berkolaborasi untuk berbagi visi,
membangun jejaring transnasional, membina hubungan profesional yang sinergi.

1. a.Constutional Law Number 23 Year 1992 about Health
This law arrange the problem of health in general. rules including health of
society, medical action , nutrition, food and beverage security,

health infrastructure, pharmacy, rights and obligation with reference to health

explained in its sections.
Target goning into effect of this law :
- to guarantee health of society by paying attention to service and goods that
going to be consumed
- improving nutritions, fighting against disease and dignification to healthy
condition conducted by the efforts of health practitioner

- priority the safety of society as health service consumer with security of

addictive substance, pharmacy supply and health appliance
- realizing the degree of optimal health to society with continual health effort
- arranging the medication action that will be passed to society to increase its
- facilitate the regulation of increasing the health of family, physical, spirit, job
environmental and residence.

b.Constitutional Law Number 36 Year 2009 about Health

The abstract of thie regulation are also arrange to regulate about health things
such as those which arranged by UU no 23 year 1992, but the

contents of this UU are more specific, its more complete and clearer regulation.
regulations in UU no 23 year 1992 are still kept as long as it

doesn't against the law and new regulation that exist in UU no 36 year 2009. so
it can be spelled out that this UU is reviseing from UU no 23

year 1992. but after this UU be valid, UU no 23 year 1992 not applicable again.

c.Constitutional Law Number 8 Year 1999 about concerning Consumer Protection

This law arrange about the guarantee of the existence of law to give protection
to consumer. rights had by consumer like rights of comfort,

guarantee, complaints, protection, education and others are regulated here. as

nurse we have to honour our patient's rights which is our

service consumer. service of health to client must be conducted truly, downright

and non-diskriminative and also optimal it by adhering order

applied by this law.

d.Constitutional Law Number 44 Year 2009 bout The Hospital

the law here arrange about all respective business and passed at hospital
because hospital represent addressed health infrastructure to

society and its service have to remain to place forward the patients rights and
safety as client. arranged things:
- function and role of hospital to society
- governmental and local government's responsibilities about management of
- conditions which must fulfill for the founding of hospital
- conditions of building,infrastructures, health practitioner, equipments and its
- classification and type of hospital pursuant to service type and its
- license of hospital
- rights and obligations of hospital and patient
- law responsibility, reporting, defrayal and observation of hospital.

e.Government Regulation Number 10 Year 1966 on Compulsory Kept Medical

Regulation here explain to the things that which must be done by each;every
health practitioner that is protecting secret and protection of client privacy in
order not to spread over. in practice , in Indonesia frequently this regulation is
disregarded by, like for example moment commutation of shift of nurse one to
the other. although in fact which must transferred is medical action of patient but
data and information health of person of client finally will follow to be
transferred too , though regulation set that those thing may not be done

f.Government Regulation Number 32 Year 1996 about Health Manpower

According to this regulation of Health manpower is each and everyone which
devoted theirself in the field of health and also have knowledge and or skill
through education in health area which is for certain type need authority to
strive health. arranged matter regarding health manpower are:
- health manpower type seen from their own specialization

- health manpower must have knowledge about health world, training [in] area of
medical,permission license and pass practice from minister.
- each every health energy have profession standard and protection of law [in]
every its area.
- health manpower is obliged to take care of patient rights and experience its
work according to profession standard
- health manpower get observation and construction of ministry.
g.Of Minister Health R.I of the Regulation. No. 585/Men.Kes/Per/IX/1989 About
Medical Informed Consent
explain that informed consent is approval/permission given by patient or their
family on the basis of clarification concerning medical action to be done to

h.Of Minister Health R.I of the Regulation. No. 269/Men.Kes/Per/III/2008 About

Medical Records
explain that medical record is bundle which comprising document and note
about patient identity, inspection, medication, other service and action which
have been passed to patient.
this regulation arrange:
- medical record content and type which must be put in written document, clear
and complete and also electronically.
- making of this medical record have to immediately and equiped by after
patient accept service.
- depository secret, benefit and usage of patient's medical record is in certain
- depository duration of medical record
- medical record which made by nurse must according to service of treatment
and its assessment

i.Kepmenkes RI of no.1239 2001 Registration Nursing Practice and regarding

in here explained about things which must know by nurse for the fluency of its
profession practice, that is:
- nurse have to have SIP ( nurse letter of licence) as authorization evidence to
that nurse to undertake

- to get SIP nurse have to apply and complete registration

- SIP have Duration to 5 year and when the applied period is finished nurse can
innovate it
- Letter Of Licence work and SIPP got after a nurse have SIP
- sanction will be imposed to nurse who conducting collision and the licensed will
be abstracted.

2. Nursing Standart Practice

1. professional Responsibility
The registered nurse is personally responsible and accountable for ensuring that
nursing practice and conduct meet the standards of the profession and
2. Knowledge-based practice
The registered nurse continually strives to acquire knowledge and skills to
competent, evidence-based nursing practice.
3. Ethical Practice
The registered nurse complies with the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) Code
Ethics for Registered Nurses (2002) (see Appendix 1).
4. Provision of service to the public
The registered nurse provides nursing service in collaboration with the client,
others and other health professionals.
In Indonesia:
1. Nursing science
Professional Nurse do its practice relied on nursing science and relevant items
with treatment coming from other sciences and

humaniora,continuously develop itself as long as their professional life

2. Professional Accountability
professional nurse run independent function and interdependen and also have
earn to fulfill legal and ethical conditions in running its professional practice
3. Assessment
Professional Nurse through consultancy with client collect data about health of
client systematically for the initial inspection,continued

assessment and more detailed study for certain things in order to

determining one or more treatment diagnosa
4. Planning
Professional Nurse through consultancy with client identify the priority,time of
attainment,and strategy / intervention from standard plan

having the character of individually so that can reach end result which likeliest
reached to each;every client.
Making consideration in modifying implementation phase to be accomodated
with client's situation
6. Evaluation
Professional Nurse take counsel with client systematicaly evaluate hoe far the
result of the expected have been reached.

-Nursing Council: dedicated to providing leadership, guidance and education to
nursing staff by setting standards to assure the delivery of

the highest quality healthcare and seeking to meet the evolving needs of the

a. To develop organization wide programs, policies and procedures that describe
how populations receiving nursing care are assessed,

evaluated, and cared for.

b. To participate with the governing body, management, Medical Staff and clinical
leaders in the organization's decision making processes.
c. To implement an effective, ongoing program to measure, assess and improve
the quality of nursing care delivered.
Indonesia don't have council because there is no approval/permission from
government, but nurse of indo joined in a so called collegium of

-Nursing Collegium: corporation formed to accomodate nurse with their own
specialization. for example nurse owning specialization in surgical operation form
a collegium to nurse with same specialization.
but here case of PPNI differ because the collegium stand up for all nurse of
Indonesia which not yet had council as its shade.

4.Indonesia do not have law of nursing because it is true that Nursing Regulation
Plan is not yet ratified. Nursing Regulation Plan which have been fought for [by]
since long time drift by game of politics of government because weakening of
nurse activist [in] executive and council. not to mention for there's no council for
nurse , the Nurse Regulation Plan is difficult to be accepted. Existence of UU
Nakes progressively weigh against unsuccedity of Nurse Regulation Plan because
government assume that what is required by nurse has included in these UU.
besides that, lack of association of [party/ side]s related to nurse alone happened
caused by the feeling of difference [among/between] nurse with different
profession ladder.

a. Solution service of treatment, arranging environment work which are positive
and system of recruitment ,rational nurse retention.
b. Education solution, short and long-range management of change which
managed by goodness, developing community of nurse and profesional of
developer of nurse science discipline. system facility of dikti treatment, yielding

development of language of body and erudite finding . cooperate optimal

[among/between] education institution and service in coordination which [is]
c. Solution Policy / regulation, publishing Nurse Regulation Plan arranging about
function of Council Treatment and its peripheral in protecting treatment
community and society
d. Solution Globalization, influencing every system, therefore need system
reform service of health globally, berkolaborasi to shar vision, developing
transnational relation, constructing professional link which is sinergy.

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