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Fakultas Ekologi Manusia Institut Pertanian Bogor menauingi tiga departemen, yaitu

Gizi Masyarakat, Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, dan Sains Komunikasi dan
Pengembangan Masyarakat. Departemen Gizi Masyarakat berfokus pada urusan
pangan dan gizi masyarakat.
Departemen Gizi masyarakat merupakan home base Program Sarjana, sehingga visi
program sarjana merupakan bagian integral dari visi Departemen Gizi Masyarakat,
yaitu untuk menjadi lembaga pendidikan tinggi terkemuka di bidang gizi
masyarakat. Karena departemen merupakan salah satu pengampu visi fakultas
dalam pengembangan ipteks yang berkaitan dengan ilmu gizi, maka visi Program
Sarjana tersebut sudah sesuai dengan visi Fakultas Ekologi Manusia yang juga
sudah barang tentu sesuai dengan visi Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Untuk mewujudkan visi tersebut diatas, maka Program Sarjana memiliki misi-misi
sebagai berikut :
1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan tinggi berkualitas di bidang gizi.
2. Mengembangkan IPTEKS melalui penelitian mutakhir di bidang gizi.
3. Menerapkan dan mendayagunakan IPTEKS gizi untuk mencapai kualitas
kehidupan yang sehat, cerdas, produktif dan berkelanjutan.
Gizi masyarakat mempelajari metabolisme tubuh, menentukan kebutuhan gizi pada
orang sakit dan sehat, serta menganalisis kandungan gizi dalam bahan pangan. Gizi
masyarakat dibagi menjadi empat bagian,yaitu gizi dasar, gizi terapan, manajemen
makanan dan kesehatan lingkungan dan kebijakan pangan dan gizi.

To help you get started, Ive picked out the 5 most important pieces of the time
management concept and outlined them here for you:
1. Eliminate the Unnecessary
This becomes more and more true every day. Either professionally or personally, eliminating the
unnecessary in life goes a long way in making you more productive. What do I consider
unnecessary? Well, strictly speaking, anything that prevents you from reaching your particular
goal. If your goal is to clean out your email inbox, then dont spend 45 minutes on Facebook. If
you have a deadline to make at work, dont spend 25 minutes per day fielding unnecessary phone
calls. Put simply, you need to draw a firm, distinct line between the necessary and
unnecessary in your life. The stricter you define these terms, the more youll find that a lot of
things are truly unnecessary in your life.

2. Plan Your Work

If you go into work every day having no idea what you want to accomplish, then guess what?
Youll probably accomplish nothing. Set aside ten to fifteen minutes before work and either write
down or mentally plan what you want to accomplish. Personally, I plan my work each morning
as I am driving in to work. These several minutes that I spend planning contribute more towards
me being productive and effective than anything else that I do. After you decide what you want
to accomplish, then execute the plan.
3. Multitasking
Multitasking skills are a talent that not all of us possess. Realizing whether you are the type of
person that can do it or not is important. If youre able to multitask, great. If youre not, then
dont bother trying. Many people make themselves less effective by trying to multitask when
they simply cant do it. This leads to multiple projects being started and none of them being
finished, sloppy work, and discouragement.
4. Know When To Multitask
So, for us multitaskers, does that mean that we should just multitask our way through every
single minute of every day, constantly having four or five things going at once? Absolutely not.
You also have to know when not to multitask. For example, every day at work for me, there are
four to five mundane little checklist-type things that have to be completed. They are boring and
mundane. So guess what? I try to accomplish as many of them as I can at once and as fast as I
can. But when my boss gives me a special project that he needs done in a timely fashion and of
the highest quality, the time that I devote to that is usually uninterrupted and I usually
concentrate on nothing else other than that project. Know when to multitask and when not to.
5. Reduce Interruptions
And finally, reduce the number of interruptions in your life. Realistically, you cant reduce the
number of things that are going to interrupt you, but you can alter the fashion in which you deal
with them. If I am working on something important and one of my employees comes to me with
something that I know can be dealt with at a later time, guess what? Thats exactly what I do.
Sure, we can get to that, but let me finish what I am doing right now and then well take care of
it. You see? Respectfully, I put them off to complete what I was doing at the moment. On the
other hand, if my boss calls me when Im in the middle of something, well, thats an interruption
that is worth making a priority.
Final Word
Whether you are a salaried employee, self-employed, or a big-shot manager, more time will
allow you to focus on the most important tasks. Being prepared, organized, and disciplined will
give you the time necessary to become more productive, which will ultimately lead to more
Any success stories out there regarding effective time management, either personally or
professionally? Wed love to hear about them below.

(photo credit: wwworks)

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